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File: 144 KB, 1024x615, 1658538265079992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50517453 No.50517453 [Reply] [Original]

>this is what most of the population considers "making it"
Unironically I have no idea why anyone would want a wife. Kids seem fine but fucking sire them with some random bitch and pay a pittance in child support, they'll get more character that way anyways.

>> No.50517479

OP is underage.

>> No.50517481

Eh the bj isn't so bad, I'd be cleaning throw up all the time

>> No.50517523

I'm in my 20s. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to think that BJs for cleaning vomit 5 times a week is a fucking good thing kek

>> No.50517525
File: 29 KB, 166x460, AB340959-CBB9-4359-800F-059C3BF16B83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.50517548

Why does he look like he is in a hostage video? Do you think her BJs are dickscrapingly bad?

>> No.50517550

Doubt this is real, but kekked

>> No.50517560

Just date an insecure girl 6-10 years younger than you and gas light, manipulate, etc. Mine is 7 years younger and I have gotten ride of all of her friends i don't like. Been giving her hippy style books about the Kabbal and other kike nonsense. She makes jew and nigger jokes now, gonna pump 7 kids into this lass.

>> No.50517582

>out of dog house free card
Where the fuck can I buy these shits?

>> No.50517594

can't wait till your daughters turn out the same way

>> No.50517616

That's a sad motherfucker

>> No.50517652
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>> No.50517668

What? Based and redpilled loving their father and provider? My girl has a great relationship with her parents, she is just slightly autistic and hates the modern world. I've just shown her why the modern world sucks while cutting off her friends that are whores. Cope nigger, im trying to give you advice.

>> No.50517877
File: 39 KB, 300x250, 51279038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a fucking goblin
>have to clean vomit 6 times to get so much as a blowjob from this creature

>> No.50517907

If you have a child with a woman like this you are an idiot and you deserve it

>> No.50518131
File: 1.86 MB, 1210x6307, 1641603439836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a goddamn adult. Why are you letting someone else get you "in trouble"? Jesus Christ you guys have no idea how to handle your women. Here picrel will change your life.
Part 1

>> No.50518157
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Part 2

>> No.50518233

"No nagging" means "get into an argument about what nagging is" and then have it held against you for five years,

>> No.50518248
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>> No.50518361
File: 127 KB, 640x960, ad1c38af1379d20f4959611da5b5bd05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling she wages in an office where she "gamifys" good performance for her underlings.

>> No.50518399

Meanwhile he got a blowjob and you didn't, OP.

>> No.50518414

There was a good /pol/ thread couple nights back:
>>>/pol/387671049 https://archive.is/wWLKC

>> No.50518514

Meh, too much reading. A good wife is a gift from God.

>> No.50518587

The problem with having a dumb ass for a wife is if anything happens to you she’s not going to know what to do because you’re the one carrying the relationship.

>> No.50518624

Why do these women always ALWAYS have the senpaku eyes? Like that shit never fails. I thought it was fake, but it's true.

>> No.50518671

Also how much do you wanna bet this bitch NEVER honors the "no nagging for a week". You know this bitch can't keep her mouth shut for 10 minutes.

>> No.50518945
File: 41 KB, 1000x1000, 1653351769879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, making it definitely isn't about sticking your dick in crazy and thinking that you need to gather stickers for a BJ. Me and my GF have tons of rounds of passionate sex and let me tell you, if you need to beg her for a blow then you're doing everything wrong.
Mine invests (recently got into QOM), makes me breakfast while i check the market and then we usually do it whenever one of us gets a big load of money, it's the best. You ever felt that euphoria-driven sex? shit's unbeatable

>> No.50518951

>no nagging for a week
How much you want to bet this never happens

>> No.50519531

Cool story bro

>> No.50519568

>Anime shit
Immediately closed the image

>> No.50519675

Even the smart women are just gonna fuck up their kids in more complicated ways

>> No.50519709

That ends once you are married or together 10+ years. Then everything becomes mostly transactional.

>> No.50520029

This chart was literally a joke


The '12 pack of your favorite beer' kinda gave it away. What wife doesn't know what he drinks?

>> No.50520046

it's always the fucking crazy eyes. i feel like i'm looking at satan incarnate.

>> No.50520067
File: 24 KB, 556x565, deedee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is NO WAY her pussy is worth it!

>> No.50520168

Even if it is a joke, it shows something inherently wrong in the relationship and speaks volumes of her mindset. Idk about you, but I wouldn't pose as a pathetic loser for her to post online and get laughs and likes at my expense.
IF it is a joke, then it is a joke which isn't much further from reality

>> No.50520193

That’s a jewess.

>> No.50520221

Huh, weird. When I wanna bang my wife I just bend her over and pull her panties down. She doesn't resist because I pay for everything. Her lifestyle depends on me.

>> No.50520222

She’ll always have her parents to look after the kids if you bought the farm. I’m more concerned about your progeny’s IQ and EQ

>> No.50520246

How long have you been married bro? Don't you ever get bored of fucking the same woman over and over again?

>> No.50520285
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my instincts tell me life shouldnt be so horrible.

>> No.50520291

7 years-ish. Nah, I'm happy to be out of the dating game now because from what I see all around it really sucks and favors whoreish, shallow and stupid women. Not interested in that shit.
My wife is asian, so she stays fit (Japanese are BRUTAL towards fat people) and takes care of the home and what not while I can do other things. We hang out together a lot too, of course. It's not like I disrespect her or mistreat her.

>> No.50520327

>Stickers to earn a bj
My wife literally sucks my cock so often, that occasionally she has to beg to do it. She is beyond pornstar levels of horny for sucking my dick. This guy is really missing out. I can only imagine that bitch gives awful, uninspiring head, since she has to be bribed with hard labor to do it. My bitch slurps up my cum and asks for seconds.

>> No.50520357

>it feels like bags of sand

>> No.50520392

What about this is unbelievable to you?

>> No.50520424

Nothing. I am happy for you. May you live a long, interesting life.

>> No.50520425

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.50520463

Thanks, same to you!

>> No.50520531

>for her to post online
i don't see a link to any post. there's no context here. OP posted a pic a of the joke chart and a pic of 2 people. How do you leap to your conclusion?

>> No.50520553
File: 41 KB, 435x461, 1641821439638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how do your wives make and/or save you more money?
Also, does your wife know how to operate a Kalashnikov type rifle?
Mine does not sadly but I have been teaching her how to use a basic .380 revolver. We will graduate to the bigger guns later.

>> No.50520570

My kid is 1 and has thrown up 3 times in his life.

>> No.50520583

jesus christ, that shit went off the rails fast. I regret wasting my time reading it
pop psychology is retarded and this bullshit comes off like advice from a teen girl's magazine complete with horoscopes

>> No.50520603

>using sex as a manipulation tool isn't that bad
You know the fair market price of a BJ is 30$. Will you clean puke all the time for 30$?

>> No.50520607
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 1652205083410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you just know it's going to be a terrible bj and he'll have to finish himself off

>> No.50520612

Don't just marry the women that is of the most convenience to you because she happens to have been your girlfriend already for a while when she quite clearly doesn't provide you a platform for a solid relationship. I genuinely don't know why normies have so much trouble with their marriages. It is a two way street and it takes both of you to be on the same page to cultivate something where both of you are happy. Divorced anons, can you give me some explanation to failed marriages? The one I see are nearly exclusively from women being ungrateful that their husband is away doing back breaking work in remote regions

>> No.50520645

Mine earns a decent income and the surplus of that goes into our savings. She can shoot a bolt action rifle

>> No.50520647

>"go fix a damaged woman"
lol no.
Nowadays they're not traumatized, but utterly spoiled and demanding, you can only run.

>> No.50520694

>those broken dead eyes
Putting him out of his misery would be a mercy

>> No.50520699

12 pack of beers for washing dishes 6 times a week?

>> No.50520707

Excellent. You're doing well, anon.

>> No.50520752

These are the kinds of men that snap one day and murder their entire families.

>> No.50520761

i just married a nice woman who likes me and isnt a spastic. find one of those bros, be yourself

>> No.50520843

what the fuck did i just read, give me back my 10 minutes anon

>> No.50520872

It's a really fucking good feeling isn't it, fuck I love my wife

>> No.50520894

I guarantee she's dog ugly

>> No.50520923

How did the picture end up online then? Did he post it? It could be, but I consider it very unlikely. I think the most obvious reasoning to why it is online is that she posted it. I'd venture a further guess and say she posted it at least on facebook

>> No.50520942

This is good stuff. Men are leaders, women are followers.

>> No.50520946

>My wife is asian, so she stays fit (Japanese are BRUTAL towards fat people) and takes care of the home and what not while I can do other things
Good stuff man. It sounds like you got a very good thing going on, congrats

>> No.50521023

marriage is a white boys game

>> No.50521321

>bj requirements are the only ones he actually met
Tells you everything really

>> No.50521533

that is a jewish devil

>> No.50521565

I have something like this with my wife but my reward is that I get to buy more bitcoin. Aigmi?

>> No.50521593

that's what anon is saying, you are unironically underage
if you were born in the 80s getting a bj for extremely simple tasks would seem like a bargain

>> No.50521608

>the 'my only value to you are my wet holes' chart

>> No.50521916

It's your money though

>> No.50522091
File: 5 KB, 264x191, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone on this board did even a modicum amount of fucking research you'd know this image was staged and posted on a dozen online news platforms to promote this bitch's children's books that have likely made millions in revenue on Amazon by now

stop posting this gay shit

>> No.50522106

Mine doesn't. I don't drink that much, I buy it when I do. She is also a great wife. What spastics let their lives be dictated by the Jewish piss

>> No.50522122

It's likely she also likes it for various reasons and not because lifestyle

>> No.50522131

>Don't you ever get bored of fucking the same woman over and over again?
Maybe not bored but have stepped out. Don't tell them, they won't know. If you think you will feel guilty about it.. don't do it.

>> No.50522204
File: 91 KB, 659x559, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this a bad deal, this is shit you gotta do as a dad anyway. its the ultimate con. you're getting "paid" for doing shit that youre going to do anyway. he's just trained his gf/wife into thinking she has the upper hand.
i had a friend in school who used to get paid by his parents to do his homework. this is the exact same thing. he was a smart kid too, used to get Bs and As. its like getting a titwank for brushing your teeth.

>> No.50522239

>I’m more concerned about your progeny’s IQ and EQ
IQ is epigenetic, aslong as you feed them sufficient nutrients and interact with them constantly (specificly the amount of words overheard is a marker) they will end up as midwits in the worst case scenario

>> No.50522310

Women are immoral, hedonistic, solipsistic, unintelligent, unfunny and the worst of all, boring. If you see a man suffer female company more than a couple hours per week he’s as much of a simpleton as they are, doesn’t matter simp or chad. Females are the driver of every civilization’s collapse from Europe to Asia because they cannot appreciate good things and always want more without gratitude like subhumans.
The purpose of this life can’t be to sire children and have them be mutilated whenever dumb cunts want to be liked by the [current year psychopaths]

>> No.50522325

Part of it is deliberately looking crazy because they think it’s funny, and part of it is the standard contract with the devil where parts of it are out in the open and you have to sign up and agree

>> No.50522327

>shit you’re going to do
What feminized retard one must be to think changing diapers of your children is your job when you have a wife? Just like in this case the advocates of family are broken subhumans who are already brainwashed by female paradigms.

>> No.50522348
File: 725 KB, 1125x1340, 7D52C783-287E-47F7-A3FB-FEEB2E63D166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are his pupils so big

>> No.50522600

I'm not engaged in a relationship at the moment, but I wouldn't like to live that kind of double life. If I wanted to fuck other girls I'd be open with my gf about it

>> No.50522677

He's realizing he's an absolute failure and the sheer adrenaline he's getting from holding back the anger of having to take a demoralizing picture simply because he wants a child is making him absolutely lose control in his mind but he's forcing a painful smile to hide it all.
There. That's why.

>> No.50522715

he's on LSD and made the whole thing up - doesn't even have a gf

>> No.50522746

I bet she's a teacher

>> No.50522779

I have two kids and clean up spit up all the fucking time and my dick remains unsucked.

>> No.50522793

If you are a father and don’t change diapers you’re a shit dad and a shit husband and you have no idea how fucking hard it is having kids.

>> No.50523171

Probably, they struggle to leave this kind of highly structured shit at work.

>> No.50523299

>put toilet seat down once every day
>"no nagging for a week" always applies
>don't need to do anything else and can buy and do whatever the fuck i want and nobody can nag

Simple as

>> No.50523711

anyone know the name of that book?

>> No.50523858

If you have a stay at home wife, fuck no should you have to change diapers.

>> No.50523886

Thanks for confirming that you are 12 and have never had a BJ. A BJ is worth alot. You would know that if you know.. you weren't a giant faggot sitting in your moms house.

>> No.50524031

>OMG, I had to spend 10 minutes setting my baby on a table, taking out his dirty diaper, wiping his butt, and putting a new diaper on!
>It is another holocaust!

Karen wives hate this one simple trick!