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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 219 KB, 890x905, bobochoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50491339 No.50491339 [Reply] [Original]

>"we are all getting so rich"
>"The bear market is over"
Lads you have no idea how bad this is going to get
we have
>record inflation
>food and fertilizer crisis
>global shipping crisis
>2008 home crisis on steroids

You do realize this next 6 months to a year will be the exit pump for the mega wealthy
I hope you take advantage of this to gain enourmous wealth that you then pour into things to take care of your necessities

When this monstrous weimer bubble collapses it will be global
there will be war, civil war and cannibalism
I may be a bobo but I am warning you mumu's out there

When this joyride ends it will collapse into the depths of hell and save a lucky few will survive it
People will eat their neighbors

>> No.50491377

I think most of us are aware we are on a runaway train to hyperinflation and collapse hence
>the great reset
the question is
when to hop off the train and how to survive the crash

>> No.50491423

Muh weimar

>> No.50491425

Just throw some of your gains into physical silver and gold. That is all you have to do to survive the great reset.

>> No.50491463

Your best bet is get some rural land somewhere and prepare to homestead
City niggers are going to eat the weak lefties and its going to be full on CONGO mode in every major city

Any self respecting person should have a plan to evacuate to the countryside
If you dont own a gun
you should

>> No.50491544
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Werimar was this retard
Get out of the dollar asap if you fear it

>> No.50491564
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>> No.50491567
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>we already had the exit pump

>> No.50491591

worst part is the normies still wont want to talk about it for fear of being called racist. So the city cannibalism dying light 2 scenario will just be a thing no one talks about because its unchristian.

>> No.50491633
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>> No.50491650

Weimar this weimar that is midwit trash.
Things are bad and could get worse, but it's not going to be your mad max fallout vidya fantasy. The western world, and North America in particular, is so materially wealthy, in resources and farmland, that it would take some existential threat to take it out, like a meteor or supervolcano or something, not an economic collapse/reallignment, which has happened before.
Things will shake up, and the economic and political systems and structures will change to adapt to the new reality, and it will probably be in a form that is not currently being predicted by anyone, but it won't be cannibalism or bolshevik larpers or fascist dystopia.
There might be some pretty lean years, but your kids are probably not going to be making ear necklaces and ripping around the rad-wastes.
That being said if you live in the third world/global south, god help you, seriously. Get here now while you still can.

>> No.50491672


>> No.50491681

Yeah, my guess is that this bear cycle will blow up at 15k in a macro level. People are seeing the picture from up close right now. What matters is seeing it from December and the year ahead.

>> No.50491694

>it cant happen to me because bad things only happen in capeshit and this is the real world and the tv box said its fine

Do NPC normal niggers really think like this?

>> No.50491698

you don't understand people

>> No.50491729

this is the most insane normie cope post I have ever seen

the USA could collapse into civil war in a matter of days
only retard boomers like you think we are impenetrable

>> No.50491786
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I already bought food, clothes, and work equipment so what else do I need?

>> No.50491818

A female wrote this. Blacks will eat your flesh woman. You think they want you for some White woman rape fetish? Look at SA. They will always kill you in the end.

>> No.50491819

I think I do, I have been on this dogshit site and others long enough to know that the constant news stream and clickbait being beamed in to everyones heads causes doomerism, why wouldn't it? There are a hundred bad news stories a day. Fact is the world has always been about to end, every generation going back to fucking Sumeria thought it was the last one, but guess what, we are still here dude. We are only a few years removed from a generation of people who lived through a world war, a depression, another fucking world war, and a nuclear standoff, and still made it.
You aren't special, your generation isn't special, you won't get to see the end of the world, it's not going to be just like your video games. You will have to pay taxes until you die. Sorry.

>> No.50491854

2 more weeks

>> No.50491879

>boomer hands wrote this
You arent getting social security I hope you know that
You also wont be able to draft the millenials or zoomers because we will kill you all in your sleep

You psychotic generation of boomer narcissists will be put into homes with feral niggers who will beat the shit out of you every single day

A civil war or a total collapse would be a welcome outcome for what awaits the fate of every single boomer
At least you will die quickly and possibly with dignity in that scenario

>> No.50491897

you belong in a cage.

>> No.50491905
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>> No.50491912

When has the market ever reflected real life?

>> No.50491917

>a tranny boomer got upset
eat shit and dilate faggot

>> No.50491948

Tonight when you lay in bed fantasizing that you are the Immorten Joe of your post-apocalyptic neighborhood because you have some canned food and a rifle in your basement, just remember, that's all it's ever going to be, the fantasy of a cucked loser who deep down is just trying to cope with being a wagie for the next 50 years.

>> No.50491993

kek they mad

>> No.50492009

based. Boomers exist on an Asian level. They saw no issue with handing over their race on a silver platter to subhumans. They celebrate it.

>> No.50492020

you will never be a woman
also why did you post the kiked globohomo nigger mad max

master blaster was better
Mel is best

>> No.50492072

This. Exactly this. Forever this.

>> No.50492082
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Shut the fuck up you doomsayer faggot. Nothing ever fucking happens and the same globohomo gay shit keeps on going on. Let’s make some fucking money, get comfy, and laugh at trannyjannies roping when they realize they invested in a lie.

>> No.50492165

why does /biz/ have so many trannies
you realize we can tell you are tourist predditors by how you structure your sentences right?

>> No.50492417
File: 248 KB, 1170x1158, 1652974638850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You either :
>Try to jump from the train and retire to the shithole of your choice, but you need to be rich enough already
>Fasten your seatbelt and brace for impact, eventually putting as many pillows as you can around you to absorb the shock, that's the survivalist way
>Or you try to fight against the driver, hoping to put the train back on the right tracks. But the problem is that the driver is not only obviously insane, but there's a wagon full of armed guards with machineguns between you and him.
Choose wisely.

>> No.50492517

>You do realize this next 6 months to a year will be the exit pump for the mega wealthy
>I hope you take advantage of this to gain enourmous wealth that you then pour into things to take care of your necessities

There was some autist that told me about this on youtube. It's like a final death gasp to pillage a corpse before it dies

>> No.50492871
File: 499 KB, 2757x2398, ahemsobasically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the survivalist path
Also I believe the autists

>> No.50493028

nice I have a SKS too, bayonet is kino

>> No.50493129
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Nice collection my fellow /k/ommando. DD and Aug, you're a man of fine taste.

That said, if I ever manage to make it before it's too late, I'll fuck off with my family to a peaceful land where I can live in peace. Switzerland maybe.

>> No.50493311
File: 80 KB, 1008x677, lugerluger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks frens
I have ALOT more but these are my 4 favorite rifles

As for pistols I love my Luger and Makky
LCPMAX is my daily carry
11 rounds of mousegun

>> No.50493317

>That being said if you live in the third world/global south, god help you, seriously. Get here now while you still can.
Imagine being this retarded. South America and SEA will be just fine.

>> No.50493329

>Your best bet is get some rural land somewhere and prepare to homestead
youll be safe for a while, youll miss the worst of the urban bloodshed but theres zero escape for whats to come.

>> No.50493360

I look forward to the day the feral nog wave leaves the cities after they eat all the limp wristed urbanites and come to the countryside


>> No.50493391

>Any self respecting person should have a plan to evacuate to the countryside
further to this.
consider that during the russian civil war, the cities emptied and millions returned to the countryside and their villages, most of whom were literally days and weeks away through the semi wilderness that was russia in the early 20th century.
did they all survive the fighting and the mayhem? yes
did they all still end up living in the soviet union anyway? yes
the people that fled and let other people decide their fate for them ended up sending their sons to stalingrad

>> No.50493460

pmsl there wont be a mad max world, not for very long at least and any anarchy that is allowed to break out will be managed, used as a further excuse to bring about the full Great Reset kalergi mutt one world government timeline.
and its that theres no escape from you. you fight it or join it, you dont hide from it.

>> No.50493469

You are out of your fucking mind if you think we will be living in a soviet style system post collapse
America will make nazi germany look like a leftwing paradise

We can only hope we get something on par with starship troopers (not the fucking movie)

>> No.50493599

i see zero evidence whatsoever we arent heading straight into a future where a technocratic elite with access to advanced technology like life extension, quantum computing, drone swarms and other bullshit rule over a sea of kalergi mutts.
the total compliance and capitulation of every society on earth to the demands made from government during 2020 with covid (a disease so deadly most people dont even know they have it until they take a test) shows how little resistance truly exists out there.
they can demand anything from the population, nevermind all the covid shit, look how willing the entire western world has been to suiciding itself demographically, barely a fucking whimper in defence.

that all said, that doesnt mean we shouldnt be trying to make lots of money and live independently, youre just living in a fucking dreamworld if you think the coming one world government is going to allow libertarian enclaves exist throughout the land without a fight.

>> No.50493635
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Id prefer a hardcore federation

>> No.50493673

Weimar this
Collapse that
I just wanna gamble for God's sake!

>> No.50493703

sadly we dont have armies, air forces, access to space, every police force, the entire legal system, education system, power networks, communication networks, an unlimited number of trillions of dollars and billions of compliant retards backing us up.
but they do

>> No.50493727

>record inflation
>food and fertilizer crisis
>global shipping crisis
>2008 home crisis on steroids
this is bullish for bitcoin

>> No.50493786
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You are right but you are talking to people that sincerely fell for the Qanon "patriots are in control Frumpf is still President trust the plan" and vaxx conspiracies and now this stupid mad max garbage... they are wayward souls ensconced in misery and depressive thinking.
It's very sad but there is nothing we can do other than live positively and hopefully set an example for those few that take note.

>> No.50493808

>oy vey the goyim know

>> No.50493858

>jews in power (see Biden's cabinet)
>massive government debt
>pornography is normalized (Onlyfans)
>transexuality is normalized

Yeah bro. Definitely not Weimar.

>> No.50493898

You merely post the word Weimer and immediately jews flock to the thread like flies to shit

>muh weimer (maybe if we gaslight the goy)
>It's not even like weimer (maybe if we redirect the goy)
>Weimer wasnt even that bad (Lets sow lack of consensus)
>You are an ebil nazi! (Maybe if we gaslight the goy)

Its all so tiresome

>> No.50494025

holy shit this thread caused alot of kvetching
ya we are definitely in Weimer
hopefully we get post Weimer solutions

>> No.50494160

How is modern America like Weimar in any way??
The inflation is extremely low in comparison and people aren't forced to sell their kids to make ends meet. There's still food readily available, everywhere. Large amounts of people are not starving in the streets. Medical services are still up and running, and cheap Amazon trinkets are still being delivered to millions of people every day...

You earnestly think things in America right now are soo bad that people are praying for a powerful dictator to swoop in and fix everything??

>> No.50494216

>That being said if you live in the third world/global south, god help you, seriously. Get here now while you still can
Kys Shlomo

>> No.50494231

One thing you're right about is this place is no different than the msm, or shit like zerohedge in that everything posted is doom and gloom clickbait.
I think they are being trolled by some outside group into believing some of this stuff. Easy to do on an anonymous board. You get enough people to make threads and all agree with each other and label any descent as shills, reddit, etc. Then they take the ball and run with it and it becomes organic.
>We are in a situation that has never happened before
>Since there is no reference for this, I must use a past event and say it's exactly like that
>Anyone who says it's not is a shill being paid to disagree with me

>> No.50494348

I hate kikes and you are all retarded niggers

>> No.50494370

spell the word jew
also spell god

>> No.50494379

Great post. Retard cope in the replies

>> No.50494435

Oh no! Cope you moron. Clearly something big is coming, this is the calm before the storm. We are just getting started. You better pray they cranked up the mind control to 11 because shots about to go down. Check em

>> No.50494447

Basically this, I still want to accumulate more PMs but I'll use crypto gains to do it.

>> No.50494494

Shitskin cope
Just to remind your retarded subhuman ass, weimar is western europe and that didn't stop it from devolving into a third world shithole with mass starvation.

>> No.50494539

holy based

>> No.50494573
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>When this joyride ends it will collapse into the depths of hell and save a lucky few will survive it
How new are you? This is all part of the plan. Now eat your bugs and sleep in your pod. Useless pleb.

>> No.50494601

Money printer go brrr.

>> No.50494607

>rural land
Have fun when the Government goes Waco on you.

>> No.50494614

>youll miss the worst of the urban bloodshed
The urban ones are just gonna go to the suburbs.

>> No.50494627

>eat all the limp wristed urbanites a
Nigger the niggers are the limp wristed urbanites.

>> No.50494633
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hearty kek

>> No.50494638

>America will make nazi germany look like a leftwing paradise
America is a vessel state so Israel can have free Healthcare and education.
Stop acting like America is anything but.

>> No.50494663

The difference is there is no superpower left to take over if the us fails. Sounds like chinks and ruskis both are in shamble.

>> No.50494689
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anon do you even realize America has had FOUR central banks in its history and the last 3 times they got slaughtered and ran out of town

do you even know how many times the Americans have kicked out (((them)))?
it pains me how historically illiterate people are about our amazing nation of beasts and radicals

do you really think that just because some retards started the FOURTH central bank in 1913 that history wouldn't repeat itself?

I'm fucking offended
do you have any idea how many times our nation has assraped them and sent (((them))) scurrying back to Europe?
this time they will flee to Israel but history will repeat itself

>> No.50494762

> It’s the black death
> and world war III
> the Chinese housing market is collapsing!!
The world is always ending according to bobo the clow- I mean bear.

>> No.50495026

you don't understand anon
if their dumb shitcoin goes to 0 and crypto in general doesn't keep up with every other asset, that will mean the sex-having normies have somehow cheated protagonist 4chan poster out of the scenario where they are successful

they absolutely have to double down
it's why every correction or market drawdown since the start of this board has been the harbinger of the end times, even when inflation was zero for years it was as rampant as it is today in their narrative, and the stock market was a jewish scam to avoid
fyi if the market does end up recovering I guarantee one of these chuds is going to shoot up another soft target

>> No.50495147

>People will eat their neighbors
I think you sincerely underestimate how domesticated the modern western citizen is. If we were to get to a situation where there was no more food at the store or going outside would be significantly dangerous, a majority of the western world would probably just capitulate and starve in their apartment before trying to raid/scavage their neighborhoods.
Ofc none of this counts if shit hits the fan and you live in an are with lots of recent immigration, I'd say it takes about two generations until immigrants turn into the human equivalent of rats in Calhouns experiments

>> No.50495884

So out of curiosity, what would be the next plausible big happening ? And when would that happen ?

>> No.50495964

>You do realize this next 6 months to a year will be the exit pump for the mega wealthy
100% right

>When this joyride ends it will collapse into the depths of hell and save a lucky few will survive it
>People will eat their neighbors
unfortunately this is also 100% right

>> No.50496261
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checked and understanding.
Personally I want society to crash. It will be funny.

>> No.50496414

I think people forget that the markets are extremely detached from reality..

Investors are so far removed from the common man that even if markets absolutely died it wouldn't be the end of the world.

I think the FED knows this and is looking to squeeze as much money, growth and demand from markets which have benefited and greedily sucked up 10 years worth of cheap funny money.

I keep hearing market analysts whinging about how rates can't go any higher because it'll impact on markets etc.. But for the majority of people this won't impact them as badly.

Time to raise them rates. Another 200-300bps ought to do it.

>> No.50497362

yeah where are the Sumerians now

>> No.50499860 [DELETED] 

Hello guys
I don't want to sound like a fucking bot or anything like that but things got pretty awful on my third world country and everything seems to be fucked up I want to escape

Would you help me a little just to make this happen? I think few buckswould make it possible.
Im desperate I want to cry every niht on this fucking hell it feels like is all over

Btc--in case you decide on helping me and my family. Thank u...

>> No.50501068
File: 467 KB, 1300x974, federal reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inflation happening right now is so rapid and huge that only disabled people aren't talking about it. As soon as normalfags start talking about the (((federal reserve))) its gg

>> No.50501742

people wills still torture troon rapists and kill boomers for the lulz.