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50608626 No.50608626 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying multiple rental houses a good investment? How many can I buy with 200k?

>> No.50608655

Cats will always be superior to dogs simply because theres less furries who identify themselves as cats. Dogs are unironically the pedo faggot's pet.

As to your question, just buy some Link/Eth

>> No.50608769

Based. Dogs are for pedos

>> No.50608820

>multiple rental houses
Who knows at this point. The one place you actually live in, that's always a good investment
Dogs are also very gay because every dog owner thinks his dog is his "friend". Yikes. A cat is just cute, it's not a friend, it's just a cute thingy goofing around, it's there for entertainment

>> No.50608831

I love how you guys have to ask questions like this.

>> No.50608859

yes and 1

>> No.50609140

cant you split the 200k into like 2 or 3 down payments?

>> No.50609218


the limiting factor will be your income if borrowing from a bank

they will generally give out a mortgage equal to 1/3 of your monthly income. so with 200k technically you have enough for 1m worth of debt @ 20% down payment but this is roughly a 4,300$ mortgage monthly at current rates meaning you need 13k per month to qualify

you could also go the route of non bank loans which will have terrible rates and pray that you will be able to refinance into something cheaper

>> No.50609405

ok lets say i make 40k a year

>> No.50609712

If you are fine with spending all the money, you can buy one propert outright for 150,000 then get the bank to give you a loan with the additional 50,000

>> No.50609769

ok then lets say i rent that house out but only cash flow a couple hundred dollars per month. would the bank give me another loan for another house now that i have a cash flowing property?

>> No.50609846

Around here, for a business loan, they want 30% down. And you are going to want to keep enough cash for at least 90 days of payments. Once you get it up and everything running, get 6 months of payments saved up, before you start paying extra on the mortgages.

>> No.50609855


its iffy, you can go out of bank for the intial loan as it is easier to refi after you can show reliable rent income but some banks won't care and don't count it or only count it after some time has passed

I've tried the whole "show them the numbers" shpeel and the retard underwriting doesn't care, they just want normalfag business that isnt complicated

>> No.50609903


>> No.50609917

If you can provide 20% deposit. That’s why many people just provide deposit and get home loan for the rest. You have to also factor rentoids dgaf about your property. They will crank the ac and heater all the way up. They will also let small water leaks become big ones until they report it to you. Rodent and insect infestations are iffy. Do you have a lawn with bushes in the front? Kiss that good bye.

>> No.50610091

15 years too late
the only worthwhile way to make money with rentals in the past 15 years has been renting to the government, with interest rates rising and public spending diminishing, you are going to hold bags and eviction related legal costs

>> No.50610139

Look into vacation rentals instead of residential.

>> No.50610446

Yes, but it will need to be deemed a relaiable source of income. So the bank will want to see you collecting that rent money consistantly for about a year before they will allow you to use that income to get another loan.

>> No.50610898

Your problem is you need to make more income, get a better job that pays more money.

>> No.50610951

Cats are also more independent.

>> No.50611112

Becoming a landleech isn't an investment, it's a last resort for useless retards who failed at everything else but now find themselves with a few 100k. You'd probably make a lot more money starting an actual business, but that requires thought and effort the likes of which I doubt you are capable of.

>> No.50612363

Lamo, seethe, cope and dialate tranny. Rents due in a few days.

>> No.50612439

Based. Cats and 4chan have always been together. Dogs came with the normienigs.

>> No.50614034


>> No.50614204


>> No.50614208

>buy a bunch of properties
>the are you felt was a great investment becomes a no-go zone in 10 years
>your cuckgages become fucked by government happenings even if fixed because tards think that guarantees the same rate

>> No.50614271
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Each individual rental creates a lot of work for you and less income than you might think, so you're going to need quite a few of them. What ends up happening is by the time you have enough rentals that you no longer need to work, you now need to work on maintaining your rentals, tenants, etc. so hopefully you enjoy the property game.