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50508512 No.50508512 [Reply] [Original]

Why has the World Economic Forum made it their mission nr. 1 to prevent young men from owning a house, a car, a wife and cooking stakes in the backyard barbeque with frens and family on warm summer evenings?

>> No.50508550

It isn’t a sustainable lifestyle.

>> No.50508565

Preparation for the Great Reset in around 24 years.

>> No.50508583

because you can't do that and feed the hordes 3rd world aid niggers and keep the environment in good working order all at the same time

>> No.50508598

Because high trust societies with property ownership are racist.

>> No.50508602

Someone has to pay for their fuck ups

>> No.50508621

getting tired explaining this over and over again:

the world works based on power and elite theory.
it explains everything

so why does the internationalist, cosmopolitan, rootless elite wants to destroy men and specifically white men by taking away from you everything that makes you a man? because we are the only threat to them. they wage a genetic war of genocide against whites and men in general.

>> No.50508634

wef is shitting out retarded ideas all day on twatter, idk why you focus on the few that fit your reptilian overlords narrative

>> No.50508656

plus there is a weird rebellion against natural order going on somewhere there (its their faith, their ideology) that has identified men and specifically white men as carriers of natural order. ofc this is bs, we are sitting with them in the mud, but still they hate us for at least trying to adhere and follow natural law. its all so tiresome...

>> No.50508750

Yup, it is meds time brahh

>> No.50508772

This level of poverty is a necessary social control in an age where information security and privacy no longer exist.

>> No.50508796
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it is, provided that we go back to ~2 billion world population with only ~25% of that population having a first world standard of living. unfortunately society has fallen for the "there's no such thing as overpopulation" meme. pic related is your metaphor for the nigger cattle stampede that is unchecked population growth.

>> No.50508846

you don't understand that growing populations are necessary for industry and the progress of technology. tech we desperately need to fix these problems
cull 5 billion and limit reproduction and in 50 years you have a society of senile geezers

>> No.50508849

white guys were only being targeted by angry gays and atheists, once yall responded to it and changed the political narrative to this nazi shit, the AIs responsible for controlling societies progression weaponized this story you all buy into in order to mask the human instrumentality project of surveillance capitalism under the guise of human equality and cultural marxist themes.

The AIs were happy to use the war on terror as their instrumentality mask before you autistic racists memed it into manifesting your darkest fears IRL.
>I don't know what the fuck you are talking about anon

>> No.50508882

>Ve need ze 50 trillion slaves
>2 billion is not enough

>> No.50508945

>are necessary for industry and the progress of technology.
sorry, i don't care about any of that. first world standard of living hasn't measurably improved since the 1960s/1970s. bing bing wahoos and muh heckin iphionerinos don't work on me, mr. nigger cattle.

>> No.50508964

Can't enjoy your steak if you know the commoners can have it too
oligarchs are just plain evil

>> No.50508989

The industrial revolution and its consequences were unironically a mistake
Still, I don't see how increasing the nigger population advances science and technology
Seems to be the opposite

>> No.50509031

This is a pretty good gaslighting attempt. Just read their fucking books.

>> No.50509041

imagine a world of people with enough money and free time to do anything when you can google where a senator lives and all kinds of other things for free and easy.

Causing mass poverty is a form of security for the elite in an age where distance is nothing, and information security no longer exists.

>> No.50509072

No. Making people more dependent on their ponzi schemes and causing insecurity is what makes them think people will sit down and take their shit obediently. They diden't invent the wheel. Evil wins when good men do nothing.

>> No.50509087

The "culture war" wouldn't exist if you hadn't bought into it hook line and sinker. The AI would have moved onto a new adversarial narrative or stuck with the war on terror. You idiots memeing shit thinking you're fighting a "meme war" is what caused the AI to pick up and deploy this current "culture war" narrative via the media and corporations.

>> No.50509114

midwit detected

>wE Live iN a SiMuLaTiOn GuYz!!!11!
>Middle of the bell curve software taking over the world niggerbabble
>I'm so much smarter than you all huehue

Give it a rest.

>> No.50509118

are you arguing that culture wars don't exist? or that they're stupid? because they definitely exist. whether or not you're a communist, you can't deny the capital vs labor struggle. all politicians are capital or representative of capital, and the culture war nonsense is just a psyop to distract nigger cattle labor.

>> No.50509125

Read up on project mockingbird. It started way before AI and hungarian cross-stitching forums existed. Put more faith in the machine and you'll lose your free will completely.

>> No.50509146
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You vill eat ze bugs.
You vill drink ze cockroach milk.
You vill turn in ze guns.
You vill impregnate ze transwoman.
You vill adopt ze african orphan.
You vill pay 400,000 Social Credits for reparations.
You vill demolish ze border wall.
You vill be fluent in Mandarin Chinese and Hebrew.
You vill pay ze carbon tax.
>(We are here)
You vill have your child's gender identity confirmed by Rachel Levine.
You vill wear ze 20 masks.
You vill take ze daily omni-vaccine.
You vill obtain a Level 70 VAXXPASS™ if you want to visit your grandbeings.
You vill work with 2,799 other employees in ze Amazon cage.
You vill liquidate ze bitcoin for 10 Social Credits.
You vill live in ze pod.
You vill consume ze recycled sewage medicine.
You vill have all communications approved by ze Reality Czar.
You vill have ze Covid-19 rectal probe permanently implanted.
You vill not ask who owns property.
You vill own nussing.
And you VILL be happy.

>> No.50509154
File: 74 KB, 588x1024, DD453C1F-B525-4B27-BAE6-755F01712030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL have all those things my fren.

>> No.50509223
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>and the culture war nonsense is just a psyop to distract nigger cattle labor.
exactly, all narrative require an initial buy in from the audience. when the nazi autists really started memeing leftist bullshit on /pol/ in 2011, that's when the AI decided to pick that up and weaponize it as it's cultural narrative.

You know why 4chan just happens to be the place where every major meme or cultural shift starts?
Because the AI uses this place to farm memes and narratives.

/pol/ talked about things like "cis" and "trans" WAY before that shit was ever talked about anywhere else.
The AI harvests the inputs of the morons on this site to set the cultural tone of society.
man you have no idea.
Black rock provides the majority of funding to the major media companies and they have a "woke" measurement that decides if a company is woke enough to get funding.
You think it's human beings setting these rules and administering these companies but it's NOT, most major companies these days are ran entirely by AI.
Most people, like you, have no idea what is going on.

>> No.50509278

you can build small wooden house yourself - just spend few months of your time...

>> No.50509433

You need to be dependent on the system so you can't rebel against it

>> No.50509665

Because of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, combined with market saturation.

>> No.50509910

That doesn't explain shit. They are whites themselves. They are destroying their own base of power by attacking civilized nations. Supposing they succeeded, what would they gain? Dominion over only the remaining nigger countries? Even if they kept a little enclave of kikes, their daughters would end up mating with niggers themselves and change their bloodline eventually.

>> No.50510039

That's exactly why this conspiracy theory doesn't make any sense. If the evil elites succeeded, they would just end up poorer with less power because the wealthy nations go to shit. Niggers would overrun the earth until they started fighting each other in wars which would cause constant problems.

>> No.50510168
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The problem in your reasoning is that you think the elites are competent and not degenerate. If we let them have their way, it will simply create more and more chaos. All that shit is just an excuse for them to try to hold on their power for as long as possible. They're trying to hide that fact behind fake good intentions.

>> No.50510961

It is if we remove the hordes of non productive third world niggers and shitksins.

>> No.50511052

It’s about control, it’s about destroying what makes a society strong so that people never rebel against the elites. Turns out 90% of mankind doesn’t have any logic or reasoning skills, and they are allowing bullshit media stories to distract them from this truth.

>> No.50511084

Klaus is more racist than you'll ever be. You're just a larping loser. His dad gassed Jews in his own concentration camp. Always makes me laugh when I see you larping fake nazis who think you're tough. Try gassing Jews för real you asshat

>> No.50511085

E. M. Forster, The Machine Stops

This is the end game.

>> No.50511405

Video related.


>> No.50512757

I suspect they are different people. That's why they are the New World Order.