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50610800 No.50610800 [Reply] [Original]

>Recessions are 2 quarters of negative GDP
>Women are individuals who were born female at birth
>Racists are people who hate members of another race strictly because of their skin color and black people absolutely can be racist
>The Force is not female.

>> No.50610838

>Racists are people who hate members of another race strictly because of their skin color
A racist is by definition someone who thinks their is inherent differences between races.

>> No.50610839


>> No.50610923

>women have xx chromosomes
Hit those faggy science lovers with some hard science.

>> No.50610948
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the skin colour is fine, the issue is that they commit over half of all violent crimes despite being less then 13% of the population. but i'm not a racist because i still judge people as individuals.
bro, asians have slanty eyes, blacks have flat noses, these are inherent differences. is their violence genetic or cultural? i don't know or care they just need to stop.

>> No.50610955
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dont forget to factor in intent. most people dont intend to be racist, and dont identify as racist. they just have different preferences

>> No.50610977

>factor in how I identify
I identify as smart and I'm still a retard

>> No.50611007

That’s not what racism is
Racist isn’t defined by hatred it’s defined by superiority
You can’t be racist if you believe your race is just as shit. It means you’re not racist you just hate black people like being straight and only attracted to red heads
It’s a preference to think a category of people are ugly or dumb or just not your type.
Get your terms right

>> No.50611042

The point is to not allow racism to include hate in the definition. I hate niggers but that is besides the point. The idea that thinking different races are not identical is hateful is retarded.

>> No.50611190

Racism doesn't exist

>> No.50611217

i don't hate black people, i just read the fbi crime statistics and saw the objective statistical truth that blacks are vastly more likely to commit violent crime on others so now i cross the street to avoid them if they dress or walk or talk like niggers. just basic common sense for my own personal safety but i try not to be obvious about it. i realize that most black people are ok and if i got to know them i might like them, i dont make personal judgements on someone without getting to know them. noticing broad demographic trends and not liking what you see is different then hating an individual you don't know based on a demographic trend.

anyways im not a racist. but i guess if i hated people individually based on demographic trends i would be

>> No.50611260

Racism is the natural order of living things.

>> No.50611410

but everyone but me is wrong about racism actually is it seems

>> No.50611435

i forgot the word "what" in between about and racism. i hate when i make grammatical mistakes and feel the need to correct them even though nobody cares

>> No.50611474

lol no one hates niggers because of their skin color we hate them because of how they act.

>> No.50611478

Exactly it’s a preference.
Same reason why I don’t like pitbulls

>> No.50611480

Racists are the ones who follow natural law and think brains, and the endocrine system are inheritable.

Races are large family groups who have passed down their brains instincts and hormone levels.

Keeping them separate as much as possible will be a great benefit to high trust races who aren't parasitic.

Kikes in general want the opposite because they feed on others rather than creating for themselves. Their are some good normie Jews who work for a living in real jobs that produce something. They defend the parasites though. Hitler was right. There are some Jews we could be friends with but they refuse to separate themselves from the commies and the take over the world type political zionists.

>> No.50611921
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>The idea that thinking different races are not identical is hateful is retarded.

actually they're not identical. White people are greedy colonizers who destroyed the new world and invented smallpox and slavery, and crack and hand guns specifically to kill as many minorities as possible. They also invented credit card debt

>> No.50611992

you don't like pitbulls in general while not judging any individual pitbulls you don't know based on the pitbull demographics. you admit that there are good pitbulls that you would enjoy petting, but for your own safety you'd rather just avoid any pitbulls you don't know personally. not hating a pitbull just because its a pitbull but rather realizing pitbulls overall have some disturbing trends in general.

>> No.50612078

i'm white and i didn't do any of that, i personally was no involved. i could understand you judging white people as a demographic in general and pointing out these concerning trends. but hating any individual white people you don't even know solely based on these trends would be racism and would make you a racist.

also in all fairness white people didn't invent slavery. also the barbary slave trade, where white people were the slaves, was about a hundred if not a thousand times larger in scope then the american slave trade. so to be fair if anything arabs are the historically biggest slavers and actually still have active slave trades to this day. not that i would hate any arabs i haven't yet met based on this general trend because im not a racist.