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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1 KB, 600x600, microsoft--600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50575162 No.50575162 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50575220

>boomer company
the entire company is jeets
aside from shit code there could be worse

>> No.50575257

Can anybody name a single Microsoft product that is actually used? The shit company should have died 20 years ago

>inb4 Windows
It's shit

>> No.50575270


>> No.50575274

fuck w11.
I'd rather go Linux and fry my pc than go w11

>> No.50575280

How will they decide the future of the economy?
>the entire company is jeets
I work for MS and I'm not a jeet, although there are quite a few. But no more on average than in tech in general.

>> No.50575288
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Ever heard of Excel?

>> No.50575303

Windows is still and will always be shit

>> No.50575311

they're going to report massive losses in ~1hr, crypto, and all tech stocks will sink like there's no tomorrow

>> No.50575318
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>The year of our Lord 2000 and 22
>Not using Linux

>> No.50575349

>massive losses
Its possible but not likely. My segment had a great year and grew the business. Not sure about the rest of the org though. Guess we'll see

>> No.50575356

if your willing to go balls deep into the botnet some of the windows features / apps aren't bad.

email, maps, phone (skype), video games (xbox live) are all cleanly integrated. the experience suffers when you strip all that shit out and try to get ancient / non-existent open source replacements that run on windows; or try to integrate WSL / some kind of linux VM hybrid workflow going

>> No.50575395

Meh. It's on par with Linux now. I use Arch mainly but have all the same development tools installed on my work laptop (windows). I can do basically everything now I need to on Windows, I still hate it though

>> No.50575499

It's unironically THE most powerful company in the world by a gigantic margin.

>> No.50575559

VS Code

>> No.50575976

You do know that Google and Microsoft are THE biggest contributors to Linux source code right?

>> No.50576010
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>> No.50576031

>VS Code
RIP, I didn't know this.

>> No.50576080

Xbox is the worst lmao

>> No.50576150

Retard alert

>> No.50576151


>> No.50576166

Nobody asked your opinion faggot. The question was "does anyone use their shit". There are a lot of xbox users.

>> No.50576227

Azure, office, exchange, windows server for on premise

>> No.50576236

>Just uninstalled Windows

Hehe nothing personnel kiddo

>> No.50576290

Nigger have you ever heard of excel? It’s kind of a huge gigantic enormous big ass fucking deal retardo

>> No.50576763

>>>>Microsoft misses on earnings and revenue, stock drops

>> No.50576882

And yet the financial collapse OP predicted hasn't happened. MSFT is actually up after-hours.
Should be a warning shot though since MSFT is one of the most financially sound corps.

>> No.50577990

You're a retard.
If MS goes under then most of the global economy is in deep, deep shit.

>> No.50578051

It technically already does- how much businesses is done on a windows platform or office suite?

>> No.50578067

Windows, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox app, Xbox controllers, first party games & consoles, Microsoft Office, and a shitload of companies and education institutions use Microsoft365 for their students/employees' email accounts.

Along with Samsung for hardware -- monitors, TVs, phones, SSDs, etc., Microsoft products probably my most used products. Only retards use Apple products.

>> No.50578080

Not many anymore, ultra faggot. Their market share is shrinking more and more.

>> No.50578086


>> No.50578090

gamestop changed their logo?

>> No.50578133
File: 79 KB, 916x1024, glowingchads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linux bros rise up. Our time is now. Gentoo INC will be listed and we will make it. Gentoo phones will finally make it to market.

>> No.50578272

Bill Gates and msoft are like symbols of western civ. Built from scratch with tons of talent and competence, and given away to street shitters in under a decade, while Bills daughters fuck niggers.
Has there ever been such a colossal fall?

>> No.50578364
File: 194 KB, 1526x1091, stupidfuckingidiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being completely retarded?
>earnings report states they've sold more Xbox X|S series consoles than any other console combined

>> No.50578395

in 1000 years their will be stories. much like the colossal fuck ups we hear about the greeks and romans

>> No.50578519


>> No.50578549

Linux is just old buggy Windows code with a shitty skin, retard

>> No.50578721

It's really a shame. I still think microsoft is one of the best companies for developer and productivity tools, but they've fallen for the same diversity bullshit that many others have. At this point it almost seems like they're too big to fail. Their software is so deeply entrenched that they'll probably never go away completely.

>> No.50578739

lmao this is gr8 b8

>> No.50578806


>> No.50578824

>windows is now just stackoverflow answers held together with glue and paperclips
this is pretty funny

>> No.50578843

Is that an app?

>> No.50578965
File: 14 KB, 540x393, 1535929030257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use android (linux) on my phone.
LTSC is what windows should be, I am using it and it is peak comfy.
Gentoo was cool but I don't have the time to do all that configuring anymore and it's not that great on a gaming laptop.

>> No.50579009

You dumb zoomer retard nigger, literally the entire business world runs on Microsoft products.
Go back to playing Minecraft or whatever, oh wait it's owned by Microsoft too!

>> No.50579066

Fucking how? Their licence fees for SQL are bonkers and I'm sure the same for all that 365 shit.

>> No.50579272

Its not diversity at this point, just a pajeet h1b racket. The entire field is infested with incredibly nepotistic street shitters and they just abuse the system while our elite just shrugs cuz who cares its profit!!

>> No.50579422

Active Directory Stasi Edition

>> No.50579428

Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Minecraft, Xbox, Notepad, MS Paint

>> No.50579441

>heh we only lost 30029billion instead of 5608328billion
>bulls go nuts for 3 days before paperhandsing 3% gains

>> No.50580829

Server edition OS, SQL, whatever 365 and azure are. It's all corporate shit. SQL licences are like $3,500 per 2 cores.

>> No.50581479

>need two consoles and still 3rd place

>> No.50581559


are you really just some guy that missed the entire 'year of the linux desktop' meme for 30 years straight

>> No.50581583


sauce on bills daughters getting blacked?

>> No.50581613
File: 802 KB, 731x444, aaaaaaaaad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ohhh no no no

>> No.50581974

Little niggers descendants are going to be ruling over much wealth. Literally why even bother creating anything? Just muh dik your way through life while everyone else does the work. Bill probably jerks off to it too like the good civilized cuck that he is.

>> No.50582037


Elites making sure that they have black grandchildren because the planet is becoming more radioactive and only black people can handle the radiation.

>> No.50582052


>implying that daughters matter
