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50603876 No.50603876 [Reply] [Original]

Am I taking crazy pills?

>> No.50603896
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No. That’s just you noticing that the world as we know it is run by retarded clowns.

>> No.50603912
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We live in the clown timeline, expect daily clownification results.

>> No.50603983

To be fair there is a distinction

>> No.50604678
File: 301 KB, 1115x415, DC3A83FE-4FED-48A4-9886-A1A92EA28829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible to ignore. Clearly the agenda is to fleece the American taxpayer. It’s almost like no one even voted for these leeches.

>> No.50604698

I think what’s most hilarious is that they all pretend to be so naive despite the repercussions being so obvious. Then simply redefine. Classic jewish tactics

>> No.50604714

Kind of like jews aren’t white

>> No.50604773

honk deux

>> No.50604899

Transitory recession?

>> No.50604902

Even economy has gender now

>> No.50604915

>even the economy is trans

>> No.50605062

technically all recessions are temporary

>> No.50605076

The absolute seethe in this thread. Nothing she said is wrong. You know Trump would have fucked it up even worse by now.

>> No.50605089

Tell that to Italy or Spain.

>> No.50605098

>Am I taking crazy pills?
Yes, but Yellen is also lieing to you.

>> No.50605099

Two more quarters
Trust the plan

>> No.50605100

Putin wouldn't have invaded if Trump was president because there would be a 50% chance Trump would have drone-striked him.

>> No.50605115

>You know Trump would have fucked it up even worse by now.

Not in this timeline.

>> No.50605190
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Clown growth time-line plus 3 bobos nobody knew about until 1957. It's over.

>> No.50605218

Um, GDP growth actually hurts minorities and the environment sweetie. This is a good thing okay?

>> No.50605244

Can someone edit pepe clown hair on her? I'm too lazy.

>> No.50605253

To be fair, you're a jew

>> No.50605294
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The absolute state of low IQ retards

>> No.50605305

Also this isn't even about trump, you fucking retard. It's about how the bitch changes definitions to push her agenda.

>> No.50605340

hahaha wouldn't it be funny if i suddenly became a millionaire

>> No.50605343

democracy my ass, I'm starting to think we're unironically ruled by a handful of elites they just sit and maneuver from the dark so they're practically invisible

>> No.50605771
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But it's true, the fact that the daily charts in all of the major altcoins are in a crabing phase shows us that we're building up for a major pump in mid 2023 if things go all right with the fed (they most likely wont but hey, a man can dream)
Anywho, meanwhile im building up dangerous amounts of NFTs to cash in when the second wave of the nft craze starts hitting again. Pic related is my next acquisition (ticker $CHAMP) because ubisoft's ex head of developing started making an nft game in partnership with arsenal and a lot of other teams. Seems bullish af

>> No.50606742

yes, if they go on for long enough its considered a depression until it just becomes normal at which point the period before is considered a golden age

>> No.50606787

Kek you midwits don't realise that the fed is presiding over a controlled demolition of the usd. Trump was never going to preside over this because it wasn't in the script.

>> No.50606812

Almost like there might be a swelling grass-roots protest movement where people don't pay federal taxes

>> No.50607381

She is all sorts of wrong and it's intellectually dishonest to say others. Being slightly better than a massive moron is no accomplishment.

>> No.50607399

Fucking hang yourself you pathetically worthless pajeet faggot.

>> No.50607412
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>> No.50607418

>"This is not a Zebra, it is merely a horse-like animal with black and white stripes"

>> No.50607447

Trump would have probably just let putin take Ukraine. Which is honestly better because let's be honest they're fucked anyways.

>> No.50607496

Think how many young nubile women Ukraine would be selling themselves as mail order brides. Everyone would be like it's such a tragedy but it wouldn't be for my dick.

>> No.50608579

Jews are great with words, especially while robbing you and your children's future.

>> No.50609441

Took you long enough

>> No.50609687

thats just a nice way to say america doesn't dominate the world stage anymore, shit is becoming multipolar and russia will soon dominate the european market, the chinks will take south asia and america will have to suck latin american dick.
the funy thing is that all 3 emperies will have to fight for the niggers in africa and you don't want to let that market go, there is too much good shit down there

>> No.50609743

believe it or not, most of this illiterate fucking idiots are actually elected.
every country has the government it deserves and it was taking long enough for Americans to get literally nitwits at the helm, most people are pathetic and don't vote and those who vote see a name they recognize and put a check mark next to it

>> No.50609751

To be fair, jews make good lampshades

>> No.50609753
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please stop posting this lizard face here i can not take it anymore...

>> No.50609778

Trump is too unpredictable to be trusted to act favorably towards Putin during something like this which is probably why Putin waited until Biden took office to actually invade the mainland.

Just some examples. Trump acted like he admired the north korean regime and then they started doing missile tests. He goes over there and probably has chats with them and acts like a real boob while saying lots of nice things about them. Then he makes a public statement that he'll basically nuke the country if they don't stop testing missiles. The testing then stopped. Then he drone'd that Iranian general, everyone acts like its the start of WW3 and the response was basically that the Iranians got a bit mad, fired some rockets at a base and then everyone stopped talking about it. Obama meanwhile turned down the chance to assassinate the same guy at least once,

He's basically exactly like you'd expect him to be, an untrustworthy bully. And when he was president he had nukes. Putin laughs at America but he at least knew better than to trust Trump.

>> No.50609862

I'm saying the elected ones are puppets that have their strings pulled probably by WEF members
so big corp rules the world and now they're going to use global warming to take even more power
that's what they always do, they declare some huge disaster is around the corner so "extraordinary times require extraordinary measures" meaning all your rights suddenly mean nothing

>> No.50609884

Pro-tip; most of em have beak noses

>> No.50609923

>but what about Trump?!
He fucked us and Biden is continuing to fuck us. Simple as