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50541030 No.50541030 [Reply] [Original]

Begin your japanese business journey with the Fukuoka startup package!!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

>> No.50541063

Pretty cool, but what would you even do for a startup in Japan? Professional Monkey torture? Also, you'd probably need to know Japanese for it to work.

>> No.50541069

How make money from fuck Japanese prostitute

>> No.50541091
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Plaese come Japan make startup busines in Japan

>> No.50541122

Could I hold classes on how to milk western weebs?

>> No.50541126

Fuck off sea monkeys

>> No.50541244
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>those toes

>> No.50541271

Japs have nice bods but I can't take their face seriously.

>> No.50541272

does it includes young and hot japanese prostitutes?

>> No.50541293

>Professional Monkey torture

>> No.50541451

ogre toes. She can kill a hog in 1 kick with those.

>> No.50541854

yellow women are disgusting
look like a jellyfish

>> No.50541895

I'd like to fuku her oka if you know what I mean.

>> No.50541927

I want to Fukuoka her startups

>> No.50541953

but what if i'm too rich to work
can i still go to japan and fuck your women?

>> No.50542033

Fr. Shit is nasty no cap

>> No.50542195

So you get a total of $250K Dollar loan for your company startup as well as a permanent work residency visa? That sounds like a massive committment for something that would be incredibly difficult to pull of when you have no connections or even know the language

The requirements are also quite strange, although I have to say the fact you get such an easy path to a work Visa is quite lucrative in itself

>> No.50542255
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need a qt japanese girl to fukuoka my benis :DDD

>> No.50542282

Would Japanese people eat my Texas smoked bbq if I started a restaurant?

>> No.50542308

Of course they would.
Japs eat all sorts of weird shit.

>> No.50542330

fukuoka has the best food and best women
outdoory things to do
best city in japan, great to start a family too
im currently developing on icp, might move there if it gains some traction

thanks for the link anon

>> No.50542353

>debtmaxx from western shithole for $50,000 loan
>flee western shithole with money and reach the 5 million Yen investment threshold
>get the $250,000 loan with some bullshit globalist business plan
>put 50% of the money into BTC and spend the next 3 years snorting coke and fucking bitches
So this is the plan, right?

>> No.50542384

Hory shiet, genius praya

>> No.50544229

I just put that into google street view and everywhere, literally everywhere, I clicked:
>impecable streets
>impecable sidewalks
>impecable houses
>unlocked bicycles
>like straight up off a jap cartoon
holy shit imagine being born there and being a depressed hiki neet faggot.

>> No.50544244

if like to start up her package, if you know what i mean

>> No.50544254
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You just know.

>> No.50544316

she's banging vitalik there in the back?

>> No.50544507

>investing my money in slanteyes

not today Akira

>> No.50544566 [DELETED] 
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I wouldn't mind

>> No.50544591

conceptular el fragranco

>> No.50544615

wheres the penis?

>> No.50544653

you rike it?

>> No.50545601

i love japanese women so much its unreal

>> No.50545658

Its alright but still fucking retarded as shit. They should make the process easier for people from western countries

>> No.50545708

I want to move to Japan but I can't understand Japanese. I'm an unvaxxed employed 24 year old white male living in a Eurozone. How can I get a job in Japan

>> No.50545743

If you got a degree you can be an English teacher. Maybe a programmer. Other than that you're shit out of luck. You have to speak Japanese to work a corporate job

>> No.50545831

I have a degree in a subject unrelated to English and an English Alevel. I would have expected you'd need more qualifications to teach though? But maybe that only applies for higher education

>> No.50546125

You're not a teacher, you're just an assistant. And the pay is shit.

>> No.50546139
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>( ꈍᴗꈍ)
>( ꈍᴗꈍ) ( ꈍᴗꈍ) ( ꈍᴗꈍ) ( ꈍᴗꈍ) ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

>> No.50546415

What legal obstacles are there to overcome for me to buy Japanese female breast milk, turn it into dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese, sour cream, etc... then export it overseas to sell in anime packaging with blockchain verification so they know they are getting real Japanese female milk product?

>> No.50546588

I'm dating a Japanese - biggest mistake of my life. She had 9/10 boobs but her face is like 4/10. I tried to break up with her but she threatened to kill herself, and another time I even hinted at it she cornered me in a room and interrogated me while holding a pair of scissors. Legit I am trapped. I want out!

>> No.50546595


>> No.50546622

you are living the dream bro, do you want a girl who likes you or not? does that sounds like someone who plans on divorce raping you? have fun with those titties.

>> No.50546635

Oh no, how terrible

>> No.50546640

>She had 9/10 boobs

>> No.50546668

No idea whether this is true since 4chan but I had the polar opposite situation. Japanese girlfriend with a pretty face, but flat as a board. Best relationship i've ever had.

>> No.50546710

I live in japan, that X, press that shit for life.

I just finished and will graduate in a month. I said to myself; since the people have disgraced me in my stay I wont stay. However, if I find a good job I might stay another year or two.
Thanks for the link OP, assuming its not a scam or a way for me to dox myself I'll try it out

>> No.50546728

Some of them are crazy, the society has destroyed people. There are people who have clearly broken minds, they just roam around like zombies in the day.

>> No.50546757

She is very dedicated to me but the reason I want out is I fear she would give me weak sons since her frame is small.

>> No.50546763
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>> No.50546781
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>tfw bro is tossing aside a big tiddy japanese gf who loves him because she doesnt fit his exact genetic specifications

>> No.50547072

This glows way too fucking much. Why am I being gang stalked? I’ve already moved 3 times and now it’s you want to follow me overseas!?


>> No.50548058

What did they mean by this?

>> No.50548243
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You made me do this.

>> No.50548442

Sounds like an easy job with a possibility for promotion honestly, hopefully the low pay won't be too much of a problem if crypto pumps either

>> No.50548468

you sound like a nigger

>> No.50548515

I want a cute small gf but everywhere I go and communities I check out I see mostly landwhales or chubby-to-fat tallish women. My family thinks I'm gay because I don't actively try anymore, what can I do? I don't want to settle for someone I'm not into.

>> No.50548582
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OP is a fag, JP economy is hitting the levels of shit u have not yet seen. A lot of medium and small businesses are shutting down because of covid and lock-downs. A lot of local ma and pa shops are gone. Young people do not want to work because their moms and dads and grandmothers pay for everything that includes shit like education, car, apartment in the big city, dates. Most mothers even travel to their kids place on weekend to cook and clean. So the youth is beyond spoiled and fucked and has no interest in working. this led to immigrant inflow from jungle asian countries to take on service jobs and because of that the quality of izakayas and serice industry gone to complete shit. Japan used to provide the most amazing service compared to anywhere in the world, it is now on par with american 7/11.

The women are beyond retarded and spend most of their time consuming instagram shit life. Most and I mean most japanese girls are 5/10. The shit in OP pic is a idol tier porn star tier after multiple plastic surgeries tier pussy. the average girls you see on street are fugly or normal looking. Wait for that mask and make up to come off and you wish you were back home in america fucking a black girl. We japanese laugh at foreigners who call ugly girls beautiful, fuck man go back bro, you are below reddit cringe.

Also almost 90% of pussy in now vaccinated. So The future of japan is pretty much fucked.

and if you spend a moment of your online jerk off time to actually look that site in OP link and check out the listed success stories section. Most of those businesses have now gone under in less that a year.

Yes please come to japan bring your money and support our retarded old people population and young who do not work and have no future.

>> No.50548701
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go out and touch grass incel

>> No.50548712

>JP economy
This sounds like every economy at the moment. I don't want to fuck black girls either. World is going down the shitter. I don't trust any picture of girls on the internet no matter the race, everyone hides behind filters and sometimes they aren't even girls.

>> No.50548716

cope poopcel. not gonna fud me out of generational wealth

>> No.50548778

Take care of your sons with weighlift, quinoa, carbinol foods and take them to the pool
When castizos marry japs their kids end with a hunter gatherer bone structure, like a finn + mongol admixture

>> No.50548809

I don't give a fuck about money open the god damn japanese/korean border you RICENIGGERS I need your women worshiping me again god please

>> No.50548868
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>> No.50548928

>Most and I mean most japanese girls are 5/10
>the average girls you see on street are fugly or normal looking
They're still much better than what we have in the states. Maybe things changed now, but when I went to Japan in 2019 one thing that really stood out to me was how fit everyone was, there were almost no obese people. Then I flew back to the US, and upon landing I'm surrounded by ugly landwhales. I wanted to cry.

>> No.50549069

I know this feel

>> No.50549089
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>> No.50549180

Jesus, i want waifu like that

>> No.50549250


>> No.50549275

Can you elaborate, what do you mean by disgrace?

>> No.50549310


>> No.50549362

underrated post

>> No.50549371

You are both retarded for different reasons.

>> No.50549451


>> No.50549462

This board, like all the rest, has been overrun by chink and slav shills. They hate the Japanese.

>> No.50549539

This is actually really cool
Japan is notoriously tough on immigration, even skilled foreigners have a hard time getting a residence permit.
I'd like to try living there for about 2 to 3 years, if they create a visa for remote wagies then I'm in.

>> No.50549659
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come on gaijin your wifu is waiting for u
yes come white boy your bag of xrp and luna will go a long way in anime land
thats the problem with u gaijin your jav fever blinds you, maybe if u live here long enough u will start to see the difference between a 5 and an 8

>> No.50549685

You are white, david-kun

>> No.50549726

It might work, but you still have to cater to their taste. Japs love their coffee, pastry, melons and artisinal chocolate.

>> No.50549759


>> No.50549779

they have a thriving idol scene, could be profitable
also daily reminder the japanese government will pay you to become a farmer in rural japan including house and citizenship

>> No.50549954

I saw a muslim Bangladeshi who looks like your average Dubai slave worker and he operates a legitimate Ramen noodle shop and has a family living upstairs. He previously apprenticed to a veteran noodle-maker before opening hos own shop.

Its doable if you’re not here for JAV poons and have the willpower and weabooism.

>> No.50550146

I will never have sex

>> No.50550159

>The women are beyond retarded and spend most of their time consuming instagram shit life. Most and I mean most japanese girls are 5/10
So just like everywhere else

>> No.50550182

*falls to knees* N...nakadashi...

>> No.50550398


Do the maladjusted man children on this idiot site actually fall for shit like this?

>> No.50550473

White man with jap gf here. The sex is wild but other than that it feels like I'm dating someone with severe autism. Once the sex gets stale, I'm out.

>> No.50550757

>it feels like I'm dating someone with severe autism
>this is a bad thing

>> No.50550879
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enough shit talk white piggu, show me your startup idea

>> No.50551320

>enough shit talk white piggu, show me your startup idea
bwc sexo...

>> No.50552110

>Also almost 90% of pussy in now vaccinated.
God, this is so true. I havent met a single women that isnt vaxxed. I would say this also applies to the men but I've met a couple that are opposed to vaccines (however they still got covidvaxxed regardless lol). Japanese women are fear minded NPC zog bots glued to their smartphones 24/7.

>> No.50552313

>Japanese women are fear minded NPC zog bots glued to their smartphones 24/7.
you gotta break their conditioning with your cock (big white)

>> No.50552502

>even her shadow is fuckable

>> No.50554042

It looks like Seamus in the power suit

>> No.50554435

Sounds interesting, thanks. Specific industries they favor in Fukuoka?

>> No.50554629

Yes, providing big white cocks services to lonely fuckuokan girls

>> No.50554726

Looks like Japanese Abigail Shapiro
Good Nippon milkers also

>> No.50554808

Japanese people have a type of autism which is more irritating than comforting. If the women didn't fuck like pornstars then I'd say they need nuking again.