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File: 408 KB, 750x678, DBD71FD3-5FFA-4178-B6BE-05ECA51DF9AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50608705 No.50608705 [Reply] [Original]

I was a wagie all my life and now got a shitload of inheritence money yet i cant do anything with it.
Cant buy a car because i dont drive
Cant buy a house because i dont want to be atached to one place
Cant go to a restaurant because hate hedonism
Cant boy expensice clothes and watches because have nobody to show them off to
Is this what you call making it?
Only thing that changed for the better is i dont need to be a cashier anymore but sitting at hone all day gets kinda boring

>> No.50608716

I cannot imagine living life without a single hobby or interest. What the fuck do you do all day?

>> No.50608726

go hiking and just travel
its fun

>> No.50608727

Buy Algorand and buy BTC.
Then go do something you like.
I dunno man, I'm hoping to get like 50-100k USD so I can stop working and go to school but realistically imma just deal dope and use my dope money to buy Algorand for that APY.
it's 5% quarterly I believe.

>> No.50608739

many such cases from people who planned on making minimum wage cashier a 40 year career.

>> No.50608740

Just remember if you ever feel bored when you have free time it’s because you are a boring person

>> No.50608748

have sex with escorts
then get a hobby

>> No.50608783

Pic rel is why shitting out mutts is the absolute worst thing you can do, it's better to remain childless that to produce mutts.

>> No.50608813

Why does this fat slob have grandparents who were alive 200 years ago

>> No.50608824

You could always donate to me, I'll promise it'll be worth it. I would become glorious

>> No.50608849

this is the case for most normies. they just watch tv and get drunk.

>> No.50608855
File: 106 KB, 960x540, 7a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if he was a fat, bearded, blonde, white nu-male it would have been an upgrade. Lol, kys

>> No.50608877

Yeah basically, at least he wouldn't be a fuck ugly literal dog looking motherfucker

>> No.50608888

Jack it 3 or 4 times
Play red alert 2
Cook dishes from anime

I have hobies i assemble combat jet models

>> No.50608898

The fuck do i need shitcoins for? I dont need money

>> No.50608900

>Is this what you call making it?
No, that's what I call living in a world of "can't"
Instead of focusing on what you can't do, focus on what you can

>> No.50608907

>jiu jitsu
>muay thai
>3d printing
>gun smiting
>playing an instrument
Pick like 2 of these and you'll be fine, retard

>> No.50608916

It kinda goes against my principals also stop calling them that, they are prostitutes. Dont wanna kiss them when they were sucking dicks all day with thise mouths

>> No.50608931

Well i could give you some cash. Are you white?

>> No.50608939

he would literally be an ugly fat low test faggot, just white. are you some sort of retard obsessed with the white race while being a low iq parasite wigger yourself?

>> No.50608957

what did you accomplish in your life so far, besides crying about mutts, chinkies, niggas and jews?

>> No.50608962

Get a house
Get out of your comfort zone
Find a wife and have kids

>> No.50609002

I am a very…particulier person.
Dont realy think there is a woman for me. And i dont feel like changing my person for some dumb hole.
I just made a load of cash dont wanna lose it

>> No.50609015

Lol, I hope this is a larp. If not, just rope it out. What a waste.

>> No.50609033

hi nigger

>> No.50609045

Then kys then I dunno.

>> No.50609063

Spend most of your lifetime worshipping the Lord and just use the money to survive and visit nice places. Go work out and enjoy some nice food. Start and raise a family. What else is there to do?

>> No.50609064

This is how i lived all my life.
Only major change was working in a super market instead of highschool
Guess my problem is i learned not to enjoy shit i couldnt afford and now that i can afford it i cant unlearn it

>> No.50609096

So if you were in my position you no longer need money you would kill yourself?

>> No.50609114

>worship the lord
>indulge in greed and excess

>> No.50609192

You're weak. Addicted to comfort. Take the easy route at every avenue.

You have the option to do whatever you want and you choose to do nothing?

Every single time you have the option between sitting in front of the PC or leaving the house and being productive, you choose the easy option.

Step out of your comfort zone

>> No.50609221

How is using your money to survive, visiting some nice places, working out and enjoying food, raising a family indulging in greed and excess?
Is he supposed to give away all his money
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>> No.50609227

I see harm and i protect myself from it? Why sould i expose myself to bad people and elements that hate me. I stay at home because here its nice and safe.
How can i get out of my comfort zone if i have nowhere to go?

>> No.50609256

>start a family
I have no i dea how to do that so i wont even try. If you are not an electricin you dont go climbing power cabels

>> No.50609319

I'm surprised you even learnt to walk considering you didn't knew how to do it. Kek.
GL anon.

>> No.50609327

I buy Airbnbs, airline tickets. trips to other countries. its much fun i'm going again soon.

>> No.50609504

What do you do when you get to those other countries?

>> No.50609680
File: 3.61 MB, 2500x3035, moner-channi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax on the beach
buy some fish from the local market
say hola to some passengers
give some money to the poor man outside
cook my own meal.
Backpacking so I go to the local market / supermarket almost everyday and buy fresh, eat fresh (this takes time)
meet the neighbors (usually other travellers)
have a nice time with strangers that will be your friends there
meet a girl, make some love
relax on the beach
look around for interesting property to buy
learn the local language
opportunities always pop up when you are alone and away from your usual environment

>> No.50611677

>worship some semitic faggot
>greed and excess
These are wntirely compatible

>> No.50611710

[] based
[] redpilled

>> No.50611850

OP has to be a LARP there’s no way this NPC just spawned into reality.

>> No.50611959

this became extra useful advice when applying it to other peoples behavior.

>> No.50612072
File: 310 KB, 664x824, 800813800813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you give the backstory?
this shit is so weird

>> No.50612412

ok i looked and he's half lebanese
looks like he has some disorder, maybe hypothyroidism but he has a malformed jaw as well

>> No.50612534

nothing man, i lost interest in everything

>> No.50612605

>gun smithing
>3d printing

this one little trick to get on the feds watchlist

>> No.50612636

Get an e bike

>> No.50612811

It's fake, that's not the original picture and his ancestors were just like him.