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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 546x364, shutterstock_796966861_546x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50532778 No.50532778 [Reply] [Original]

You might laugh, but I will unironically buy 10k+ ICP if it drops to 1$.

>> No.50532793

Well that makes sensecause there's got to be a little pullback after a 99.99999999% drop in price

>> No.50532799

Yeah that would definitely be something to laugh about

>> No.50532803

Me also

>> No.50532810

I don’t care what you do but being a retard gambler is a bad idea. The only real play rn is to buy cheap btc/eth and wait a few years. Don’t let these ghouls suck your remaining money from you because you want to make it so bad.

>> No.50532812

What's even funnier is it definitely will and you still won't.

>> No.50533547
File: 395 KB, 600x370, Cane 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you buy 500 at $2?

>> No.50533565

I unironically will, and then I will buy another 1000 at $1

>> No.50533573

>You might laugh
>but I will unironically buy 10k+ ICP if it drops to 1$.
Who gives a fuck. Another bagholder for the pile.

>> No.50533594
File: 503 KB, 1328x935, TrustThePlan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to make it.

>> No.50533671
File: 96 KB, 412x444, 165808400402231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh anon, with its mcap being as high as it is and barely doing shit, I honestly suggest $2. It won't go lower, it has SOME function, but not much. $2 would give it a almost 1b mcap.

>> No.50533713

I still have no idea what icp is supposed to do/be I did some reading and still doesnt gel with me maybe its not supposed to

>> No.50533764

its okay not everyone is supposed to make it
it takes a year to even scratch the surface of what the IC is
i recommend you watch dfinity videos, read dom's writings

dfinity is the next apple and you're going to fucking kill yourself if you don't do your research on this

>> No.50533774

people were saying this at $50 and $40
what happened

>> No.50533786

because you have a myopic view on things
the best investors are the ones whose time horizons match their trades

>> No.50533796

i'm also not discounting the possibility that a dfinity competitor comes up
so far there is none - dfinity is the first mover in trying to tackle the monopolized internet problem
they've also scooped up all the top cryptographers

>> No.50533966

How heavy are your bags? Sometimes the best thing to do is admit you were wrong and move on.

>> No.50534741
File: 166 KB, 1889x540, IMG_6336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5k at an average of 8.50
have another 2k coming in with my grant payment in a few weeks

most popular web dev bootcamp on the internet already teaching motoko
ill be back to spoonfeed one day hahaha

>> No.50535136

> I did some reading

What did ya read mate? Did ya try out the minecraft clone running 100% on chain… or the 4chan someone made? Did you test out the first web3 search engine ever created thats 100% running on chain

>> No.50536240

5k icp or 5k usd?

>> No.50536366

5k icp.
i’m a poorfag and even i have 1k

>> No.50537374

you don't think the bull is within this year? you sound like the only sane anon on this board

>> No.50538215

There is a competitor that can rival ICP, if Moonman hasn't disclosed that to his group than he is deliberately trying to hide that fact from his group. And the Moonman comes from a family that provide hospitality services to diplomats. Start looking there for crumbs.

>> No.50538707

> Bitcoin crashes 70%
> I guess ICP has no fundamentals
Great logicians on this board I see

>> No.50538752
File: 43 KB, 1245x759, ICP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert in TA, but ICP doesn't look so good.
At what point do you accept that it's a chink scam?

>> No.50538784

> TA

>> No.50538790

Personally, I don't think it's worth buying unless it shows it can go up again. I'm waiting to see if it can get back above moonmans shill prices before buying.

>> No.50538952
File: 151 KB, 640x775, IcyPee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icy urine, lets go!

>> No.50539126

Yea if i wasnt in i would wait till 100 to buy in, make sure its not a scam first.

>> No.50539289
File: 1.69 MB, 854x480, datakek.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your cryptocoin digits is actually just an amazonaws server extension
>mfw your crypto has 0 use-case
>mfw your cryptos niche is putting an "original spin" on a fee deficient eth smart contract platform(failed it's main promise) and that's almost 10 years old
>mfw your crypto needs 12387691489742 band aid frankenstein and still can't even host a picture or anything low cost on-chain
>mfw you have to keep sending your cryptocoins to a 3rd party bridge on party non-cryptograhic secure megacorp servers and just trust them bro not to steal your token or have it hacked away
>mfw just knowing about smart contract platform but thinks the one that gives you cheap immutable ease of use to host and set up servers anonymously is stupid
>mfw your 99.9% of your eth shitcoin fork does absolutely nothing but fuel adderall hyped autist speculators and mlm con artists
eth baggie eternal seethe

>> No.50539446

It’s not going to $2 retard

>> No.50540129
File: 824 KB, 2938x1796, dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's the course?
I've done a few ethereum projects, looking at porting to algo curious about ICP dev.

>> No.50540139

Remember when you retards said it wouldn't drop under $14.88?

>> No.50540172

The next apple isn’t worth much, it turns out

>> No.50540337

2k eow lets go!

>> No.50540350

Why you throwing away 10K?

>> No.50540397

>Get measly returns with already outdated tech

>> No.50540418
File: 692 KB, 1080x1598, 1653602759323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not going to $2 retard
Will happen everyone on /biz/ knows this we are just waiting for you faggots to give up so we can scoop up all the cheapies and shill it to normlaniggers just like we did with link. Rember this pic was made last year.

>> No.50540425

>Moonmam and his family give blowjobs to mid level government hacks

>> No.50540441

That is a meme number and this is the internet lad.

>> No.50540544
File: 33 KB, 1117x443, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tbh anon, with its mcap being as high as it is and barely doing shit

just a daily reminder

>> No.50542161

>Web dev in that picture
more like how to develop code to build a fucking scam lmao
>the only tip it doesn't teach you is when to activate your rug pulls

>> No.50542234

i didnt take it, i was able to pick up motoko on my own because i knew js
but ive heard its good

>> No.50542409

you can create anything on the IC, it doesn't even have to be tokenized lol
im a developer, i can create anything i want on it at 10x the lines of code at 10x the dependencies

the only bet you have to make with the IC is that users will come - its already a superior platform for developers
we're halfway there

>> No.50542826

so you’re saying it’s easier to develop on the IC than on any other platform?
That seems like a huge deal.
Why isn’t there more buzz around this project?

>> No.50543741

Because nobody would tell people about this while they are waiting the few Dfinity morons that left the company to get more money while they dump their seed round tokens each month? Right now this is the time to farm discounts for the rest of the year, and also time for the devs attached to Dfinity bootcamp and the ones who are learning off the Udemy content to get their shit together, and the ones within the offices of Dfinity to get more work done so it becomes boomer friendly. Also bonus note, Dfinity uses less carbon vs everyone else, this is what is going to push this onto the eco nuts to get companies onto it, as we can see elites buying up land in order to write off carbon taxes they want to fuck people with in the future, Dfinity offers the companies a way to cut these future taxes, this will drag in corporations I believe at that time.

>> No.50543825

ICP is as good a place as any to pile money into over the bear market. I'm a small stack (1.1k ICP) but hoping I can get more. $100 seems like a more than reasonable price target. If it really takes off who knows, could hit $1k. I also like GRT this bear market

>> No.50544795

Ill buy at 3 cents like the investors

>> No.50544936

Why and how would this shit moon again

>> No.50545649

I have a stash of ICP too, would be nice if it goes up again. I'm also holding RAIL, SCRT and KEEP which I see good potential in.

>> No.50545794

yes you will buy but not use a single product inside your "project"
funny how that is, isn't it
even eth at its lowest fucking point had some action going for it (maker/dai, etherdelta lol)
notice how your vaporware has nothing? no users, no devs, no documentation, no specs, no nothing
you have VCs dumping on your ass and bagholder threads coping

>> No.50546007

You come into every icp thread and shill your shit project you shit colored nigger please Kys

>> No.50546580

>I also like GRT this bear market
opinion discarded

>> No.50546613
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x1137, 731050BF-F337-4A50-82FD-E8D0ED462A93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it’s true

>> No.50547468

Take your cheap ass fud elsewhere fucking retard.

>> No.50547525

Make your own thread instead of samefagging your gay worthless bags in every icp thread. You are literally a shit colored subhuman and it’s painfully obvious.

>> No.50547687

Exactly what a subhuman would say. Hope you get your head out of your ass to see the light soon.

>> No.50547804

weak fud. go back to icpchads and fud once you have a vague idea of how to properly do it faggot

>> No.50548183


This shit is dead on arrival. Thank Dfinity, Dom & all their insider buddies who made off like bandits with the genesis pump, which you bagholders will never ever achieve. Nobody wants to use your chain nor touch it with a 10 foot pole. Enjoy bagholding forever.

>> No.50548680

This seems like it's going to be hbar 2.0, as in a garbage asset that /biz/ decides to baghold because it's a "corporate coin"

>> No.50548822

Except ICP is actually useful

>> No.50548844

literally nothing that drops 99% ever come back up

>> No.50548950
File: 4 KB, 200x150, 1655236733795s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This huncho is feeling bullish, huh?
Y'all will be fucking surprised to the ass if it does become a bad invest. AxlToken maybe fucking cheap with low mcap but if there's one thing I like about them is the vast ecosystem and team consistency. Point me to any token that can fucking pull such stunts.