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50583444 No.50583444 [Reply] [Original]

It's interfering with trading decisions

>> No.50583471

Dunno I'm getting it from my gums being infected, been on antibiotics for a month and it filled back up again and shot pus everywhere, I'm in such terrible throbbing pain but I can't pull the tooth cause I have no money.
My life blows donkey dick.

>> No.50583476

Single fairly large dose of ketamine

>> No.50583485

Just don't get the vax? Problem solved.

>> No.50583487

many such cases

>> No.50583490

Generic text bot thread
First and second post are bots too

>> No.50583495

I'm a pureblood

>> No.50583496


>> No.50583522
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Start eating sardines.

>> No.50583529

Same kek, that guys just an idiot.

>> No.50583535

iodine and selenium
cod liver oil

>> No.50583540

Spend some time away from vaxxies. You're body needs to defend from their shedding.

>> No.50583550

Try swishing with coconut oil (oil pulling)

>> No.50583573

Using cholorhexidine?
Mouthwash and salting it as much as possible but the tooths so dead it's just reinfecting my body.
I gotta go get it yanks asap just can't afford it, once I can it's going, I just got on a different antibiotic Clindamycin hoping it helps since I think my tolerance to amox and bactrim is too high they don't work anymore.

>> No.50583583

Imagine unironically taking the vaccine.

You are the weakest willed, saddest excuse for, faggot imaginable.

>> No.50583588


Stop smoking weed and taking drugs.

>> No.50583591

lose weight
get better sleep
drink more water
dont drink or smoke weed/drugs

>> No.50583600

Its got to be to q pretty girl though, not some degenerate shit like private society where you get all excited for the depravity some of them indulge in.

>> No.50583619

>wondering why you have brain fog?

>> No.50583625

Stop eating too much sugar

>> No.50583634
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If it's caused by what's being put in the body or what's in the body, then removal and discontinuation is required. Cleaner / more whole / closer to nature eating would eventually fix most. Like if all you ate was modern glyphosate-laden wheat and associated foodstuffs you'd probably be in a perpetual fog, it's just hard for most to not eat "normal" food.

>> No.50583716
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exercise, dont eat processed food, sleep 8hr/day,

>> No.50583721

how many booster shots did you take?

>> No.50583732

>he thinks malicious satanic Jews manipulating global markets is brain fog

>> No.50583735

covid will give you brain damage and much worse brain fog

OP stem cells. but religious nutbags like those posters made them illegal

>> No.50583754

You can get 2% chloroxohedine mouthwash for dental purposes off of eBay. Funny enough the product is Israeli.. well I used to have tongue thrush and I mixed the 2% with normal mouthwash. Been using it for about a week and my thrush is gone. So chlorohexidine is great defense for the mouth

>> No.50583778

Also any of you anons sticking your tongues inside female vaginas; you most likely already have candida growth in your mouth and don’t even know it. The more you eat the more the fungus grows and invades internal organs/ skin.. it starts from the female

>> No.50583785

Yoga and limiting browsing did wonders for me desu.

>> No.50583821
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Unless you have specific health reasons that you feel should preclude you, you could buy some time by starting a juice fast or doing juice feasting or similar as much as possible, with whatever best juices you can get. The break from the solid SAD food or whatever you're eating allows the body to deal with the infection much better. Bonus points if you consume something that keeps you more regular too, cherry juice, prunes or whatever it is because right now the body has an endless waste heap to persist that infection. It sounds simplistic but if you want to understand this conceptually, just imagine someone with a cold swilling down low quality homogenized milk, they're just gonna become more mucusy and congested and prolong the duration of their cold and their body's efforts. Doing the above would have the opposite effect, there's a reason when an animal is sick it lies down and stops eating. Also I know this can actually provide relief, inb4 muh sugar.

>> No.50583878

covid only enters the permeable homo sex brain

>> No.50583987

Exercise every day and eat your veggies. It's not rocket science

>> No.50584184

Find a dental school and let the students do it. They are actually pretty good

>> No.50584560


>> No.50584647
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should've got the vax. Covid will never leave your body and you will be eternally infected. Us vaxxed chads feel fresh and focussed.

>> No.50584669

lions mane tincture

>> No.50584836

Literally visit a doctor and ask him to do a blood test once a month screening your vitamins, minerals and hormones. Don't let him make the conclusions, make sure you get the data and then research yourself.
Probably you are inflamed in some way.
That could be fucked up gut lining, lack of minerals, vitamins or just protein and omega 3 fats. It could be shitty cleaning &hygene products you use or just excess sugar consumption. Maybe you have a drinking or smoking habit. Do you even lift?

>> No.50584958

I've been extremely depressed so I decided to get into weed. I'll be honest, it did work, at first. Now my tolerance is insanely high and I just blow money on chasing the high. I've decided to quit and it's extremely difficult. I am CONSTANTLY miserable and weed is genuinely a solution. Way better than getting SSRIs imo...

>> No.50584974

congrats you are a druggie

>> No.50585036


>> No.50585055

open your goddamn window

>> No.50585074

Stop taking drugs

Your probably an American taking disgusting amounts of adderall, Xanax, etc. Also please lose weight

>> No.50585174

Lions Mane Mushroom works well for that and if you are adventurous take psychedelic mushrooms too
Both taken together actually result in the new neural pathways created in your brain to be permanent rather than dying shortly after the trip.
Done right this can be used to mindmaxx
Brainfog will just be a foggy memory.
It worked for me and permanently raised my baseline happiness
I am ALWAYS happy and it takes a lot to upset me and even more to KEEP me upset
I had brain fog too as a result of chemotherapy so I know how bad it could get

>> No.50585218

What lions mane do you use

>> No.50585245

Take a break from 4chan, go to bed earlier, and be consistent with your sleeping schedule, don't eat or drink anything other than water 2-3h before bed, Read pages of a book, and solve simple equations.

>> No.50585251

I don't think I sent you to a worse place than where I am now, I hit rock bottom playing my first nft game, not fun but it certainly gave me some dopamine knowing I am making money, maybe I should stick with champ for a while until the fog is over

>> No.50585252

Consume boron and baking soda mixed into water, it will remineralize your teeth and kill the bacteria. I also suggest consuming kefir, helps fight off the bacteria and your bones. The antibiotics do nothing as you are simply nuking your immune system, with nothing actually healing your body at the same time.

>> No.50585260

The brand doesn't really matter just pony up for anything organic/no pesticides
When you search it up it'll show you the ones used for medicinal purposes but you could always just grow and eat them yourself
As for the shrooms the ones I ate were called Penis Envy which are more potent than normal but I would reccomend just taking a gram so it feels like you are having a good high while being in a good mood with a gentle reminder in the back of your head to clean your room or for get some exercise.
Take 3.5Grams like my first time and be punished for having any insecurities or fears.

>> No.50585272

Dude pull it the fuck out. You can get heart or brain infection.

>> No.50585370

Tyrosine also induces mania and insomnia because excess dopamine without natural management is converted into noradrenaline

>> No.50585390

Have a nice cold glass of milk.

>> No.50585392

If you're too pussy to even try sardines you're ngmi

>> No.50585412

daily walks
plenty of water
stay away from short content that turns you into a drone, shit like tiktok and yt shorts

>> No.50585445

would have been a good idea decades ago, now, not so much


>In 56% of fish, researchers detected pharmaceutical quantities at levels “above which we expect negative effects”, according to the study. One bonefish sampled in Key West tested positive for 17 pharmaceuticals – eight of them antidepressants that were up to 300 times above the human therapeutic level. Pharmaceutical exposure in south Florida’s bonefish was “widespread and concerning”, the study concluded.

>> No.50585470
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>mania and insomnia because excess dopamine without natural management is converted into noradrenaline
hey man, don't just call out my life like that

>> No.50586582

>bro just dump sugar on your bacterial infection

>> No.50586813


>> No.50586896

I started taking a drop of iodine on my tongue every other day and have started reading books again for the first time since I was a kid.

>> No.50587057

That sounds great. I'm only on fish oil and D3+K2. Would iodine interfere with anything? I would love to start reading again too