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50558791 No.50558791 [Reply] [Original]

Let me guess, Wikileaks works for AXA/Mastercard too right?

>> No.50558860

I’d bet $1000, that OP is “Jred” that posts on stocktwits

>> No.50558885

Jed McCaleb is satoshi

>> No.50558899
File: 47 KB, 644x338, 7yu9ijk4dbm0zsq351bny87jkio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Id bet a million bux that youre a HomoSexual TransSexual

>> No.50559111

Kill yourself jew. We are going to genocide American jews. Keep it up.

>> No.50559198
File: 30 KB, 400x400, sylvia-stolz2_k0nsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satan trips

>> No.50559298

gib source bitch nigger

>> No.50559329
File: 216 KB, 1080x1675, bWVkaWEvRlllX05yN1gwQWM4MjJ4LmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Date is in the image you fucking fairy

>> No.50559372

you started this thread faggot, now provide a link or gtfo

>> No.50559380

death to israel you mossad rats. Your children will live with targets on their kike heads until they are executed by state enforced deaths quads. It’s over jews .

>> No.50559404

Craig actually looks really good considering autism + stroke + old age + literal homosexuality

>> No.50559423
File: 658 KB, 801x454, abbo_on_abbo_action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really are fucking retarded

>> No.50559604

I'm retarded for wanting to see this tweet so I can actually read what's in the screenshots and click on the link provided?

>> No.50559619
File: 206 KB, 1000x1764, 1656755991671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He doesnt have autism, they paid a quack psychiatrist to diagnose him remotely (for real, never saw him in person) to try and explain away why he talks like such a cunt, and then when the court asked for the psychiatrists diagnosis notes, surprise! they went missing.

The specific psychiatric disorder craig probably has is a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, probably with a side of sociopathy and whatever the one is called that makes you lie non-stop about shit you dont even need to lie about.

>> No.50559655

OP posted a grab of a tweet.
The author (and the posting date) of the original tweet is clear. As would be the general story behind it to anyone who spent 10 minutes with fucking Google. tldr, as has been noted twice now, YOU are the sole fucking tard here, no cunt else. Now gtf.

>> No.50559667

you're a retard because you can't use google instead of just shitting up a thread asking others to do the work for you. WAAA WAAA I CAN'T SPEND 20 SECONDS GOOGLING SHIT, PLEASE SPOON FEED ME.


>> No.50559674
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>> No.50559718

Dude if you believe that public documents and records that wikileaks is merely pointing out--- which are perfectly verifiable by anyone interested in doing so--- are somehow forged by anti-CSW parties, then you are way too retarded and paranoid to be helped

>> No.50559742

time to log off, Jeb. For anyone who is too new to remember the shitshow fraudulence of Jed Mccaleb:

>> No.50559814

jesus christ, thank you
it's not my job to do op's job. if he wants to have a discussion then he needs to provide some sources

>> No.50559871

A guy does a ponzi scheme, on a ponzi scheme, because he know it is a ponzi scheme. State of crypto!

>> No.50559872
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I dont have a job and im not here to have a discussion. Im here to laugh at you and craig and BSV.

simple as end of

>> No.50559942

Is the guys name at the bottom really “Justice Butcher”?

>> No.50559991

>whatever the one is called that makes you lie non-stop about shit you dont even need to lie about.
ah, yes, Lying Thomas Disorder

>> No.50560024


All judges are called Justice (surname)

Mr Justice is kinda funny tho i give you that.

>> No.50560127
File: 1.68 MB, 800x1221, JUSTICE_IS_ME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justice Butcher is a chad lad.
only High Court Judges - lower ones are Just Judge, chief. I wonder what made professional liar-spotters on 3 different continents all seperately decide, Dr Wright is a lying piece of shit?

>> No.50560896

Funny if that was proven he would be in jail.
But instead The bankers sent someone to shoot him and stab him.
They failed you all failed.
Truth is a force of nature.

>> No.50560942


Fair enough.

>> No.50560970

yes, shot, what was it, 3 (thats three, folks) times out in The Jungle, wasn't he, back in his days doing Sekrit Stuff for, uh, Guberments and sheeit?
fantastic story. To add to the rest.

>> No.50561004

You talk like a yid

>> No.50561007
File: 134 KB, 1108x1477, zhOQhD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah lol why even lie about that?

Its literally the navy seal pasta except craig made that shit central to his internal man of mystery bitcoin inventor persona.

What a fucking nerd.

>> No.50561054

calvin needs psychiatric help

>> No.50561131

And American jews deserve to be put in camps until they starve to death