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50543476 No.50543476 [Reply] [Original]

Expecting eth and btc to appreciate in value in a tightening economic environment is foolish

>> No.50543486

Why do you think it would be?

>> No.50543493

Nobody knows anything

>> No.50543643
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Rates are increasing globally

>> No.50543708

Indeed. Yet the writing is on the wall. They will do all in their power to keep it centralised, but it's too late. They are like producers of horse carriages clinging on at the the time of trains and automobiles at the horizon. I am not worried in the least.

>> No.50543720
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The market already beat it to the punch.
Here's how it will go down.
>rates go up and normies are declaring bankruptcy left and right
>crypto moons because anyone who hasn't got rekt by the first point is smart enough to be rigorously buying
>normies priced out forever in crypto and are debt cows for the (((entities)))

>> No.50543740

You must be very dumb then, with all respect

>> No.50543753

>>crypto moons because anyone who hasn't got rekt by the first point is smart enough to be rigorously buying
why do you think this is smart?

>> No.50543766

Unless you make an argument other than 'you must be dumb' I can't prove otherwise.

>> No.50543798

energy costs

>> No.50543829

Ridiculous. The argument might be made for spaceX and a ton of other businesses as well. Including foremost gold mining. Really Anon, ridiculous.

>> No.50543839

It has no fundamentals at all
People flee away from high risk "assets" when the rates are high

>> No.50543850

Crypto isn't a business. But you're right, SpaceX would be useless without free public money

>> No.50543887

Except when they mean a revolution of it all. Check Mark Cuban. As soon as he understood DeFi, which took him a while, he was on board. Just as an example. Show me 1 thing he did wrong. He sold everything he built before it went down.

>> No.50543984

It's not a revolution at all. It brings nothing truly new
I don't know why I should care about what Cuban say

>> No.50543998

>Check Mark Cuban
yea nah.
i know for zooms anything outside of the post-08 economy is unknown but the funny money is coming to an end.

>> No.50544005

Buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword crypto up orDOWN?????? Buzzword buzzword

>> No.50544007

It brings everything new. No more bankers making rules, but the market. It's what any Anon with self respect should be all in for.

>> No.50544040

Gold is better for that and has been around for thousand of years

>> No.50544063

You do not understand. Gold is in their hands. If it wasn't the gold price would be 10 times what it is. I am right friend. Forget 'ze bugs' and all that. Think.

>> No.50544065

>speculative asset that you can't pay tax with
>dude it's just like digital gold

>> No.50544090

LMAO Anon... u think the ire will not take your btc for example if owed?

>> No.50544097

And so is bitcoin
Why do you think it's worth anything more than runescape gold or anything like that?

>> No.50544107

It is an ongoing fight. We live in exciting financial times indeed

>> No.50544232

Basically, right now, the way things develop, it is governments and bankers against the new way. Because they know it would be giving up power over everything money wise. They will fight to the bone. But we will win. Because progress wins. Always.

>> No.50544262

A fight you already lost simply because you're not rich enough to compete with the "bankers".
You're treating a investment as if it was a social movement, it isn't.

>> No.50544299

You're wrong on both accounts Anon.
I am not rich enough to compete with 'the bankers' but I don't have to be.
And also, I never said it was a social movement... just the future, which it is.

>> No.50544326

>meme money which no one uses outside of spamming to buy a lambo and finally get laid is the future of finance

>> No.50544342

>I am not rich enough to compete with 'the bankers' but I don't have to be.
You need, or else it'll happen the same thing that happened with gold.
>And also, I never said it was a social movement... just the future, which it is.
You're acting as if it was. That "we x them" is a obvious social/political movement.
The truth is most people that buy crypto don't want to start a worldwide revolution, they just want to gain some money

>> No.50544349

I don't even know how to answer this... are u serious? Meme money?What isn't meme money? Are you serious?

>> No.50544379

>What isn't meme money?
Something real, or something that has the support of the state

>> No.50544392

>they just want to gain some money
You're right. This is true for about 90% of crypto investors. Which means shit. Because it is true for 100% of stock investors

>> No.50544422

Do you think a piece of printed cotton is actually worth 100 dollars?

>> No.50544500

nigger the bankers already control half of crypto, lay off the pipe and come back to earth

>> No.50544519

The difference is that with stocks are a % of a company, while crypto is supposed to be a currency
If it has the guarantee of the state, then yes

>> No.50544522

They can't control any decentralized network and chain. Which is why they are all upset and trying their best to counter. DonÄt u get that? Open your eyes. Do not just believe what you read or are told. DLook and understand yourself!

>> No.50544526
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You know what else is tightening? Your moms gash.

>> No.50544540

>They can't control any decentralized network and chain
buy a shitload of hardware with their infinite money
buy a shitload of crypto with their infinite money

you're deluded

>> No.50544557

That is not how it works

>> No.50544556

Who are you trying to convince?

>> No.50544593

As I said, the same logic applies to gold and it's much easier to buy bitcoin than to buy gold

>> No.50544605

I'll give u this now before I retire to bed


>> No.50544731

Everything is still fucked in ways that show signs of getting far worse before any improvement or fix can be put into place. I can understand why people are excited for these poomps, but you'd have to be delusional or desperate to believe that there's any kind of long-term recovery about to happen. We had Bitcoin swinging 10k a few months ago before nosediving even harder. Nothing is safe until most of these other problems are solved.

>> No.50544766
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Don't worry OP we have a solution for a tightening economic environment

>> No.50544786

After the merge, crypto in general will de-couple from the stock market and become the major safe haven asset class and alternative to the worthless dollar.
BRICs know this, that's why they are trying to rush to produce their own world currency before everyone piles into crypto.

>> No.50544817

>Thinking people who played it smart would invest in intangible memecoins rather than property and tangible assets while they're cheap

The cope is unreal

>> No.50544859

Lot of people are only getting out of the stock market because it *feels* unsafe right now. The second it feels safe again, their money goes back in, not into some different wacky investment.

>> No.50544866

>After the merge, crypto in general will de-couple from the stock market
We have been waiting for that for years

>> No.50544914

Exactly, even stocks are way better.

>> No.50544940

the tech dptmt in stocks lost trillions this year. Elon is half of what he was, etc ... wtf talking about?

>> No.50544986

Your point? Everything lost value. But the public cattle is way more likely to start re-investing in stocks earlier than crypto by a mile.

>> No.50545002

I had no point... just correcting him

>> No.50545134

Nigger, here's the facts... I never lie. I have been here forever. I am who you listen to. And if not, your fkn problem m8. Not mine. The reason i am in this thread is cuz im bored

>> No.50546253

You're right anon. Decentralised platforms and exchanges are off the radar of the authorities and they keep doing all they can to control everyone's finances. Good thing we have privacy solutions which would ensure users have no third party interruptions on thier assets or get monitored.