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50565116 No.50565116 [Reply] [Original]

What do pro capitalist think will happen when the rich can more power and wealth

>> No.50565157

you wanna try saying that again but this time in a complete sentence champ?

>> No.50565161

they probably will more power and wealth if they can.

>> No.50565184
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>What do pro capitalist think will happen when the rich can more power and wealth

>> No.50565188

dont reply to bot threads

>> No.50565202

foreign exchange markets get rely and this antiquated concept of a state can finally die and maybe the human race can agree that a civil-social group can exist without a governing body

>> No.50565208

>when rich can more power and wealth
I stopped buying from them, u should try that...stop buying from amazon cause muh $10 discount, that's free will

>> No.50565209
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Nice ID shalom goy

>> No.50565226

Depends on how.
The bigger the gap between people, the more crime we usually see.
The reaction to this is usually to reduce the gap and hopefully get some people out of poverty, but then people fuck it up and we go back to increasing the gap and the cycle continues.

>> No.50565314

anarchists lost in germany
anarchists lost in russia
anarchists lost in spain
anarchists lost in seattle

>> No.50565366

they are not ready yet

>> No.50565416

>He thinks the left isn't a rich's tool.
>He make a two scheme Wojak comic on his point.
Anon, your innocence is so cute and charming.

>> No.50565709

will start investing in nft shit like champ believing they have an unlimited source of money to worry about, you know, the usual

>> No.50565757

Private security forces, also most libertarians are self employed or waging programmer, not employers.

>> No.50565768

if starbucks and amazon and apple go union there might be pushback. as long as the push back isnt violence or leads to starvation nothing will happen.
someone has to die tragically for anything to change.

>> No.50565779

Dumb asshole at least put together a coherent sentence

>> No.50565797

Hello long pork!

>> No.50566556
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Commie nonsense, next question

>> No.50566917

Wow all of his workers are urbanite art students?

>> No.50566941
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All trannies will hang. Including OP

>> No.50566979

i often notice how poorfags in their violent power fantasies imagine as if only they can fight and as if self defense is not possible; as if they have a monopoly on violence or something

the idea of paramilitaries mowing them down with machine guns or radical counter revolutionary groups flaying them (latin america style) does not cross their mind, their daydreams only consist of killing people who will somehow never fight back

my theory is that it's because people fighting back makes their fantasy not as fun and even snaps them back
most of them have never actually been in a physical fight in their lives, plus they tend to be the "ban guns" types
so while fantasizing about an uneven fight where they have a childish "my side only ever wins with no casualties" rule is fun, actually conceptualizing their beloved revolution is impossible

>> No.50566994

the state is enemy of the people
remove it and we will flourish

>> No.50567051

Ancoms get raped by tankies.

>> No.50567113

i don't get why anarchists hate ancaps
the exact same thing will happen if you put in place an anarchist society as an ancap one. Only difference is CEOs would be called warlords

>> No.50567129
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>> No.50567834

Wtf are you talking about retard?
The only anarchist society ever was in Ukraine under Nestor Makhno

>> No.50568122

Don't even need to do anything
>my pronouns are she/her

>> No.50568159

>that goy who thinks he's closer to being a billionaire than he is to being homeless
you're severely outnumbered.

>> No.50568189

Arachists are based. This is another shill thread made by a secret commie from some LGBT friendly discord server. "Communists" are such losers lmao

>> No.50568223

>only anarchist society ever
and thats very telling, its a fail ideology
commies and anarchofags are friends, always were

>> No.50568251

>commies and anarchofags are friends
Not after the revolution, at that point it's a race about who's the true authentic socialist.