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505830 No.505830 [Reply] [Original]

Please for the love of God tell me your success story, if any. My soul is crushing and slowly killing my will to live.

>> No.505832

don't have one…yet


>> No.505834

I turned $200 into 1000 billion dollars

>> No.505860

I succeeded in becoming a failure if that counts.

>> No.505861

I realized that my life goal is to rip out chromosomes.

>> No.505862

Buy bitcoins, the rest will be history

>> No.505870

I farted and poop came out

>> No.505890

Just over 2 years ago I was unemployed, no friends, no real family connections, no money to my name, mentally ill, unfit and had nothing to live for.
Today I am employed, studying full time, friends, great family connections, $9k cash to my name plus ~$5k assets, mentally well (still have small problems from time to time, fit and have EVERYTHING to live for.

>> No.505898

Almost kill myself many times. Made it through college. Get good job with good pay. Found love. I promise you will make it through this.

>> No.505899

I was a raging alcoholic for ten yeara. Now im a sober nurse and my girlfriend has 36d bra size.

>> No.505903

Thank you so much.

>> No.505911

God bless.

>> No.506140
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dunno if OP's still here, but i always read this from time to time. would feel pretty bad if my hard drive crashed just because i'd lose the file.

>> No.506211



>> No.506215

thanks for posting this.

puts a lot of things in perspective.

>> No.506220

All that money and the pleb goes and buys a pair of Beats

>> No.506231

>had motivation

>lost it all

>miserable sack of shit

>don't even care about making money before besides out of the necessity to live

i hope this cheers you up op t

>> No.506234

what does that mean?

>> No.506237

>beats by dre
>more apple products
So upper-middeclass general?

>> No.506244

managed to get into medical university, managed to pass all exams first try, just had a 95% score on the hardest exam of the entire course, will become a doctor and earn lots of money while being respected and having peace of mind

feels genuinely good

to give advice: everything will be okay if you work hard and smart

>> No.506255

almost. Humanity still don't have cheap spaceships and our colony on the Moon and Mars still don't exist.

>> No.506341

2 1/2 years ago I was living with my parents, depressed, and having suicidal thoughts every night. On average, I cried myself to sleep 3 times a week. My income was $0, I wasn't in school, had literally no friends. I'd say another 6 months to a year of this path and I would've ended it. Every once in awhile, I still think that I'll eventually kill myself but quickly trash that idea. Before that period (the depressed period lasted about a year and a half) of my life, I was one happy mother fucker, never understood why someone would even think of suicide, thought anyone who would was selfish. No one really understands until they go through a period like that themselves.

Today I make $10,000/month, have the best job in the world in my opinion (not counting entrepreneurship), in a serious and loving relationship of 2 years, have the freedom to travel and do whatever and I'm my happiness levels are stable. Life isn't perfect, but it's 1000x better than 2 1/2 years ago.

What worked for me? Focus on interpersonal relationships. If you have family, call them. Be with them. Try your absolute hardest to make friends. Do whatever it takes to not feel lonely. Loneliness so far is the worst emotion I've felt. Avoid it at all costs.

Second, do what makes you happy. What have you always dreamed of? Do that thing regardless of the judgements society will place on you. I dropped out of school, for a trade. You can imagine the scorn I received (especially growing up upper middle class). I don't care if you have to work at McDonalds to make ends meet, just do whatever the fuck it is you want. Anything else is soulcrushingly devastating. For me, that #1 thing is travel.

Lastly, you're not the only one getting soulcrushed. Everybody has their own problems, and it just happens to be that being soulcrushed is a very common one. Try not to get grouchy with other people too much, we're all in this together trying to get by.

Best of luck to you to fellow /biz/nessman.

>> No.506355


>fat chicks

>> No.506362

those are audio-technicas

>> No.506364



>> No.506368

How do you people get those magical jobs?

I wonder if this exists in my country.

>> No.506382
File: 101 KB, 863x650, Zordon...lived a hard life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dumb , no skill, neet
>immigrate to bongland
>now work in a hotel with live-in rooms, free food every day I work and almost 2 grand in net income(after expenses)

Ooga booga, in 20 years ill be king nigga when I return home and make more in interest than what people work for.

thank you multiculturalism

>> No.506575

pretty good wall of text i liked it

>> No.506587

After 4 years of fucking up I made it out with a degree. Woo, I thought! All that hard work and dumb decisions would finally pay off!

I then worked as a bar back for a year. It fucking sucked. Riding the bus to work to make minimum wage, to serve rich white people drinks with my uneducated coworkers was not what I would call success, but I learned the fucking value of my work and what the real world was like. During that time I also did internships and did a bunch of freelance graphic design work. Oh and I take care of my grandmother. Still applying to jobs that weren't serving the richest people in my city. All at the same time.

I finally got a real job a month ago. Doing what I've been studying and doing for the past 8 years. I also got my drivers licence! I still have crippling debt and my grandmother is dying every day, but things are better at least! ;-;

>> No.506630

that was incredibly sad. I wish I could help people like that :(

>> No.506700

>be young
>get into drugs in high school to try and fit in
>instead become a light weight dealer and sort of a junkie
>get kicked out of parents house on 18th b-day
>manage to finish school a semester early still
>fuck it get a job and think in 6 months I will clean up and join the military
>don't clean up
>get fired from shitty as job
>get another job that pays a little better
>start to get clean but still an alcoholic
>my hours at work seem to dwindle, boss paid by the piece and I am paid hourly
>end up getting pissed off and quitting
>spend the next 6 months looking for work as the housing bubble had burst and I didnt have any other skills
>end up crashing on a few friends couches for a few weeks but wear out my welcome
>homeless for about 6 months living in my car
>tough choices like do I eat or do I get drunk
>getting drunk won out quite a lot
>reconcile with my parents at 23
>live there for a year
>still cant keep a job thats worth a shit but save money
>hate living with parents
>start looking for a make or break situation
>look for work in a city 10 miles away
>drive down for an interview
>get the job at $10/hr as an electrical apprentice
>live in my car for 2 weeks while working
>have enough to get an apartment in a nice area
>live there for awhile and work lots of overtime while some how losing money.. still drinking
>move into a shit hole and cancel TV and save money
>Company is paying for my trade school now and tons of overtime
>Get some raises and work through it while going to school.. just boring as hell because no entertainment.
>find free books online and start reading a lot
>Making more money I moved out of my roach infested apartment
>my next apartment only $30 more a month but no bugs and the tv never gets disconnected from last tenant
>able to buy a new car
>move to even better apartment
>done with school I get my license
>start making good money and really saving
>end up running $300-500k jobs for my company

Thats where I am at now

>> No.506702

also more or less quit drinking.. it hurts my belly and now I am into working out 3-4 times a week.

>> No.506705

IIT we practice our creative writing skills.

>> No.506711

so you finally applied yourself, or what?

>> No.507929

whats your trade?

>> No.507936

OP don't be a fucking sad cunt mate, you can be a fucking sick cunt if you want to mate.

>> No.507944
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>For me, that #1 thing is travel.

My nigga. That's what I want to do. Travel and meet new people. Fuck this area, I'm so tired of this area.

I'm going to finally try my hand at amazon affiliate marketing so I can make and rank sites then travel and live off the income.

>> No.508223

I Have No Emotions And I Must Feel

>> No.508242

>Got inflammatory bowel disease or something, doctors dont know, so i cant eat anything that tastes good
>sickness makes me smell
>no job
>no skills
>crippling anxiety and depression
>no housing (im at a shelter right now no joke)
>no girlfriend (obv)
>i had lunch with a girl today who is taking the same 3 day employment helping course i am.
>she was friendly and we talked a lot so i thought id ask
>right away i could tell she was hesitant but she said yes to be polite.
>whatever im expanding my social circle i guess? might help some with my anxiety
>she drops hints that she finds me unattractive every 5-10 minutes
>asks me if i have a girlfriend or have ever had one.
>makes it obvious (to me, i mean she was trying to be polite) that she doubts i have ever really been in a relationship
>was slightly annoying at first, but she kept it up the whole 1 hour lunch. eventually towards the end it just made me feel sad
>have never had lunch with anyone and felt so alone before.
>I wasn't even hitting on her or anything, it was just a preemptive turn down.
>realize that getting in a relationship is hopeless for me now.

Could be worse OP you could be me.

>> No.508262

started my first business at 14 making and selling jam after being introduced to it in eagle scouts, I continued it on my own and made more than minimum wage for the hours I put in

in high school and college I brewed wine and later figured out how to distill a barcadi-like rum because people associated the cheap wine with homelessness

after college (chemical engineering) I couldn't find a job. I started producing food products again, cheese, salsa in a jar, sauerkraut, kimchi, sauces, in general my products revolved around fermented or pasteurized food, unfortunately shops didn't repeat orders so I didn't make much money. I went further afield with my range of products searching for buyers and one branch of a fortune 500 company told me about an internship, which I took, then after a few months I had an opportunity to present my platter to an executive who fast tracked me into product development

after a few years I left to start my own business, growth was high but so was the capital investment needed, eventually it was bought by same said fortune 500 company

>> No.508264

How do I box and get products approved? I want to male natural soups and broths in milk cartons with expiration dates. Any tips?

>> No.508290

You didn't try to kill yourself. You just wanted attention, faggot.

>> No.508302

Soaps a bad idea. Go look on frugal living forums, its one of the only things so cheap that you spend more money making it than you save buying bulk.

>> No.508397

I'm pretty much where you were 2 years ago. How did you get out of your rut?

>> No.508398


scale everything - an hour of dedicated, focused work isn't much for a day, but added up every day for a year is a lot. this is only one example, but i hope you get the point.

physically manifest your goals - write them, print them out, whatever. they can be lists, some words, a mantra, pictures of shit you want (if it's material objects then go for it, whatever helps you)

even if you're struggling - don't stop

>> No.508400

and yeah, not a success story, but still

>> No.508416


yes goyim waste all your capital on 2 week vacations

>> No.508418

>come out of highschool a stoner and 300 pounds no gf, kissless, hugless
>after getting away from my fat as fatass parents lose 100 pounds in a year
>learn that in college they don't give a shit what you do so long as you deliver
>finish an accounting degree and get the cpa as fast as possible
>start wage slaving
>making pretty good money
>still sucks because you have to listen to dumbass boomers who can't even into computers
>learned programming, automated my job and use all the time to start building a freelance accounting automation service

>> No.508424

I made $17 on amazon publishing in first month. It's fucking nothing.. But it gives me some motivation.

>> No.508430

>Be 21
>Got into a fight with my mates, haven't talked to them since.
>Really bummed out.
>Go to uni, fall out from that.
>Everything falls to shit a short while after.
>Finally decide to get my shit together
>Move out of home to continue uni full time, live off my savings.
>Finish degree mid 2013, start my grad job in 2014
>Bloody good salary for a grad in my situation (over $60 grand including retirement funds)

>> No.508458

>you can just sell your vacation time back to us, then you don't have to leave the office ever!

>> No.508497

Holy shit, HOW? We only make $17k-20k top over here.

>> No.508512


>> No.508534

>lived in car
>no jerb
>used to shoot heroin and cocaine

>get clean

>start delivering sammiches
>walk into office while delivering food
>see president of company
>Can I work here?
>You got balls kid, here's a jerb

>clean 3 years now
>have corner office
>on 20th floor overlooking the beach
>good job now
>Trying to move into IB while finishing my degree

Surprised I didn't get HIV, I shared needles with 5-7 different people.

Thanks God for watching my back while I was out doing stupid shit.

>> No.508548

At least you're not me.

>got my shitty master's degree this year
>got my even shittier bachelor's degree 2 years ago
>no experience
>no skills
>no job
>literally all of my classmates have jobs or internships
>I have a girlfriend but she's very smart and doing well professionally so I guess it's only a matter of time before she fucks a hedge fund guy or a neurologist

Fucking bright future ahead.

>> No.508550

When I was 17 I went to college to study business and quickly developed such severe, paralyzing anxiety that I couldn't bring myself to attend classes or even think about coursework or life stuff in general - I would have a minor panic attack whenever I did. Spent a lot time playing stupid video games and trying not to think about things. Failed all my classes. Of course I had no friends or any motivation whatsoever. My parents, who mostly hate me, nevertheless gave me several second chances but eventually stopped paying my tuition. My students-only apartment complex kicked me out and I started paying rent to a much cheaper place with what little money I had left over. I still had anxiety and didn't look for work. I was set to run out of money if I didn't get a job by around the end of the year, at which point suicide seemed like the logical thing to do, but I couldn't even come up with a plan for that.

After a few months, though, my cousin told me about a nearby call center job which would hire just about anyone. All I had to do was apply. She told me exactly where it was and everything, saving me any effort whatsoever. So I applied, got hired, and turned out to be really good at this crap little job doing phone surveys. My anxiety suddenly vanished - all it took was getting a job. I was immensely happy about being self sufficient and thrilled to be alive. I built up a few thousand dollars doing that and could afford my own computer and a better place to live, and even found actual friends in my co-workers. At the next job I worked, I built up enough money to buy a car, and more importantly, found love. She did amazing things for me. I'm more motivated than ever. I burned off all the fat I'd been building up. I have a lot more money than any of my friends and am currently paying off her medical bills from a recent injury no sweat. I could say more but this is already too long, so I'll leave it at this: life only gets better with time.

>> No.508559

>have never had lunch with anyone and felt so alone before.

Pretty much every guy fucks up their first couple of "dates". You need to learn from your mistakes and move on asap. Otherwise, you'll be one of these guys who are in love with chicks for decades.

>> No.508562

You should leave as soon as the "date" becomes unpleasant. No excuses, just leave.

One bad girl doesn't mean you can't have success, even in your poor situation. Just try with other girls.


>> No.508594
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>Implying bitcoin isn't a ponzi
Seriously though OP, I'm a complete hokikomori autist retard and if I can go from living out of my car to looking at buying a decent home you can do the same thing. Learn to love yourself.

>> No.508599

Mine's mediocre

>Still in University
>Shit luck getting anything
>Dad's a bro and gets me job
>Make more than 15k each summer doing cool stuff related to field
>Finally get job at a beer plant doing simple testing
>Make close to 80k a year doing shit all

>> No.508615

Success story? I have one of dragging myself out of the gutter. Call it a success if you will. Basically I were a social recluse, I initially did good on school but failed hard later on. I have no papers, but I do have a steady job, make a decent buck and I have half the year off (shift work). The only success I can claim is to have been born in a Scandinavian country. I do work long hours in a pretty challenging physical work, though. I'm a semi-alcoholic, but I am doing well enough at the moment. Trying to better my situation as best I can.

>> No.508908

just published my first kindle book this week. got a couple sales. did you do any kind of marketing? what category/genre are you in?

>> No.509715


>spent $75 on PND

>> No.510631


>> No.510653
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>and am currently paying off her medical bills from a recent injury

You're an idiot.

>> No.510659

I meant contemplated suicide. I never attempted it. I thought of it many times though.

>> No.510661

>2 years ago
>fat, horribly depressed, stoner
>no friends, barely bathed correctly, yellow teeth, never studied
>go to CC, make great grades, study my ass off, do homework on time, doing CS.
>lost 70 lbs
>work new job where I will be promoted soon that deals with computers
>making 18$ an hour at 20
feels good mang

>> No.510666

Mini success story?

>living with a drug dealer and a drunk while in college
>the drunk is my friend's ex
>he moves out
>now I live with shitty people
>talk to him about it
>feels bad, gets me a list of places accepting renters
>other friend is giving me support to apply for a Goldman Sachs internship
>was depressed for a few weeks because my situation was shit
>now I have a way out and possibly a good summer job

Little steps. I'm regaining control, which feels nice.

>> No.510685
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>no wireless mouse

>> No.510695

>grow up in poor rust belt former industrial boomtown city
>drugs and shootings everywhere
>go to highschool and it seems like pretty much my entire generation is lost to the circumstances
>drop out at 16 to work to support my impoverished family which consists of my single father and little brother
>use packages of pure uncut mdma straight from the netherlands to supplement my income
>father gets laid off his employer is close to going bankrupt
>life feels hectic being thrown into taking care of myself and family as a teenager
>go through it day by day working full time and scheduling my side hustle around that
>eventually get ged
>apply for nursing classes at local community college not even sure if i could pass the first year struggling to pass the drivers permit test at the time
>go to college fulltime and start importing on a bigger scale to be able to afford not working as a laborer
>study every single day sometimes with adderall to help
>take notes obssesively in class
>feel overwhelmed by the stress and pressure
>bear with it for the first year
>feel better about myself passing with a 3.2 gpa
>the next year more of the same less financial drama
>NCLEX exam closing in
>most of my freetime was consumed for studying for it for 1 month prior
>the night before the exam stay up all night stressing
>go in sleep deprived as fuck
>somehow pass
>feel overjoyed to be the first person in my family to obtain a college degree
>have bigger ambitions and want to be the first person to have a 6 figure income in my family
>transfer to penn state to pursue my bachelors
>work 12 hour shifts 3 times a week at a local hospital fueled by 5 hour energy and willpower on top of schooling to get an income and quit dealing completely
>after passing my first year at penn state have the feeling of a routine of all nighters drunken weekends and the little free time i had being on the computer


>> No.510696

>grow up in poor rust belt former industrial boomtown city
>drugs and shootings everywhere
>go to highschool and it seems like pretty much my entire generation is lost to the circumstances
>drop out at 16 to work at a local mason company to support my impoverished family which consists of my single father and little brother
>use packages of pure uncut mdma straight from the netherlands to supplement my income
>father gets laid off his employer is close to going bankrupt
>life feels hectic being thrown into taking care of myself and family as a teenager
>go through it day by day working full time and scheduling my side hustle around that
>eventually get ged
>apply for nursing classes at local community college not even sure if i could pass the first year struggling to pass the drivers permit test at the time
>go to college fulltime and start importing on a bigger scale to be able to afford not working as a laborer
>study every single day sometimes with adderall to help
>take notes obssesively in class
>feel overwhelmed by the stress and pressure
>bear with it for the first year
>feel better about myself passing with a 3.2 gpa
>the next year more of the same less financial drama
>NCLEX exam closing in
>most of my freetime was consumed for studying for it for 1 month prior
>the night before the exam stay up all night stressing
>go in sleep deprived as fuck
>somehow pass
>feel overjoyed to be the first person in my family to obtain a college degree
>have bigger ambitions and want to be the first person to have a 6 figure income in my family
>transfer to penn state to pursue my bachelors
>work 12 hour shifts 3 times a week at a local hospital fueled by 5 hour energy and willpower on top of schooling to get an income and quit dealing completely
>after passing my first year at penn state have the feeling of a routine of all nighters followed by work/school, drunken weekends and the little free time i had being on the computer


>> No.510700

well done bro!

>> No.510709

>final year starts
>think to myself only a year left until I reach what for someone from my background would consider "success"
>the year blows by faster than most that preceeded it
>sought after job as nurse practitioner within grasp
>play space station 13 as chief medical officer a lot to get into the idea of managing shitstorms logically and efficiently even under ridiculous circumstances
>winter comes and goes and spring arrives
>spring break 2013 I remember as being one of the best times of my life
>me and 2 friends ive known for years from college all go in the same mustang gt 2011 convertible to miami to stay for a week then down to key west
>return back stress free and blow through the rest of the year
>spend the rest of the month after passing the final exams partying
>congratulatory calls from all my brothers and father jubilant at how far I came
>look back at when i dropped out thinking i would be a loser forever with tears of pride in my eyes
>after the summer ended move near my hometown and work as assistant nurse practitioner (6 month probationary period) at local county hospital
>back in february get promoted to nurse practitioner of pediatrics
>stressful but when the paycheck comes its worth it 10x over
>easier than when I was a regular nurse, get my own office and some extra freesom
>on slow days play music in my office and browse the internet
>moved out of my apartment 3 months ago into a nice 4 bedroom house into the suburbs and filled the place with new tvs and furniture
>got a 2014 jaguar xf on lease
>look forward to the future and may even get an associates degree in business management in the future so i can move up to higher medical management positions in the future
Im pretty comfortable with life right now, although my social circle isnt exactly booming right now I would also say im happy with the people in my life to

>> No.510722


>nurse practitioner with just bachelors


>> No.510736

I was able to obtain my certification with just 2 extra years of full time college after my associates, I just used bachelors in place of the time it took since I figured most people on /biz/ arent to informed about the specifics of education when it comes to nursing

>> No.510768

Yes, we know she's fat.

>> No.510775

I agree. My sister was a NEET until she got the same job then bought her shitty boyfriend a car under her name. They broke up, she refused to pay for his car, he lost his job and stopped paying for it. The car was reposessed and now she has shit credit.

>> No.510829


Man thats some shit. I damn near cried, I got sad, I laughed.

Saved for life.

>> No.510855
File: 181 KB, 500x477, tumblr_m83qaddVAf1r9g4gho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>success stories
>$5k assets

>> No.510868

we all start somewhere

>> No.510919

this is great

>> No.511408

You guys are all super.

>> No.511417

>joined Navy
>First duty assignment is not in a boat
>Im winning already

>> No.511450

I'll tell you the story of my father.

>Grew up in a broken home with a benefit claiming alchoholic father and a mother who did nothing due to depression
>First of 6 kids
>Smart and ambitious but in a shit life and no future for himself
>With nothing to gain from his own life he decided to raise all of his younger siblings and help them out as much as possible and ended up getting a job at 15 (not a good one)
>At 18 he'd been working 14 hour night shifts to support his family for 2 years
>At 20 he was still living at home and had upped his hours to 15 hours a day (should that be nights) 7 days a week
>All his siblings went to College or invested the money
>They got on great following college, got great money and returned most of their investments 3 fold.
>At 30 he was still living at home in a dead end job
>My dad meets my mother (who was 20 at the time, a bit weird I know)
>After 2 years living in his parents shack while together with her, he decides they should move out and try to get on in life, so he proposes
>She accepts
>Wedding rolls around, he expects normal wedding presents
>Suddenly all his siblings throw gifts towards him out of gratitude for his sacrifices to let them get on in life
>He buys his house outright, no morgage or bank bullshit due to his siblings donations
>Lives in a tremendous neighbourhood with one of his brothers
>His sister "loans" him money so he can set up a mechanic business
>All his kids (4 of them, including me) go to a very upmarket Private school due to everyone else appreciating what he did
>He didn't tell me or my sister any of this
>We found out from my uncle about 2 years ago, he told us through tears and unbelieveable gratitude.
He's a living legend in my family. I know a lot of anons don't really get on or understand their fathers, but to me he is the greatest man I could ever meet.
I really wish every man could grow up to be a good person, it just makes me even more depressed wen I read about deadbeat dads.

I know TL;DR

>> No.511475


wow good story
r.i.p man

>> No.511491

>shawn u will never do it
>no shan


>> No.511494

im at fucking work.
my boss is ganna see my crying like a bitch and know im not working

>> No.511495

im a 25 year old neet with no money in spain, no possible success for me

>> No.511504

did the highschool thing, delivery driver for local joint at $4.25/hr

community college for a year and dropped out/flunked out

smoked dope every day for a year on "break" from school

moved and went back to school

dropped out/flunked out/ran out of savings

moved back home, had a few other min-wage jobs between highschool and then

got a jerb as an assistant to a sales-guy at a oilfield pipe company, started at salary ~$28,000

Raises etc, now at ~$48,000 + commission

Just put a down payment on a new relatively cheap car that I can afford the payments on

Stacking silver

Building 401k and savings accounts

Went on a $5000+ total cost 7-day cruise to alaska with the GF

Life is OK. I plan to stay at this job for a while and get better at sales and really build a cushion of savings then go somewhere else where I can be happier with my life and job.

>> No.511509

oh yeah and I guess my age is relevant, 25 years old

>> No.511533

What the, what kind of job do you have, what are you doing?

>> No.511564
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>2 weeks vacation

No, I hate that now. I have PTO where I could just take 1 week and go explore Europe, but then I have to go back to work right?
"PTO is all gone, time to come back to being a slave."

NO! I am saving my PTO for a life emergency, saving my money and investing it in small tools and courses here and there that I need to build a small internet business.

Once I can supplement my income and work from anywhere I plan to travel full time.

THAT is my dream.

>> No.511768

Fucked my 13 year old nice.
It might hint at an underachieving existence, but although I did well on college and I like my job I am not more proud of any project thus far than of having boned her.

Is that wrong?

>> No.511832

Of course she's nice.

>> No.511849

DNA resequencer for curing diseases

>> No.511871

>Is that wrong?
Of course.

>> No.511902
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x4108, gottadodeadskid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck, man. you've got some shoes to fill.

>> No.511914 [DELETED] 

bitcoin is the future of money

>> No.511952


>> No.511970

How can something that feels so good be wrong?
After giving it much thought: It just doesn't.

>> No.511975

a thread on b gave me cancer. beat it.

>> No.512011

>Just put a down payment on a new relatively cheap car that I can afford the payments on
>Stacking silver
>Building 401k and savings accounts
>Went on a $5000+ total cost 7-day cruise to alaska with the GF

Congrats. You're doing it right.

>> No.512935

he wants to make other people as autistic as he is

>> No.512953

that's not bad at all
jelly about the gf and cruise.

>> No.512962

I graduated high school in 2011, but I didn't feel like going to college.

I REALLY wanted to build a website because I've always loved building and creating things that people use for enjoyment, rather than making a tool that people take even more for granted.

Although, I became extremely depressed and had no idea what to do, besides try learning code, but I was too depressed to learn code for more than two weeks without giving up.

That went on for two years as I worked and quit random jobs due to anxiety and depression.

Midway through that two years my female best friend and I got really close and we actually started dating (I'm still amazed that she loved me enough to date me, despite me being an anxious, depressed dead beat).

I finally got an over night job that I loved, just to get laid off a few months later.

For the first time in awhile I was sincerely pissed off at my situation in life, rather than depressed.

My frustration finally motivated me to get my shit together.

My girlfriend had attended one semester at a university, but I told her that if she transferred to a community college that I would finally go to college and we could car pool together.

She surprisingly said yes and we both decided to go to community college in fall of 2013 (it was spring 2011 and too late to register), both majoring in Computer Science.

All throughout spring and summer I spent the time bonding more with her and trying to contact many computer repair stores so I could volunteer to work at one, and try to eventually get a paid position.

Computers is all I really know anything about, so I figured that no one would turn down a free worker and it could eventually get me a job.

I got turned down by two places and two other ones never contacted me.

Finally one kept pushing me off without saying no, and eventually gave my a 2 month volunteer position the same day I started college.

>here's were shit starts to fuck up again

>> No.512969

I was so happy going to school and work, but I have generalized anxiety disorder and I've never taken anything in life seriously until now.

I began to constantly have anxiety attacks and stress.

I did my absolute best at work, but I began falling behind in school.

I kept trying to push myself to the end of the 2 months, which would have landed my a job, but I was going to decline it to focus on school.

Ultimately, I couldn't pull it off and had to quit last minute via email (I felt bad, but I was mostly an assistant to everyone with no major responsibilities), just so I could complete an ass load of homework the very next day, which it was due at.

I had five classes, but had to drop two, so I start with five classes and a potential job paying $10 plus commission, and ended up with no job and three classes.

I was getting depressed at first, but I pulled off two As and a B, which gave me a sense of pride that I hadn't had in years.

The next semester went awful, the winder weather caused me to become depressed, my dad that I live with lost his job (I'm thankful that let me live rent free, but I felt bad knowing my mom was left to handle the bills), I only took three classes to take it slow, one of my teachers was an absolute cunt that said shit to me that could have gotten her fired, but I didn't want to go through the stress of trying to get her in trouble.

I did my best to tough it out, but multiple times my girlfriend almost broke up with me because I was being an asshole from all of the stress.

I finally got through the semester, I decided to transfer to a closer university to me, but I was determined not to go back to school without having done something good for myself over the summer.

I decided to try to pursue my dream of starting an internet company.

>continued, sorry for the long post

>> No.512970

>Barely graduated highschool with a 2.3 GPA.
>Broken home, regularly beaten by father and told I would work at McDonalds forever.
>No friends.
>Father forces me to go to a CC, I do poorly with a 3.0 GPA.
>Tried to kill myself at 19, woke up 3 days later, no one had even checked on me.
>Found a stupid videogame, Starcraft 2. Eventually become top 200 in the entire USA.... this was where my life changed forever; it taught me that I had talent and could do anything if I worked hard enough.
>Got a shit job, drifted for 2 years... miserably depressed. Smoked weed all day.
>Made some friends... by miracle. That's another story, but it's truly a 1 in 1 million chance that I met my best friend.
>Started realizing I am actually great socially, made tons of friends.

>Met my sister for the first time in my life when I was 22.
>She lives in NYC, works for a hedge fund, went to a shit school, and at 29 was making bank
>I dropped practically all my saving to visit her and meet her, best decision I've ever made. She became my mentor, and has helped me through the hardest times in my life.
>Went back to uni.
>Many, many highs and lows. I've cried more times than I can count. I've been disappointed in myself, proud... it was wild ride. Changing so drastically isn't easy; most of my biggest problems were things I could never even have predicted.
>Graduated four weeks ago.
>I've taken everything I own, with 2k to my name, and I'm in Brooklyn NYC all the way from Washington now.

Wish me luck, I'll probably need it!

>> No.512971

Over the summer I talked to my uncle, who is a financial adviser with many business-y friends.

I told him I wanted to try to start an internet company and asked if he knew anyone I could talk to.

It turns out there was a place at the uni I was transferring to that helps people learn how to start a business/company for free.

I went there, signed a confidentiality paper, explained what my idea and plan was, and he told me he wanted me to speak with an entrepreneur who attended that uni.

I soon met with the enrtrepreneur and he gave my a list of ~15 things I should do before I even try to start my company.

He wanted me to get an idea of the entrepreneurial industry more than anything else.

I completed his list, but I still didn't feel ready, so I wanted to talk to an investor.

Through a lot of trying and some luck, I got the email address of an entrepreneur and investor in St. Louis (near my hometown), who works with mobile technologies and has a network of over $300 million.

I was so intimated that I couldn't even feel anxious. Like, this guy only had 15 minutes because he had a last minute flight to catch on his private jet to Cali.

I tried to not talk about myself, but when I wanted to talk about him he seemed impatient.

So I skipped right to my situation and asked for his person advice.

He said he doesn't like my idea, but as an investor he's wrong the majority of and that I should do it anyway.

Over the next two weeks I got to meet with another entrepreneur and through all of their advice, I decided to change my internet company idea a bit.

Now everyone I know is really interested in it and I'm excited to finally complete it, even if it never makes money, I just want to use it because it's so cool.

So for right now, I've been juggling my first semester at uni, studying code, and trying to find a co-founder.

This semester isn't going as smoothly as my summer did, but I feel much more successful than I was a few years ago.

>> No.512972

Good job bro, I hope that outcome is more popular than not.

>> No.512974

Sometimes my struggles with anxiety and depression get to me like they used to, but when I think about this past year and especially type it out like this, I feel a lot better.

I still don't know exactly what the fuck I'm doing, I think anyone who over plans their life is lying to themselves just so they can trick themselves into thinking they have their shit together and all figured out.

I'm not sure how I'll do it, but I've never been so certain that I'll succeed at anything until this, as long as I keep trying.

So if any of you are around my age and look through these thread for motivation, just keep trying. You don't have to do a great job or even a good job, as long as you try your best at whatever your dream is, you're bound to succeed at it or at least find happiness along the way.

My favorite quote that always helps me is from Steve Jobs. Even though he was an asshole, I think he had a perspective unlike most people in business industries.

"You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards."

>> No.512981

>thanking god
Thank yourself and your bits of luck.

>> No.512983

good job man
keep it up!

>> No.512996

Stop thinking that everyone thinking about suicide wants attention, it really just shows your ignorance.

>> No.513008

Sounds great man.
>leasing a Jaguar
Nooo... Don't go down that path. Stop it, really.

>> No.514330


>come from a dead broke family (free lunch, hand me downs, that sort of shit)
>started working part-time at age 15, pretty much have been working since (24 now)
>pretty smart, didn't much like busywork at school
>didn't give a fuck about much anything, wanted to be an electrician (thought they made good money, poorfag dreams)
>a mentor of mine talked me into shooting higher, going to college, etc
>went to college (BBA in Finance), did good, fucked up
>fucked up
>fucked up
>fucked up
>never really got my shit together on the GPA side but killed it in terms of working part-time, extracurriculars, doing interesting side projects
>last couple semesters, picked it up
>out of work for 9 months after college
>finally get hired after 6 or so on-sites, maybe 10 phone interviews (didn't have any connections)
>salary+bonus around $50k, +/- $3k
>cheap cost of living ($100,000 houses, $500 rent, etc.)

I'll be honest, I settled in terms of a job. Pay is good, it's in finance (regional bank, meh), but yeah I'll work my way up.

I'm not super happy or anything, but the job is nice, and I'm still trying to figure out wtf I want to do with my life. Volunteer, yes, doing that. Just thinking of how much fucked up shit there is, and that I'm in a position to help, drives me. What else. Losing weight is probably next up. Cooking more. Excercising. Lots of brainstorming. Maybe I think too much (and feel) but idk, that's what I like most. Find what you like.

>> No.514354

I'm a web developer. I don't know if I'd be able to help realise your idea, but my goal by this age was to have launched some online product and maybe make a fraction of my income off it. I still haven't done it. So if you want someone to help you build it, or just bounce ideas off, or chat about technical challenges then here's a forwarding address for me, good for 7 days:


Regardless, best of luck with your idea anon.

>> No.514429

Invested into $LAKE a week ago, The end

>> No.514449


It is a ponzi, that's why you need to get in on the ground floor. There's no time to waste!

>> No.514473


>>graduated this year with no student debt,
>>2 degrees with honours (Law and Commerce),
>>$140k in the bank
>>live at home rent free with parents

... can't find work in my field and feel stuck in a rut

>> No.514497

>Been slacking my whole life
>Good grades only because mom beat me
>Forced into college because mom forced me to apply
>Somehow manage to slack through college and pass my exams
>been pretty much drunk every week(2-3 times) for past 3 years
>Manage to land job 2000km away
>Move, making $80k/year and saving $3,5k per month
>Still feel like breadcrumbs...i feel the need for more money but i have no clue what for.

>fml(also t..thhanks mom for beating some sense into me)

>> No.515308

God damn. Got me crying like a little bitch here.

>> No.515333
File: 671 KB, 2400x1632, 8Cc0TpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>from a dysfunctional family and a broken home
>most economically depressed part of Canada
>break back in freak accident, have spinal fusion
>only jobs are labor, swinging a shovel hurts my back
>le great recession of 2008-2011
>sell drugs
>make a fuckload of money
>get caught, go to prison for a few years
>get out, gamble a lot and end up selling drugs again
>get caught, go back to prison
>get out on bail, decide to turn life around
>take correspondence courses for upgrading
>use economic theory to bet on baseball/cryptocurrencies
>make l00t
>get into University somehow
>3.5 GPA first year
>start online business
>learn how to write emotionally charged essays from school/internet, give around 12-16 pages to the judge to read about "le crime factory" plus "the sociological issues that lead to me being a degenerate"
>get a suspended sentence under what my lawyer was recommending
>online business is doing well, still on the crypto-tip
>second year Uni switched to courses where I lack high school prerequisites and nobody notices
>here I am

It's fucking inspirational to me to type it out but I could see how some people could differ

pic should be inspirational enough

>> No.515335

idk if you are still around OP but you should hop into that hookers thread thats sitting on 30k for getting fucked all day.
>get rich
>get laid
if thats not success than I dont want to be successful.

>> No.515353

shieettt inspirational as heck

How was prison in Canada? Did they only have one kind of soda instead of multiple? Got any stories?

>> No.515358

Not bad I guess. I spent 11 weeks in "the hole" as well but you get a 15 inch flatscreen TV, showers and 1 hour rec everyday so I made do.

Pop is essentially currency in there, pepsi being more sought after than coke, I think there were probably a half dozen flavors including Barq's (my favorite). The underground economy is kind of interesting I made a thread about it here before but there wasn't much interest.

I dunno what you mean by "stories" lots of stuff happens I guess


this guy got his head chopped off


>> No.515363

I was joking about the soda bit but thats interesting.

How did inmates treat you up on arrival, is hazing common, what about violence? Are you big or smallish, from your spinal injury I'd assume you're not exactly menacing.

Just interesting as there's only really American prison documentaries on youtube and I've always wondered how the smaller guys or the ones that don't do particularly violent things get treated

>> No.515364

Bed-Stuy Do or Die!

>> No.515370


can you explain more the bet on baseball? poisson or something like that?

>> No.515377


well, from living degeneratively for a few years I knew quite a few people who were doing federal sentences or on their way. You go to "reception" first for 2-3 months with 80-120 other people where they decide what your security classification is. I was in the van on the way up with a buddy of mine and had a few other people I knew from outside jail there plus guys I knew from the range I was on in the county. I was sent to a prison afterwards where I knew I was going to have problems in because of stupid stuff from beforehand and I ended up getting my head split with ice bottles (lol, Canada) and poked a guy with a pen pretty good, anyways that's why I was in the hole for 11 weeks before being shipped to another pen.

At the new one was people I knew and in the few days I was in the other one I was basically a leper because of niggershit.

Anyways, I'm not a big guy or anything but if people know you're willing to fight they don't fuck with you. I'm pretty sure I ended up fighting friends of mine more often than perceived enemies just because being around each other all the time and looking out for your own self interests you're gonna drive each other nuts.

Prison skills are transferable to the business world. Sell drugs enough and you'll have a keen understanding of the invisible hand


Basically just watching the standings and keeping a running tally of pitchers. I didn't even do much to do with offense, just aggregate benchmark type numbers. The truth is, the people who set the odds don't know much about sabermetrics so if you get a handle on them you've got an edge.

I just read "trading bases," got autistic and made some excel spreadsheets. Being on house arrest definitely helped since it took a while and updating the pitching stats can get annoying but if you have the dedication it can pay off. Just eat up every sabermetric stat you can (pitching specific but emphasize OBS for hitting) and make safe pics.

>> No.515386

I see.

From what I get from documentaries and movies the inmates "test" you upon arrival by fighting you or something. How true is this?

Can you say anything about how more introverted or not really confrontational people get treated? Do they just generally get left alone?

Are there many gangs in Canadian prison? I'm guessing you could just join the Aryan Brotherhood or something if shit hits the fan and blacks are mean to you.

>> No.515390
File: 548 KB, 203x335, aewdfg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying any currency isn't a ponzi

>> No.515396

> ditched high school every day to go skate, except for test days
> aced tests
> graduated with a 2.3 GPA and never taking my SATs
> fuck what do I do now?
> might as well join the Army and go get killed
> forgot that I applied for a music scholarship
> mostly just as a joke
> got the scholarship
> entire first year of college comped, plus dorms, and entrance into a workstudy program so I can earn beer money
> stoked

(more to come)

>> No.515399

> graduate college with a 3.7
> fuck what am I gonna do now?
> I don't want to fucking teach
> get a shitty job in a call center
> promoted within six weeks
> then promoted again
> then promoted again
> become a programmer


>> No.515401

well, it's not really a "test" moreso someone will come to your cell to ask you a bunch of questions you should know the answers to (are you a rat, are you a sex offender, do you know ____ etc) most questions are best answered "no." In my provincial county it's a whole 'nother thing, basically the mentality is if you aren't a career criminal you shouldn't be in general population and better not have any "skeletons" in your closet. The pen is much more laid back, people doing long sentences who'd like to see a minimum security pen someday.

I dunno, you can "do your own time" by yourself if you want but it gets really slow and tedious. I'm a pretty social person so during lockdowns I'd get a little shack whacky.

Racial gangs aren't really a thing in Canada. There are plenty of gangs but they don't follow racial lines. One guy came up from Idaho and turned a bunch of dumb, impressionable white kids doing long sentences into "Aryan Knights" then went back to the states and left them with shitty tattoos. I had friends who were neo nazi types but they weren't serious about it and would talk to blacks all the time. Out West there are a LOT of Native Gangs so I can't really comment on that.

Basically if you just chill, don't bother anyone and don't take shit you'll be fine. Just learn to work out so people might have to think twice. If a fights ever "unfair" (more than 1:1) there's usually a good reason for it

>> No.515402

> get married
> get a job with Y2K project
> wife decides to get a divorce
> she tells me on Christmas fucking day 1999
> I say no because wtf bitch its Christmas
> week of hell
> give up and say fuck it and move out, on New Years Eve, 1999
> get laid off two weeks later because, surprise, its 2000 and nothing broke because we did our jobs right
> nobody wants to hire me because everyone thinks Y2K was a waste of time
> people have no idea how close we all came to chaos
> struggle to see my kid, while looking for a new home and new job
> fuck its hard to get a home without a job
> fuck its hard to see my kid without a home
> network my way into Wells Fargo
> get promoted within 2 months
> become network security analyst
> move to competitor
> become DBA/implementation engineer
> move to marketing firm
> make more money as data analyst
> move to non profit
> make more money as data manager
> move to IBM
> make more money as business intelligence analyst
> move to retailer
> make fat stacks of cash as merchandising manager

that's the short version

>> No.515407

>Basically if you just chill, don't bother anyone and don't take shit you'll be fine. Just learn to work out so people might have to think twice.

Do you have access to books and stuff there? Would an introverted person who doesn't really want to bother anyone or be confrontational be left alone if they stay out of other people's business? Which province are you from also

>> No.515408

>especially growing up upper middle class).
fuck you. you have all the opportunity in the world.

>> No.515411

Never met parents
Depressed, dropped out of university after a year
Got a new start, 18 y/o currently
Assets to reach $2 million by end of 2014.

>> No.515416

You can get books sent in with your "pen package" which is clothes, books, stereo, N64, your TV etc that your family can send in. I hid a few of my books cuz some people think it's kinda strange to read books that aren't John Grisham or the Bible (I remember hiding "all the pretty horses" because it had a faggy title, lol) but reading's fine, just would be kinda weird in the circle I was hanging in. There's a library but it's not a good one. Mostly shitty fiction, fantasy and geography books that make you want to get out. I got "the art of war" and would bug an older guy for good books he had (learned Nietzsche is a lazy faggot in prison). Played a lot of chess with a buddy of mine and ended up beating mom boucher's former driver who was apparently the best in the jail at the time. I don't really want to say what province I'm from but just know it's the most economically depressed on (2 possibilities I guess, I'm from the less french one).

I can't really say for sure about a hypothetical introverted person per se just going on that alone without knowledge of their location or anything but chances are they'd be alright, you're gonna have to make friends though eventually, just be careful who you choose

>> No.515420

What if you have no family or friends to send you things or bail you out? How does that work?

>> No.515422

really, the best way to get books is just to find the smarter, older and more educated inmates. There was a physicist in prison who taught a buddy of mine some stuff, lol.

You don't really need books to learn though. If you have interest in business and strategy you can glean nuggets from a lot of different things. We also got HBO and the movie network, lol.

>> No.515423

you can ask an inmate to send you in a package which will have a TV, some clothes, CDs, just enough stuff to make it look like an actual package and somewhere in there (usually in the TV, sewn into clothes or in the alarm clock) there will be drugs. Sometimes they will give you some but it depends. People do it frequently and get away with it.

>> No.515425

A commodity isn't a 'ponzi', you fucking idiot. That's not how gold or silver worked.

>> No.515429


people use the term "ponzi" interchangeably with "scam" basically to add emphasis. Ponzi is the Holocaust of financial transactions

>> No.515430

Why the heck would an inmate give you free things?

My question is more of how does it change your experience if no family/close friends to send you money to buy stuff with or to send you stuff in general

>> No.515438


because you're getting a package sent to the jail with your name on it. You have to have someone on the outside willing to call the jail to verify that they will be the one sending the package. Pretty sure you can use a fake person.

You can acquire items from other people pretty easily if you get involved in the tobacco/drugs trade and don't use much yourself. Even selling medication and canteen items can get you clothes, video games etc. Just gotta stay on that hustle

The whole
family outside I you inside

is pretty hard on everyone, you get $16/2 weeks "welfare" if you don't have a prison job, if you do you get slightly more and get out your cell during the day.

I dunno, to stay sane, I basically tried to trick myself into believing I wasn't in prison (as many do) and would rarely wear institutional garb, got a job where I didn't have to stand up to be counted etc.

>> No.515454

>because you're getting a package sent to the jail with your name on it. You have to have someone on the outside willing to call the jail to verify that they will be the one sending the package.

I'm not sure I understand this.

So lets say you have enough money and stuff but you don't have any close friends or family to bail you out or send you things. Is it somehow possible to bail yourself out or send yourself things?

The rest makes sense however.

>> No.515467

>first time offender
>tfw no fam
>tell a well integrated inmate from the same place as you
>get them to put someone down as the person who will send in your package for you
>they get someone to gather up items to make it look like it's not just a cover for bringing in contraband
>will be filled with drugs (usually pills as dogs can't smell them)
>keep the non drug contents of the package and maybe some drugs when it arrives

The money you get arrested with (assuming it's not part of the evidence) will follow you. You can order clothes, shoes, hobby supplies etc. but at the institution I was at the CO in charge of that would take some off the top so it'd be pretty expensive.

Bail hearings in county all depend on the case, your record etc. You can be released on your own but it's easier to get out if you have a surety (someone who's willing to put up property/cash and promise to pay it if you go on the run before trial)

>> No.515476

well, I managed to turn this inspirational thread into a discussion of the depressing prison industrial complex

The point is, I'm here posting about it instead of being inside griping about it

>> No.515493

Ok that makes sense. Thank you.

Do you also get sent to a babby prison if it didn't involve violence in any way? Tell us some interesting stories you've experienced too, I'm sure others are reading as well

>> No.515517

I went to a high medium because of the stuff that happened in the other pen and they classified me as a gang associate which wasn't true. I'd prefer to post positive type things in the spirit of the thread, yknow.

The federal government announced plans to charge inmates for room and board (went through already) so we "went on strike" and cost the jail money. They didn't open the canteen either because a few inmates were stealing from it and we went on strike in protest as well.

Knew a guy who made 50K from selling drugs/tobacco in 6-9 months because he didn't use anything and people respected him because he apparently stabbed someone. He was quite small as well, but loud

We found out a guy was in for stealing panties so we called him "the panty bandit" shaved his eyebrows and basically tortured him relentlessly to ensure he'd never come back on a serious sex charge (as many do)

Met the funniest guy I've ever met in my life. Had the facial characteristics of Jim Carey but was smarter, funnier and better at telling stories. He wrote 200 pages of his life story in prison and it was beyond hilarious and triumphant. He moved across the country after getting out (after escaping from a minimum security prison) and is likely doing well

Fat native guard would give guys blowjobs

We made a guy "check in" (PC) for bullying his smaller cellmate

I dunno, lots of stuff I guess. There were some genuinely funny/nice times. When people are all in the same boat and experiencing the same shitty conditions it can bring them closer together. There was an absolutely insane scitzo on a lockdown range I was on where you never got out your cell and we laughed all night at the stuff he'd say

>> No.515518

well I gotta study for my midterm tomorrow all the best /biz/ might check tomorrow

>> No.515522

Damn sounds like you had a good time. Good luck on midterm anon

>> No.515565

>Today I make $10,000/month
>loving relationship
I've got news for you buddy.

>> No.516188


If you live in the developed world, I'm sure it does. People have blinders on. They only see what put in front of them by their peers or family.


Oil related, but not typical oil rig/platform work.


Go for it, bro. Fuck anyone who opposes you. Following your dreams can only lead to happiness. You can never fail as long as you're doing whatever the fuck you want to do. True failure is doing whatever everyone else is doing. Hint: if everyone else is doing it, it's not going to produce different results.


Answered above, won't go into details.


Ha... ha....ha!! Keep making excuses for yourself. You're going down a bad path, buddy. I did my apprenticeship with people from much poorer families than myself. Single mother type families. Blacks. White trash. The one thing in common? We all have the drive to make our lives better. You sit there and do nothing, thus achieving nothing. GROW SOME FUCKING NUTS, GO OUT THERE AND FAIL! Failing is fucking awesome! Lose your fucking mind, go insane, stop for nothing.


Actually, she was with me before I got into this. She pays half the rent, her half for meals. Takes care of her car bills, etc. There was a time period I was living off of her money to eat. So I'd say it's safe to say I'm not being used for money. I don't really buy her anything except for on holidays.

>> No.517783


>> No.517788


I stopped being a loser and got my shit together. I got a job, apologized to my parents for dropping out of college, and started getting work in my field of study. I graduated three years later than I normally would have but I'm also able to pay for a car, an apartment and cable internet. Already married and will probably have a second kid before I turn 30. I'm not rich but I'm happy and I'll probably be able to afford a home by the time I turn 40.

It's called growing up.

>> No.517821


I'm late as fuck but I don't care, I gotta say that was really good, regardless if it is a true story or not.

Some people just have horrible lives and keep on living, and here I am, complaining about stupid shit on an internet imageboard

>> No.518114

I've only got ~$20k in assets and $10k liquid and I'm only 24

losing a job sucks

>> No.518128


>> No.518152
File: 29 KB, 400x400, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tears pouring down my face like a river.

>> No.518173


I have $0 in assets

about $150 liquid

and $12,000 in debt...

I only make about $16,000 a year after taxes.

I fucking live with my parents.

I'm 27 years old...

>> No.518186

Awesome work and nice dubs. What time frame does your tale take place over?

>> No.518189


I can pay all of my expenses as long as I don't move out to live at an apartment.

>> No.518196


Don't even care if it's real.

>> No.518223


I have ~$150,000 net in assets

$12,000 liquid

a $30,000 student loan

I make $71,000 a year

I live with my parents

I'm 27 years old

1987 bros WW@?

>> No.518803

>people have no idea how close we all came to chaos
explain nigger