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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50523793 No.50523793 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50523831

no one cares

>> No.50523837


>> No.50523866

just wear the buttplug, chud

>> No.50523888

You do realize last time this happen the market crash?

>> No.50523898

You do realize you're a retarded NPC?

>> No.50523928

PHEIC declared. Strategy will rely on vaccination, 3 of which currently exist: modified vaccinia-Ankara by Bavarian Nordic, LC16 by KM biologics, and the older ACAM-2000 by Sanofi. The Sanofi vaccine is dangerous and intended mostly for the even more dangerous smallpox. Bavarian Nordic's (ADRs: BVNFK and BVNRY) vaccine is modified to not be replication competent vaccinia and is safer. KM biologics is a private Japanese company.

>> No.50523976

Last time was Jan, 2020 markets didnt crash then.
They crashed March when a pandemic was declared

>> No.50523977
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>You do realize

>> No.50523992

SIGAs TPOXX treatment will be used significantly. Most effective treatment out there and is also used to treat pox vaccine side effects

>> No.50523993

>sexhavers get boils/scars
>non-sex havers uneffected and become the new chads
literally a win for /biz/ if monkepox goes pandmic, how can we make this happen?

>> No.50524003


>> No.50524007

back to plebbit fucking homosexual

>> No.50524019

And then it pumped to astronomical heights.

>> No.50524034

>Europe is the epicenter of the outbreak.
kek, yuros confirmed gayest people on Earth

>> No.50524037

>Gay and bisexual men are disproportionately affected by the spread of the virus, with 98% of those infected from this group.
nvm, wont inflate non-sex hetros

>> No.50524049

>*Melvin voice*
>ERM you DO realize...

>> No.50524058

goddamn, I'm scared of this one, is the smallpox vaccine enough?

it looks nasty af

>> No.50524068

The fall of fags, no-one will talk with people that associated with LGBT

>> No.50524074

i'm an oldfag and had the smallpox vaccine before it was phased out so i should be fine. i don't do gay stuff, either. chances of me getting it are remote. most people are not gonna get this disease. the who are just trying to stir shit up

>> No.50524085

Okay, but SIGA is down 20% in the past week while BVNRY and BVNKF are up 30-35%. SIGA is down over the past month, BVNRY and BVNKF are up.

>> No.50524087

> failed to warn about the Bad C in time
> "Dudes, we'll lose face if this happens again! Let's overreact to any potential threat from now on!"
Yeah, nothing will happen.

>> No.50524103

That's because of the fed, fed won't come to the rescue this time due to massive inflation.

>> No.50524115

>is the smallpox vaccine enough?
Of course not! We need a brand new mRNA treatment with no testing and less oversight to be deployed internationally, but only once the disease is widespread. That surely would be the best possible action.

>> No.50524122

holy reddit spacing

>> No.50524126
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the market actually went to its ATH the first covid year due to lockdowns and people being home and getting pandemic bucks

the market crashed when the quarantine was over and people were sent back to work

>> No.50524152

zoom out. SIGA is broke all time high this week. also look at marketcaps.

>> No.50524154

This is likely just God's punishment toward all the gay shit and western acceptance of this degeneracy.

>> No.50524195

>first he sends the boomer remover
>now it's a fag pox
thank you based God

>> No.50524206


>> No.50524258
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Lol mfw all the homos die a VERY painful death

>> No.50524301
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It's actually globohomo releasing viruses, they explicitly said to get ready for the next pandemic while smirking and giggling on television

>> No.50524315
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>> No.50524382

Shan't be taking it (the vaxsneed)

>> No.50524411


>> No.50524427

oh no all the faggots and trannies are gonna die

>> No.50524587

Ohnono, i cannot fuck mans anymore and ohnono i must sell all my cryptos!

>> No.50525284

is this the new gay plague AIDS

>> No.50525320

goddamn it stop touching those monkeys!

>> No.50525383


The vacation I am going on in September was already cancelled 2 years ago because of that meme flu, you can fuck off with this bullshit until October!

>> No.50525451
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>> No.50525538
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We never saw it coming, it came out of nowhere again.

>> No.50525558

Wealth checked and only retarded (yous). Its over

>> No.50525650

HOLY BASED. Captcha: g0dvyw

>> No.50525657


>> No.50525689

Gigachad essential reading

>> No.50525694
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>> No.50526306

Isn't that only spread through gay sex?

>> No.50526311

Is this water ok?

>> No.50526472
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ty anon i market sold after your post and can already buy back in cheaper

>> No.50526825

Post Kate Mara

>> No.50527015

Women fuck all their gay friends. Gay men spread the pox to women who spread it to straight men

>> No.50527112

Nobody cares about fags and the various diseases they get from their degenerate lifestyle. I hope they all die, the world will be a much better place without them.

>> No.50527134
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tfw never had sex

>> No.50527141
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Thank god I'm super-straight and don't plan on fucking any men's asses any time soon.

>> No.50527156
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Unironically bullish.

>Everyone forced to stay home again
>ZOG turns moneyprinter back on
>Lot of new asset inflation, tons of it will go in crypto

>> No.50527169

Its glorious. To be an "incel" is actually a blessing in disguise.

>> No.50527182
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You can say that again.

>> No.50527184

literally me

>> No.50527237

need a bobo in bdsm fetish gear

>> No.50527260


>> No.50527310


oh no a disease that fags get from assfucking eachother and is clears up on it's own within a few weeks so they all make a full recovery nooo what ever will we do oh nooooo shut down the economy again

>> No.50527454

Women fuck all their gay friends so it spreads to straight men

>> No.50527588

Doesn’t matter. Just gotta drink your urine which has all your antibodies for any illness or disease. Remember, urine is not waste like we’ve been lied to but ultra filtered blood plasma.

>> No.50527608
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I'll take a megapint of my own piss please barkeep. Bottoms up lads, to good health!

>> No.50527697

The fucking dumbest thing I have ever read on 4chan

>> No.50527750

Pathetic newfag

>> No.50527807


Here is Madonna drinking her urine. Madonna runs with the highest social groups on earth. She is part of the elite. This isn’t some rando tree hugger saying to drink your urine.

She is actually reverse trolling here. She’s showing the riffraff what actually works and heals, knowing full well that the programming is so deep in urine being dirty that 99.999% will never try it.

>> No.50527845

Yeah dude, celebrities would never lie or use their power to influence a narrative

>> No.50527885

I started drinking my urine 2 years before she did this. Healed me of all my issues. She just gives it mainstream cred. She isn’t doing it because she thinks people will start doing it. She’s showing you cuz she knows you’ll never do it.

>> No.50528051

>Rachel Gutman-Wei
Holy shit. A jewchink hybrid. God save us.
They're going to poison us, turn our kids into gay mongrels, and then eat us all.

>> No.50528057

Bullish for APECOIN

>> No.50528088

WHO gives a shit.

>> No.50528278

checked and based as fuck

>> No.50529139


>> No.50530274

Thank god Americans don’t give a fuck about this. Itl be completely ignored.

>> No.50531702

who says its not going to be a pandemic so no lockdowns

>> No.50531849
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>We shut down for boomers now we have to do it for fags. Not putting dicks in their shitholes isn't an option, chuds

>> No.50531878


>> No.50531920

Top kek

>> No.50531998
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Bill Gates made the monkey virus to force you to have to update to Windows 11

>> No.50532186

It's either inflation or default. The whole purpose of fiat currency is to inflate. This is a feature, not a bug.