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50533763 No.50533763 [Reply] [Original]

You’re losing the battle, wagie.

>> No.50533787

Nah the newest variant of Covid is already out and infecting more than ever. This is not a worker vs employer battle. It's humanity against this deadly infectious virus. We are all one.

>> No.50533795
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nah my boss wants nothing to do with return to office and my bosses boss also works in a different province from home and has no desire to return either. I wfh 4 days a week and go in on Fridays (my chosen day) because the office is completly dead and quiet on Fridays so I don't have to interact with vapid normalfags.

>> No.50533850

>Chloe Berger
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.50533861

>Knowledge workers
what the fuck is this new speak?
fuck you
every single person with a degree should be sent to a fucking hard labor camp

>> No.50533868

My company is remote first. I live on the west coast and the offices are east coast. I won this battle. Smart companies realize its better to save money on rental leases

>> No.50535243
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I never heard of the term until now so I did some research. Here is what I found.

>> No.50535262

>July 2022
>People wearing masks at work
Do normies really?

>> No.50535271

If you can do your job from home you have a bullshit job.

>> No.50535290

Exactly, thats why kikes and hr roasties push it. So they can justify their make believe "work". Fuck, I missed last year when roads had 0 traffic, officefags ruin everything.

>> No.50535296
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we're gonna need new lockdowns soon wagiebros

>> No.50535319

Why would the bosses want people back? During the lockdowns everybody claimed that people where so much more productive when working from home. They wouldn't lie now would they?

>> No.50535625

what a loser i bet you masturbate watching kids

>> No.50535639

Fucking based. I'll accept any narrative as long as I can keep jerking it to bbc porn all day while getting paid.

>> No.50535641

Kek. One pill short of our schizo meds.

>> No.50535656


"Yes, milord?"
"What is it?"
"More work?"
"Off I go, then!"

>> No.50535751

peak tradie copie
the average software engineer makes hundreds of thousands for their company in monthly revenue while you're out shoveling turds in the sun

>> No.50535955

Zug zug.

>> No.50536996

we must flatten the curve at any cost

>> No.50537219

the second my company tells me to go back to office i leave without notice and move to pattaya for 2 years

i dare you to tell me to go back to office dear manager

>> No.50537257

based and pol pot pilled

>> No.50537270

Productivity spiked then crashed. It went from people working more than ever to constant time theft once they realised the lack of oversight

>> No.50537273

Yep, im unvaxxed and leaning right into the new covid cases shit to keep working from home.

>> No.50537378

If bosses have no underlings at the office, then how can they look busy?

>> No.50537400

thats not a jewish name dumbass its french it means sheperd

>> No.50537416

Name literally means to herds goyim cattle.
>das not semitic

>> No.50537515

Being ordered back to the office while also being ordered to wear a meme mask, because of "the risks" is really just a humiliation ritual

>> No.50537532

you know how they safe after 25 its hard to make friends, well its true. A lot of boomers are divorced, have no friends, and their few children live far way, so they are just too embarrassed to say they need the socialization. have you noticed its only boomers who draw out the small talk that a checkout clerk make with everyone into full blown conversations?

>> No.50537568

My normie retard friend changed jobs and is happy about having to go to the office because now he'll "socialize" (he's high 24/7 on ADHD medication and loves ranting at people).

>> No.50537588

Yeah, they're afraid higher ups will notice that the manager position with the hefty salary can be cut out of the equation.

>> No.50537642

Even the most söy liberals don't care about the coof anymore. Only Hohol lives matter now.

>> No.50537767

I manage a small team and I would NEVER allow anyone to work from home no matter what reason they have because we all know that people are more productive at the office and I can see with my own eyes what they are doing. They can change jobs if they dont like it I dont care, its easy enough to find replacement lol

>> No.50537778

i long for the days of comfy lockdowns where we made record profits from home

>> No.50537790

more productive? how are you measuring that chudski?

>> No.50537813

I make comments whenever I see them do long breaks, fucking around on their phones or whatever. Cant control that when they are at home. Their desks are set in a way so they cant hide their screens, I can always tell what they are doing. I am acting like I dont look but I do.

>> No.50537885

you're a faggot. as long as they are delivering what is the problem?

>> No.50537913

Everyone can see through the in-office vs remote psyop and knows its really company (in-office) vs company (remote). We all know company (in-office) is framing the battle as being against their own wagies so that when they miss profit targets they have something to blame other than their own incompetence and hubris. We know you're going to fail, and you know you're going to fail.

But we're not just going to let you slink away when this is all said and done.

We're going to shout from the rooftops why WFH won and how it won. When this is over nobody will ever suffer under a middle manager again. You'll be begging for change on the side of the road and bitching about how the world could be better if the government mandated in-office and forced companies to pay office rent. We will all laugh at you as the S&P breaks 6000 on the back of reduced upfront costs across every industry. Tick tock.

>> No.50537921
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>> No.50538017

You sure about that? I work in the headquarters of an F500, and coming back into the office is determined by the department/managers. An old boomer that runs a tech department that we work with fired 3 people because they refused to come even one day a week. Want to know how fast they found new jobs? Meanwhile my department head got COVID from coming into the office. He’s never come into the office since then and told all of us to feel free WFH full time because he’ll approve any requests for it

The old boomers department is on the brink of collapse because he refused to let any of them work remote full time and can’t find anyone new to hire that’ll come in. Our department is fine because we can all WFH and the department head says that’ll be permanent

>> No.50538099

Boomers are going to be in for a rude awakening. They created this gig economy, they made the job market super competitive by allowing skilled migrants to come and outcompete natives, they didn't resist H1B visas. These morons think American companies are like Japanese companies where you stay in a company for your entire working life immediately after high school or university. For all the praise they get from the subordinates and tokens of appreciation from upper management no one and I mean exactly no one will give a shit about them if they die, and especially after they retire. They will be forgotten and the company will just move on. Then it will just be rotting in their house or apartment all alone until the neighbours have the police do a wellness check on them and find their decaying body in the recliner watching Tucker Carlson.

>> No.50538295


>> No.50538316

wagies are animals.
Do you think a cow can win a battle against a farmer?
no of course not.

>> No.50538672
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Sorry wagie but its either go back to the office or find a different employer.
>real soon

>> No.50538815

you act like "delivering" is something a wagie should concern himself with. the only concern of a wagie is to maximise productivity. your boss decides when you've "delivered" sufficient productivity

>> No.50538833

your department head will be fired and replaced with someone who demands you all work in the office

>> No.50538840

The global economy is bullshit

>> No.50538852

jesus i hope nobody here really has to deal with that. Sorry if that's a true
>Covid is dangerous and deadly but we need you back anyways for reasons so wear a fucking mask you filthy goyim

we've done irreparable damage to our country over this shit

>> No.50539999

The funny part is I don't give a shit about Covid but this is absolutely true, it is raping the offices that reopened

>> No.50540225

still wfh

can't make me come is

>> No.50540253

Can't believe there are companies that are going back to the office. My company ended 80% of the office space it rented, basically only keeping some csuite offices for HR/accounting/client meeting purposes and allowed us to reach higher profits than ever. Everyone on my team says if office work was enforced we'd either ask for a raise or leave, but it's not like they're able to facilitate all of us going back in since we stopped our leases, we have to book office space if we're going in.

>> No.50540256

It is also german-jewish. not sure if this is bait or what

>> No.50540356

kek, my trainee runs on overclock, too
I like the young fella

>> No.50540656

>knowledge workers
they do it on purpose dont they

>> No.50541150

What's your preferred term for people whose jobs are entirely built around working with information? White collar is too broad, it often involves working with physical tools onsite

>> No.50543516

>be me
>Job making decent money but hour and half drive away
> they won't let me work remote
>They tried screwing me out of bonus pay
>Quit the same day with 0 notice
>Get new job in two months that's wfh and pays better

Companies do the dumbest things sometimes.

>> No.50543616

Hitler called them "workers of the mind."

>> No.50543655

This is the way.
Fire the company, acquire more currency.
Beats the bitch-bitch-bitch attitude many in here have.
Handle your own biz, son.

I am trans, btw.

>> No.50543658

is this a californian thing or something? we've been back to the office since 2020 what the hell is taking you so long