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50576397 No.50576397 [Reply] [Original]

>it will never scale
>Vitalik knew this from the start as he promised half a decade ago he’d work on it
>nobody actually knows how much mETH exists
>ICO VCs own 70% of supply and use it to fund their PoW operations as well as influence crypto news media
>nobody will ever use a shitchain that charges $30 to move $1
The following is absolutely crucial for mETH joggers to understand:
>mETH only reached its current market value after Hinman and the other kikes said it wasn’t a security, hyping up all the turbo virgins with confidence
>Hinman has received over 20M in ETH directly from the Ethereum Foundation
>SEC has since the start of the lawsuit claimed that “ETH is not a security” is merely a (((personal opinion)))
>they then said that it was taken as “financial advise” from a government entity collaborating with the SEC, specialized in regulations
>they have been flinging shit, objecting everything so they can redact every piece of information and never let the public know sources claiming it’s “not fair”
>the judge is closing in on them
>their lawyers are leaving
>SEC agents publicly stating it’s a lost cause, an embarrassment, some of them have stepped down
>government whistleblowers calling it one of the greatest cases of corruption
>reminder Gensler implied that every single ICO is a security
>every single PoS chain is a security
>reminder you will live to see Ethereum completely implode after being exposed as the biggest Ponzi in the history of crypto

>> No.50576465

Innocent until proven guilty. If it’s the other way around I hope you have guns for you and your family in your cunt.

>> No.50576489

ETH and it's ecosystem (ERC20s and NFTs) have massively outperformed BTC these past few years

Cry more, faggot

>> No.50576506

>ETH fud
bought more

>> No.50576570

nice blogpost! yapp its going to 0 tomorrow!

>> No.50576652

Imagine being cocky about outperforming based on an opinion kek

>> No.50576758
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1821717644217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chart is up
Why are eth haters always so retarded?

>> No.50576904

Gensler won't do shit, there's 19000 crypto let's start with shitcoins 9000-19000. Address the exchanges' concerns about security laws. Nope just a bunch of bullshit scare mongering

>> No.50577016

>Gensler won't do shit
It's over eth bros...

>> No.50577062

>ETH “haters”
>only ever went up because of an opinion
This is actual fact stated in court you retarded anime incel. It’s crucial you understand this before you try to defend this massive piece of shit. “Investor” confidence is the only reason Andy adoption has been seen at all, the confidence is 100% based on an opinion kek

>> No.50577101
File: 33 KB, 848x158, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof what the fuck?! this bad for real...