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50519995 No.50519995 [Reply] [Original]

The housing market will NOT crash.

>> No.50520000

Except when it does

>> No.50520006


>> No.50520013

Not intended

>> No.50520023

checked, dave's about to go bankrupt in real estate for a second time.

>> No.50520047


>> No.50520051

Why do people convince themselves real estate is disconnected from economic reality

>> No.50520100
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because their livelihoods quite literally depend on it so badly that they have no other choice but to buy into their own charade
it's almost kinda tragic in a way but this is what happens when you give retards leverage when the entire economy is being propped up by picrel

>> No.50520112

Really new to finance here, but I'm trying to understand the common wisdom's logic here.... Real estate will never be bad to invest into? Wouldn't even housing do something like this?
>Economic recession casues people to have less money for thingies.
>Houses are thingies.
>People are getting poorer than before.
>People cannot afford the absurd rising pricing of houses
>House just sit there, thus lowering price of all houses as obviously its losing money for the people trying to sell them at absurd prices
>Causes a chain reaction in which housing dramatically lower
There are other catalysts that contribute to the cycle, but can someone explain how houses supposedly never go down?

>> No.50520150

>can someone explain how houses supposedly never go down?
that's the neat part, anon.
nobody can.

>> No.50520226

There are WAY too many e-celeb threads up on biz on the regular

Posting a picture of someone somehow related to business, finances, crypto, etc. DOES NOT make it a biz related thread. Most are presented like this one, with no content or discussion, just a picture of Vitalik, Sergey, this cunt, the predictions whore, or whoever else.

>> No.50520882

they do that about everything

>> No.50521655

assets don't have value without the convinced

>> No.50522512

He did a whole special explaining why prices aren't going down, faggot. Basically, millenials are all ready to buy houses en masse but there aren't enough houses to buy. Supply (artificially) low and demand (inelastic) high means prices aren't crashing. You think you're special in wanting a house? Every other millenial in the US wants one too, retard. They're going to afford them too. Don't like it? Get off welfare faggot. So much of the governments laws revolve around their implications for the housing market. They will not dump the boomers bags. They will not allow niggers to buy in to white areas. They will control supply and they will ensure prices only go up. Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.50522897

>They will not allow niggers to buy in to white areas.
This is the one and only reason that they will never allow housing to collapse. They're in too deep. They imported millions of third worlders to pay into their fucked social security system and to keep making the rich richer. These people were never supposed to make it, to own property, etc. They're here as slaves only.

>> No.50523290
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One thing I've noticed is they don't take the whole economy into account. Most of them focus only on the housing numbers but ignore things like peoples pocket books. I really noticed it when I was hearing people say that home buyers and renters would just need to figure out how to pay the new prices. That's not how things work.

>> No.50523310

just unloaded my house on some retard for massive (untaxed) gains, sorry your greedy dumbass is going to experience unholy equity destruction, you’ll find out what your parents went though in 08’ but far worse

>> No.50523326

>millenials are all ready to buy houses en masse but there aren't enough houses to buy.
No they are not.

>> No.50523787 [DELETED] 

So they’re gonna buy houses while rates are high, and when a recession hits and they can’t afford their mortgages anymore because of significant job losses, you don’t think that would crash the housing market? Lul

>> No.50523821

So millennials buy homes with high interest rates. A recession hits and job losses start coming in, millennials lose their jobs and can’t afford their expensive mortgages anymore. You don’t think that would cause a housing market crash? Lul

>> No.50523981

> Can't stop
> can't even control own weight
Tell us all about it, fatty

>> No.50524065

>millenials are all ready to buy houses en masse
With what? Funko pops and avocado toast?
Millennials have no savings and nothing but dead end jobs since they fell off the career ladder years ago. They never recovered from the great recession. Expect zoomers to overtake them in a few years and leave them in the dust.

>> No.50524204
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>The housing market will NOT crash.
true, but only because (((they))) own housing now. Worst case nominal price stays where it is while real value is eroded by inflation

>> No.50524504
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>Expect zoomers to overtake them in a few years and leave them in the dust.
Not going to happen. They're going to be dealing with the demographic collapse and the collapse of the west their whole life. They are also the most coddled generation yet. Their kids kids will probably build something though.

>> No.50524554

>dude people would ABSOLUTELY still buy bread for $1000 a loaf, its a necessity and thus literally has no top
They don't understand the demand curve is always king, even is the most rigged monopolies.

>> No.50524832

chuds on this board are disconnected from economic reality

>> No.50524896

>no-one has mentioned gen x home owner/ mortgages rates.
What did they do to be forgotten so?

>> No.50524934

my concern exactly

>> No.50524958


>> No.50526544


People in the industry and with long exposure to houses argue that the supply of houses is low and won't catch up to where it needs to be, and that there's a lot of people still trying to buy houses who are simply priced out, which means they'll jump on prices when they correct

People who want a crash argue that what goes up must come down, and that rising interest rates will completely destroy demand.
I think it really depends on how bad layoffs get. I just saw a guess from a finance channel the other day that big corpos are sitting on a collective 2-3 trillion warchest from the good times, and that MAY be why employment is still rising despite the declining GDP. Usually employment would be falling a lot more rapidly by now.
If corpos decide not to do mass layoffs as they normally would during declining profits, things will probably remain stable and housing will only slightly correct. If money really really starts to get tight, and the recession is very long, and corpos decide their only option is to layoff a big part of the work force, housing demand could evaporate and I could see it being more than a 10-20% correction.

>> No.50527584
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Based Ramsey is 100% right. His team even did a deep dive analysis special on it. The housing market will defy Economics 101. When inflation and job loss kill demand, the shift will not impact prices at all because there is ZERO SUPPLY!


>> No.50527831

no u

>> No.50528068

>Expect zoomers
zoomers are the first generation to be dumber than the previous, poorer than the previous, shorter than the previous and one square look at a batch of high school kids will make you realize that this isn't going to happen

>> No.50529777
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>> No.50531192

they think because investment funds are buying that they're not going to dump when demand curve worsens