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50594498 No.50594498 [Reply] [Original]

What 75BPS and sha256 mean at all? I'm confused.
And why is this thing moving up a little bit too fast?

>> No.50594653

You’re welcome

>> No.50594711

Fuck off, you didnt answer my question, vegetable.

>> No.50594886

kek based retard. you got so confused in that bobo thread you needed to make your own on it? how about look around and use your brain idiot.

>> No.50594913


>> No.50594999

How the fuck did you recognize me, isn't this website supposed to be anonymous?
We aren't safe in the inter-net these days anymore.

Yet my question hasn't been answered.

>> No.50595056

>fucking moron, everything can be ordered online these days, except a brain

>> No.50595095

I hope you find love in your life, stupid man(or woman).

>> No.50595100

what am I looking at?

>> No.50595128

Homemade ice cream with raw substances.

>> No.50595177

I still made made that green coomer

>> No.50595198

checked. In honor of those digits I will answer your question: BPS is Bitcoins Per Second and sha256 is the type of bitcoin being sent (256 super hashed btc)

>> No.50595258

>green id and dubs
There we have it, case closed.

>> No.50595280

Checked, I don't what any of this shit means either kek.
I'll just do what I always do, keep buying little by little when it's red, sell a little when it's green and keep holding the rest

>> No.50595292

So the amount of bitcoin's transaction is super high (75) transaction per second and the type of transaction being made is an high amount of bitcoin like more than 1 BTC per transaction, is that right?

>> No.50595364

Top fucking kek

>> No.50595388

Happily married surrounded by friends and family in a white neighborhood in a white country with low crime.

SHA256 = encryption algo that is at the core of btc mining
75bps is bullish because the market expected 100bps
I would think 100bps is needed AT LEAST, but the FED doesn't think so.
We'll see. I'm gonna buy more (dca) tomorrow because I don't trust this pump.
It's important if we're in a recession or not and that will officially be declared tomorrow.

>> No.50595395

Not exactly. People were expecting the federal reserve to signal higher BPS (bitcoins per second) which is why the price had been dropping. sha256 refers to the type of bitcoin, think of it as a higher quality bitcoin. A bitcoin is like an NFT, the most important thing to remember is that each bitcoin is entirely unique, 1BTC =/= 1BTC, and sha256 bitcoin is the second highest quality bitcoin next to sha512

>> No.50595449

I love you guys

>> No.50595477

>white neighborhood in a white country
Nice to hear you're in heaven, How's the weather in ukraine?

>> No.50595510

High quality bitcoin? What the fuck are you talking about?
Is it like cocaine now?

>> No.50595674

I did answer you correctly you faggot. And no I'm not in Ukraine... Where are you, in mongolia, because you surely type like a basket weaver.

>> No.50595729

>And no I'm not in Ukraine
Then I guess you're in russia, good luck surviving the nukes, proud white man.

>> No.50595833

>in a white neighborhood in a white country
Checking but not believing this larp you almost had it but you got greedy. Thanks to HIAS there are none of these left
Unfortunately this is what happens when you spoon feed. They are literally on the internet but can't be bothered to take any initiative to dyor on the most basic info, so you give them a breadcrumb and they just want more. Even if you dont follow up to their next question, they will sit patiently for their next spoonful instead of using that time to just do a fucking web search.
I suppose the amount of morons coming back here who know absolutely nothing is bullish

>> No.50595872

You're such a mongolian faggot that I truly think your IQ is under 90. You're on a financial board with 0 fucking clue about anything. Getting baited on the most basic of questions and answers. pReddit is over there /r
In Europe there are several places where this still is the norm

>> No.50595906

Yes, but in practice a Bitcoin is rarely SHA256 or SHA512, or even SHA128. Most bitcoins you buy from an exchange have been tranched and are a homogenous mix of Bitcoin quality. Most SHA256+ bitcoin is purchased by whales on private OTC markets.

>> No.50596068

>like cocaine
Not a bad analogy, but I like to use weed because of the word hash. SHA essentially refers to the hash (or thc) purity. 512 = 51.2% super hashed, 256 = 25.6% etc.

There have been multiple quality wars fought over the year, which is why there are so many different Bitcoin chains. BTC = Bitcoin Core and has a minimum transaction quality of sha128. Blockstream controls BTC and they are elitists so this is no surprise. BCH requires atleast SEGWIT quality whereas Craig Sanjay with BSV has no quality control.

Since there can only be so many bitcoins, sometimes Bitcoins can "decay" into altcoins. Where did you think altcoins came from? Out of thin air? The best example of a Bitcoin altcoin which has "decayed" successfully is Ethereum. When Bitcoins are hashed in a certain way (atleast sha128 quality) they can be converted into Ethereum, which is another reason for such stringent purity controls. The segwit BTC can be hashed into Litecoin and the low quality bitcoin can only be hashed into stuff like dogecoin (hence the low price).

Hope this was able to answer some questions for you baby girl!

>> No.50596164

So ethereum is a low quality bitcoin? shall I sell it out and buy bitcoin sha 256?

>> No.50596185

>So ethereum is a low quality bitcoin? shall I sell it out and buy bitcoin sha 256?
ok, at this point you're just trolling

>> No.50596237

Whatever.. that's exactly what he said: "Bitcoins can "decay" into altcoins. Where did you think altcoins came from? Out of thin air? The best example of a Bitcoin altcoin which has "decayed" successfully is Ethereum."

>> No.50596273

Ethereum is technically a decayed form of bitcoin, like when uranium "decays". It just converts into a different form, not a different quality. You can see how Ethereum responded stronger to a low BPS signal than BTC because it is derived from BTC and now that there is more surplus supply (due to a lower than expected BPS) it's possible to "decay" BTC into ETH much more efficiently, which is why ETH's price is increasing faster than BTC.

>> No.50596302

topkek fuck niggers

>> No.50596329

you’re so stupid i can recognize your retard speech patterns from a mile away. it doesn’t matter what thread you are in i will always know it’s you.

>> No.50596407

Speech patterns? did you hear me speaking? now that's getting scary, have you hacked my computer?
And why your English is so fabulous?

>> No.50596896

you are an ESL piece of shit, probably a shitskin pajeet

>> No.50596970

I'm actually whiter than you, thank you anyways I heard indians are smarte than whites.

>> No.50597061

whatever you say, buddyretard

>> No.50597072

>whiter than you
>Indians smarter than whites
post hands

>> No.50597133

Not every white is a supremacist, cumskin.

>> No.50597494
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>> No.50599244
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thanks fren for explaining

>> No.50600255

Your kefir looks a little underdone, better let it ferment for awhile more