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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50568212 No.50568212 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me an update on 3AC, have they literally lost all of their money and are on the run?

>> No.50568254


Pretty much, yes. Think of the worst prison ass raping you could possibly imagine. And you're on the bottom.

>> No.50568291

There's missing money and some hidden in family trusts. Chink Zhu basically gave a coded message a while back saying his life was in danger... like you can't just borrow that much money and not realise you've taken money from a mafia of some type

>> No.50568314

Damn zhu shu was one of the founders? I don't really spend time in these scams but I know that's a big name in crypto. Is he himself broke now or just ran off with the money he could?

>> No.50568318
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Probably got fucked over by SBF, that's what you get for signing deals with money lenders like SBF and yeah SBF co-owns Voyager.

>> No.50568320

You may hate SBF, but he's fucking based for destroying gamblers like 3AC and ponzi schemes like Luna/UST and Celsius

>> No.50568348

Su Zhu is still a billionaire, don't you plebs know how finance works. Declare bankrupcy and shit will solve it self. Nobody in high finance is liable.

>> No.50568363

You wish you were a VC, buying tokens at 90% discount frontrunning plebs like you @ 100x markup.

>> No.50568364

>Su Zhu is still a billionaire

>> No.50568394

Source : SBF's foreskin
Anyone who is financially literate, which is not (you) hides their assets in trusts. You don't declare shit under your own name. Welcome to /biz/ wagie.

>> No.50568423

it's all on-chain you absolute retard. the fund got blown the fuck up

>> No.50568473

You are really financially illiterate, aren't you retard.
Su Zhu is just a EMPLOYEE at AC3. AC3 will declare bankruptcy and the debt will clear itself over time.

>> No.50568509

you'll forever be a wagecuck lol.

>> No.50568522

Co-founder you dumb fuck.

>> No.50568534

already /made it/

>> No.50568568

You know what is going to happen, retard. OP is also a financially illterate retard.
Some bigshot fund will just step in buy up AC3 and their debt as in merger and acquisition and Su Zhu will just retire somewhere on his private island.
You on the other hand as a shitcoin holder, will forever baghold the coins he shilled.
How does it feel to be a financially illiterate retard like 90% of /biz/ that hopes to make it by buying up shitcoins that other anons here minted for free.

I don't know where you illiterate newfags come from, seriously go back to /R cryptocurrency.
2015-2016 was way way way more financially literate. Enjoy a life of wagecucking

>> No.50568676

Co-founder of a business is very different than a FUND. AC3 is a FUND as in POOLED funds, his investors understood the risk. Su Zhu is not liable, retard. Some bigshot fund will buy up ac3 and their debt at a massive discount and Su Zhu will retire somewhere on a private island.
ZeroSum is for plebs only.
You must the type of retard that thinks that CEO's somehow own the company their work in.

>> No.50568718

>this zhu
you'll never have a peaceful night of sleep again zhu. You'll always wonder if tonight's the night the mossag frogs show up at your island and make you sing like a kookaburra. If you leave, you'll always wonder if some schizo rekt bagholder with nothing to lose will get to you. Remember, this is the life you chose. You'll never have the same immunity from your crimes sbf has.

>> No.50568752

taking money from the most prominent chinese families and ccp?

what could go wrong

>> No.50568765

It really doesn't take much to impress financially illiterate plebs here on /biz/
Got BTFO by real basic rudimentary finance - immediately thinks I'm Su Zhu.

Enjoy a life of wagecucking.

>> No.50568772

they're going to hunt this dog down and bury him and kyle. that's why chinky went into hidey keku
it's so fucking obvious

>> No.50568813

>It really doesn't take much to impress financially illiterate plebs here on /biz/

Enjoy a life of shitcoin holding. The coins shilled by the Alameda crew don't have longevity.
This entire market was designed to move wealth from gas station workers and amazon wagecage workers to the elites.

>> No.50568829

What's with the fixation on SBF? Don't play with leverage if you can't handle it.

>> No.50568908

What makes you assume that I hold crypto, it's just funny watching crypto-laggards that have zero education in finance slowly watch their wealth evaporate like steam. I don't hold crypto, vast majority of these shitcoins are just make-belief-projects designed to extract wealth from fools like you.
I'm not saying that every coin is a scam. Bitcoin is solid, but the average gasstation worker can't afford a whole bitcoin, and he is so tight on cash that he can't hold longer than a year.
There are projects shilled on /biz/ that have a solid foundation, but they are fudded to shit. I will not name the project because you don't deserve to make it.

>> No.50569063

>10 replies by ID
Okay bro chill yes wagecuck reddit sure cool relax

>> No.50569295

ok zhu

>> No.50569328

>Nobody in high finance is liable.
Old money, sure. This new money crypto chink is going to get raped in prison.

>> No.50569363

what's the probability 3ac and do kown were intel or big bank assets from the start whose mission was to fuck it all up?

>> No.50569373

>he trusts people who don't even have eyebrows

>> No.50569382

ICP and Chia are both scams you massive fucking faggot, the most fuded coins deserve it.

>> No.50569650

Maybe, but he destroyed retail in the process. Imagine stealing money from people who will now lose their jobs, and then donating those stealings to pedophiles in government so SFB can have the rules bent even more in his favour.

>> No.50570101

Just semitic things goy, you wouldn't understand

>> No.50570810

Billionaire = High Finance, regardless how you made that money.
You are part of the HIGH FINANCE club if you're part of the Georgetown Yacht club. Everyone with Yacht in Georgetown is by definition part of high finance club.

>> No.50570871

Did sam ultimately help chain pink by liquidating all the hedgies shorting it?

>> No.50570960

>Can someone give me an update on 3AC, have they literally lost all of their money and are on the run?
all of these loss of funds has to stop, Celsius, 3AC, Luna Anchor; it is getting too much security of funds and identity is needed asap

>> No.50571046

>regardless how you made that money.
Yeah no. Old money kikes don't like crypto.

>> No.50571236

>Old money kikes don't like crypto.
Muh decentralization, no-one owns bitcoin.
Do merchants accept bitcoin?? No, you still have to convert it back to FIAT, guess who will eventually own all the payment processors?
Welcome to the real world.
Unless bitcoin becomes MONEY as it was originally envisioned by Satoshi, there is no future for Bitcoin.

I don't even hold crypto, but even a layman like me understands that ICP is something else other than the scam that /biz/ portrays it to be and deserves to be in the top 3 on CMC. Nigger, I'm not new to finance nor crypto, but I never cared about it because the community is lame, full of financially illiterate burger whoppers like you.

Why don't you go back to /r cryptocurrency and keep this board to finance and business only.

>> No.50571265

>Old money kikes don't like crypto.
Muh decentralization, no-one owns bitcoin.
Do merchants accept bitcoin?? No, you still have to convert it back to FIAT, guess who will eventually own all the payment processors?

Welcome to the real world.
Unless bitcoin becomes MONEY as it was originally envisioned by Satoshi, there is no future for Bitcoin.
Bitcoin needs to become MONEY.

I don't even hold crypto, but even a layman like me understands that ICP is something else other than the scam that /biz/ portrays it to be., and deserves to be in the top 3 on CMC. Nigger, I'm not new to finance nor crypto. Crypto is fucking boring. Should have become a VC and dump on niggers like you

>> No.50571270

>muh dubai office

>> No.50571422

but how?

>> No.50571588

that's a dumb questions, there are protocols guarding wallets and managing identity theft which will help reduce all of these hacks and exploits

>> No.50571621

what is "low float high FDV"?

>> No.50571851

shut up and stop using the same text on these memes

>> No.50572288

glad I didnt give my money to this chink when he DMd me on twitter for a potential partnership.

>> No.50572906

this is the level of stupidity that posts on biz and does so in arrogant hubris
nobody is going to buyout ac's debt you moron, there is absolutely zero value in its business as the whole model has been detonated
just like mtgox the banrupcy procedure will take years if not a decade to be completed and just like mtgox the owner will go to jail or hiding the rest of his life because there will be found some fraud somewhere in the books

>> No.50572956

ay yo dis nigga really be lookin like a bug my dude

>> No.50573125

He is hiding out in Dubai right now isn't he?

>> No.50573228

You mean the temporary evil your learned elders are compelled to commit in order to get to the "good" that will remain after your evil bloodbath is done? Those semetic things?

>> No.50573314

Is HE part of the GYC?

>> No.50574593

Well, it's quite unfortunate that many users got caught up in this and lost funds. It's also a wake up call to make wiser investments.

>> No.50574812

fingering daddy vaginally

>> No.50574918

No value in the tokens that the AC3 VC scammers like Su Zhu and the other Jew bought at a huge discount. Do you even know what happens in April 2024, yeah exactly start of a new cycle. The tokens that Su Zhu are not going anywhere during the vesting period.
How does it feel to be financially retarded?

>> No.50574991

50 Million dollar yacht club, bigger chode than Steve Bannon, of course he is part of billionaire boys club. The average chump here brags about this 5 figure portfolio, this is the amount of money Su Zhu spends every month on his Yacht and he still can't get by Kate Perry.

>> No.50575045

Insider Allocation, how many tokens are sold to basically the VC scammers, the people on the inside and how little is sold to the public.

Time to get financially literate and start your own little micro VC, you niggers.

>> No.50575172

people are going to be paying 10 bil for 2 bil worth of tokens while there is an open market
there is no value in the debt of the company, whatever tokens they have will be sold otc in a bankruptcy procedure
i cannot believe how dumb you are and continue to be arrogant, you do understand their outstanding debts far, far exceed the value of their tokens right

>> No.50575229

Well, I know niggers here cry about low float high fully diluted valuation. You have to understand that those days of getting into presale early as a non-accredited investor are over. This is really what you niggers for sucking SBF's chode. I'm no crypto-nigger-gas-station-worker-burgerwhopper but I do understand finance and I do know that understand that fair launch, without insider VC scammers type of crypto is dead.
I've browsed this board long enough to know that public sale to projects will regulated to shit, available to ''professional investors'' (multi-millionaires only)
Good luck crypto-niggers. You better chose a solid project and forget about it.

>> No.50575249

calls others financially illiterate cannot explain the tweet he shared
protip vc's or insider allocations arent needed at all to achieve high fdv and low float
frogposting anons can achieve the same conditions with market bought tokens

>> No.50575317

this is only a problem for americans, there exists a whole rest of the world where investor accreditation do not exist
hell even the bureaucratic nightmare that is the eu has created a big set of guidelines that do not stop normal people from buying in
now for a bonus question how many coins were launched in the us and how many in tax havens?

>> No.50575407

Here is the thing, that even a layman like me who shits on crypto understands.
Those tokens do not exist, how the fuck can you sell those tokens OTC when they do not exist in the first place? To reanimate and bring those tokens alive, you need a validator to validate a block than it becomes a blockchain.
Secondly even I know this and you should be ashamed that you don't know this.
All tokens bought by VC's are vested for 2 years, they cannot touch the tokens that these VC scammers have bought for 2 years.
You can't sell something that doesn't virtually exist on the blockchain yet.

>> No.50575553

When was the last time you bought those magic internet tokens during what's it called again. IDO or something? Never right? I do know friends from Equador that tried to buy these shitcoins, but always complain about the whitelist and lottery thingy and how they never got the opportunity to buy tokens at launch price.
Let's be honest. When was the last time you actually bought token at public price? Let me guess 2017 when all the chainlink crypto niggers here were bragging about it.
Crypto is for toddlers. Start a real business or something.

>> No.50575577

>To reanimate and bring those tokens alive, you need a validator to validate a block
Just leave

>> No.50575618

That is already the state for ICOs for like 5 years. Congrats on being late, I guess.

>> No.50575621

ah now i see what you are getting it, do you truly think that 3ac majority portfolio were vc scam vested tokens on what are now probably ghost chains?
you do know most of their book was just the big coins right
and btw all tokens bought by vc's are vested for 2 years
do you think there exist a vc token police to enforce these rules, whatever dev team can make whatever agreements they want with whoever they want and then break them as they please if they arent a true decentralised chain

now i will grant you there will probably exist some of these deeply discounted tokens somewhere on their books, but there maybe value in 3 years dwarfs to the debts they have, i am pretty sure for 95%+ of their holdings buying right now on the open market at fair value beats having to deal with the whole mess of dealing with their debt restructure
but if you have verifiable info that they are indeed hoarding a goldmine please do share

>> No.50575676

I will leave. Go play with your magic internet tokens, meanwhile I'm going to play around with oil, you know, the stuff that real economies run on, yeah the stuff that countries will invade other countries for.

Even a layman non crypto investor aka no coiner aka Real Economy Oil guy knows that a blockchain isn't a blockchain unless a block is either mined or validated on the blockchain by a validator.

>> No.50575690

well obviously link you had 4.5 years don't come crying now
after that the things that stay cubic were a good bet
you don't know much about crypto if you don't know that every day new scam coins get made, some of them even by autists from this very board
and there is no business i can realistically setup now that will not be dwarfed by my soon to be stinky staking gains

>> No.50575713

go back to /smg/ you wrinkly old gorilla nigger boomer

>> No.50575719

A bankruptcy court will consider whether to allow a merger. The acquirer would need to specify to the court to what extent different creditors would be compensated. If law enforcement is involved, they’ll have a say too.

>> No.50575793

the question isn't whether the gov allows a merger, its who would be dumb enough to pay for it as the debts on the books exceed the assets by a wide margin and their business model, name, pr or any other intangible asset is beyond worthless now

in real world business sometimes you pay for the debts simply to get at the customer list or something like that, but this doesnt exist for 3ac there is no value in that company anymore

>> No.50575880

Most of the debt will be written off.
The acquirer will get some tech.
The acquirer will get a customer list of risk takers. It’s up to the acquirer to convince the customers they’re getting more than they could have expected in liquidation, and that they’re much better than the previous management.

>> No.50575969

half of their high rollers died together with them and their entire business model got detonated
i cant say with certainty nobody will touch it, but its my opinion nobody will touch this turd

>> No.50576327

Where the fuck is this club, are you talking about the Cayman Islands?

>> No.50576752

all he has to do is hide long enough until BTC comes back to ath
but knowing our market makers (who want zhu dead), no ATH until he comes back from hiding

>> No.50577652

You're right anon. Asset security should be taken more seriously cause there are still threats like hacks and scams in the space. Good thing we have privacy solutions to keep sensitive data away from these bad actors and hide wallet balance.

>> No.50579028
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idk I only know the definition of winning because I'm a true VINU investor

>> No.50579512

Winning depends on the kind of investment you get into anon. I'm currently considering the metaverse as it has become a big deal to remarkable athletes and brands.

>> No.50579866

they're hiding out while trying to stow away as much of the money they didn't lose away while their lawyers work on how they're going to pay their lenders back as little as possible.

>> No.50580248

This is what broke-ass 'billionaires' do in their spare time hiding from the authorities lol