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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 710 KB, 1310x1050, bizGirlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5058321 No.5058321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bid on your future crypto-wife

>> No.5058337

i want full body pics b4 i bet on these HO's

>> No.5058347
File: 353 KB, 960x539, IMG_4908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5058363
File: 27 KB, 315x325, 6686-856759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i want one of these attention whores

>> No.5058392
File: 38 KB, 419x467, 890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

claiming 1

check my digital sig

>> No.5058394
File: 1.93 MB, 1598x1586, 324324243543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 dgb, pic related

>> No.5058399
File: 54 KB, 601x400, 666rfidchipII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>future crypto wife wont be able to use coins unless she has the chip

>> No.5058404

1 dogecoin for 1 of each gril rotating every night

>> No.5058405

Stop teasing and post everything from 1.

>> No.5058414


50000 LINK for #1

>> No.5058420

10XMR for the redhead

>> No.5058515

Dream on newfag. Based Joan of Ark is pure and doesn't accept any payments , she just camera whores to shill her favorite coin - ARK.

>> No.5058727

thefuck is this recent trend?

I guess I have to ask my gf if she wants to post her boobs with a wallet adress, to see if the thirst is real.

>> No.5058829

I will never have a wife.
If you are not chad sm-master alpha bro.... its better to stay away from them all.

>> No.5058934


>thefuck is this recent trend?

crypto got big enough that the fucking roasties took notice
they can smell the money and now are circling /biz/tards like a bunch of sharks

here is where it gets interesting though: bizraelis are mostly bluepilled betas with zero experience in regard to women
so in a couple of years theyll all be rich but the skanks will take them to the cleaners
legions of anons are gonna get filthy rich only to lose it all over some second-hand pussy.
its gonna be hilarious to watch the greatest. cuckening of our time

>> No.5059018
File: 1.75 MB, 2458x3300, biz_buys_a_car2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legions of anons are gonna get filthy rich only to lose it all over some second-hand pussy.
>its gonna be hilarious to watch the greatest. cuckening of our time
Yeah, this is what I expect to happen when one of those
>how many $COIN do I need to fuck a girl like her
finally manage to "buy" themselves into a girls heart and think that they are oh so bluepilled and can outsmart a "roastie".
fun times ahead and a whole new generation of pink wojacks.
pic semirelated.

>> No.5059035


Before you start paying roasties for your attention, please read heartiste.wordpress.com

>> No.5059067


lmao unironically pic related is what awaits the average biztard
they will literally go out, buy expensive shit and wonder why women arent jumping on their cocks

>> No.5059089

I would do nasty things to number 2 for 0.1 BTC

>> No.5059094



.000001 DGB because I'm feeling generous today

>> No.5059218

1DGB only for the second pic of number 1

>> No.5060049

anon i...

I thought all people who lurk here are people who also lurk /pol/, /r9k/ etc.

that has to be someones gf right? There's no way that many girls are on /biz/
>inb4 whatever you are going to say

>> No.5060181

>that has to be someones gf right? There's no way that many girls are on /biz/
These are the girls that have broke free from the constraints of society to sacrifice themselves to the emerging Alpha crypto males. More will arrive shortly, but for now these are who we have to fight over.

>> No.5060235

stupid ass thread

>> No.5060304
File: 12 KB, 164x250, crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 BNT on 1 and 4

>> No.5060305
File: 25 KB, 600x512, A686B011-EA4B-4618-9F9F-C0D13CDC9C79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait this is a real thing? Thought it was photoshopped

>> No.5060329

>I thought all people who lurk here are people who also lurk /pol/, /r9k/ etc.

lol Im talking about people with real world experience with women, not some fags who read shit on the internet
4chan autists are gonna fold like a lawnchair the first time they get a whiff of some pussy

>> No.5060414


Bumps out of concern...

Also: 1 is mine - anyone who says otherwise - I'm afraid I'll have to kill with a spoon, sorry... x

>> No.5060442
File: 27 KB, 400x501, 491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are gainz guzzlers, begone thots

>> No.5060467

shit you are probably right then. Personally i cant look at even the most beautiful women without having all the "redpill" stuff in my head.

truely the power of crypto is unstopable

>emerging Alpha crypto males.

>> No.5060478

My net worth is about 6kk and I dont buy any of the shit these retards buy with their gains, i.e. watches, designer clothes, cars; I drink alcohol once month maybe, I don't do drugs because I dont like my emotional state to be tampered with by drugs.
I play my 2k dollar guitar in my 300k flat and drive a 10k car.
The only thing i splurge on is tech.
And even that I don't show off.
People buying expensive shit for showing off never 'make it'.
Also, I have a gf who knows I dont ever have to work again in my life. But I do because I love what I do. Her last painting netted her 8k.
Don't chase the 'rich life' it's emptier than what you've got now. If you flaunt your wealth people will despise you.

>> No.5060499

Objective order
1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>your hand>>>>>>>>>>4>>3

>> No.5060512

FYI the readhead also posted here.


>> No.5060517

There is a high overlap between redpilled pick up artist fuck bitches types, ethno state nationalist types, fuck the government types and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. So despite the numerous autists on here who will fold there will be much more who won't. Clear indicator of biz demographics is any time a bluepilled normie posts about showing there crypto gains to "the wife" or paying taxes the anon is anally destroyed and roasted. With roasties attention whoring on the board getting attention from the betas and roasted by the majority.

>> No.5060585
File: 53 KB, 480x354, hellowaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5060586
File: 82 KB, 460x515, B8AA4987-74FA-4DC9-A380-74D05D3E3631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5060588

And to contribute, would pump and dump all four of them.

>> No.5060605

>emerging Alpha crypto males

money doesn't magically turn you Alpha, anon

>> No.5060606

these women are all 6/10 at best

get some standards

>> No.5060621

Fuck off with your gay nigger virgin useless post.

T. Virgin.
Literally kys yourself lad

>> No.5060631

i looked through that thread and it was by far the grossest thing i've done today

redhead was not there

>> No.5060656

You must be number 3. Sorry nobody wants to bang you, hoodrat.

>> No.5060657

Where did u get this lol

>> No.5060736

>There is a high overlap between redpilled pick up artist fuck bitches types, ethno state nationalist types, fuck the government types and cryptocurrency enthusiasts
>mfw Im literally all of those things anon just described

and here I thought I was a special snowflake :/

>> No.5060810

We truly are /b/iz now. Fuck off newfags sage and report, this board isn't for useless spammy shit like this.

>> No.5060816

is this the new revolution fellas?