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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50527504 No.50527504 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50527511

Elon tweets

>> No.50527536

partnering with some big company PLUS token burning

>> No.50527541
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Every anon selling. Not gonna happen tho so I guess we will just crab forever

>> No.50527589

nothing can pump the price because the token is not needed

>> No.50527595

A sudden and frantic need for the token.

>> No.50527602

Don't tell anyone I told you this, but the pump is coming and it is inevitably going to land the price around 35 dollars overnight. I just entered a 15x leveraged position using ETH as collateral and my liq price is $4.25. Staking/CCIP are going to be released BEFORE smartcon. I'm smart money, so you won't start seeing people call for 35 until we're already back up to $20/link and by that time my position will be about 4000% return already.

>> No.50527769

Like staking?

>> No.50527804

Cannanite Jews.

>> No.50529227

nexos insolvency

>> No.50530440

prove it.

>> No.50530462

thanks for the hopium

>> No.50530487

Sirs this is awesome

>> No.50530488

- staking
- swift integration
- ccip + big name using it (f100 tier)

>> No.50532535

I just told everyone I know that you told me this.

>> No.50532550


These digits. 8k eth eoy

>> No.50532557

Dead coin. It’s unironically I’m sory

>> No.50532566

Based smart money poster

>> No.50532583

>taking/CCIP are going to be released BEFORE smartcon

i think thats pretty likely considering the release they did before the conference last time

>> No.50532604

Sergey dying unironically

>> No.50532628

Cheers. Going to wait for local bottom and 10x from there to be safe

>> No.50532732

Even if this is true, 35 is a rather anemic pump. Staking and CCIP should result in triple digits at in a rational market.

>> No.50532752

stop trying to assocaite banksy with your shitcoin

>> No.50532788

>rational market
just arrived right?

>> No.50532807

for me the ideal scenario is that bitcoin drags crypto into another bear market and link continues its trend of acting as a bear market coin. The single green candle in a sea of red would result in a lot of people buying in to recover, and that buying pressure could domino into something pretty spectacular. Link performed extremely well in the last bear, but there were fewer people in the market as a whole and link was an unknown. Now link is much more established and honestly the price is in the goldylocks zone for potential retail investors. If we get above 50 i think we'll see a crescendo, especially if we finally see real institutions acknowledging their adoption of the protocol.

>> No.50532816

Municipal Marmalade

But really, link should already be at triple digits right now. Staking and CCIP release not even reaching previous ATH is very anemic.

>> No.50532843

I have reason to believe that Sergey Nazarov is a Jew.

>> No.50532846

>Staking and CCIP release not even reaching previous ATH is very anemic.

but expected given the macro environment

>> No.50532853

yeah, it's depressing. i am starting to believe the suppression stuff now
xrp, ada, doge... all way above us
but i still have a bit of hope and energy left as staking isn't out
if the price doesn't move from that and ccip then....

>> No.50532886

>xrp, ada, doge... all way above us

anon, xrp is 30 cents

>> No.50532907

very funny

>> No.50532933

Starting to? There’s onchain proof that Celsius was digging a ditch for link every single time it pumped. Mashinsky is headed for Ari contract land

>> No.50532942

>if the price doesn't move from that and ccip then....

then we're fucked for a while, relying on link to be carried along with the market during the next run. Price rises from utility will take years to take shape.

>> No.50533015
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I agree. Very funny for those of us who didn't buy it.

>> No.50533020
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When shorters run out of LINK to manipulate the value. Do not lend your LINK out, no matter how attractive the APY.

>> No.50533125

I’m really scared that staking will do nothing to the price

>> No.50533163
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Top tier hopium.

>> No.50533306

$35 is just a reasonable level of resistance for wizards to point to.

>> No.50533735

If anyone is stupid enough to believe smart money leverage trades crypto they deserve their poverty

>> No.50533791

>pumps to $35
>dumps to $20
>slowly crabs up to $70

>> No.50534590

Utility I think is a major factor, privacy protocols for example has gained a lot of traction and has been evident in the price reaction even in the market downturn.

>> No.50534601

I guarantee you if I had 500-1000 link it would moon every coin I've had mooned until the crash but it was because my life turned to garbage and I lost it all.

I know in my heart it would but will never happen again for me.

>> No.50534605

>What would actually make the price pump?
The ERC council would have to change chainlink's mkt cap multiplier.
See >>50534472

>> No.50534620

a reason for token needed which it is not

>> No.50534869

The shemitah must end anon

>> No.50534904

Wasn't the estimate Q2 of this year for Staking?

>> No.50534917

but is the token needed

>> No.50534939

this. burn some of that 1 billion.

>> No.50535085

What makes you think any news will pump crypto in a recession? What makes you think companies will adopt blockchain tech IN A RECESSION. Lol, lmao even. Link will be lucky to move sideways for the next few years, assuming it doesn't die completely from lack of enterprise use and hiring 1000 roasties who are draining the big mac fund.

>> No.50535139

We both know the retards will. Then cope, seethe, and dilate when they lose their Link or the price stays low. I truly believe most people are slaves at this point and deserve their place. They just complain and bitch about their place instead of doing anything about it.

>> No.50535157

>pumps 10% in 1 day
>bleeds -10% the next 7 days

the only way I see this shit pumping is with btc and eth, which commie vitalik is taking decades and holding everything back.

>> No.50535166

alright boys you heard it, it's going sub 5 before smartcon.

>> No.50535182


>> No.50535227

I agree, but I don't see it. it took a huge effort to pump together with the whole market during the dogecoin craze. I'm surprised it even hit 50 with a hugely delayed pump.

It dumps like crazy, it just freefalls. yet it takes immense action to pump. Even if we were to pump this next half year it would probably reach like 30 and stagnate.

I don't buy the idea that once supposed price suppresion stops we are going to suddely see a green dildo. And the other issue I see is that normies make up a lot of the market and create volatility, which biger players love to take advantage off, so there is barely any organic growth.

>> No.50535250

Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.50535261

they will never acknowledge it. if it really is true that chainlink is such a key to the whole blockchain technology companies will kept shut as long as they can.

there is so much talk about pretty much any coin in the top 50 or top 20 yet chainlink is barely mentioned at all. everytime they write an article they purposedly leave the name "chainlink" out so it doesn't appear anywhere. they don't want normies in at all, they don't want to pump it, acquire it or even know about it.

>> No.50535266

wow i may almost get back to my break even position where i bought $60,000 dollars worth at $38...Ive been broke ever fucking since come on sergey do something

>> No.50535273


>> No.50535315

Brutal truthpill

>> No.50535439

if you don't understand market cap you should get off this board and never come back

>> No.50535877
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The token being required

>> No.50536317

kek saved

>> No.50536565

The decrypt interview with Sergey originally said that staking was to be released in the first half of 2022. It was quickly ammended to just say 2022

>> No.50537034

Donald Trump winning the 2024 Election.

>> No.50537970

That's not a use case, that's just a bandaid they slapped on to stop the immediate selling of the token as soon as any transaction is over. Nobody is going to seriously stake anything

>> No.50538406

Nothing. This coin will never see another ath in btc or eth. The real chads sold in defi summer 2020 for btc and eth and never looked back.

>> No.50538434

LINK will never outperform the rest of the market. Accept that and move on.

>> No.50538558

Less people longing it so its more profitable to rig a pump to liquidate them. Other than that, the stock market dropping 50% would remove a lot of headwinds.

>> No.50538727

BTC not instadumping when Link gets big news.
That’s literally it.

Link would’ve reached triple digits a long time ago if it weren’t for this shit.

>> No.50538741

Circulating supply being locked up in reputation pools.

>> No.50538747

>other issue I see is that normies make up a lot of the market
get a load of this retard who thinks normies make up the market

>> No.50538860
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>it takes immense action to pump
It takes immense action to keep Link from pumping.
Bitcoin dumps on literally every single bit of Link news.

>> No.50538926
File: 47 KB, 1100x545, normies vs hedgies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who thinks normies make up the market
Well yes.
Normies even turned the stock market upside down.

>> No.50538933

The token has been frantically needed for literally every single Chainlink network transaction.

Staking was always part of Chainlink, it's in the original whitepaper.

>> No.50538947

>token not needed

/biz/ totally isn't a Link fud echo chamber guys haha

>> No.50538978

Chainlink is manipulated, and it's a dud for normalfags. You'll just have to wait a couple years, unless by some "altruistic" chance the pressure is released. I will keep holding like I said at the beginning near 12c-20c, I will let it go to zero, I bought it to participate with you guys.

>> No.50539024

If they didn’t want retail in the token why did they list on coinbase?

>> No.50539054

The government printing money and giving it to stupid niggers that buy internet funny money.

>> No.50539295

>Only coins with actual use cases and which are needed can pump
First day in crypto?

>> No.50539424
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Blockchain actually becoming anonymous with no means of tracking

>> No.50539966
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This is bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.50540028
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partnership with marvel
sergey and ari funkopops
the holocaust

>> No.50540046

I cannot imagine anything that would make me more unsure of an investment than chainlink announcing a token burn

>> No.50540101

You were really proud of that shitpost and were sad when it didnt get any yous before the thread archived, eh?

>> No.50540431

People buying, but why should they

>> No.50540465

>my liq price is $4.25.
$4.19 confirmed

>> No.50540844

>What would actually make the price pump?

certain factors if you ask me,


>> No.50540994

I feel anybody can buy whatever thing they desire to buy, what I am more concerned about right now is my wallet security

>> No.50541016

imagine still thinking this after witnessing the last 4 years