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50507320 No.50507320 [Reply] [Original]

Landlord hare thread, pulled one on a apartment complex while moving out a few months ago.

>move out of apartment after living there 3 years.
>kept the place ok but it’s pretty fucked
>holes in the wall from drunk wrestling
>drilled screws to hold up hammock and frames
>cracked tile flooring by dropping stuff on it
>normal wear and tear
>send in notice with last months rent
>as I’m cleaning up the place I know I’m not getting my deposit back
>emptying cabinets and on the top shelf is a big bag of rice
>on tippy toes trying to grab it
>finger slips and bag falls on ground breaking everywhere
>eh fuck it
>lock door and leave
>2 months pass and still no word from them
>call them asking about my deposit
>they ask my new address
>get letter saying I owe 2k of back rent and damages
>thats after taking my whole deposit
>says I moved out with no notice and trashed the place
>look up security deposit laws
>call up landlord company
>ask what they are talking about
>she’s a total bitch saying If I don’t pay she will take me to small claims court
>tell her I did give notice
>smugly says no you didn’t
>send her an email of her signature on my certified return receipt
>she gets real quiet and says, well you trashed the place still
>tell her she had 21 days to give me my deposit back
>if you don’t give me my full deposit I will take you to small claims for double
>she mails me back my full deposit

>> No.50508096

I do love it, not because you fucked her over but because you had the law on your side and you didn't let someone financially bully. Sounds like your local ordinance gave her 21 days to give you your sd or probably a receipt detailing how it was spent, which she didn't bother to do. So fuck her, she broke the law and you deserve your money back.

>> No.50508177
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>> No.50508186
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back to r/antiwork incels

>> No.50508387

People like this are the reason why rent just went up 50% and you are now required to fill out a 10 page application with a credit report and job history.

>> No.50508473

that cunt isn't your landlord, just a wagie for some faceless corp or llc that owns the apartments, probably doesn't even make $35k a year

>> No.50508509

She made it seem like giving me my deposit back was coming out of her personal pocket so idk. Regardless I trashed the place and got all my money back. Rent has paid for that complex 10x over in the last decade so fuck em

>> No.50508548
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my apartment complex was bought out by a jewish investment management firm. they raised rents by 30% over the past year. when i move out, i'm going to heat up pic related and dump it down the drains. also plan on red loctiting the water shutoff valve and blowing up the central AC compressor by bouncing it on/off repeatedly until the motor windings melt.

>> No.50508555

tldr; you will never own property

>> No.50508558

how can i breed roaches so there is a massive infestation after i leave?

>> No.50508560

>Landlord here
>In a big city own multiple buildings
?one of my tennants was a college girl who I suspected was holding pets.
>This is against the contract I made everyone sign. Obviously she thought I wouldn't know about this but I have spare keys and occasionally let myself in to do a routine check on every room that I own.
>This girl thought the no pets rule was only for dogs and cats and her hamster was somehow exempt so what I did was simply open the cage, get the hamster out and flush it. It first didn't go through so I had to flush it another time by throwing a bunch of toilet paper on it before flishing again.
>Then I put the empty cage next to the trash.
>Obviously when she came home she called me crying and I said that I just put it outside and it must have ran away. Then I told her I was gonna keep her deposit as she was clearly in violation of the contract we both put our signatures on.
>Apparently the hamster was a gift or something from her brother who died shortly before (he was the only family she had left or something) but this obviously is no excuse to break the contract. If you let someone keep a hamster then before you know it someone else will keep a cat, then you have dogs making a mess all over your building. I just cant let that slide.

>> No.50509213

nobody here cares that you are too retarded to function as a member of society. The bar is pretty low honesty and if you can't even keep yourself in shelter you would probably be doing the world a favor if you just rope. Darwinism is too slow for turds like you.

>> No.50509268

Based, should've raped her just for good measure.

>> No.50509283

Bros don’t pour down bacon fat and oil down the drain and definitely don’t run cold water after kek

>> No.50509351


>> No.50509402

Based work of fiction

>> No.50509662

based landlord hare

>> No.50509674

you are imagining things you raging cuck

>> No.50509697

t. nigger

>> No.50509721

Problem with your story is you will have bad references for the future. How does one fuck with their landlord with them still thinking you did nothing wrong is the real chad move here.

>> No.50509736
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Don't forget to superglue in the lightbulbs. They will have to spend money on an electrician and it won't be caught for months or years.

>> No.50509763

By the way, her requirement by law to return your deposit most likely doesn't negate her entitlement to collect coverage for damages. I would recommend not obviously intentionally damaging the premises.

>> No.50509823

>Wagie incel pays $2000/month for 3 years.
>Chad landlord bought the place in the 80s for $350k
>Wagie incel throws a fit on his way out the door after paying for 20% of the original price of the complex
>Wagie incel makes gay thread on an anonymous basket weaving forum to brag about how much hes done for Chad landlord
Story as old as time.

>> No.50509845

>be rentoid
just take the loan pill bro, I haven't had to deal with landlord faggots for years, it's so relaxing

>> No.50509859
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What is the worst thing a tenant can do to a landlord to piss them off?

>> No.50509982

Idk about landlords but I have a neighbor that I hate so the day I moved out I took a blank key and broke off the shaft, covered it with superglue, and inserted it into his lock while he was at work so he couldn’t get into his apartment. He has two pitbulls that I hope ate each other before he was able to get back in.

>> No.50510070

>he has 2 pitbulls
he deserves it then

>> No.50510454

>What is the worst thing a tenant can do to a landlord to piss them off?
Landlord here. Full radio silence. If there are any problems we can work that shit through together, no problems. After a decade in the business there's not a lot left that would shock me. Dog urine soaked hardwood floors, illegally torn down walls, subletting to crackheads - I've seen it all and in the end it's just about money, so who cares. But if I can't reach them whatsoever that really grinds my gears and raises my blood pressure. It's rare, but if I ever contact tenants it's for a goddamn reason. Just fucking respond in a timly manner, even if it's just "swamped rn, I'll get back 2 you nxt week".

>> No.50510509

ive never really had a bad experience with a private landlord, have gotten fucked by management companies raising my rent by like $600 just this past year but thats just the game. i do hate annoying faggots who act like they're better than everyone for leveraging themselves into oblivion with this shit though, none of them really do anything interesting either so its not even a jealousy thing

>> No.50510594

Why the fuck did she back down over the deposit if you DID IN FACT trash the place?

>> No.50510736
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>s simply open the cage, get the hamster out and flush it. It first didn't go through so I had to flush it another time by throwing a bunch of toilet paper on it before flishing again.
kek. Tenants that violate their contracts on pets are the worst type of scum. I had some tenants that had dogs even though it violated the contract and they tore up the grass in the backyard.

>> No.50510853

Because she likely just works there and it isn't her money at the end of the day, she's just following procedure. She's a snide cunt because that's just who she is.

>> No.50510930

So you trashed the place and think you're in the right? Typical rentoid behaviour.

>> No.50511022

You don't need to breed them, just buy them off a pet shop online. Pet shops sell it as food for reptiles