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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1868x437, smartcontractdedfauciNFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50559468 No.50559468 [Reply] [Original]

Hello gentlemen!

I come to you with an idea if you will, someone on /pol/ wanted a ded fauci and i wrote an autistic comment about it (pic related)

but it got me thinking, with all the technology we have, is it possible to make an anonymous list of smart contract - anon-fundeded monero sourced lists of the worlds evil people, skull&bones, rotschilds, rockefellers etc,...

People can anonymously donate Monero(ticker: $XMR) to a certain person, and then when there's let's say 3kk in the fund, someone goes and stabs the guy, takes a picture and uploads it to the blockchain as NFT.

Then you could use a random oracle network to confirm the death from news sources, and the uploader of the original ded guy NFT (chosen by Kleros jurors) gets X amount of almost untrackable privacy token monero for his good deed for mankind. (+the world is actually a better place)

You could do the same for all the other shits fucking up our planet. you know who im talking about.., hunger games irl / natural selection / stop fucking up our planet, and our lifes.

Feel free to discuss or provide your opinion why this would be / wouldn't be a good idea?

And most importantly /biz/ - how can we profit from this?


Also someone should archive and screencap this thread, it will be legendary and it will cause us all to shift timelines again.

natural selection or instant karma?


>> No.50559537

jason parser and ari juels are already working on this but they got caught on the arms smuggling operation in panama

>> No.50559594
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some other anon said its a stupid idea in the monero thread and now im sad


>> No.50559630

And then with our financial sector and knowledge base in disarray because these people are dead... putin moves in, bans 4 chan and we all die to stasii.

Dude, NSA is built to catch people as dumb as you.

>> No.50559816
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im a bored guy with internet, shitposting on a mongolian basket-weaving forum asking a question

also a burger from pol liked my post!

he wrote:

''>>388292078 (You)
uhm this is brilliant. decentralized democratized open-opportunity hitman contracts''

now im happy i just wanted one (1) positive feedback and i got it

i will make it my life work to do this because im bored and have nothing to lose. also for teh luls

praise kek


>> No.50559897

shh, stop giving ideas to the ruskies

>> No.50559935

FBI is currently watching this thread.

>> No.50559990

> json parser
My sides

>> No.50560076

This totally won't end in a giant war between divided factions

>> No.50560202

it's not a bad idea, it's just discussing it on 4chan is.

>> No.50560237

This will tell you why LINK and ETH are worthless

>> No.50560238

Your post is too long for me to read, but I do know one thing: PNK is not fine.

>> No.50560259

There's already a much simpler mechanism for this called a dead pool. The format would benefit greatly from smart contract integration and Ari Juels has even discussed it in a paper

>> No.50560337
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it has to be international, decentralized and trustless and it could maybe work

this idea really seems like the bugfix we need as a species

we can literally either do this and get rid of all the bad guys. forever. or not do this and go extinct. also forever. it really has come down do this imho.

ok this thread really triggered me, so i went in a short astral journey to explore those options:

(channeled info below)

burn shitich forever, we agreed, remember?

we agreed in a time before time

+vision how whole multiverse of ayy lmaos and multiverse beings got behind this kind of solution, as they also have similar problems in their own ecosystems (small number of powerful bad actors which fuck up the quality of life for other beings) this idea was already discussed around 2018/2019 on a galactic alliance scale and it was decided that each species will return to their native ecosystems and seek+destroy evil in their midst

currently earth has lag behind the other competitors from pleades and orion, they are 70-80% finished with their cleanup time and we are at only 10-20% still in the intro phase

for a brief moment of time, the existance of life globally generaly (multiverse scale) was seriously threatened

but now it is almost finished. the Light / good guys basically won

time is running out of itself
But (they) are running out of viable options

in a time near infinity's end
light shall be all
and the darkness will fall

to still me or to stir me,
aum may it fill me

timeline shift aka bugfix aka cleanup time you say? sounds good im in!

The cabal wants us all dead or enslaved if you didnt notice

luckily we have state of the art ai nanobots made from photons on our side (courtesy of a friendly 3rd tier alien civilisation)

so yeah lets see what happens

(and no i will not take my meds)


>> No.50560371

He has a sister called Exemella

>> No.50560463
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thanks, i think this is the paper



what the hell man

>> No.50560621

Based channeler

>> No.50560768
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>> No.50560780

Haven't seen this anon thanks!

Can I get a QRD?

How will "Ari Special" smart contracts not become a thing? I already promised that faggot UOF that my first contract would be for him shitting up this board with his shitty Link fud for years.

>> No.50560839

Jesus christ, this thread is FILLED to the BRIM with newfags. Ari literally used assassination contrats as a 1st use case for smart contracts years ago. You are late and this is already in the works. Us 10k+ stackers will hit so many.

>> No.50561011

There's way too much easy money to be made in crypto to risk getting life in prison ass raped by NSA/CIA US secret service fucks.

When the potential money to be made from crypto drops to that of regular web2 world and long since were the last 100xs then and only then will desperate devs make something like this and risk serious jail time for $.

>> No.50561077


the ass example starts on page 12 im reading it nao

>> No.50561253
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yeah this is quite a problem

doxed team = will go to prison

anon team = might remove liquidity and disappear or even lack the knowledge, $, time to do all the prerequesites

its like we would need a third player who should ideally be rich, trusted + can't be manipulated or threatened or bribed into unfairness.

how to do this decentralizely and securely and great is another question


thank you for reply Mr. anon

>> No.50561342
File: 18 KB, 512x468, D5751DFF-8F39-49FE-98F6-17DB9C5B54BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this happened, What is stopping them from putting massive contracts on every single 4chan user with their massive amounts of funds and power?

>> No.50561395

So this is the bancor solution.

>> No.50561478
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>> No.50561584

what case is this?
more info please

>> No.50561647

>Smart contracts

>> No.50561666
File: 218 KB, 1125x2436, 9EDD2470-AB0C-4035-99AF-C71AEB9D8BA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to all the government agents watching my screen right now
i do not support or endorse any ideas ITT, i’ve entered this thread by mistake while looking for some tranny porn. please do not put me on your watchlist / arrest me. thank you.

>> No.50561669

they will only target stupid frogposters you idiot

>> No.50561734
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this is unironically their plan, but with vax, war, diseases

i believe operation zephyr was the name. too much woke people. they had to do something. plan was to simply kill so many people, that those who will see what is happening and cry out will be deemed insane

but a lot of the things 'conspiracy theorists' predicted turned out true (about the rona, vax etc)

a tidal wave is about to crush upon (them)

in 2008/2009 there were 20k unique visitors and posters almost always present just on /b/

no idea what that number is now

but remember guys

we are anonymous,
we do not forgive,
we do not forget
expect us, for we are already here


remember remember, the fifth of november
the gunpowder, treason and plot
i know of no reason
why the gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot

also they killed the million mask organizer guy did u kno (pic related)

its us vs. them

they will rather die than loosen their tight demonic grasp, and something has to finally be done about it.

right here. right now!

Anonymous has no face, no race, and no origin.

Anonymous is a force and as such, simply is.

Anonymous is not I, you, or we. Anonymous is all without name, blame, and restraint.

Anonymous has no leader, no organization.

Anonymous is a wandering mass of both order and chaos.

Anonymous is here, Anonymous is now, Anonymous will always be.

Expect Us

>> No.50561786
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the devil has spoken.

i also created this thread by mistake, because i drank too much beer and i'm generally a stupid fuck

have a nice evening it's sleepy time for me, gotta go to work to get a paycheck to pay rent and gas and food so i can go back to work again

just makes no sense anymore with all the fucking monopoly money being printed

we're literally just shoveling pieces of coloured paper around and pretending that it will solve any real problems

*please wake up*

praise kek!

gn anonz i will see you tommorow

>> No.50561881
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the problem here is that the elites are almost untouchable, they control the media and would bid up the assassinations on their actors, then stage and fake the entire thing, then cash in your money (and u maybe v&).
they could also just trick you with fake news for a week so the oracle reports it and they get paid and you lose your money. there is also room for other trickery by 3rd parties.
you also really cant be 100% sure they are dead from just the NFT. thats just not enough proofs. you would need more than that somehow but such oracles dont exist.

I'm not against the idea but your plan has serious flaws.

>> No.50561933

We need a washer for Monero/ETH pairing STAT. You wouldn't be able to deploy the assassination contract otherwise.

>> No.50561993

Additionally, "you live long enough to become the villain".
The hippie silent generation went on to own stocks in IBM and the military industrial complex.
Rebellious hippies went on to own onions stocks, grain and oil fields.
The anti-establshment punks of Gen X went on to own stocks in dotcoms and tech startups.
The rebellious, anti-elite nature of this generation of crypto will be eaten up with greed.
Ideologies will take the backseat once they become the new millionaires class let in with the others before them.
The irony will be they will be the biggest opponents of any rebellion set forth against the crypto cash cow.

>> No.50562092

Epstein island

>> No.50562106
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>> No.50562113


2 more years

i just realized something

nothing is true, everything is permitted

also OP

did u decided on your name because of the so called 'nobody phenoma'?

The illuminati will learn that they have only been children watching a show designed to educate. As of this day the education is not complete, it will be though.

The nobody is as much an actor as he is anything else... And a consumate professional at that. The nobody not only can turn sideways and slip between the cracks in the matrix, he understands the knowledge of the Logos.



? "..... i speculate that God will use this man somehow, to change the future".


? This nobody apparently has God's blessing because he is still alive. If any other person did/said the things that this man did/said, they would have been dead in a nano second."

".....I can not elaborate but let's just say this nobody, this little nothing, has balls of steel. In the beginning he was almost wiped, twice. He survived, now much hangs in the balance."



you know thats most limely a psyop right?

>> No.50562125

Anonymous has been gayified. We need something new.

>> No.50562132

Super gay squad? Has a nice ring to it

>> No.50562186


happy rainbow buttlickers?

>> No.50563044

black cube ltd
Black Cube (BC Strategy Ltd) is a private corporate intelligence company based in London, Tel Aviv, and Madrid. The company was founded in 2010 by former Israeli intelligence officers Dan Zorella and Avi Yanus

>> No.50563127
File: 125 KB, 623x616, LaughingChans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
