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50613018 No.50613018 [Reply] [Original]

I am dating a single mom.

>> No.50613037

is her pussy tight?

>> No.50613357

Based and Humbert Humbert-pilled

>> No.50613422

You need a babysitter hmu

>> No.50613433

great now you have sex and be emberassed by the thought that everyone thinks you are a cuck

>> No.50613436

It's not based, but it's not a bad way to get pussy on discount if you're otherwise having a tough time with women. They are desperate for beta bux types, who usually don't get any play from childless women. Like if you can only score a 5/10 childless woman normally, you can probably find a 7/10 single mom that will gurgle your cock. It's bleak that that's what all many responsible and financially stable but otherwise unremarkable men can hope for these days. But pussy is pussy.

>> No.50613455

Cuck of the highest order. Imagine wasting your resources to raise another mans offspring

>> No.50613486

>pussy is pussy
Yes, but I prefer mine without another man’s child having passed through it. You do you.

>> No.50613493

I was with one that was Japanese.
It's fine when it's on the down low.
I didn't want to bring her around to my parents and friends.
The stigma that you date single moms is something you don't want.
They're fine for fucking around with, they try to weasel their way into your life of family and peers.

>> No.50613495

Single mom is great for temporary fuck, to build your confidence in the next date.

Just don't invest too much in the relationship

>> No.50613514

>I am dating a single mom
>I am dating multiple moms

>> No.50613522

Here are the rules to escape the cuck badge that you are currently wearing: for every 1 kid she has, you need 2 that are your own. Then and only then will you escape the public shame from being in the cuck cage

>> No.50613542

>raise another mans offspring
Never said anything about marriage, he’s just getting his boipussy wet.

>> No.50613593

I don't disagree with you, but if you're an average or below average man and what to have sex with attractive women (other than hookers), single moms are one of your only choices. If you're Joe Average, you are not getting access to 7/10+, childless, under 30 year old pussy without some luck and *tons* of effort in the West.

>> No.50613629


>> No.50613678

Imagine dating a single MILF with a hot daughter.

>> No.50613704

what if she had a c section

>> No.50613711

groom her kid to get back at woman

>> No.50613739

can you guys fuck off? Lolita was a shit book in many aspects and the main character was a degenerate.
But the author is good for making me feel this hate.

>> No.50613741

>you are not getting access to 7/10+, childless, under 30 year old pussy
Doesn’t know about ninja struggle snuggles

>> No.50613753

Based if you’re only dating her because you’re a pedophile.

>> No.50613772
File: 54 KB, 2576x1896, 1658165744458121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am dating a single mom.
>oh yes, I am a cuck and enjoy sloppy seconds and roast beef

>> No.50613775

Getting serious with a single mom is only ever acceptable if you have kids of your own. Otherwise 90% of people will just assume you’re an incel or a pedo

>> No.50613794

Shut up, american. Above 15 is clean game.

>> No.50613878

Your own age divided by 2, then add 7. Anything below that makes you a pedo. Simple as

>> No.50613884

agreed. When I need sex or money, I target the elderly. Easier to catch.

>> No.50613925

gender of offspring(s)?

>> No.50614001

If you fuck a little black boy, it’ll change your luck.

>> No.50614012


>> No.50614015

kys tranny

>> No.50614021


>> No.50614066

Rules are rules, you sick fuck

>> No.50614070
File: 22 KB, 312x334, 1633662526360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon you're going to the nigger barn

>> No.50614108


>> No.50614179
File: 276 KB, 1920x1920, 70A8651D-7E65-4E7E-BF16-33888B44230D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost fucked a married milf, but I get too stern in person. I shitpost online, but am unintentionally a serious mf in person due to my autism.