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File: 519 KB, 2074x1750, bafkreida3xip3p5zdf3j2hqlwkrpuztiyrozpnbilvsmhhupe5ff5lzp7m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50484307 No.50484307 [Reply] [Original]

post your best screenshots

>> No.50484310
File: 97 KB, 379x745, bafkreienh2nnurhyifgsmxjxjpp4pc6e53lskv3wvhvlziwxpv62hsuru4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50484342
File: 756 KB, 336x809, icp dom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know

>> No.50484355
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only thing that can stop dfinity is the unrelenting flurry of sexual assault claims

>> No.50484371
File: 26 KB, 597x271, icp_shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50484437
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last paragraph

>> No.50484533
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>> No.50484592

What's the point of integrating with btc if you're still going to have to wrap it? what a joke

>> No.50484625
File: 1.11 MB, 1792x828, bafybeiemk6detfnwofitwrla3i334rtmxfkvpdxshbsytfwrjsqtqczfm4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50484822

Those are the women he keeps on hormones to induce milk production. Lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.50485433

How many ICPs is a minimum?
I have like 450

>> No.50485451
File: 348 KB, 720x1324, Screenshot_20220721-094846_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah good ceo

>> No.50485480

500 is a good amount
really it just depends on how long you want to hold, and how much profit you want
I have 1k icp and im only gonna add more if it stays this low for another few months

>> No.50485513
File: 385 KB, 497x526, 1644867374185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50485536
File: 185 KB, 1080x1344, FB_IMG_1643377122480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made (found) this meme, and seeing anons post it makes me happy.

>> No.50485630

That’s pretty damn based. Guarantee the bitch that wrote this got fired by dom and was caught for doing something shady.
He has the right to be put for blood for the exchange manipulations at launch and NYT deeming the project as a scam.

>> No.50486043

how long are you going to hold?
i have 900 and feel like a poor fool

>> No.50486092

idk im all staked in a 6 month non dissolving. ill sell when i feel like it.
im down like 70% or so which sucks balls but what are you gonna do

>> No.50486144

It feels good being on the winning side of history icy pee bros. Imagine not owning a piece of the new internet.

>> No.50486158

i’m going to seethe and keep dcaing like i’ve been doing because i’m a filthy bagholder

>> No.50486241
File: 63 KB, 801x270, Screenshot 2022-06-11 184049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50486515

Goddamn seething Indians are funny

>> No.50486569

I have 3k and feel poor. Make it stack is 10k

>> No.50487101
File: 86 KB, 422x646, BAB9E57D-2FF6-4F50-8CDA-5BDD9F952C12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Avalanche BTC Bridge moved more BTC in a day than the entire Lightning network in its entire existence which spans multiple years.
Through the very similar Ethereum bridge billions of dollars were bridged to Avalanche already for well over a year with no hacks and no hickups or problems.
All these tokens are now used, like the custodian Free Bitcoin in the 200+ dapps on the C-Chain.
how many dapps has ICP?
Exactly Zero.
0 Users
0 dapps
Basically a Ghostchain trying to compete with Avalanche.

>> No.50487539


>> No.50487621

you run on aws
not a blockchain, youre just a web2 app

>> No.50487856

There’s definitely users but probably no greater than 1000
Than a shit ton of dapps we have our own YouTube, Reddit, 4chan, blog site, Minecraft, cubefield, tonrnado cash, search engine, Pokémon emulator site, and many more. What does avax have again other than wrapped btc with a huge security risk cuz of bridges?

>> No.50488263

>you run on aws
Avalanche Nodes can run on any VPS or even in your basement.
Thanks to how the staking works you can switch the server in a matter of seconds. All you need is the Node Cert.

There are no users and no dapps, stop lying.
Meanwhile Avalanche has 200+ dapps and tens of thousands of Users.
Loser ghostchains try to compete with Avalanche but they are way too late for this, AVAX already won.

>> No.50488435

>blog site
I've got the links to most of the other stuff you mentioned but not this one. Could you give?

>> No.50488597

>There are no users and no dapps, stop lying.
>Meanwhile Avalanche has 200+ dapps and tens of thousands of Users.
>Loser ghostchains try to compete with Avalanche but they are way too late for this, AVAX already won.
based reverse fudder
you have at least 1k icp

>> No.50488719


I see no lies here

> icp bag holder

>> No.50489179

Mate ICP is the 3rd iteration of blockchain technology.. these fools wont hold their shitcoins when the hype is totally gone making way for the next gen of cryptos.. the ICP ecosystem is astounding id advise you to look into a few of the projects that are honestly next level projects only made possible by the IC, no they will washout like all the other cycles when people didnt dyor properly

>> No.50489346

mate, what if something comes along in the next few years that will do a better job of it than dfinity?
is there any chance icp is simply too early and will be relegated to the dustbin just as betamax did?

>> No.50489428

Please just let this shitcoin die already.
Everyone with a brain knows it's over.
ICP is and always will be trash.

>> No.50489475

I will throw money into whatever project that can get to the same level as dfinity’s tech. You don’t understand how far ahead dfinity is right now with this tech. About 6 years. No other blockchain that exists right now can even dream to do the stuff icp does. But yes the downsides of this project is normie sentiment thinking it a scam and doesn’t understand the tech and then also the price action

>> No.50489674

>But yes the downsides of this project is normie sentiment thinking it a scam and doesn’t understand the tech and then also the price action
so what could possibly be done to reverse this problem? is there anything that can realistically be done?
i have a feeling it will never happen

>> No.50490007

2 routes
1. Pay off a shit ton of YouTubers(like drop 1-5 million dollars on this). Get people bitboy and whoever else the normies watch to shill it. Every single shill needs to emphasize the exchanges manipulation at open. It’s true it normies have to be told by someone they like to believe it. I that will be a start.
2. Let the tech speak for itself the current route. Focus everything on development. All time and money goes in to development. Get so far fucking ahead of the competitors to the point the competitors will have to use it. Get to the point where normies have no idea they are even using icp if that makes sense. I think this is the route Dom wants to go.
The fact they offered a whole entire new web stack speaks a lot already.

>> No.50490241

what are your thoughts on BTC/ETH integration.
is it a big deal, or just more of the same.
I am under the impression that if pulled off, btc/eth integration is a revolutionary move in the crypto sphere.
also thank you for your effort responses. rare to find nowadays, i truly appreciate a higher mind teaching me new things

>> No.50490383

You are a fucking retard anon. ICP is the best tech out there. Ghost chain, the biggest provider of authentication for the Luxury market out of Switzerland is using ICP to authenticate their goods. Let that sink in for a moment pleb. Every luxury good from Hermes bags to Rolex watches will authenticated on ICP. I know this is hard for a broke pajeet smooth brain to understand but it’s bigger than your Avalanche shit chain could ever be. On top of that bridges are insecure and nigger tier. Icp does not need bridges with its tech. The market just isn’t there yet. Icp is years ahead of everyone.

>> No.50490444

Btc int is a big deal since it’s brings bridgeless smart contracts to Bitcoin. You’ll be able to use zero trust when performing large btc transactions. It will be slow but there will basically be no security risk. They will offer integrated btc and wrapped btc options. Spinner cash is good project built on icp that has been using the developers demo btc integration. Basically will offer zero trust anonymous btc smart contracts which is a pretty big deal.
Eth is a big deal as well since once they complete that they will have sure method for integrating chains as in they will be able to integrate like 3-5 different chains a year after that. Basically going to fulfill its role as the layer 0 for all blockchains.
They are not just hype they’re really big deals but don’t think the price will skyrocket from those alone. Users need to use it and people need to develop on it. Once the reverse gas kicks in icp will be a pretty penny

>> No.50490510

I have a 1400 stack and i'm very comfy knowing Dfinity will dominate for years to come,
Alien tech + chainkey cryptography you literally have to be a mongoloid retard to not have a stack.

>> No.50490724

eth 2.0 will be icp integration

>> No.50490747
File: 301 KB, 1125x1186, F610757A-82E6-4D45-9359-C912FDBBA6DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once the reverse gas kicks in icp will be a pretty penny
is this referring to the burning of ICP via cycles?
I saw on the dashboard that only around 89,000 ICP have been burned so far, meanwhile the supply is growing much faster.
Can you expound on reverse gas and it’s effects on the project?

>> No.50490911

awe poor babby

>> No.50491079
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 83331656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. lets not spoonfeed them too much.

one word: BADLANDS

>> No.50491086

Yeah reverse gas won’t kick in till mass adoption. In order for users to host websites on the icp you have to burn icp into another coin called cycles that is basically a stable coin. You can’t use cycles for anything other than canister storage payment. With more adoption, more people will be taking up storage therefore more icp must be burned. Once you mass adoption happens the amount of icp burn will be at least the amount generated each year through staking.

>> No.50491113

Got do it now then. Seachan dev just posted the link to the temporary new canister for seachan in meta and it’s pretty fast and looks really good. I will probably leave this place for good when seachan next release is official.

>> No.50491351

it seems so simple, yet apparently this reverse gas model has never been done before?
How can this be?
if this is true then it makes me cautiously optimistic about ICP. When something super obvious is invented, it usually is a genius invention

>> No.50491487
File: 573 KB, 2048x1534, InkedFYMubTQUYAo8M9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i just tested it. also posted the first thread on /biz check it out. shit is fucking fast. also moneyskelly is bending the knee topkek pic related

>> No.50491644

I’m not sure if anything we’ll post we’ll be saved in that canister of seachan. But yeah the dev fixed it up a bunch. Once the SNS releases I’m gonna buy a fat stack of seachan governance tokens

>> No.50491719
File: 513 KB, 770x434, 1_pmpWyr8lavJfo7jShI5GXA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked wagmi

>> No.50491743

Yeah it’s pretty crazy. Hopefully this tech gets adopted massively. I’m gonna keep dcaing each paycheck and buying stuff to support the ecosystem. I might try to build a game or some dapp on icp in the future but still pondering on what to build.
Also I apologize for my grammar. I’m not rereading anything that I type since I’m phoneposting at work

>> No.50492122

please build runescape haha

>> No.50492542

I have over 1k, I do nothing but FUD

>> No.50492746

ICP has over 150 dapps wtf are you on about

>> No.50492789


>> No.50492856

I use the aspiration term "ugly stepsister network".

>> No.50493049

Icp 2k eow wagmi

>> No.50494179

Was this from a recent event? I know vitalik loves ICP and if he made a public announcement relating to it that would be the catalyst

>> No.50494398

it’s from 2016

>> No.50494505

He recently mentioned in a tweet that there was a chain with new and exciting crypto or smth like that, I'm guessing he was subtly shilling ICP. I can't find the tweet tho if anyone else can pls send screenshot

>> No.50494575

Bro that’s over 60k i can’t afford that pls tell me ur joking

>> No.50494670
File: 521 KB, 1022x1292, insane clown posse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> post your best screenshots

fuck icp makes me so horny!!!!
icp is the crypto endgame.

>> No.50494694
File: 2.95 MB, 640x480, niggers on the icp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50494707

why wouldn’t he just outright say it was Dfinity?
isn’t the more exposure the better for everyone involved?

>> No.50494793

I mean why didn't he say anything when everyone was calling ICP a scam when he knows it's the best tech in the space? I think he just doesn't want to get crucified by the brainwashed masses, not that he cares about that as much as other people would but yea

>> No.50495044

he joined the pedo cabal they wouldnt want him to make it easy

>> No.50495111

Bonus blocks.

>> No.50496183

He’s larping to try to make anons feel poor. The make it stack is 1000.

>> No.50496613

Usually transactions fees and data hosting are prohibitively expensive to allow a reverse gas model

>> No.50496633

anon, 1000 ICP is in the bottom 99% of holders.
I hold icp and there is no way that 1000 is enough.

>> No.50496650

>Usually transactions fees and data hosting are prohibitively expensive to allow a reverse gas model
can you explain how ICP is making it work then? What makes it different from literally every other crypto?

>> No.50496696

Newfags don’t understand the sui and make it stacks. Sui is usually worth about $5k and make it is $50k. It adjusts based on price of the coin. But basically it should be 1000/10000

>> No.50496707

ICP is a scam, that’s how

>> No.50496731

Not true, link was 1000/10000- link dropped to .10 during the 2018 bear. A suicide stack was $100, make it $1000.

I think we could hit 1 ICP = 1 ETH in 3 to 5 years, so formulate your stacks off of that. I could live with 1000 ETH and not cry about it

>> No.50496877

They have node providers that host the data. Basically anybody can become a node provider if you have to specified tech. Right now 8 separate small multi cloud providers host 80% of the nodes globally. Then I think there’s another 15 that are responsible for the remaining 20%. That’s why it’s so cheap basically. There’s plenty of storage and the storage space can scale infinitely by keep adding node providers. Each node basically has software installed that is able to store data on the chain.
ICP is centralized right now since they needed a reliable base of node providers to build the foundation of the project. There is currently 512 nodes active right now but will be increased to about 1200 active soon.
Once the foundation is built and more adoption happens, badlands will be released. Badlands offers an opportunity where any body with any computer free storage or an external hard drive can be used as miniature node providers and receive rewards for storage. Basically this will result in a disaster proof or nuke proof internet since the nodes will be so wide spread out. But that’s far in the future.
Reason why it’s cheaper than other chains especially ethereum they don’t have enough space on the blockchain. They never considered it getting this big initially. They didn’t build a chain that can scale. There are some other chains that have figured out how to scale but don’t know how to store a full website on their chain on basically the data is stored on chain and the front end is hosted by aws and azure
Hopefully I made sense and didn’t sound retarded

>> No.50496938

I guess that’s true. I guess it’s subjective on what’s considered make it money. I don’t think I can retire off $2mil for the rest of my life but definitely can with $10-$20mil

>> No.50497114

Why would anyone want wrapped bitcoin instead of just bitcoin

>> No.50497198

what will $10-$20mil even mean in 40 years??

>> No.50497359
File: 380 KB, 786x601, big boy club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>how many pees do i need to make it?

>> No.50498057

>there are some other chains that can scale
Such as?