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50568697 No.50568697 [Reply] [Original]

>The year of “Shmita” or “Shemitah” (meaning: letting go) also called the sabbatical year occurs every seventh September or October. The story behind the Shemitah is that the 7th year is the year of resting and releasing. The year also stands for debt forgiveness to break debt cycles.Then immediately it repeats the idea of Shabbat: Six days you shall do you work, but on the seventh day you shall cease from labor. The implication is that just as there is a rhythm to the work week whereby activity needs to be punctuated by periods of rest, so too, a parallel rhythm pertains over a seven year cycle; we need periods of rest and renewal.

>The year 5782 on the Shemitah Cycle starts from Sept. 7, 2021–Sept. 26, 2022

>> No.50568701

>1901-1902 Year of Shemitah – Stock market drops almost 50%.
1916-1917 Year of Shemitah – Stock market drops 40%. United States enters WWI. Germany, Russia, Austria, Turkey and Great Britain suffer economic collapse.
1930-1931 Year of Shemitah – The Great Depression. The worst financial crisis in modern history.
1937-1938 Year of Shemitah – Half of the stock market collapses sparking a global recession.
1944-1945 Year of Shemitah – End of German Reich and Britain’s hold on territories. Establishment of America as the world’s superpower. Bretton Woods Conference giving the U.S. Dollar Global Reserve Currency status; and diminishing of gold’s influence. Phentermine online http://kendallpharmacy.com/phentermine.html1965-1966 Year of Shemitah (*Super Shemitah Year) – US Stock market drops almost 25%
1972-1973 Year of Shemitah – US Stock market crashes almost 46%. Global recession; US oil crisis.
1979-1980 Year of Shemitah – Global recession.
1986-1987 Year of Shemitah – “Black Tuesday”; US stock market crashes by 33%.The biggest Wall Street crash of 1987
1993-1994 Year of Shemitah – Bond market crash.
2000-2001 Year of Shemitah – The 911 terror attack happened a day after Shemitah in 2001, September 17; stock market falls 700 points. 37% US Stock Market Crash and Global Recession. Dot Com Bust. Indian Market also carshed.
2007-2008 Year of Shemitah – On the last day of The Shemitah Tear, September 29, the stock market drops a record 777 points. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. 50% of US Stock Market Indian Stock Market Crashed.
2014-2015 Year of Shemitah (*Super Shemitah Year)– Chinense Market crash by 50% Monday, Aug. 24, 2015 The S&P 500 opened at 1965.15 and within minutes fell to a low of 1867.01, a 5% decline.India Market crashed 6% in Single trading session. Greek/EU bailout

>> No.50568742

i see you've skipped a lot of years and left out crashes on off-years

>> No.50568747

Do we have to wait till the end of the year for shit to start picking up steam again?

>> No.50568786

That’s not the point retard, point is every time there’s a year of the kike there’s a crash

>> No.50568807

no there's not, you can see in the timeline that there are gaps. and crashes on non-jew years are just ignored. the financial system is shit and unstable, you dont need this bs to know that

>> No.50568834
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>> No.50568869

The guy you responded to is a rabbi.

>> No.50568885
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When is the next one ?

>> No.50568916

containment board

>> No.50569129

Just like finance is containment for jews

>> No.50569144
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>> No.50569206

2000 2008 2014
India crash, 3 in a row
whats going on there?

>> No.50569244 [DELETED] 

Kek, stop wasting yar cash anon, just check Yopi Network

>Backed by physical gold
>RPG games with many payout tools depending on the desires of the player
>Yopigold pursue cost stability by buying physical gold

>> No.50569419

Don't forget, this year is the "Super Shemitah" if you will. The 7 of 7s. This occurs when the year is divisible by 49 , of which is NOW with the following year being a jubilee (debt forgiveness) year.
Basically, expect shit to crash so hard that there will be debt wiped on the government level.

>> No.50569517

Shemitah means you must forgive debt and free indentured servants
Jubilee means a full release of all land holdings and property that has been sold in the last 49 years to the family that originally owned them

>> No.50569637

Exactly. Rather than forgive the debt, the Synagogue of Satan twists this to force defaults. After all, the debt is technically released when the debtor defaults.