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50605493 No.50605493 [Reply] [Original]

I hate women so much it physically hurts

>> No.50605505

the feeling is mutual incel

>> No.50605524

Then don't tip the cunts and kill the fucking simps who give them money and perpetuate this faggotry.
Problem solved.

>> No.50605532

I hate men way more.
>be stupid faggot
>pay a lot of money for ass
>dont actually get to tap it
Modern men are dumb.

>> No.50605537


>> No.50605553

I don't golf. What does a cart girl do? Because if you can fuck her in the golf cart I might take up golf.

>> No.50605561

Dude... incel

>> No.50605573

dont hate the girl, hate the simp cucks who pay her

>> No.50605585

i would show her my penis as she comes to take the cart

>> No.50605855

Personally I hate boomers.

This. Stop giving women money if they aren't putting out, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.50605881
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She's using her assets to create wealth in a wholesome way. No onlyfans or whoring, just being eye-candy for boomers.

Seems based IMO.

>> No.50605896

I love cart girls.
When you're on the back 9 and one rolls up with ice cold Gatorade and sandwiches it's the best.
I always tip them.
The money I make from networking and bonding from golf is priceless.
Biztards need to go outside.

>> No.50605904

uh have sex incel

>> No.50605934

If I was a girl, I'd be a millionaire in 6 months

>> No.50605944
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wow if this face earns $1k/day, the market for thots catering aggressively to boomers must be almost completely untapped

>> No.50605981

>customers can be weird
modern golf was always a joke anyway, we all know it's full of cucks and simps

>> No.50606016

Women just live life on tutorial mode
Even a 5/10 will have an army of simps supporting her

>> No.50606019

I too have grown more on this POV honestly. You constantly come across men on 4chan and elsewhere who do nothing but whine from the perspective of the MGTOW reactionary ideology, but they hypocritically ignore how self-debased many men are. It's just an exclusive focus on how flawed women are, with no self-awareness. There's never an excuse for simping, and yet it's incredibly common. Maybe it's men subconsciously detracting from all their competition in the sexual marketplace, that they simp so hard with women they know they don't have a chance with. Because why else would you self-degrade in that fashion, if not to bolster the egos of attractive females with your simpery. A thot who constantly gets simping, will only devalue other men she might otherwise have the sense to settle with. So simping can be seen as a sort of passive-aggressive activity undermining other men in general. But of course men are debased retards in other ways as well. The Mgtow tards are so one-sided in their reactionary whining, it makes me think they lack curiosity and are just turning their emotions into a reactionary ideology not unlike the feminists did with their shit.

>> No.50606033

they probably hate you more. being a woman is objectively more difficult than being a man. why do you retarded incels exist

>> No.50606036

no you will be a crackwhore in the streets who enjoy gangbangs same as you do now

>> No.50606039

just like killing drug dealers hating the whore solves nothing

>> No.50606082

Now the whole scene with the tard and the prostitute in idiocracy is more real than ever

>> No.50606104

Who the fuck gives women money? I only ever gave them my dick, they seemed happy enough. You can't buy affection but they can certainly fake it if showered with money

>> No.50606136

Someone post that webm where the guy fucks the cart girl

They're hookers lmao

>> No.50606161

>The Mgtow tards are so one-sided in their reactionary whining
'Movements' can't argue both sides or they fall apar/ get compromised too much. You need to have a hill to die on for anyone to listen to you or they just take all the hills.
Like the haes shit, no-one who supports that shit thinks it should apply to men and no-one is going around arguing that because it's a female focused issue and to open up the argument invites catastrophe for their movement as there is more retarded points to defend etc.
Besides, compare the simping argument to the shitcoin argument. Who is the real problem, retards who buy shitcoins or scammers who make them? The retards have always existed, the scammers have only been given a new platform to scam.

>> No.50606171

I'm not a incel
but I do dislike the mentality of the article in your picrel.
I usually tip waitresses, bar tenders and shit - not because they're females but because they're providing me a service and as a thank you for not messing up my orders and their customer service I'll drop some tips.
but I don't like tipping a female just because.
true story;
Went to the strip club once. they have a cover charge, ok. I goto ATM to pull money out, $5.00 service fee for atm use - uh, ok.
I go back to the broad at the door to pay my entrance fee and this bitch says;
>Now :) Don't you want to tip me?
shit pissed me the fuck off.

>> No.50606172

this is a lie. stripclubs in vegas have been unprofitable for strippers since the recession.

>> No.50606305

It's probably not the same exact market, wealthy golfing boomers don't go to strip clubs.

>> No.50606336

she correctly judged you to be an inexperienced mushbrain faggot if you showed up at the strip club without cash in your pocket

>> No.50606339

Literally every article ever made that goes "I made $$$ in a day/week/month doing x" is full of shit and total bullshit. She probably ONCE in her job had a $500 tip from a client and the article made that into this headline.

>> No.50606398

> killing drug dealers solves nothing

What are you even basing this on because I assure you this is probably not true

>> No.50606421
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>> No.50606431

{if buyer (1) seller (1)};

>> No.50606437

The idea that MGTOW can be some sort of successful ideological movement is patently ridiculous to begin with, so all MGTOW spergs are doing is trying to get other men to be as emotionally worked up and blackpilled as they are concerning how unfair the world is. I mean if someone wants to become a lawyer and advocate for men in situations like divorce that's one thing, but most online MGTOW posting is just dudes trying to emotionally manipulate other dudes. It's pointless blackpilling about how the world is so unfair, one of the most childish things to fixate on because fairness is just a slow child's fairy tale.

But I guess in general you are correct about the nature of mass movements, because most people can't do nuance and so the only way to influence them is be a dramatic black and white manipulator.

>> No.50606439

Are you going to kill every undercover federal agent supplying the drugs?

>> No.50606440

>be man
>act super fucking horny and give women money
>women get easy life

>> No.50606443

If you kill to the drug dealer there is no seller dumb ass

>> No.50606456

Most countries don’t have governments who intentionally sell their population heroin, amerimutt.

>> No.50606460

>haha you're not experienced with my incel customs? what a LOSER
nigger who the fuck knows how strip clubs work in 2022? you can get a woman to touch your dick within a couple hours anywhere else. can't blame anon for being "new"

>> No.50606475

lol retard. kill the drug dealer, another takes his place. kill the narco another takes his place. the consumer demand is the problem

>> No.50606490
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>read catgirl
>it's about paying to walk outside

>> No.50606503

shut the fuck up roastie and just call me incel so you can go back to being ho in peace

>> No.50606513

This only happens in a nation where the government isn’t actually interested in stopping drug dealers.

>consumer demand is the problem

People take drugs because they feel good. The only way you’re ever going to stop consumer demand is by either eliminating the source of drugs or making it so heroin doesn’t feel good

>> No.50606515


>> No.50606538

>itt incels seething they can't get it and poorfags seething they can't throw a bunny some cash so she bends over a couple of times

>> No.50606550

>where the government isn’t actually interested in stopping drug dealers.
you fucking cant even if you wanted lmao. Goes to show how clueless you are about this issue
>People take drugs because they feel good
no shit, and they will continue taking them therefore keeping demand, just like with simps and thots

>> No.50606581

So why doesn’t Japan, South Korea, or China have as many hard drug users as western nations? Is it because they have harsh penalties for possession of drugs?

>> No.50606593

Ugly arms and grandma tits.

>> No.50606598

maybe you should cry to the girl at the door to stop laughing at you for being a dipshit faggot

>> No.50606606
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I love women. Nothing more arousing than hearing the plop plop plop sound of your pelvis smashing balls deep into their fat slimey puffy pussy. The finest fuckmeat around.

>> No.50606674


>> No.50606675

because chinks are soulless and happy working slave jobs, they dont look for escapism or transcendence

>> No.50606682

cocaine & heroin use is still very high in those countries, but go ahead and trust official sources like the retard you are

>> No.50606689

How exactly will going outside lead me to networking with rich boomers over golf?

>> No.50606700

I've spentn a lot of money on escorts. I'm not in that anymore, kinda finding myself, but at least I got to fuck those thots. People simping for ethots.... like, what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.50606702

i agree im a (((man))) and i hate men way more than women. women do nothing to get in my way to fuck me over. men do it all the time. fuck (((men))) literally the jew of the sexes

>> No.50606714

Google the opium war, dumb ass

Why don’t you check for yourself? Walk through your average US or Canadian city and see all of the tweakers and dope fiends. Then go visit Tokyo or Shanghai and notice how you aren’t being accosted by homeless crackheads

>> No.50606743

This world is perverted beyond repair. People talk all day about how they hate men/women/niggers/jews/spics/whites as society erodes. It's a true comedy of errors, and I despise every second of it. The more I see the more it disgusts me. The internet used to be a total shithole and real life was fine, now they are both shitholes. Really makes you think.

>> No.50606760

because drugs are expensive and asians are poor anon.. only westoids can afford constant degeneracy.
ever heard of the prohibition era? harsh punishment, did people stop consuming? they would have, in Asia. Not in the West

>> No.50606770

Everything has potential to be 'successful' regardless of how retarded it is. Just need enough traction.
Keep in mind prohibition and the war on drugs. Some fucked shit went down because of retarded movements that shouldn't have went anywhere. Like female voting.

>> No.50606776

So first the stats are fake and now it’s “Asian people are poor”

Shut the fuck up. Chinese are literally richer than they were in the era of opium dens. This was long before they were the global manufacturer.

>ever heard of the prohibition era?
How harsh were the punishments actually? Prohibition was even controversial for American law enforcement who were likely going to the same speakeasy they were technically supposed to shut down.

>> No.50606781

also this basically shows how a scared submissive race the bugmen are and how easy its to rule over them more prove high threat reduces demand and consumption. Again, try that shit in the west it wont work

>> No.50606788
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>all these poor cucks salty about how other Men spend their Money on Woman

>> No.50606795

Poor people are the biggest users of hard drugs idiot. How many millionaire heroin addicts do you know? It is an objective and proven fact that Chinese people have the capacity for drug addiction. It was a major historical event. And it is also an objective fact that Beijing doesn’t have an epidemic of tweakers smashing car windows like they do in San Fransisco where drug laws are essentially non existent. This is literally just typical western defeatism on drugs. You are brainwashed to think nothing can be done because your government are literally drug dealers

>> No.50606809

the govt being the biggest dealer is precisely why it cant be done retard

>> No.50606822

lets smash the state too! it can be done!
lmao idiot

>> No.50606831

If boomers don't put in the effort to be around younger girls, they will simply not meet them often in real life. So when they see one they feel the need to interact because the window of opportunity is rare nowadays. Guess what happens when this girl dresses like a bimbo and probably behaves like one for those extra tips?

It's all transactional, including fucking if there is any. You have a whole industry (college/higher education) that drives young broke women prostituting themselves trough college because they need money and are lazy, so the boomers and upper class are throwing money at young girls everywhere. University is also an opportunity feed the upper classes, military niggers, intelligence niggers and all kinds of globohomo executives with fresh young women.

You will often see NATO and Military departments near universities. All for access to young fresh pussy. Also let's not forget the whole of society and media is highly sexualized.

>> No.50606835

Right, which brings me back to my point is that drug dealers only sell drugs because they’re allowed to live. Your population tolerates drug dealers, you even make excuses for them, so why do you care if the government sells drugs?

>> No.50606850

well then if you threaten with death penalty for dealers and harsh prison sentence for users yes you will get your lower demand. At the cost of a ruthless totalitarian government, im sure insects like you would love that tradeoff.
China cracked down on dealers probably to confiscate their labs and drugs, because they want sober population and they ship the stuff to the west.
There is still probably a drug epidemic despite their efforts you just wont hear about it

>> No.50606857

yea let the gov kill them all. Go for the unvaxxed next! and dissidents. Maybe those pesky 4channer too next im sure faggots like you would love it

>> No.50606863

Ok but that’s an entirely different topic. You faggots literally make excuses for drug dealers, so why would you want to ‘smash the state’? If your country actually wanted to stop drug dealers they could, but you don’t because your of the belief that nothing can be done about them. Your government sells drugs because you tolerate drug dealers. That’s the bottom line. It would be very easy to stop the heroin epidemic that currently exists in the USA, but again you don’t think anything can be done so none of you will do anything about it. But stop projecting your shitholes drug problem on the rest of the planet. Not every country is an inhumane shithole where doing heroin is cool

>> No.50606884

Harsh drug penalties are only ruthless and totalitarian for potential drug users and dealers. The United States used to have much harsher drug penalties than they do today and as such you have the large epidemic of meth and heroin use in the history of your country. Congratulations, you avoided le mean ruthless totalarians at the expense of being surrounded by drug related crime which is probably more physically brutal and psychologically devastating than any drug charge could ever hope to be

>> No.50606889

If ugly old cunts started giving 1k/day to act like a manwhore without fucking them I'd do it too. Blame the rich cunt boomers dishing out money for pussy they'll never even get to sniff

>> No.50606900

lol what a retard. We dont 'tolerate' drug dealers, its simply anyone can become one its a business. The production and the drug will flow, the harsher your penalties and crackdowns the more expensive it will get, but it will flow nonetheless. Supply and demand, you dont cut demand with crackdowns on dealers only on consumers and you literally have to threaten prison, cause a fine is MEH

>> No.50606908

>The United States used to have much harsher drug penalties than they do today and as such you have the large epidemic of meth and heroin use in the history of your country
clueless idiot didnt even hear about the 70s and 80s, it was a drug epidemic

>> No.50606909

>Hurr durr incel.
Notch count at 50, still hate women, still hate men, still hate whites, kikes, niggers and spics.
Eat a bullet and or a dick, fag.

>> No.50606927

the Drug on wars was started in this period and it led to? more drugs flowing. Drugs will flow, the issue here is who is the dealer, gangs, goverment, or goverment ran gangs

>> No.50606937

Me and the boys throwing simps off the roof.gif.
>Taking advantage of lonely beta males because you're a sociopath.
Both of you are fucking mental but Without you beta male wouldn't be able to be a simp.
You're the part of the problem, like a drug dealer, dealing poison.

>> No.50606945

Rates of drug related overdose is actually much higher than it was in the 70s

Face it, your country is fucked up because you have developed a libertarian attitude towards smoking crack


>> No.50606950
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>Dude! You dare question a women! Incel!
>Can I have sex now?
Lmao, I've cheated on bitches and still got to bang her.
Lmao, stop being a beta male.

>> No.50606956

>Biztards need to go outside.
I am out side, I don't have daddies money to play a faggot game all day.

>> No.50606963

>tutorial mode
With cheat codes enabled.

>> No.50606972

The war on drugs is bullshit. Even liberals admit that your government is working with and arming the drug cartels. How is it a war on drugs if your government is actively helping them? Once again, shifting the blame away from drug dealers and using the “war on drugs” bogeyman.

East Asians declared total war on drugs to the degree the Chinese will even execute people for simple possession, they don’t have nearly as many young people dying of heroin ODs as your country

>> No.50606977

>who do nothing but whine from the perspective of the MGTOW reactionary ideology, but they hypocritically ignore how self-debased many men are.
I don't care about other men and would easily shoot/stab/beat other men if not for the police you little nigger faggots cry about.
I don't like women or men, meat targets for me personally.

>> No.50606999
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>There's never an excuse for simping, and yet it's incredibly common.
Yeah so is heroin and crack, doesn't mean I support it.
We men aren't a monolithic force.
>Maybe it's men subconsciously detracting from all their competition in the sexual marketplace, that they simp so hard with women they know they don't have a chance with. Because why else would you self-degrade in that fashion, if not to bolster the egos of attractive females with your simpery.
Nigger I don't even talk to people and I hate talking to you faggots on here.
I really wish I could shoot you and NOT do jail time.

>> No.50607022
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>being a woman is objectively more difficult than being a man.
I grew up in a family of women, no it isn't.
My female cousins work in offices, my male cousins work oil refineries or fishing lobster in the open sea.
My grandfather's father fought two world wars while the women stayed home to hand out white feathers.
Stop talking out your ass, guzul.

>> No.50607027

>What are you even basing this on
South America and Mexico.

>> No.50607038

Back home we used to deal drugs, whenever one of the big time pushers was being watched by cops all us kids would take over the dope dealing while big time dealer would drive around clean and pretend to deal drugs.
Cops are crooked back home.

>> No.50607044

It was punishment by death if you sold drugs in the Soviet Union during the iron curtain, guess what? People still did heroin, dumbass fag.

>> No.50607051

Based beer angel appreciator.

>> No.50607059
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Faggot Americans making assumptions about anonymous strangers they never met.
Hilarious, Americans and their assumptions.

>> No.50607083

Ok, how many? And then let’s compare that to Post-Soviet Russia which has a much more liberal policy towards drug use than the Communists. Soviet Russia had problems but heroin use wasn’t one of those problems

>> No.50607087

>So why doesn’t
They do, turns out criminals don't brag about being criminals.
Dumb fuck suburbanite.

>> No.50607091
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women live life on easy mode

>> No.50607092

>Going to a strip joint and not a whore.

>> No.50607095

Does Latin America actually have a strict policy on drugs or do their governments actually not care? Once again, countries like Mexico largely tolerate drug dealers. They do not see it as taboo to sell drugs, in fact they see it as a much more normal part of life where as say someone in Cuba or Saudi Arabia might see it as something that is highly worthy of shame and punishment

>> No.50607102

I hate boomers. They’re the biggest simps there are; they’re worse than indians

>> No.50607105

Yeah and it turns out those countries also don’t have as much drug use as the United States. Huh weird. In Japan it’s basically taboo to even have a bag of weed on you. Until you provide hard numbers that China, Japan, Korea have more drug addicts than the United States you will always be a retard

>> No.50607107

cool lets have authoritarian gov that threatens execution for simple possession instead of going to the root of why people are doing drugs. Just to save a few degen heroin users from OD which is pure darwinism in action. Kys

>> No.50607118

why dont you go live in China since you worship their system so much? oh wait, you're already there chang. Fucking commie

>> No.50607137

>where as say someone in Cuba or Saudi Arabia
you just love those authoritarian regimes dont you? why dont you admit youre a dirty commie

>> No.50607169

>muh authoritarianism

Lol faggot. Whatever, the Asians will execute a few hundred for drug possession meanwhile your country will have 100k drug overdose deaths + all of the theft and violent crime that comes with living in a drug blighted community.

Don’t worry I’m not a communist but I do respect aspects of communist states.

>> No.50607172

kys commie scum we see right through you, you're in the wrong board faggot

>> No.50607185

Authoritarian governments are great. They are way more accountable for the problems of the country than your decentralized liberal shithole government who literally wants to turn you into transsexuals and drug addicts and destroy the family unit.

>> No.50607186

lmao good for the asians, stil a shithole. You will never be white, Chang.

>but I do respect aspects of communist states.
yeah you love those death penalties dont you

>> No.50607200

She's got saggy tits but I'd hit it

>> No.50607202

you already shown you like to lick your masters boot, no need to reiterate Chang

>> No.50607206

Yes I love the death penalty. Btw the United States also has the death penalty in most states - definitely not a communist country, are they?

>> No.50607231

Yeah bro you’re so right. Nothing can be done about drugs because stopping the flow of drugs would be le communism. Now go shoot your governments heroin

>> No.50607232

why do you keep mentioning and comparing to the US? im not a burger retard. The death penalty is for actual criminals, you know murderers rapists etc, not for having 1 gram of blow like you advocate. Kys

>> No.50607244

>dude treat the symptom not the disease
didnt expect better from a brainless commie

>> No.50607267

We already know what the disease is, your country isn’t actually interested in stopping the flow of drugs. You are an example of this, you make excuses for drug dealers AND users so therefore people will continue dying.

>> No.50607268

we value something called freedom, and we are willing to endure the drug epidemic and many other problems as long as we have some of it, just like we have to endure retarded opinions like yours to have freedom of speech. But you will never get it cause youre probably not even white

>> No.50607281

I believe in freedom in the old sense of the word, not the nu-freedom that means enslaving your country to drug cartels and broken families

>> No.50607295

>stopping the flow of drugs
>lets make this impossible feat into a reality by giving the government unlimited powers to crackdown and impose death penalties
>govt takes over drug trade
>drugs are made locally anyway in the underground
>im making excuses for drug dealers and users
>for pointing out reality

>> No.50607304

so you agree the govt is the biggest dealer and your solution is: give the govt more power.
Absolute retardation, just stop posting

>> No.50607316

It’s funny how you imply that executing drug dealers and users is equal to unlimited power.

>> No.50607333

its funny how you DONT see how giving the power to execute drug USERS leads to some funny consequences and is a slippery slope towards executing anyone. Of course you dont see it

>> No.50607334

Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. Centralized powerful government is much more accountable for the state of the nation than the confusing inhumane mess that most Westerners live under where your politicians have no skin in the game when their term is up.

>> No.50607354

This is worse than reddit. i am reporting this post.

>> No.50607359

idk what strip clubs are like where you live but around here you go to the strip club to creampie a latina in the back

>> No.50607375

seems to be working well for you Chang. Your chinese government looks very 'accountable' LMAO

>> No.50607382

Yes, it leads to the funniest consequence of all - dead drug dealers

>> No.50607396

Your so fixated as if it’s the only example I made. I was mostly only applauding Chinese drug policy. You’re the one who decided that I’m a China lover. I do respect their government more than the USA, because at least they’re serious rulers