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File: 26 KB, 643x420, 3B794024-B2A1-44D3-AC45-A73B9790493C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50518936 No.50518936 [Reply] [Original]

I been applying to so many jobs everyday but i cant get anything. How do i get spot in a nice position?

>> No.50518995

Your grammar is really bad hope that isn’t your cover letter op. The letter is both too formal and formal at the same time seems like a retarded european wrote it

>> No.50519003

Too formal and informal*

>> No.50519012

What’s wrong with my cover letter?

>> No.50519052
File: 131 KB, 600x776, 1533400879084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creator of this resume was hired.

>> No.50519066

have you tried applying to mcdonalds?

>> No.50519112

Just look up cover letter template and copy that. The whole thing is bad

>> No.50519143

If this is actually your cover letter, get someone to proofread it for you, man. The grammar is all over the place. Im not trying to be mean either since i suck donkey dick at grammar

>> No.50519160

learn to code

>> No.50519181

Maybe have a personality? And be friendly but knowledgeable about the job. Not some fucking autist you fucking nerd.

>> No.50519184

That’s way too much fucking effort, they want a wage slave that will do their job and shut the fuck up, not some asshat that will take all their time and effort to manage how to make spreadsheets. Tone down the try hard

>> No.50519199
File: 39 KB, 700x692, aB0rqGx_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and now I have a degree from there

>> No.50519211

> cover letter
bahahaha this nigga thinks he's hot shit, yeah I'm not reading that lmao
*throws the whole thing into the trash*
t. hiring manager

>> No.50519219
File: 47 KB, 918x240, offer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta have the skills if you want a nice position. This was a nice addition to my much higher paying full time job. Helps me rake in about $190k per year.

>> No.50519234

Lol a
Drug test? No wonder you’re never going to make it.

>> No.50519240
File: 670 KB, 2754x1382, AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do i get spot in a nice position?

>> No.50519256

OP tell people you are trans you'll get hired somewhere due to diversity.

>> No.50519304

You're trolling and already know what's wrong with it.
KFC drug tests their employees. They have a sign saying all their employees have been drug screened in the restaurant.

>> No.50519997
File: 13 KB, 223x226, 16533321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped with the whole workpill so long ago that i lost track of where was the last place i've worked on
Just know that you can be so much happier just doing what you love and know that you have secure bags that will support you financially trough your whole life, that's what doge, shib and now ch4ngpump did for me

>> No.50520018

Assuming you're being denied by automated gay systems try this: for each job app you do, make a copy of your cv and copy and paste the job advert onto your cv - page 99 size 1 font, white textand then out a white square over it. This tricks the gay computer into thinking your cv is a perfect match for the job and now you're at the top of the list.
I went from 7 "no" out of 1000 applications to 5 interviews out of 10 applications..

You have to beat the gay systems anon.

>> No.50520103

Dafug. Is that true?

>> No.50520126

ponychads just keep winning. i was thinking of revealing my full powerlevel on my resume and just being honest.

>Mr anon
>B.S. in Computer Science
>I started programming so i could make my own game engine for a mlp game
>rainbow dash is my favorite pony, she is dumb cute and loyal, perfect foil to my autistic intellect
>but i identify with twilight sparkle more so I only code in c, but ill touch ur meme lang if you want me to, ive practiced
ect ect show off my github

would you hire me if my github impressed anons, or would you stop reading past the intro?

>> No.50520139

>page 99
What does that mean? Put it on the last page, or literally have 99 blank pages?
>white square

>> No.50520199

the 99 pages shouldn't be blank but should rather each feature a single word that when put together form an epic poem about why you're the best job candidate.

>> No.50520459

I feel like jobs are daycare for normies.
I've tried applying on the company's website, bullshiting on my resume, but normies could somehow smell that I'm 20 yo incel and just won't allow me in.

>> No.50520514

I'd call you in just cause I wanna see what a Barneyfag looks like IRL. Zero percent chance of you actually landing the job unless I thought it could be some kind of ongoing joke

>> No.50520522

It’s because you write on 4chan that you got on a blacklist full of racists

>> No.50520541

legit esl pajeet

>> No.50520591

Holy shit just acquire some kind of hard skill or certification and your odds will drastically increase

This isn't that hard. If you're actually struggling right now with record low unemployment you are royally fucking something up and need to re examine what you're doing

>> No.50520604

I got a junior coding job based on complete lies, both as far as work experience goes and education.

>be a jobless bum, only worked for a few years as a student ages ago
>been learning the MERN stack for the past 6 months
>apply to a few junior webdev positions with a completely fabricated CV
>put in lots of unrelated work experience but it showed "I'm a team player"
>put in unfinished bachelor's for a completely unrelated field, showing I'm not a complete retard fuckup
>put in some freelancer work because who the fuck is gonna check
>make random small projects and put them on GitHub, mostly just following tutorials
>get three interview invitations
>not done that well on technical questions but passed the "culture fit" flawlessly because I researched the fuck out of shit they can ask me beforehand and prepared my answers ahead
>receive 3 job offers
>pick the one with best WLB, decent pay
>cruise on easymode for months, get along with everybody, they seem to like me
>get a permanent contract

If you're gonna apply to well known large companies, they're gonna vet the shit out of you. Apply to smaller companies, get your foot in the door, a few years of experience and switch to a better paying position. It's that easy.

>> No.50520655

holy shit anon, can you link me the resume you used? you had no issues actually performing the work they asked, or did they train you?
dragonlordcain at gmail

>> No.50521283
File: 91 KB, 581x767, 1554578479791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I graduated from university [X]
>and now I have a degree from there

What the fuck do you think graduating means?