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File: 393 KB, 660x574, 160746335425551548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50576217 No.50576217 [Reply] [Original]

There's no fucking way 1 bitcoin is worth 20k. That may be someone is willing to buy/sell it for, but there's no fucking way it has an intrinsic value of 20k.

this entire pyramid scheme is going to collapse soon. blockchain is a meme

>> No.50576249

bitcoin is the only crytpo that isn't a pyramid scheme

>> No.50576259

The name is worth 20k if nothing else. Its the king of speculation, which is why it will never die because even during the worst times speculation hasn't died

>> No.50576282

explain why

isnt retarded speculation literally the cause of all crashes though? 2008, stock market in the early 1900s, etc

>> No.50576293

bitcoin is one of the only crypto that is a ponzi

>> No.50576310

myeeeeeeeah it sorta is

>> No.50576321

Bitcoin has crashed many times, it's famous for crashing hard, but there's no real reason for it to cause a crash in other markets because it doesn't have enough influence. The great depression was because everything was mooning, so of course that would have a huge influence, and 2008 was rampant speculation in a very influential and major asset, houses

>> No.50576333
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>That may be someone is willing to buy/sell it for, but there's no fucking way it has an intrinsic value of 20k.
those are literally the same thing

>> No.50576338

>intrinsic value of 20k.

Using $$ to measure the intrinsic value of something tells me you haven't got a clue what 'intrinsic value' actually means.

>> No.50576345

i knew some retard was going to say this lmao

>> No.50576358

It's been relatively fairly mined without ICO, without someone taking ownership, although you could argue that the lightning network framework and it's stakeholders is the top of the Bitcoin pyramid and indeed leeching off everyone.

>> No.50576417
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i just put in what i'm willing to lose. if i win, tight, it's a nice payout. if tomorrow people decide they don't want to pay 2 roubles for a bitcoin then i can just think of it like losing money on a night in vegas

>> No.50576552

>there's no fucking way a diamond ring is worth 10k

>> No.50576595

its not

>> No.50576766

it's not, a group of jews decided it was, but diamonds are fucking abundant

>> No.50576778

intrinsic value is a fantasy. Also it is absolutely amazing that there are so many people like you who don't understand the value of a digital asset that can't be copy+pasted. BTC invented scarcity of digital assets which is insanely valuable

>> No.50576792

damn, you're a fucking turbo-retard, dude. lmao

>> No.50576817

>blockchain is a meme
nah it's an idea but it's one that'll used and abused by govts/central banks to make everything worse. thing the 00s libertarian dream of the internet vs the present dystopian nightmare that is web2.0 social media.

>> No.50576825

myanaawh it sorta isn't faggot

>> No.50577803

Value =/= price

>> No.50577832
File: 631 KB, 978x906, Skärmavbild 2022-07-26 kl. 23.45.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Bitcoin is worth 20 thousand dollars

>> No.50577873
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>> No.50577908

You're right, there's no way the future of money can have an mcap lower than gold. That's ridiculous

>> No.50578466

You guys are all retarded and do not understand bitcoin. Use 30 minutes of your time to watch this 5 year old talk on bitcoin to get the idea and then think again and decide if you want to dig deeper.

>> No.50578581

I control 0.0063 bitcoins. It's not even 0.001% of my portfolio. I just have it for the lulz

>> No.50578683

OP has a short going, ignore.

>> No.50579224

There's no way gold or silver are intrinsically worth the price that they sell for either

>> No.50579234

there is no such thing as intrinsic value

>> No.50579335

it's worth a lot more than that. what else allows you to transfer value in such a cheap and permissionless way and also immune to debasement?

>> No.50579609

pyamids schemes fall apart when the original people left

the original bitcoiners already cashed out years ago, but bitcoin keeps going up in value

>> No.50579630

Intrinsic value stopped being real/relevant for anything a very long time ago

>> No.50579670

Poorfag nocoiner detected. Imagine betting against the future... xDDDDDD

>> No.50580115

There is no intrinsic value to anything fuckface. Haha you got spooked my faggot friend.

>> No.50580277


>> No.50582602

>Intrinsic value

>> No.50582630
File: 813 KB, 604x717, 1111111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intrinsic value

>> No.50582684

Have you ever asked why a number on a screen is worth anything when it's USD? Or are you only this skeptical when it's a currency that can't be printed into oblivion?

>> No.50584642
File: 2 KB, 520x521, 1630174498339-Mysterious Coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 2

>> No.50584650

20k dollars has no intrinsic value

>> No.50584686

How about 21k? And how about 220k next year?

>> No.50584715
File: 15 KB, 480x469, 1654810129745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name literally anything that is worth its "intrinsic value" retard

>> No.50584737

>first ones get rich
>first ones shill it to others to buy it for higher price

its the definition of pyramid

>> No.50584742

>plebbitor doesnt understand drugs, guns, passports, tax evasion

>> No.50584794

>muh pyramid skeem
Kys /pol/nigger loser