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File: 54 KB, 1068x713, pay-less-taxes-save-money-1068x713-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50567434 No.50567434 [Reply] [Original]

>Live in Norway
>Tax authorities ask how much approximately you will earn for this year
>Your employer, bank, municipality etc. informs tax authorities accurately how much you earn throughout the year, your assets etc.
>80% of tax payers gets an average of $1500 in tax returns around April/May
>All of this just happens digitally and automatically since all citizens have digital IDs and most citizens spend only 5-10 mins doing taxes, with some maybe adding some expenses for reimbursement
>All of your taxable income is open to the public to see, so you can suspect if your neighbor is committing fraud/criminal activities if he is driving a lambo while earning only $20.000

This system infuriates the American.

>> No.50567451
File: 47 KB, 800x704, 1621970234384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it infuriates us Norwegians also

>> No.50567494

Liberalistene faggot found

>> No.50567509

Sounds comfy, as long as you're not a right wing criminal or a drug dealer it's a good deal. You also get to help underprivileged people with those taxes. All in all, it's based as fuck

>> No.50567544

I got a 2500$ Tax return this year, it felt pretty good

>> No.50567580

Taxes is niggers

>> No.50567597

you have to understand that america is a gigantic scam. taxes are never shown on prices. the government won't tell you how much tax you owe, unless you calculate the wrong amount, and then they tell you and penalize you. the largest thefts in the country ware wage thefts from employers. many of the largest companies on our stock market are middle man scam industries: insurance companies, pharma companies, and medical wholesalers. we've all but set into stone the right to existence of scalpers (realtors taking 6% on every home sold, car dealerships taking thousands on every car sold, etc.) and the right to existence for administrative scam fees, convenience fees, online payment fees, e-payment fees, late fees, early fees, "miscellaneous" fees, etc. this country is nothing more than a jewish playground, an experiment in how far goyim can be pushed, prodded, scammed, and mistreated.

>> No.50567612

>80% of tax payers gets an average of $1500 in tax returns around April/May
so you're forced to give your govt an intrest free loan on top of your taxes? noice i bet burgerfats are seething rn
>All of your taxable income is open to the public to see, so you can suspect if your neighbor is committing fraud/criminal activities
not to mention it lets the migrants know which houses to rob first

>> No.50567637

They have a population of around 5 million people (size of Houston maybe?) so easier to implement stuff like this

>> No.50567653

yea as if you can’t tell which house to rob first just by looking at it, can’t believe there are stocjholm syndrome burgers actually mad we don’t have a system to make taxes easier

>> No.50567700

very based
only thing to make it better would be a barcode on the forehead so the tax agency can just scan you

>> No.50567703

Biggest hack in Norway is to get out from the hamsterwheel. Learn to enjoy the simple things in life, we have a beautiful country where we can enjoy nature for free. Hiking, fishing, boating, bicycling, enjoy nature and life. Collect your state money and live a NEET life being happy

>> No.50567709

>Norway property tax: 25% of tax value of primary dwelling
>90% of value for secondary dwelling

What the fuck? Is that right?

>> No.50567712

>you vill pay for ze fatties
>you vill pay for ze niggers
>you vill be hassled by ze bank, ur employer and your home government jews!
>you vill have no other incomes!
>only you shall ze work!
>and only you shall ze die!
>no adventure!
>no upward mobility!
>only ze loyal shall have ze job and own ze money!

Income tax is extremely bearish for all things outside of defense spending.

>> No.50567744

I guess the correct option is just to make a giant piss home millitary bunker. Over the long term this should select for some truely insane housing.

>why yes I live in this 15 bed 25 bath home, and yes I rent it to 10 tenants at a time normally.

No country has the balls to do a rent tax.

>> No.50567749

It's basically the same in sweden it's pretty great. I just look through everything and send it in. I only have to declare capital gains on crypto everything else is automatic

>> No.50567873

But you actually do accumulate interest on it tho. I think sometimes it's better than the banks.

Also you get notified if someone does check your income taxes (you need to log in with your digital ID to check) so it's logged.

Property tax depends on the municipality you live in. Some don't have it and some do, and then those that do have it it varies wildly how much you pay. Just live in Høyre municipalities and you won't have to deal with this.

But what you just explained is pretty much the US lmao. I'll enjoy my 6 weeks of vacation.

>> No.50567895

>6 weeks of vacation

I hope Norweejuns don’t whine too much when daddy USA stops subsidizing their national security so they can be NEET graphic designers

>> No.50567908

any rent tax would just be delegated to the renter

>> No.50568086

Pay up wagie :)