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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 600x399, Homes.com-New-Construction-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50577456 No.50577456 [Reply] [Original]

>that'll be 500k, plus lot premium

>> No.50577492

I wouldn't be surprised if these are less sturdy than trailers.

>> No.50577507

Why are u mad this is what you have been fighting for ever. 4chan always and i mean ALWAYS sucked the dick of property owning class. You parasites didnt just lick the boot you straight up deepthroat it. If there was a powerful authority figure or institutions you bet your ass 4chan would be there playing devils advocate for that poor boomer or any other type of parasite. Well good luck now lmao die parasite

>> No.50577620
File: 66 KB, 1000x400, house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao do amerimutts really? i wouldnt use plywood for a shed lmao

looks like i could punch through that wall

>> No.50577645

In my sunny european country you can get a much better house for 500k €. I'm afraid you have a little bubble in your housing market, my burgerbros.

>> No.50577659
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>> No.50577662
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Americans live in wooden houses that get blown away every couple of years by a random tornado bahahaha

>> No.50577754

this but unironically

>> No.50577760

and i wondered how did chris chan manage to punch a hole in a wall

>> No.50577790

LOL @ poorfags who can't afford even this

>> No.50577970
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 1655235751309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brick lasts longer, dont make the same mistake as these guys.

>> No.50578006

You don't only get to own a cardboard house but you also must deal with the home owner association

>> No.50578058

>live in pacific northwest
>like everywhere in America, most houses are made of wood
>they slowly rot and are covered in moss after just a few years of rain for 3/4ths of the year
>often become infested with termites and carpenter ants

Why do we do this? I feel like it probably started in frontier settler times and we just never changed it

>> No.50578111

The CIA assassinates anyone that tries to build with masonry.

>> No.50578129
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>No tip

>> No.50578242

The amount of Eurocucks and City soibeen faggots in this thread... I realize how faggoty biz in threads like these. Bet none of you have even touched a hammer before.

>> No.50578307
File: 80 KB, 600x536, 1639881666575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual fucking state
One step above paper mache

>> No.50578666

How is that heat wave going on Euro? Gotta love those houses that keep in as much heat as possible right? Unlike all these houses designed to stay cool.

>> No.50578733

It really is depressing how little the average retard knows about what goes into building their home, and no I don't mean the sad state of these mcmansions, I mean people like this retard >>50577760 thinking that drywall and the wall of the house are the same thing and this retard >>50577492 who thinks that a double wide with a drop ceiling is remotely similar to a wood framed house on a concrete slab

>> No.50578742

>wouldn't be surprised if these are less sturdy than trailers.
You should see the compaction underneath most of these. Dumb spic workers will just fill it with roots and organic material which will cause a structural failure in a few years

>> No.50578779

>that goy who is still coping with forfeiting 50% of his post tax wages for 30 years in exchange for a plywood box built by minimum wage Mexicans in 3 weeks

>> No.50578818
File: 32 KB, 1130x900, 1428319076756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are old houses the way to go? My house is over 100 years old and is still solid.

>> No.50578884

Pretty well. My house keeps a nice temperature even 2 weeks into the heat wave thanks to all the thermal mass. Your burger education is showing if you think masonry only has advantages in the winter.
And funny, how these "houses designed to stay cool" all have to blast AC 24/7 to be livable. Seems like pretty shitty "design" if you ask me, all those paper-thin walls that let the heat in from the outside, but what do I know.

>> No.50578908

>Dumb spic workers
Who's dumb? The spic workers for cutting corners and drinking on the job? The foreman who turns a blind eye to it all? The developers who literally don't visit the site and don't give a damn as long as they get their 8%? Or the newly minted property owner who just signed over the equivalent of sixty years' rent for something that won't last half that, blissfully unaware they're being robbed blind.
>t. rentcuck, enjoy your mortgage payments, property taxes, and home repair costs.

>> No.50578943

Imagine renting and not needing to maintain fucking anything lol
You dont even need to buy appliances !

>> No.50578954

I actually did punch various holes in a rental once

I have no idea how rain and wind doesn't knock this shit down, most of the housing is hollow

>> No.50578987

Old city houses are often disasters that you aren't even allowed to properly renovate

>> No.50579063

Whoooooooweeeee I tell you whut: them there cardboard walls have that CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING. I’d trade some 3” thick masonry from 50+ years ago for just a little bit of modern convenience

Sure would suck to be baking in a glorified stone kiln in the summer

>> No.50579077
File: 180 KB, 420x234, Untitled.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to work your entire life to have your own place to sleep

>> No.50579151

>New Maintenance Request
>Priority: low
>Subject: Kitchen sink drain leaking, nbd I have a bucket for it just fix when convenient.
Was fixed in a matter of hours on the weekend, just had to act dumb about what exactly caused the connection between the broken garbage disposal unit and drain pipe to burst.
Ownership probably makes sense financially if you actually put in the effort to do your own maintenance and repairs but I'm under the impression most property owners just contracts out the work at exorbitant rates to people who know how to wrangle addled druggies.

>> No.50579191

>it's yet another episode of Americans violently sperging to defend their cardboard houses

omega kek, my favourite part is how you guys still make your roofs from tar paper KEK.

>> No.50579207

>designed to stay cool
lol retard

>> No.50579215

Brick houses:
>optimal in geologically stable areas, will crack in an earth quake or on unstable ground
>don't ventilate too well
>renovation is hard, in some cases illegal due to historical property laws
>Peak cozy maybe next to log cabins

Wood houses:
>Allow for some give/movement, ideal for life on a swamp/bayou
>Excellent ventilation
>Prone to flooding if not properly sealed
>Easy as shit to renovate, you can put walls/windows/etc wherever the fuck with relatively basic tools
>Cheaper to build
>May not last as long, but wood that is kept dry can maintain integrity for hundreds of years

Both types of construction have pros/cons, and the best one depends on your local climate and geological atability. Also, each one of those "pieces of cardboard" is like 1/2-3/4" thick and weighs almost 100lb, you fucking pussies couldn't punch through drywall nvm plywood. Although I will admit, OSB is bush league, fuck OSB, it should only be used for walkways/paths for machinery to get around without creating a mudpit. But there's a vapor barrier and siding added as well, a well vb'd house won't wick water in like brick houses can

>> No.50579250

>Also, each one of those "pieces of cardboard" is like 1/2-3/4" thick and weighs almost 100lb


>Gets a little water or even just atmospheric moisture on it
>Swells, rots, molds, your house is now ruined

>> No.50579268

Maybe. If they've been updated. If just old as fuck
>Made of cancer
>Wired by an alcoholic and not up to code so you have to pay $10,000 or die/get sued
>No modern heating/cooling
>Foundation likely fucked
Updated old houses are kino though imo

>> No.50579323

>Take off half a dozen pieces of siding
>Remove wet/rotting plywood
>Maybe replace studs if they're rotten, if just wet let dry for a few hours with a fan on it
>Replace wet insulation
>Put new drywall back
>Apply new vapor barrier
>Re-attach siding
Wow it's an afternoon of work, have fun smearing plastic cement all over your 350 year old cracking mortar in the pouring rain like a fucking animal, nigel

>> No.50579360


>> No.50579391


>> No.50579394

because you are retarded, its like aerodynamics of a rocket

of course you don't understand.

>> No.50579409

this has to be bait

>> No.50579453

>bro just replace entire wall sections of your house every time there is a little leak

Lmao, Americans, also

>wet studs
>let dry for a few hours with a fan

Tell me more about how you have never picked up a hammer in your life.

>> No.50579514

>morbidly obese mutt disassembling his cardboard box every time it gets wet

>> No.50579528
File: 27 KB, 853x543, 1428818334896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you please not cyber bully me

>> No.50579583

i mean, i don't see anything wrong with what that mutt is saying

>> No.50579703

If you think all that shit is an "afternoon of work" you are on crack. By the time you have pulled and replaced trim, filled, plastered, painted multiple coats, etc... You are looking at least a few days. Then add on, what if it's on the second story or higher, what if the studs are structural elements that you can't just yolo pull out, what if you need to pull windows and doors, what if pipework and electrical runs through studs you need to replace, etc....

>Just do all this shit every time you get a little water ingress


>> No.50579737

Oh plus the cost to do all this, your fuel and time for trip/s down to the hardware store plus renting a trailer if you can't fit sheets of drywall in your vehicle unless you want to break up the drywall and do even more fucking plastering work.

>> No.50579770

Lmao nice cope but euros literally just cope with the heat everyone knows you can't afford air conditioning. We use it because it costs like $20 in power (1 weeks wages in europistan) to keep a house cool for a month

>> No.50580053

Right until your shitty and ancient 110V grid collapses again due to decades of mismanagement and neglected maintenance and investments and people start dying like flies when the AC stops working.

>you can't afford air conditioning
>it because it costs like $20 in power (1 weeks wages in europistan) to keep a house cool for a month
lmao even

>> No.50580358

That's only if it leaks somewhere, typically nothing should be leaking. Also ya, if the wood isn't rotten all it takes is a few hours to dry the outside and then it will equalize throughout the board and wick out over time. You don't need it 100% bone dry really. Also it's funny you say I've never picked up a hammer because I used to do masonry work lol, I've literally built brick buildings/walls. I've also done sheet metal work, which is kind of just a finishing trade, but still, I've done repairs like I described and have had no issues. I've done repairs like that on extremely critical buildings like hospitals and generating stations never mind just houses, nothing happened

>> No.50580682

Of course they're less sturdy. A trailer has to be able to stand up to traveling at highway speeds. Houses are not designed to withstand any kind of motion. If the foundation moved an inch or two it will cause cracks in the wall and every door and window jams in its frame.

>> No.50581013

Bongs were literally dying from 100 degrees which is like average temperatures in half the US lmao keep coping in your commie block

>> No.50581032

Amerisharts can't be serious with this shit.

>> No.50581161

>t. no-aircon cope
we can afford to blast A/C all day and night. we don't care. imagine being a europoor LOL

>> No.50581174

Repairs and maintenance are factored into the cost of rent, you dumb nohomers hahaha

>> No.50581201

how hard is it to build your own house if you do everything except elecrical+hvac. Are there any comprehensive tutorials out there?

>> No.50581348

this seems comfy as long as i don't have you know what's for neighbors

>> No.50581350

Are we talking the “I want to sell it as real property with modern amenities” type or the “gubment can’t find me out here” type?

>> No.50581358

lol teenage angst

>> No.50581441

Europeans live in 200 year old stone houses that have 1/4 as many outlets as rooms and instead of proper lighting they have bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling like in a janitors closet.
Europeans waterproof their houses by placing pots and pans strategically around their house.
Poor Europeans have to put a coin in a machine on the wall to get electricity for a couple hours.
Europeans have fake police harassing them to pay a tv tax.

>> No.50581455
File: 51 KB, 651x490, Mortgages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to retvrn to 50% down payments and 5-year interest-only mortgages with a balloon payment at the end

>> No.50581532

>I actually did punch various holes in a rental once
I don't doubt that. What was wrong? Mummy didn't get the dino tendies? She got the round ones?

>> No.50582091

Brick is expensive and having a brick house over a house with siding at best doesn't matter to most buyers and at worst is unfashionable at the given time or whatever. Also a lot of Americans would rather have a larger home than a smaller one with brick for the same price. So builders usually don't go for brick anymore except in "premium" really upscale neighborhoods. I'd also like to say while the concerns about mold and water damage are merited you'd be very shocked at how well these homes can stand up to wind if built correctly. they are shockingly sturdy and actually a bit more durable in seismic active areas.
I personally live in a brick house and it's alright, i mean the studs in the walls and all the flooring and roofing is still wood so it's not as big of a difference structurally as people think. A lot of people don't understand the structure of houses and see pressboard and freak out. unless you live in some euro or 3rd world shithole where they have no studs in the walls so you can insulate the walls and create a moisture barrier then your walls are still a lot of wood, your floors are all wood underneath unless you have a concrete slab foundation and God help you if you do cause they almost always crack eventually and there's not much you can do about it that doesn't cost a fortune so your walls may become unstable and damaged with time and most roofs are almost entirely wood except the tar paper and shingles covering it.

>> No.50582384

I've lived in the USA in those paper houses and now in Europe in a brick house. Ngl, both are pretty fucking good and have advantages/disadvantages, but overall you get what you pay for.

>> No.50582428
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1611357410875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another rent free thread
comfy (and air conditioned)

>> No.50582475

Plywood is strong as fuck, OSB however is in fact garbage.

>> No.50583421

That is plaster you idiot

>> No.50583547

>Why do we do this?
Who the FUCK is "we"? It's not corporations or industries doing this, they're just using fuckloads of concrete and steel and have been for over a century. The ones demanding boomer boxes are upper-middle class women and the associations they control.

The one good thing about the total death of marriage is that we are finally starting to move away from boomer boxes.