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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 102 KB, 2494x1134, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5056661 No.5056661 [Reply] [Original]

You know how it goes. Every morning, for the past four days, the amerinormies start waking up, and start chomping up that ltc. Get it now and make a solid 30-50%, before its too late!

>> No.5056674


>> No.5056698


>> No.5056719

How is it bags my dude it goes up literally every morning like clockwork...

>> No.5056743

The pump dips off between 30 and 45 minutes after it started then a couple of hours later it’s time to buy. Easy money

>> No.5056766

I buy when it hits $300 even when is that gonna be?

>> No.5056797

It won't drop that far (on GDAX). Buy now and cash out at 380ish in like two hours.

>> No.5056802

It has already gone down to 299. I expect it to go down even further because why wouldn't it.

>> No.5056804

Too late. Higher highs and higher lows approaching launch pad.

>> No.5056813

Big buywalls at $305 on Korean Exchanges

>> No.5056838

Just wait till they drop them its the same whale games as the last few days

>> No.5056883

>arguing against himself

>> No.5056904

oops read sellwalls I'm tired lol

>> No.5056905

it's all at the mercy of the bitcoin if we're honest

>> No.5056977

The bitcoin?

>> No.5056988

Ltc value is way too low. Should be 1/10th of btc

>> No.5057018

Where do you faggots look at your cryptos live? Need a good free site/app

>> No.5057028

If you have to ask you have no idea what you are talking about. Dyor and lurk normie

>> No.5057030


>> No.5057047


>> No.5057079

If dubs, ltc will double by end of week

>> No.5057125


>> No.5057364

if this ends in a 4, it will be 400 by lunch.

>> No.5057498

Well? I'm waiting idiot.

>> No.5057520

last three digits is the price by 01.01.2018

>> No.5057527

Uh oh!

>> No.5057549

alrght. all aboard

>> No.5057553

Bit sceptical, be hodling shitecoin and it's just been going down and down since it peaked a few days ago

>> No.5057561

last 3 digits will be what itll be like at the end of the week

>> No.5057578

last 3 digits is the price today

>> No.5057590
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>> No.5057604

it better be

>> No.5057631

thread full of gets, will moon soon

>> No.5057694
File: 7 KB, 225x225, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking litecoin stores value
oh boy, you guys are in for a shock, this coin historically haemorrhages any gains. Its makes sense, its main purpose is to move money between exchanges, there is a never ending downward pressure on it.

>> No.5057704

it's like you guys never owned ltc before
it always suddenly moons like that and when you think it will moon more it slowly starts bleeding out for a very long time and people start posting wojaks asking why they bought it ath
next moon is when 99% posts will call it a shitcoin

>> No.5057755


>> No.5057765

Buy buy buy

>> No.5057800

I should add the caveat that I just opened a 4BTC short on it.

>> No.5057821


Forbes press for LTC

>> No.5057900

The amount of normies that litecoin is attracting is not good, prepare your anus

>> No.5057932

mfw fomo'd after the moon missions

just sold for a fucking loss, nice

>> No.5057958

currently mooning downwards

>> No.5057969

Last chance the buy the dip

>> No.5057985

It's dumping!


>> No.5058005

Is selling LTC/ETH for more in other exchanges really illegal or is there anything that prevents me from doing it?

>> No.5058075

> Buy high sell low
You will make if

>> No.5058087

just fucking kill me

>> No.5058104

If true kys

>> No.5058105

Why did you sell m8? Just hold it will go up again.

>> No.5058126

arbitrage is not as profitable as the shills tell you here unless you got a lot.
and if i had a lot i wouldnt be risking it on a single one of these online exchanges. dont trust em

>> No.5058140

thought that after breaching 300 it will drop to 275 like it did briefly yesterday and I'll get back in
still seems plausible

>> No.5058187

this is a longterm hodl coin bro. dont come back till next year. or look into coins like REQ if you arent patient. seems to be making a few people money right now

>> No.5058213

Depends if the whale drops his buy wall.

>> No.5058243


>> No.5058269

It's all planned, they set up a situation to be super predictable, then they don't do what seemed obvious creating panic. At this point who knows what could happen, they could lift the buy walls and let it free fall down to $270 or they could lift the sell walls and start pumping the price up. Whatever they have planned though, they are more prepared for it than you.

>> No.5058316

signal to hodling

>> No.5058331

desu I sold a while ago and I could get more for the same price right now (it keep going down too) so I'd say yes and get back in at 270s

>> No.5058332


WTF the digits keep going up. kek wills it

im buying

>> No.5058360
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> sell walls

>> No.5058362


Theres a 40,000 coin buy wall at 300 that shit is not breaking

>> No.5058364

What market is this wall on, cause I can't see it on my little backwater exchange.

>> No.5058377

Litecoin already peaked. It wont be getting pumped. You guys are as sad as the people that think bitcoin is going to 20k today, for the past week.

>> No.5058380

already 285 and dropping on bitfinex

>> No.5058388
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It'll spike back up

>> No.5058411

the best it could do is go back up to 0.02

>> No.5058412


>> No.5058436
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>> No.5058449

Why does this matter? Can you predict anything based on this?

>> No.5058452


>> No.5058472
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>> No.5058487

that's a whale wo is trying to influence the market to pump up the price. Once his buy wall is gone in a sec it's dropping down.

>> No.5058486

Yeah, then come crashing down. It will make gains but it wont be getting pumped, not where its at. Unless they are stupid. I dont think anyone whos stupid plays with 75 million dollars on a whim. Litecoin is now waiting for bitcoin and bitcoin is waiting for ether. So if anything gets pumped it will be ether or another coin thats traded in real money on another exchange. I would keep an eye on ripple if I was in an exchange that traded it in dollars.

>> No.5058517


the price is not likely to go below 300 because people have orders for over 40,000 LTC at this price.

if all of these orders do get filled the price will plummet.

it is also likely that some of the people wanting to buy at 300 will decide to buy at 300.1, then .2 etc and the price will rise until orders are filled

the fact that it hasn't gone up already is a pretty good indicator that price will remain stagnant for a while and eventually trail off.

>> No.5058520
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>> No.5058528

>people have orders for over 40,000 LTC at this price.
one guy who isn't done dumping his massive stacks

>> No.5058537

Some idiot whale ordered 40.000 at around 300$ to push the price down
We gotta see if he cancels the order or not

>> No.5058558

where the hell are the normies?

jesus christ is this whole game controlled by 10 people? we get fooled into thinking the internet crowd drives these pumps but I don't think we have any effect at all.

>> No.5058579


>> No.5058597

its literally ogre

>> No.5058609


what exchange are you on

>> No.5058621

Normies get paid tomorrow, some getting Christmas bonuses next week.
New money will be coming in soon.

>> No.5058654

>calling others normies
Pretty sure you're the normie for getting caught up in this market, the whales have you by the balls, you are the fresh blood you dipshit.

>> No.5058667

282 on bitfinex and dropping

for once I made good call

>> No.5058683

I'm buying 1 million ltc and try to drive the price up, ima keep 300 mill in ltc for a year.

>> No.5058698

Ok false alarm stupid exchange just made a mistake and displayed incorrectly.

Wall is still up but dropping. We're reaching 300 so let's see if it'll drop.
Observe the dip boys might be a good entry point

>> No.5058706

gdax still holding at 300

>> No.5058709

>trying to keep the price up so he can pay more for what he wants to buy
even as a meme this post made no sense

>> No.5058730
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>my dude
Something on your pants there, friendorino.

No matter, I made some good gains on it since I bought a bunch at $30 back in July, but it's been a pain in my portfolio for the past couple of days now.

>> No.5058737

300 on coinbase, nowhere but down from there

couldn't be more happy at this point

>> No.5058745

If I put 300 mill USD in ltc how much will it go up? I'm holding 1 mill ltc for a year if that helps?

>> No.5058746

It's dipping!


>> No.5058756


sell wall is slowly collapsing

last chance to get out at 300

>> No.5058773

Ok fuck this it's not mooning

>> No.5058776

oldfag ltcer here.

every new ltc thread makes me cringe harder than the last. i cant stand the new generation of bagholders.

im dumping this shit and waiting for the whales to take these normies for all theyre worth then re-enter when this place isnt so reddit

>> No.5058779

I bought in at $97, im still good lol

>> No.5058788

sell wall is fucking gone and I got out in time

off to buy ETH on the dip, good luck guys

>> No.5058798

Whale wall is about to come down and I don't plan on buying till the dip that'll come after

>> No.5058826


>> No.5058830

112 here, bought 2.4 just for shits and giggles.

Should I remove my 300eur profit and let the initial investment there?

Biz decides, I was looking to buy some in ear monitors.

>> No.5058832

Getting fucking HAMMERED. Good night, sweet prince.

>> No.5058833

More like you got in too late. I bought at $90. Ironhands. Hold.

>> No.5058846

aaaaaand there she goes

>> No.5058849

and it's in free fall now!

>> No.5058867

That sell order that didnt fill at 253 €
bump to 252.2 and now below 246
Normies are definitely buying the shit out of coin that is 13% falling

>> No.5058889

> buying 40k ltc at 300


>> No.5058904

Just hold retard. Day trading this shit will make you lose money.

>> No.5058905

Man, this is some pump.

>> No.5058908

Bought in at 150 and got out now at 300.

Just gotta follow the normies on this one

>> No.5058919


>> No.5058928


>> No.5058931

Its simple. The system is artificially inflated by speculative day trading. Meanwhile, the system is slowly increasing in actual value the more people join the network. Coinbase is adding 50k users per day. The true value of LTC is arround 300, maybe lower. But as the absolute value breaks the psychological wall of 400, the panic buying will take us towards 500, then crash again with a new floor of 400.

TLDR: Overall trending is up, masked by speculatiive day trading over-inflating. HODL.

>> No.5058939

Been thru DGB and NEO hodls to know when to let go

>> No.5058941

in at 320

Iron Hands

>> No.5058942

Fuck dat shit I was up 350% on that bitch when it peaked. But couldnt take it anymore. I want to save at least 250% gains momyyyy

>> No.5058947


we still on child support
wont go down further

>> No.5058949

>"I made a clean $200 bucks"
>"Better get some new head phones"

>> No.5058951

you sound like you know what you're talking about

>> No.5058957

you guys are getting memed. these wales are shaking out the weak hands, dropping the price and accumulating even more lmao. check different exchanges if you don't believe me, there are normy buy walls for days.

>> No.5058966

lmao nice liftoff retard

>> No.5058972

Can't wait, drop a bit more, I'll buy $25,000 and ride the wave to $320.

>> No.5058975

Brothers, I wavered and lost some blood through my own foolishness and greed.
But not today. This time, I will stand.
I am with you!

>> No.5058979
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>HODL memes while normies take your profits
You know its over right?

>> No.5058995

it's freefall nobody is buying anymore

see you at 150

>> No.5059004

I want to have sex with her

>> No.5059007


>> No.5059015


>> No.5059030

do i just cash out and take this 1k loss?

>> No.5059034

Sure thing pussy. You got your opportunity right now. Yall are praying for the dip and then no one buys when shtf

>> No.5059038
File: 58 KB, 252x422, 20171214_092959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go ahead

>> No.5059044

Kek you dun goofed this time. Buy high sell low, classic /biz

>> No.5059054

plz do gimme more ltc

>> No.5059056

You're hard wired to be poor so yes.

>> No.5059058

its ogre, buy the dip, see you at 400

>> No.5059059

Are u serious

>> No.5059060

How do I collect all the normie tears right now?

>> No.5059062


are you nuts?

litecoin was $3 for 3 years, and was $400 the other day

imagine how you would feel if you sold at a 1k loss when it dropped to $3

>> No.5059070

Literally me, Made >300, cashed out 100 for some high quality in ear monitors that I've been eyeing for months now.

Except I got in earlier.

>> No.5059071

yes my hands are getting tired

>> No.5059088

This is why you hold.

>> No.5059093

I can't wait until this things make anime real, and I'm a normie.

I just really like anime girls, what's the latest in developments?

>> No.5059098

So funny watching people buy thinking its going up and sell again straight after. They are obviously losing fuck loads of money.

>> No.5059099

westcoast normies up in 30mins

We'll see where this bitch goes.

>> No.5059114
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who else iron hands here?

don't tell me a little dip like that scared you

>> No.5059116

I think we have liftoff

>> No.5059117

buy the dip

>> No.5059119

this is literally where the 5% take profits from the 95% percent

>> No.5059124

I am holding, no way I would take out all, unless it drops back to 90, but I have sell orders for that..

>> No.5059134

it's rising again boys
think we going back up?

>> No.5059141 [DELETED] 

It'll be up eventually. Even if it takes a month for normie interest to come back to it. Unless coinbase shuts down and jews everyone, of course.

>> No.5059145

ok, just bought again at the dip, I can top FUDing now

gogo LTC marines

>> No.5059150

Your wasting your time. These are the kinda people who would sell Bitcoin at $200 because of a dip. Zero long term thought.

>> No.5059159

These events are going to do wonders for bitcoins price if ltc moons

>> No.5059164
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I think it's gonna drop to 200 today.

>> No.5059178

Herd mentality. Can only buy something if its got lots of green candles. Have to sell if something gets a red candle. This is why you know 95% of people would have sold BTC even if they got in early.

>> No.5059211
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Thank you based whale

>> No.5059220

>Thread theme


>> No.5059235

Is that the roasty that talked about holding ATH here yesterday? The absolute state of crypto

>> No.5059251
File: 129 KB, 744x1086, hires24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should ibuy eth or ltc at the current dip?
>bank account from cuckbase. 7 day transfer time.
>what do y'all think will get most gains during the time i wait

>> No.5059265

LOL @ liftoff...
its sub $300 on gdax. normies getting rekt by shitcoins.

>> No.5059268

bought ltc at 290. why do i listen to you retards

>> No.5059275

Is $280 a good dip to buy?

>> No.5059280

where the fuck? or is this in gbp?

>> No.5059282

Should've sold at 340 and buying the dip now

>> No.5059297

mfw is dropping on gdax but rising on btcmarkets (ausfag).. literally wat

>> No.5059306

Because anybody can predict when a dip is going to happen and it is not just pure chance.

>> No.5059311

20more mins

West Coast normies, your our only hope

>> No.5059313

if you can't you shouldn't be trading crypto noob

>> No.5059315
File: 413 KB, 610x342, Wt49xtH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold half of my ether at 720 and bought ltc with that profit. First time buying it

>> No.5059316


>> No.5059335

As of this instant I think it'll stay in the 280's but if over the course of the day another whale comes in or smth then we should definitely wait. I hate having to work with murican timezones it's like 4 pm in central europe right now and your west coast retards are just waking up and with this stupid drop we'll probably see movement til evening in the us. fuck you burgers

>> No.5059336


>> No.5059341

They said the same thing about gold and silver, look how well that turned out.

-cackling intensifies-

>> No.5059346

Oh yeah??

>> No.5059351


>> No.5059352

what the hell what exchange?

>> No.5059393

literal mongoloid

>> No.5059394


>> No.5059400

Is red the buy order or green?

>> No.5059401


>> No.5059428

hahaha, there is no floor to this shitcoin

>> No.5059435

Green is someone buying from a sell order, red is someone selling to a buy order

>> No.5059449

chickun going to the trashcan

>> No.5059458

Well boys.
Made my first big investment on LTC when it was $340 and rising. Quite a pretty penny.
I hope it doesn't keep falling. D:

>> No.5059461

gdax is in free fall but australia doesn't give a fuck. siting at 306.39 USD equivalent.

>> No.5059464

Damn it's getting back to pre-pump levels

>> No.5059474

what the fug i was going to buy some LTC but it is falling weirdly

>> No.5059479
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it was fun while it lasted...

>> No.5059492

God knows the second my hands get weak and I sell it'll start mooning

>> No.5059495

If ti hits £200 I'm out.

>> No.5059503

okay we're breaking through 280 on gdax at least and we're still volatile af so you all better wait with you "muh buy the dip rn" shit. it isn't skyrocketing back to 320 or something anytime soon so you all have plenty of time to get in cheap just wait up.
if you're that prone to buying then get maybe smaller amounts before the asians wake up and pump shit up again

>> No.5059520


>tfw I bought 4.5 at 286€

>> No.5059527
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>bought LTC at $310

>> No.5059530
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gentle reminder that something that can go up by 300% in a few days can also lose 80% of its value overnight.

>> No.5059541
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how low will it goooooo? bought at 305$ earlier
>pls dont tom petty

>> No.5059542

we're bouncing on 275 rn so you fags better hold up

>> No.5059545

I sold 3.3 at 285 euros and bought back at 265. Not as bad but still feel dumb for buying back too early

>> No.5059558

Calling a double bottom. Moon mission still happening.

>> No.5059572

whats a double bottom

>> No.5059581

This shit is only worth it if you hodl for a few months. Just wait what happens with this until February.

>> No.5059583


do a google search for once in your life please

>> No.5059587

Literally this. HODL BROTHERS

>> No.5059595

That juciy thing behind your mom;)

>> No.5059596

When you’re someone who bought in at 98...you’re not that angry. I’m sure a moon mission will happen in the next weeks for yiu normies

>> No.5059599

whats a google search

>> No.5059639

haha there are people who already lost $100 on that
prepair for normies dumping

>> No.5059645
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>> No.5059672

2 drops in a shorter period to around a similar level
we could have on because like 21-22 hours ago we alread dropped down to 275.
double bottom not too unlikely. we might rocket a bit after this

>> No.5059688
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Here you go anon I drew you a picture.

>> No.5059699

finally some real support

looks like the dip is over

>> No.5059720

tempted to buy more

>> No.5059722

holy fuck the bottoms falling out. sold @ $30 loss on a $150 investment.

>> No.5059729

Well the curve is forming, this dip is almost over so the show is over. Sold ether at 747, bought back in at 686. Not a bad days work.

>> No.5059731

same here, fuck it this is a test of strength now

>> No.5059743

I hope it goes sub $100 so I can get 10 more

>> No.5059751

LOL. why would you sell at a loss with only $150 in the game.

don't fucking put in what you aren't afraid to lose

>> No.5059752


>> No.5059758

I hope you fucking die how dare you.

>> No.5059760

this shit is just bleeding to death now. gdax has almost caught up with wex at this point

>> No.5059771

we still have room downwards don't be deluded

>> No.5059775


>> No.5059789

How low is this gonna go? I wanna buy cheap Litecoins.

>> No.5059794
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>> No.5059799

Why is anyone surprised that something with multiple hundred percent gains can correct itself after a herd mentality panic buy? Just hold this shi and wait for the weekend her mentality panic buy thats going to leave the floor at 400+.

>> No.5059801
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>$260 on coinbase
to think I watched $415 pass by and though "nah"

>> No.5059803


>> No.5059804
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Lol who dropped their bags?

>> No.5059808
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>> No.5059813


>> No.5059818
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ITT: Normies getting BTFO for the first time.
babies first mistake lmao

>> No.5059830

because I'm a fucking amateur give me some time. i did enter bitcoin @13k and i plan to buy more everytime it drops below 16.25k

>> No.5059839

Has there ever been a more wrong OP ever

>> No.5059850

Still far in the green with triple digit gains. Holding.

>> No.5059851
File: 32 KB, 600x647, CD42820E-3AF9-4EEF-818C-F11E373AECFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had a buy pending on Coinbase but my bank account had insufficient funds what happens to the buy? It says it’s still pending but the money is just in my bank account now. Will it take it out later?

>> No.5059853

any stinky linky kek

>> No.5059856


whale here. that was never happening today.

>> No.5059860

Shorted Litecoin. Tiny amount, but feels good to be on the right side of the trade.

>> No.5059862

Shitecoin is taking a fucking dump

>> No.5059864
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your bank account goes into the negative and additionally they charge you a small to massive overage fee

>> No.5059871

Normies are getting fucking obliterated this morning.

Top fucking kek

>> No.5059879

Bought at 203$ so I'm still holding.
LTC will be 500$ EOY.

>> No.5059880

Nah. This is a dip not a crash. This whole thing was started by ethereum, which started bitcoin, which started Litecoin and the bottom was around 670, played it safe and got in at 686.

Cant have normal round curves anymore. Soon as any sign of weakness shows it just falls like a fucking rock. People are so greedy.

>> No.5059881

ya pull your coins out of coinbase now cause your account is about to get DUNKED

>> No.5059883
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They didn't listen.

>> No.5059889
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almost up 1BTC on my 4BTC short, keep panic selling idiots

>> No.5059903

I bought when it was $365.
I... I guess I accept my losses if it never rises to that again.
I'm going to hold. My reasoning is that Coinbase is so popular and that more people will be in with this dip, I'm guessing. Litecoin also just seems like a longterm coin.
But I hope I'm not wrong.

>> No.5059910

today was a transfer of wealth among the whales taking profits from ltc and going into eth. tomorrow most likely we will see a reversal back from eth into ltc.

just standard operating procedure to milk the coinbase normies emotions and their parents' wallets as much as possible before the big dump

>> No.5059913

well rn we're just fucking between 260 and 275 so when would you predict this ends and what comes after?

>> No.5059922

The fee from Coinbase was $35 dollars

>> No.5059933

easy to say now that it happened, "whale". where the fuck were you in the AM?

>> No.5059944

I-Is it starting to take off?

>> No.5059954

You will be fine. Litecoin is actually preferred buy drug dealers. The coin has a real future because of it's speed.

>> No.5059955

Someone pls if it cancels it this may be working out In my favor

>> No.5059964

Its nothing that grand. Bitcoin has been trading sideways all night and thats a bad sign. Litecoin peaked already. Ethereum hit the top of a 3 day curve and started coming down which started the dominoes.

>> No.5059985


>> No.5059991
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>> No.5059995

you also have to pay tx fees for this overage fee which is now more than $100
what do you mean you don't have any money?

>> No.5060008

selling, retard
and laughing

>> No.5060019


>> No.5060033

whale bought 45,000 ltc at 300 and sold at 300.01 then everything went down him. Why even bother buying. sure they made 450 dollars, but they had to move 13 million in ltc to do so. why?

>> No.5060034

without proof you are just a LARPer friendo

>> No.5060039

the fuel is at xrp, move while you can

>> No.5060059

Is it over?

>> No.5060065

oh no here it drops again

>> No.5060071

It already pumped, buy LTC now when it's on sale.

>> No.5060083

how low you think it's gonna go? sub 250?

>> No.5060099

ltc will be over 320 by this afternoon. Screencap this

>> No.5060102

Dip is over slowpoke.

>> No.5060109

>IT'S 260 NOW

>> No.5060110

Why not? Lose nothing, gain cheaper LTC at different intervals.

>> No.5060122

fucking move this shit to XRP right now you idiots.
When it finishes dipping, buy back again.
Don't be a fucking poorfag. This is your chance.

>> No.5060124

it really doesn't want to go past 23% on fib, its a bulltrap and its going lower
eth just started to drop again

>> No.5060143

Memelines say 240 or 150.

>> No.5060148

Managed to buy at $262 on coinbase. Feels good.

>> No.5060173

Buy high sell low

>> No.5060192

cripple is going down as well only thing that holds so far is btc
come back to the king

>> No.5060203

Beautiful bounce incoming.

>> No.5060207

whats the point of this board? nobody knows if its going down or up. its just shitposting

>> No.5060224

look at volume, people are fighting over price right now
it actually might go up if volume keeps dropping

>> No.5060227

we support eachother though and share news

>> No.5060228

i LITERALLY just made 30 dollars in 2 minutes by moving to XRP.

This shit will hit a dollar tonight.
When it tops, you can buy low LTC which will fucking be at like 250.

>> No.5060240
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Welcome, it gets worse.

>> No.5060254

Here we goooo

>> No.5060256


>> No.5060266


>> No.5060267

>just shitposting
i invested in the and ltc just before it mooned like mad and changed them to ripple, which currently is mooning. if "just shitposting" gives me gains, please, shitpost more.

>> No.5060279

I hope you didn't sell at 260

>> No.5060282

Aw, I'm sad.

I missed the dip, I was watching it and I didn't buy.

Fuck me and my $500 I could've made.

Damn it.

>> No.5060283

wow XRP at ATH

so green candles, must buy now

>> No.5060306

I sold at 260 but bought back at 270. Missed the bottom, but I don't really care because I originally bought in at sub-100.

>> No.5060317

Nothing but green candles for the chickun. WE GOING TO THE MOON BOIS!

>> No.5060327
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The bounce has begun. FUCKING FINALLY. Iron hands :)

>> No.5060336

buy high sell low

>> No.5060352

Fuck this, sold at $280. Guess I've got weak hands but I made $600

>> No.5060366

Lesson learned at no real expense, just a small dent in my gains.

>> No.5060374

Ahahaha it's literally just started going back up

>> No.5060377


>> No.5060379

i woulda bought that dip but gdax is glitching out ;(

>> No.5060387

This WILL moon but not today, not this week, it's already done. Until 31/12 it will be 400 or 500 or whatever, you just have to wait. Can't just little manchilren understand something so simple? Stop looking at 1 min candles all day for fuck sake.

>> No.5060401

look at your charts, mate, it's jumping back up.
guess the burger thing OP talked about was real.

>> No.5060409

lookit her go

>> No.5060417


>> No.5060419

At some point you need to accept your fate and just become the coins bitch. One day it will pump you and other times it will dump you. Surrender yourself.

>> No.5060431

if you trade with fast candles you get reach faster moron!

>> No.5060438
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Ffs I tried to buy the dip but coinbase decided I needed to add pics or some bullshit and then it didn't even take them! "Under heavy traffic" my ass, I missed an easy flip because of this shit!

>> No.5060477

you missed nothing it wasn't a dip

>> No.5060495


>> No.5060509

I somehow doubt this will keep going up. It might hold at $290-300 but a correction is still coming, and I don't want to be HODLing when it comes

>> No.5060532

You have to believe in crypto. I actually plan on having litecoin and Bitcoin when it becomes more useful.

>> No.5060545

You guys need to understand waves - else you will literally just lose money each trade. Either Buy and Hodl. Or learn how to trade.

>> No.5060559

It has stalled,look at the order book
Now look at ethereum.
The same thing has happened yesterday guys cmon dont be as dense as you can be

>> No.5060561

Holding is best for most.

>> No.5060576

You can see my mental state in that I just wrote gay fan fiction about litecoin. I am a bit on edge right now.

>> No.5060578

is liftoff the new term for crashing?

>> No.5060633
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>mfw bought at 280 waiting for the pump
>mfw sold at 280 before it dipped any further

>> No.5060640

its not crasing lmao zoom out just holld

>> No.5060673
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>> No.5060680
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>only have 25 dollars in LTC

>> No.5060681

Congratulations on making absolutely no money.

>> No.5060764

Lol watching GDAX with my LTC on Bittrex is like peering 5 min into the future.

>> No.5060774

OP here.

Heh, whoops.

>> No.5060791

Annnnddd we are back to where we were an hour ago. How many scared normies sold at $270 or less?

>> No.5060805
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It will go back up your morons.

>> No.5060819

I almost did, but I thought of the weak hands meme and held strong

>> No.5060834

"Fuck, i need to buy in again. Damn, my buy limit is expended." *Gets the rope*
I can feel the frustration from here.

>> No.5060839

>How many scared normies sold at $270 or less?

I don't get the point of selling at loss with cryptos.
The market is never closed, so you can just invest and stay until you hit the Stop loss wall.

And if you can't afford it, then you shouldn't be investing in it.

>> No.5060853

bought at 270, and being pretty comfy watching it bounce right back up

>> No.5060873


On losing absolutely no money, you mean

I got off this ride just in time and i am glad i did.

>> No.5060894

And now you can get back in again? Or are you out for good?

>> No.5060898

If you bought at 280 why didn't you sell at 330?

>> No.5060903


school us, teach.

>> No.5060920
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>> No.5060938
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>Or learn how to trade.

I'm not in this to trade, if I trade I will lose tons of money and that's exactly why I chose cryptos over other stocks or Forex.

Buy and hodl is literally "investing"...

>> No.5060970


because i was waiting for 400$


yeah i am out of LTC

>> No.5060993


What percentage of your funds goes to each crypto that you invest?

>> No.5061020

Question about trading:
If you buy $500 USD worth of an unpopular $0.000001 value coin, but then its price starts going down so you want to sell it to prevent more losses,
how likely is it that you'd actually be able to sell?
Is it possible that you'd just be stuck with no takers as the price falls to literally zero?
with your bags in hand?

>> No.5061032

Bahahahaha. The wired to be poor meme is true. Fuck it's true with stocks too. If you don't know what you are doing, hold.

>> No.5061033

>What percentage of your funds goes to each crypto that you invest?

I invested 60% of my student saving.
I'm not a student anymore, and I didn't reinvest in retirement or real estate, I'm planning to use this investement for real estate later on.

>because i was waiting for 400$

Why didn't you sell at the first sign of dip then?
You know we're going to go at 500$ tonight?

>> No.5061055

>Is it possible that you'd just be stuck with no takers as the price falls to literally zero?


>> No.5061097

you've just described the problem with shitcoins, my friend.

>> No.5061166
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that's when you drop another $20000 putting in a massive buy order, meme it up to the retards on /biz/, then dump your share when they all get tricked and buy in

>> No.5061213

>that's when you drop another $20000 putting in a massive buy order, meme it up to the retards on /biz/, then dump your share when they all get tricked and buy in

Unless you're smart about it and you live in a country that lets you pay and withdraw with minimum interference, it won't work.

Then I don't know what exchange will allow you to do this.

If it was that easy we would be saturated with whales.
I can buy 25000 LTC right now if I wanted.

>> No.5061230
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>sold at 190 for a handsome profit
>FOMO hard as it passes 400
>bought again at 370
>lose all profit

These are going to be some heavy bags

>> No.5061306

Such is the way of the crypto wojak. We will all make it with the next moon, friends.

>> No.5061338

It did. For like 5 seconds, then all the script kiddies bought it in a nanosecond and shot it back up.

>> No.5061344
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>tfw bought at $70 and still haven't sold
who here /unbreakable/?

>> No.5061594

Iron hands are required now.
Hodl on to your bags, it will go up again.

>> No.5061639

nevar sell litecoin. Only HODL the line!