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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50502910 No.50502910 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is up 25% and Ethereum is up 50% in 1 week, the week before what will probably be the biggest rate hike in decades

This is the most obvious exit pump I have ever fucking seen in my life

They’re not even fucking hiding it

>> No.50502926

Jewbankman is behind it guaranteed. fucking nigger. But it's ok he will rug all the delusional faggot mumus. 10k is close BOBROS

>> No.50502930

No, we just went too low too fast. All of this shit was already priced in.

>> No.50502932

inflation has peaked, rate hikes have been priced in, leverage fags have been pruned. it's only going up from here.

>> No.50502934

Bobo huffing copium

>> No.50502937

priced in.

>> No.50502939


>> No.50502940
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It’s not just crypto either

They pumped the indices aswell

This is global market wide exit pump before rate hike

Why are they making it so fucking obvious?????

>> No.50502951
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just a small reminder that MATIC outperformed every other top 20 coin this month

>> No.50502957

Have you considered the market thinks the worst is over?

>> No.50502959

Or maybe it means that rate hikes were already priced in and people take positions for the inevitable reverse

>> No.50502960

>not peaked, not priced in as we're probably getting 100bps and more later, not enough leverage fags deaded. it's only going down from here

>> No.50502965

We didn’t go down fast wtf you talking about

This is the most slow drawn out crypto bear market ever, previous bull runs ended instantly and crashed. It took like 8 months for bitcoin to go down 70%, it took bitcoin like 7 days to go down 70% in previous crashes

>> No.50502971

have you considered the market doesn't behave as you think it does. it's controlled by jews after all. they WILL rug normies and they will do it hard

>> No.50502983

The market shit itself with 75 bps

And you think 100 is priced in? After the biggest inflation report in decades

What the fuck man

>> No.50503581

>Why are they making it so fucking obvious?
Not like what's coming can hidden. The market is just being honest.

>> No.50503765

>the biggest rate hike in decades
rate hike is overhyped. the sky isn't falling. rate hikes are significant, but they are not world-ending. businesses will chug along, you'll continue posting bearfrogs on 4chan, and you'll still be able to eat. these are the only things required for a market to survive. if people still have places to live, water to drink, food to eat, then the market will march on. just fucking hold on and stop running around like chickens with your heads cut off. everything in current year is so fucking sensationalized. try to be a little less of an emotionally-fragile woman and just focus on things that make you happy.

>> No.50503803

You talk a lot bobos but I don't see your shorts posted.

>> No.50503812

delusional mumu faggot

the rug is coming

>> No.50504204
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it's a delusion to say that the world won't end? that the sky isn't gonna fall? do you think it's delusional to say that people will continue having places to live, water to drink, food to eat?

>> No.50504221

You're as disappointing as Twitter's earnings.

>> No.50504396

>they WILL rug normies and they will do it hard
and how best to do that right now
everybody in the normie sphere is screeching inflation, depression end of days and muh russia muh gas
all the financial msm is saying mega depression coming soon and king bobo is screeching incoherently on his twitter inbetween deletes again

meanwhile market knows we are at peak rates as the .gov debt is unmanageable at these levels and knows cuts and more qe is coming much sooner then expected
so guess what is the best way to rug the normies

>> No.50504488

Imagine shorting crypto

If Uprise can get liquidated shorting LUNA literally during its crash you're fucking dumb to even think about this

>> No.50505561

The Fed isn't doing a 100 point hike, and 75 points has already been priced in. We may even get a 50 point hike based on indications that inflation has peaked (gas is down like $0.50 since late June and is what had been driving inflation in recent months) and the Fed trying to avoid a recession, in which case the markets will rally.

>> No.50505675

Inflation hasn’t peaked.
Rents aren’t declining.
Food prices aren’t declining.
Gas prices only declined a little through subsidy, which we have to pay on the back end — but they’ll work it into the headline numbers as a victory.

>> No.50505679

Retarded loser is still a loser even on 4chan lol gtfo of here

>> No.50505718

Its because the Fed increased its balance sheet the last 2 weeks and the NASDAQ caught a huge bid and that drove BTC up due to a risk-on rally. The whole market is literally just the Fed.

>> No.50505738

Also the market is convinced the Fed is going to pivot now because all leading economic indicators are awful and the yield curve is inverted heavily. The 3 month bond will invert with the 10yr soon.

>> No.50505803

imagine you were jew market mover, would you rather stock up at 10k or at 20k, considering you and your friends can easily push it to 10k and below?

>> No.50505864

2 weeks after the gdp announcement next week, we'll get July's CPI numbers in mid August, which will show that inflation has peaked. BTC back over 30k by end of August.

>> No.50505911

Cleveland Fed's inflation nowcast is higher for this month than it was for last month (iirc it was 8.8%, CPI was 9.1, now it's around 8.9%). Truflation shows inflation is hardly down at all. Everyone is basically assuming that inflation will go down swiftly and was really transitory all along with no real evidence.

>> No.50505918

This. But surely they must know that they'd only be kicking the can down the road.

>> No.50505950

Market's delusional IMO, like I said in >>50505911 the market is basically back to "inflation is transitory" and thinks there will be a pivot by 2023 if not earlier, some people are calling for one by September.

>> No.50505984

There is no such thing as pricing in an economic collapse.

>> No.50506006

delusional just like all mumus

>> No.50506023

kys retard nigger. that's the best thing you could ever do mumu

>> No.50506060
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>which will show that inflation has peaked
>2 more weeks trust the plan
>kabul will never fall
>2020 was the most free and fair election in history
>black lives matter
>abortion is healthcare

>> No.50506146

>Truflation shows inflation is hardly down at all

You literally just proved my point..."Peaked" . Even if it was flat from June to July, that's all the market needs.

>> No.50506173

I guess we'll see on August 10th.

>> No.50506406

Not really because the market is assuming inflation is transitory and will go down *very* quickly so that the Fed can cut by early 2023. This is the part that isn't going to happen.

>> No.50506748

Only hedgies and faggits care about rate hike. Retail don't give a fuck. Cope more fucking Bobo, you about to get short squeezed. See you at 30k.

>> No.50506783

Girls Do Porn announcement ?

>> No.50506859
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The recession is priced in, I just went 50x long! WAGMI bros

>> No.50506892

you call this a pump, brokefag? lol

>> No.50507022

I remember, in 2020, when everyone was claiming that the market was going to crash. Then the fed pumped it (after telling us they would). Now the fed is telling us that they are going to crash it. And people like you are like the people in 2020. Don't fight the fed. They are literally telling you what is about to happen.

>> No.50507126

The market is frontrunning a pivot in September right now with the CPI at 9.1%. There are two possibilities here.
>inflation is not merely transitory, but so ephermal that it will rapidly decline so that the Fed can pivot by September
>the market is delusional and is just assuming that the Fed will pivot

>> No.50507178

ceo of jpmorgan also said it's worst then you think

>> No.50507393

The fed is literally telling us that they are going to stop pumping the market. They are actively trying to slow it down with their policy. The investors like Warren buffet who have been trading for a lifetime, and are focused on long term trends, warned the fed that this would happen. And many of these long term value investors say that the fed took way to long to change its policy. The media is not going to tell you about a crash. The media wants exit liquidity for its masters. They will tell you everything is OK. The media does not want a bank run. The media wants a slow burn. They want a "soft landing". They don't want the frog to jump out of the boiling pot. But the fed has to tell its masters what's really going on. Most people don't pay attention to the fed. They blame these trends on what the media tells them to. Russia. Covid. Global warming. Whatever the propaganda is for the month. But really, all you need to do is listen to the fed. And the fed is actively trying to slow things down.

>> No.50507448
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This is exactly how bears make money, you need "priced in" faggots buying breakouts for years.

>> No.50507481

One of the things I've realized after being on here from 2017-2022 is that the market doesn't actually look that far forward or price things in all that well.

>> No.50507580

We were still on the negative rates era. Now that leveragefags will not be able to get free money for massive scale gambling we'll see what happens to the price.

I still believe BTC will go to 100k and more but it's not prime to detach from the traditional markets.

Also, eventually they (whoever you want to think "they" are) will just come in and ban all exchanges, then we'll see who's willing to buy against the will of your fiat overlords.

>> No.50507606

I hope you're right, bobro, because I have all these chips but not enough D I P

>> No.50508069

The Fed might very well cut in early 2023, but only because we’re in collapse.

>> No.50508108

The Fed has no control over interest rates, bobo.

>> No.50508253
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>Hey, oh. You're honor. I have no control over Jacky 4 fingers. What he does in his spare time is none of my buisness.

>> No.50508373

Take the eurodollar pill, Tone.

>> No.50508402
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who pays these people to shill matic?

i see a lot of these matic shills and avax shills...is it really the foundation themselves doing this.....

>> No.50509147

probably delusional retards that didn't buy ETH at the bottom, now they're dragon-chasing this shitcoin lol

>> No.50509813

Warren Buffet is buying stocks right now. Also the fed can say one thing and do another. To your point on the media, they are the ones hyping a crash/recession.

>> No.50510785
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