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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50508872 No.50508872 [Reply] [Original]

oh man, i can't believe i can finally be free from this shit hole. there is literally NOTHING useful here, why bother having convos with autistic neets with room temp IQ? what benefit do you get from other than making yourself depressed from talking with sick people? half the people are bitter that they are poor and their IQ holds them back from achieving greatness.

most people here have 0 knowledge of trading and prob never will
> muh meme lines, trend lines, rsi macd

now that i started to really snowball the stupid way, i realized im more focused on price action than actually looking at this board and completely forgot this place existed kek

i am convinced ppl who really make money dont even go on here.

>> No.50508893
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>why bother having convos with autistic neets with room temp IQ? what benefit do you get from other than making yourself depressed from talking with sick people? half the people are bitter that they are poor and their IQ holds them back from achieving greatness.

>> No.50508931

>i am convinced ppl who really make money dont even go on here.
nah we do, money isnt everything anon. ive been home sick this week on biz also your pic is poor cope

>> No.50508950

the ability to discern quality threads in the ocean of shitposts is what separates the normans from the us. As it should be.

Goodbye normie

>> No.50508970
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>> No.50508974

/biz/ had made me a lot of money and is also a fun place to talk to like minded people. Thanks for letting us know your leaving. I'd say I'd miss you but judging by your post structure you sound like a self obsessed faggot. See you tomorrow I guess

>> No.50508990

pic is unrelated.
money is sadly everything otherwise i would be living on a hippie homestead somewhere in the midwest or be like the rest of 4chan living with mom and dad.

>> No.50509014

if u follow anyone's TA on here, u will be bankrupted

>> No.50509075

>he thinks money is everything
>he has an all or nothing mentality
>he hasn't experienced self enlightenment
>he's probably in his early 20s with no life experience
>he doesn't know the joys of fatherhood
>he said he's leaving but he's hanging out in his shitty thread

>> No.50509204

this is my first time in weeks coming on here, and after this thread gets nuked, i'm prob gone for good.

yes, i'm in my 20s thank god
my mentality has been a straight grind since 2018 in order to learn how to trade, finally got in a place where btc being at $1m or $0.01 is irrelevant to me.
when u are in the pursuit of learning a difficult skill, its kinda retarded to become a father out the blue... now that things are stable for a long time, it's a possibility now to become a father but no rush

>> No.50509426

I go on here but I would never reveal my edge. Why would I? It’s how I make money. Though I do drop breadcrumbs every now and then. Also: memes.

>> No.50509833

i am the same, but i could probably reveal my edge without any consequences since it requires intuition and exp to gtfo quickly from bad trades and knowing how to read price action. Most people wouldn't be able to replicate. Everytime i see someone post a chart on here, i just cringe a little bit since i was doing those charts back in 2018-2019 with 5 indicators. Now it's peaceful 0 indicators and watching price action, and reacting what market is doing in real time.

the only advantage to not leaking my edge is i can really drain the liquidity of these erc-20 shitcoins fairly easily since its 95% noobs trading

>> No.50509896

checked, can you tell me more about price action and what you mean by reading it. Are you looking at the order book and size of bids or else? drop some breadcrumbs

>> No.50511160

i am looking at the literal candlesticks on 1m 5m chart, seeing where liquidity is and from which side liquidity is getting drawn from.

>> No.50512316

Same. The amount of hate for Landlords shows that I think.

>> No.50513878

sometimes people here provide cool shitcoins to swing but thats about it ($lace was a life saver desu)

>> No.50513884

Bye faggot, see you next week.

>> No.50513890

>that pic

>> No.50514096

nice blog

>> No.50514516

im trying to learn price action for half a year now and it's pretty damn hard. do you have experience with al brooks? he teaches price action with no indicators, just looking at the 5m chart

>> No.50514565

i just treat browsing /biz/ as a sentiment check on the market. Ive traded directly off of /pol/ posts more than ive traded off of /biz/ posts. Their schizos genuinely generate better alpha than this shithole does.

>> No.50514602

>oh man, i can't believe i can finally be free from this shit hole. there is literally NOTHING useful here, why bother having convos with autistic neets with room temp IQ? what benefit do you get from other than making yourself depressed from talking with sick people? half the people are bitter that they are poor and their IQ holds them back from achieving greatness.
It's free entertainment, bro. I don't pay for tv.

>> No.50515832

>charts back in 2018-2019 with 5 indicators. Now it's peaceful 0 indicators and watching price action, and reacting what market is doing in real time
Anytime I see an RSI, stochastic or MACD on anything smaller than a daily timeframe, I post bait and sage the thread

>> No.50515920

Welcome to 4chan, dumb highschool drop outs give their unasked for opinion where they let you know they know nothing besides 4chan memes and wojack memes.

>> No.50515945
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>> No.50515976

Who asked for your opinion

>> No.50515986

Anon, there are no quality threads here anymore. It’s all shitposts. If I wasn’t addicted to shit posting I wouldn’t be here.

>> No.50515996

He actually lives on a private ranch with his wife (gets puss) and Jordan had AIDS but otherwise point taken.

>> No.50516071


>> No.50516089
File: 224 KB, 2048x1748, 1653676226774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention all bizraelis: The Great Reset has come at a crossroads with humanity. We can not allow the WEF & the young globohomo leaders to manipulate the markets any longer with their fake wars and gay market crashes. In order for the Golden Bullrun to resume, Chainlink(ticker: LINK) needs to be destroyed.
/biz will declare WAR on Chainlink next week and send globohomo a message.
You heard it here first. Linkies will be financially exterminated. Participation is mandatory btw, proof of short will be required to post on /biz. I repeat everybody will have to participate.

Spread the word and prepare your shorts. It's finally happening... The Great Short is upon us lads.

>> No.50516098

Me on the left!

>> No.50516561

>Langan's biological father left before he was born, and is said to have died in Mexico. Langan's mother married three more times, and had a son by each husband. Her second husband was murdered, and her third died by suicide.

>During elementary school, Langan repeatedly skipped grades, and was bullied by his peers. He claims to have been beaten by his stepfather, Jack Langan, who denies this.[1][4] At age 12, Langan began weight training, which he says was motivated by the desire to fight back against bullies.[3][7]:92 He eventually ejected his stepfather from the household

dude's story is worse than 90% of gang bangers shooting eachother over crack

>> No.50516586

Have gay sex, incel.

>> No.50516601
File: 191 KB, 1200x783, 0fgjhs4u3tm7ukjof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, goyim, look at the humble abodes the rich reside in. This is why you're poor. You just spend too much on housing and vehicles.

>> No.50516741

you are posting facebook tier "financial" motivation bullshit like a retarded boomer. at least this board occasionally hits gold. but this this is just pathetic

>> No.50516756

this is actually where an applebees shift manager and his nurse wife live. that's why they're poor anon

>> No.50516761

99% here are bots
The rest are niggers and chinks