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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 1600x900, BitDAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50506058 No.50506058 [Reply] [Original]

give me a coin that:
>is fully decentralized
>is extremely liquid
>has constant inflow of funds

(pic related)

>> No.50506106


>> No.50506117

fuck off bybit shill

>> No.50506186

in case you didnt read you cuck, bitdao is DAO
it cant be owned by an exchange
its literally community governed

>> No.50506264

nice "guerrilla marketing", I'm sure the 5c per post are worth it

>> No.50506302
File: 87 KB, 1125x1180, BIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nigger, i have BIT
now kill yourself in the most boring manner possible

>> No.50506365

wow what an organic meme, russian paid shills are so hard to detect

>> No.50506377
File: 32 KB, 576x1024, kys fudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50506429

>has constant inflow of funds
but also has gigantic dumps all day every day amirite ching chong ping pong ding dong

>> No.50506468

>so does literally every other coin/token on the market
they actually faired way better than the vast majority of other alts. go to the charts

>> No.50506536

who cares? isnt every other project suffering from the same shit right now.
when the L1 drops you'll witness the longest, fatest green dildo your eyes have ever seen outside of your filthy mothers bedroom

>> No.50506537

I thought this was a legit project until I started seeing paid shilling on /biz/

>> No.50506658
File: 265 KB, 1472x1368, get fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucker look at this and tell me this isnt legit

>> No.50506661
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2022-07-22 16-27-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets look at the chart then... oh wow such gains much dao.

>> No.50506753

then why are you so angry, you should be ecstatic that the market is letting you accumulate at -80% from ath

>> No.50506772

they're currently the 34th largest ETH holder on the market. literal ETH whales
that's more than some small exchanges
cant get more legit than that anon

>> No.50506805

>forgets timestamp on screenshot
now everyone knows youre either
Middle Eastern
Eastern Eurofag

in all cases your opinion does not matter
now go back to your tent/hut/soviet housing unit

>> No.50506849

You replied to the wrong guy, don't mention this in your eom shill report or they might take some $ away from you

>> No.50506850

It's cool that they are funding development but why are you shilling it so hard? People here don't like too heavy shilling and it makes them defensive.

>> No.50506866
File: 72 KB, 1016x126, Screen Shot 2022-07-22 at 10.39.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50506872

Because they have significant selling pressure from unlocks, and they are at the price at which they raised. Not even youtubers are shilling bit anymore

>> No.50506938

how much is APY?

>> No.50506980

i think its something like 5% on bybit but not so sure

>> No.50507023

If you want to suck Peter thiels cock just buy palantir. ShitDao is about as decentralized as cuckbase. Literally represents everything bad about crypto, a bunch of globohomos looking to whale and manipulate prices. Don't lie to the good people of biz about decentralization, even fucking Solana is more decentralized.

>> No.50507069

careful some vietnamese/russian shill is going to tell you to kys now

>> No.50507143
File: 27 KB, 360x346, HAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's seething so fucking hard

>> No.50507182

give sources or you're basically just spitting fud
they as decentralized as it gets. everyone gets to vote on every proposal and almost all of the community is content with the results

>> No.50507191

Why don't you address some of the criticism in this thread with the talking point you were given


Here's some for the rest of your shift :)