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50549424 No.50549424 [Reply] [Original]

Linkers are so hyped for staking i had to look up what it entailed, it must be something super special right... well, actually it's just an inflationary 5% drip for a selected and limited group of token holders with no impact on the security of the network

>> No.50549564

>muh 75 mil token lockup

>> No.50549582

Nexo is insolvent.

>> No.50549734

nice argument, or rather cope

>> No.50549771

fucking piss off with this shit lie

>> No.50549821

good, fuck cefi scamming platforms
that doesn't change the fact that

>> No.50550091

Said the linkie around this time in 2020. Well, linkies? Where is it?

>> No.50550122

When will link fudders lose interest in this 5 year old coin?

>> No.50550201
File: 408 KB, 500x345, 1656309658691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers subtlety tongue my anus


no one, I repeat, no one believes the shit that chris has concocted.
Fucking Nexo again? no one did anything about it last time and this is just meaningless social media niggers trying to control the narrative
sir gay will sit down with seven sacrificial niggers.
chainlinkgod will gun down those seven niggers
they were wearing plaid and their plaid becomes known to the community as the seven blood flannels plaid in full.
The blood from chainlinkgod will squirt, like a Japanese Harlot, on to the remaining big macs causing them to become, with 1000%eoy certainty Blood Macs.
The blood macs and the seven blood flannels, plaid in full will be used for everg subsequent Chainlink presentation deemed holy by the Twitter Marines*
*all Twitter LINK marines have faced the 50% haircut thanks to 42 and Chainlinkgod and are not to be trusted in a trustless environment because, frankly, they are poorfags.
sauce follows...
click it...

>> No.50550240

>i had to look up what it entailed
>well, actually it's just an inflationary 5% drip for a selected and limited group of token holders with no impact on the security of the network
>How to get answers to questions on the internet 101: make a wrong assertion
Nice try anon, but I'm not spoonfeeding you. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.50550257

cringe dumbshit

>> No.50550283

Exit the Stargate, initial perception quickens my heart rate
This dark place, planet Earth, orbits one star
I've come from afar, far away state of mind
Open up your third eye, black helicopters in the sky

>> No.50550338

42 is raging a holy war on twitter in his father's name, a jihad for the pregnant sir gay
beautiful music for you to die to

>> No.50550344

excellent gaslighting tactic, fellow linkie. this way we will never have to sort through our cognitive dissonance!

>> No.50550377

Im more hyped about it being integrated into Hedera honestly
HBAR foundation has been working on this for a long time now

>> No.50550381
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She can think pink elephants until mama Africa comes home and it still doesn't make elephants pink (Elvis Peak)

I don't even know who Candice Bergen is, that's how dumb I am. I'm really dumb. You wouldn't believe how stupid I am; I'm a hillbilly

A fucking Hillbilly...

>> No.50550386
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 1651688164424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so excited for the link marines.

>> No.50550503

Praise me, oh god, things I have done
Raise the introspect, wars I have won
Rise me, oh god, stand still the end
Send in the solace one, wars never end My black magic creates tragic fates like back fractures upon magistrates
That disagreed with what Necro advocates
If you know thugs for 4 G's you could be coked up
Involved in orgies on top of pentagrams soaked in goats' blood
With innocent maidens, reciting rituals in a menacing cadence
I'm blatantly a sadist, making me Satan's acquaintance
My sepulchral corporals disobeyin' court rules, assaultin' bishops
Burn 'em with liquid from the cauldron on the altar with chickens
These verses are satanic like Salmon Rushdie
Reading Talmud on embalming fluid next to Muhammad, the devil told him to do it
Music made for thrashers and gay bashers
We slay fascists, while I parlay puffin' LaVey's ashes
You're enslaved to Mephisto's imprisonment
Dick on Monroe's grave and christen it when I piss in it
Blasphemous like Baphomet's tits, evil like African ticks
Make the female sacrifice and suck theCapricorn's dick
You got pulmonary edema
You'll soon be buried like Gary Coleman's career, but your skull recovered by FEMA
Attackin' the mental, walkin' backwards into temple
Gold inverted pentacle, fang platinum dental
Magically create tragedy internally
Similiar to Merlin so your fragile anatomy burns in Hell
Your permanent murder's a travesty
Sincerely and personally I'm eternally HIM, his infernal majesty

It comes to me
I feel insane
I write the book of corpse
I feel the strain
Killing it comes to me
It's what I do to pray, to pray

This shit's heavy, like the illustrations of Eliphas Lévi
Should've left you forever celibate at your Briss with a machete
Sick, demented women prance, centered in the pentagram
Enter the pit, kill a divine being like Glen Benton's band
Importing to Miami beach, no law in the streets

>> No.50550552
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, johntardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wait for the lord to preach
'cause God is dead, according to Nietzsch'
Shit on Christ while the beat rocks
Blasting King Diamond during the Equinox, sacrificin' peacocks
A black Bar Mitzvah, rabinical Satanists
A clinically sick cynical clique with banana clips and bandanas
If your career was killin' for Satan and now you're locked up
It's clear as day you were deceived like Ramirez
I have no physical address, I just spiritually manifest
Like mystical hat tricks, split in two in a casket and switched backwards
Sammy Davis Jr. was Satanic no less
Recruiting many actors and actresses in to the C.O.S
L. Ron Hubbard thought he was Satan
You wish you were me
The Scientologist gynecologist doin' abortions ritually
Freemasonry's why Michael flipped
Tom Cruise's brain is microchipped
They cleared his mind completely then recycled it
Travolta's been trapped since '75
Before "Welcome Back, Kotter"
They soldered his brain open with blotters
Politician occultists hexin' humans
With complex infections that bludgeon
'cause they hold grudges like Stryker from X-Men
It be the God like Marquis de Sade
The Priesthood of Mendes
Sacrificing chicks like Lisette Melendez
Like Trevor Peres and Sean Martin on Fenders
We're rugged thuggin', shout to my Insaneology members

>> No.50550569

y-y-you had 33 years

>> No.50550771

I’m wondering this so much myself.
Literally the only Link “community” left on here is the fudders.

>> No.50550891

>Cognitive dissonance
Sure, "fellow Linkie", it's us who are deluded and not the people pretending LINK staking is actually bearish lmao.

>Ethies are so hyped for staking i had to look up what it entailed, it must be something super special right... well, actually it's just an inflationary 5% drip for a selected and limited group of holders while diminishing the security of the network compared to PoW
Wew, that was easy! And 99% of coins with "staking" implemented are literally just paying people to park tokens somewhere without adding ANY utility at all, just inflating the token to get more tokens. To pretend LINK is the same, is either delusional or trolling. Read the whitepaper.

>> No.50551078

thanks for gaslighting the community further fellow "linkie"

>> No.50551143

cringe thread. drns

>> No.50551226

Like you are doing right now? Indulge me: if OP's statement is correct, does that mean that ETH 2.0 is also worthless? or do we hold the number 25 crypto to a higher standard than the number 2 crypto?

>> No.50551277

am I gaslighting you right now, Chris?

>> No.50551301

he wasnt talking to you schizo, checked tho
bro all cryptos are worthless

>> No.50551334


>> No.50551349

excellent strawman sir. op was talking about initial version of staking

>> No.50551411

My name is not Chris, so I'm gonna go with "yes"
>bro all cryptos are worthless
Meh. Even if that were true, it doesn't change the fact that some cryptos are more worthless than others. If we go by usage, developers, dapps and other such metrics, Ethereum is objectively one of the most useful cryptos in the space. Even so, its PoS model is still just an inflationary drip for a limited group (32 ETH+ nodes) with a negative impact on the security of the network compared to PoW. Going by OPs standards, ETH staking is even less useful and needed than LINK staking.

But apparently pointing out the disingenuity here is akin to gaslighting.

>muh gaslighting
>muh strawman
You have been doing nothing else but strawmanning this entire thread lmao.
>op was talking about initial version of staking
So? Doesn't change anything about the statement made.

>> No.50551539

I'm not obligated to respond to your disingenuous FUD in a manner you'd prefer. Eat shit.
Did I hit a nerve?
Network expanding, need for token increasing, future bright.

>> No.50551598
File: 651 KB, 800x800, BF50958C-5D63-45FD-9622-F8199CCE517E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it’s UP TO 5%

Also, you should know:
>Aug 2020: $20
>Jul 2022: $6

Great investment you got there /biz/

>> No.50551637

well, to be fair at least with ETH staking you are actually giving financial guarantees for decentralization and the network running as intended, with the initial Chainlink staking it's literally nothing like that. You just lock up your tokens and get a 5% yield entirely subsidized by inflation to the circulating supply, fees aren't included, slashing isn't included, it's just nothing, literally HEX tier

>> No.50551661

>i wave my hand and my intellectual farts go away

>> No.50551718

Can't we all just agree that niggers and Jews are bad news?

>> No.50551832

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50551848

>0 contribution to thread so far

>> No.50552752

Okay, so basically LINK tokens have value because you will soon be able to stake them to earn more LINK tokens which are valuable because you can stake them to earn more LINK tokens which you can use to stake more LINK tokens. That is why the LINK token is valuable.

>> No.50552771

How is that possible?

>> No.50552798

I only have 1000 link and want to kill myself. Why did I buy this shit 3 months ago at $7 I’d have made more money with ETH which has a 1000x higher cap

>> No.50552912

Its weird how none of you ever post in linkpool threads, which should be even more of a joke than link if link is a failure. Its almost as if... you're all actually link holders who can't stop themselves from autistically fudding for fun. Nah, that can't be it, only an absolute loser would do something like that for years on end.

>> No.50553438

Literally me.

Hail victory.

>> No.50553456

>i had to
Wrong, it was a choice.
Why did you choose this?
Nexo not solvent.

>> No.50553536
File: 695 KB, 1378x1378, Untitled20_20220723200121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont understand. Keeping the price down forever is a GOOD THING.

>> No.50553541

Remember when link threads used to be worth reading-.-

>> No.50553557

There were people who bought in at the 30-40 range.

>> No.50553969

its actually deflationary? 75millions locked up on 1 feed , 50mil emission directed to stakers , rewards now spread accros more nodes wich means more token retention because of the incentive which is more stake more pie .

>> No.50556282


the link token is the vehicle to transfer value on the network. Nodes providing data to smart contracts need to provide collateral in order to be game theory optimal. If a node has control of the input of a smart contract containing 500m USD, they would need to provide collateral so that its not profitable to provide false inputs to game the contract.

chainlink oracle customers pay node operators to provide accurate data. chainlink nodes get paid in this method.

>> No.50556472

Hey poor fags your funancial (not a typo) advisor here:
75% LPL
25% LINK
(yes that's right)

Sell 50% of your LPL in late 2024 when its like 230USD+ per token. Keep the rest forever and collect the LINK payouts forever. Use those biweekly payouts for shroom fueled adventures, five star vacations, five star pussy etc.

Buy lambo, yacht, house etc with a portion of the LPL sale proceeds.

Take remaining LPL sale proceeds and buy more LINK.

Sell 20% of your LINK stack every time it 5x's for new lambo(s) yacht(s) mansion(s) wife(s).

Your stack will now outlive you.

Make sure that you have a will and transfer LINK/LPL holdings to your estate for your family to enjoy in your afterlife.

>> No.50556501

Actually nevermind.

Do not buy the LINK token.

Do not buy the LPL token.

You'll be just fine without them.