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50601477 No.50601477 [Reply] [Original]

Not everyone is cut out to be a wageslave, but some do exceptionally well at it because they literally have slave genetics. Here’s a decent chunk of wageslave traits I’ve noticed throughout my life:

1. You make your bed everyday
2. You feel insane pressure to not be “late” to things
3. You asked lots of questions in school
4. You don’t have any hobbies that involve creating things or ideation, they are mostly just passive consumption
5. You had parents that made you do “chores” and you’d do the same for your hypothetical/real children
6. You feel guilty about “sleeping in” past some arbitrary time

Discuss and feel free to add more of your own.

>> No.50601495

>You asked lots of questions in school
Why would a slave ask questions?

>> No.50601512
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Anon you sound like nigger most these except 4 are indications of self worth

>> No.50601577

Wish I have a wagie mindset, would make things so much easy

>> No.50601629

You are a faggot nigger.
>1. You make your bed everyday
Yes I'm not a lazy slob.
>2. You feel insane pressure to not be “late” to things
If you can't show up on time then you're a lazy faggot slob.
>3. You asked lots of questions in school
I learnt, clearly you didn't.
>4. You don’t have any hobbies that involve creating things or ideation, they are mostly just passive consumption
My job is creative in its nature. You stack chink made bricks and consider yourself some "Master Mason"
>5. You had parents that made you do “chores” and you’d do the same for your hypothetical/real children
Yes I was raised by two loving parents you single mothered negro.
>6. You feel guilty about “sleeping in” past some arbitrary time
I live my life to the fullest and don't like wasting a good day.

OP you are the stereotypical faggot loser.

>> No.50601649

Do you not care about yourself?

>> No.50601770

I can almost guarantee you’re a tradie slave lmfao

>> No.50601802


>> No.50601842

I simple can't relate with being a wagie, but can't help but being one for now

>> No.50601844
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>t. wageslave retard (and loving it)

>> No.50601876

>do you have respect for people's time, ask questions when learning, get up before noon, and have parents that teach you clean up your own shit? wagie!!!!
Pretty nice bait / cope thread. I'll fully agree with you on 4 but the rest are kinda retarded. 3 might even be the opposite of wagie mentality.
I'll await the seething replies from NEETs.

>> No.50601943

No, WFH chad. Currently on the clock.
It's not a wagie mentality. OP is a faggot. It's just some basic steps to life to be successful and happy. I do these things because I know that my life will be better if I do. I don't give a single fuck about what Mr Shekelstein wants. In fact a major motivation in my life is to spite those who want me to be poor, depressed and to give up.

>> No.50601958
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>> No.50601988

>Currently on the clock.
AKA, you're a wageslave.

>> No.50602012

A wagie is a menial task job. The type you two would be qualified for.

>> No.50602178

Nope, a wagie is anyone who receives a paycheck.

>> No.50602280
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>1. You make your bed everyday
There is no point = I don't care
No seriously, what's the point ?
>2. You feel insane pressure to not be “late” to things
Imagine giving a shit about the astro-turfed trends of "society"
>3. You asked lots of questions in school
No, I was drawing & day dreaming all day in the back as far as possible from the stupid government agent
compulsory formal "education" is retarded & dangerous and needs to be abolished
>4. You don’t have any hobbies that involve creating things or ideation, they are mostly just passive consumption
I'm proficient in drawing, 3D modeling/sculpting, programming and playing electric guitar
>5. You had parents that made you do “chores” and you’d do the same for your hypothetical/real children
i'm too much of a pain
>6. You feel guilty about “sleeping in” past some arbitrary time
I have no sleep schedule at all, I can wake up or go to sleep at any hour of the day, I go to sleep when I need to, most of the time I'm completely reversed, living at night

thanks for not reading my stupid blog

>> No.50602338

Because OP is desperately trying to cover for their laziness by blaming all of their faults on those people with slave genes.

>> No.50602419

the trick is to be so good at your job that you get to call the shots. its very easy now because competition is so thin in most sectors. i do nigger work because i fucking hate dealing with people, but that also includes my boss and coworkers, so i only do like 2 or 3 shifts a week and thats mostly just to get out of the house and do something. faggots keep asking me to do more even though i have explained that i cant and wont. basically told the boss to go fuck himself the other day and stop bothering me with this shit. he has no choice but to take it because no one else will do it and he can either have me there on my terms or not at all, and he clearly needs all the help he can get. i wouldnt struggle finding the same job somewhere else because no one really wants to do it. too bad id much rather stay home and fuck my cute girlfriend most nights as well. get back to managing and hiring, dickhead

>> No.50602541

The cope is strong with this one haha

>> No.50602572

All of those ideals better apply to Chinks than whites

There is no white country without a negative birth rate l@mo

>> No.50602600

How's the birthrate in china?

>> No.50602735

>national museum of african american history &
>whitness and white culture
lol imagine writing this and implying any of this is a negative

>> No.50602865

Sometimes lefties miss so hard, they hit

>> No.50602916

Half of these maybe, but the other half reek of desperation to get people to agree with your lazy lifestyle. Sometimes I wonder if people realize there are two types of NEET. lazy loses who leeches off others and neet because of their life achievements.

Take a guess at which one OP is