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50489098 No.50489098 [Reply] [Original]

For the first time ever, US Government charges a cryptocurrency professional (+2) for insider trading.

This individual worked for Coinbase & dumped on the cryptocurrency community using insider information on Coinbase listings.

Send him to the gulag.

>> No.50489198

Source: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/three-charged-first-ever-cryptocurrency-insider-trading-tipping-scheme

>> No.50489244

why is insider trading even illegal?

>> No.50489285

>t. Goybase

>> No.50489308

it doesn't make sense to be illegal, if you work at a company you liked and bought stock in you should be able to dump your bags if you find out the company is going to shit

>> No.50489309

What's the benefit?
Nothing ever pumps when listed on Coinbase.

>> No.50489348

I'm sure you're a tranny faggot who also looks up to Pelosi

>> No.50489355

no leftism is retarded and so are you

>> No.50489375

read it dumb fucks

>On at least 14 occasions beginning at least in June 2021 and continuing through April 2022, ISHAN WAHI knew in advance both that Coinbase planned to list particular crypto assets and the timing of Coinbase’s public announcements of those asset listings and misappropriated that Coinbase confidential information by tipping either his brother, NIKHIL WAHI, or ISHAN WAHI’s friend and associate, SAMEER RAMANI, so that they could place profitable trades in those crypto assets in advance of Coinbase’s public listing announcements.

>> No.50489376

If you can't understand why insider trading is illegal then you are severely mentally handicapped and probably trans

>> No.50489414

because it is unfair? duh?

>> No.50489424

This isn't the first time ever, someone from Opensea got charged for doing the exact same thing with NFTs before they got featured.

>> No.50489440

Bro... the US Justice Department literally shilled it as the first time ever.

Don't shoot the messenger.

>> No.50489441

Did he get a slap on the wrist?

>> No.50489449
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Wow a pajeet! ImAGINE MY SHAUCK

>> No.50489466

>brown person does something bad
>"god damn brown people can't trust any of them"
>white person does something bad

>> No.50489485

Shut up nigger.

Village needs to eat somehow

>> No.50489514

kek didn't have to read, I knew it was something like this. Holy fuck why didn't this street shitter used defi, from untraceable metamask account so that fed's couldn't truly do anything.
Better yet.
> buy eth from coinbase
> use tornado cash
> recieve new eth in metamask, on a linux machine that is connected through a mullvad vpn (only vpn that can be brought with monero and a email address) on a public wifi.
> trade on uniswap,
> convert the usdt to usd in local bitcoins or a third world shithole away from fed eyes.

This shit is only slight complicated than trading on defi, this street shitter was a swe, and couldn't figure this out lmao.
his brother probably used coinbase/kraken to trade kek

>> No.50489558

>On the evening of Sunday, May 15, 2022, ISHAN WAHI purchased a one-way flight to India that was scheduled to depart the next day shortly before ISHAN WAHI was supposed to be interviewed by Coinbase. Prior to boarding the flight, ISHAN WAHI falsely told Coinbase employees that he had already departed for India when he had not. In the hours between booking the flight and his scheduled departure, ISHAN WAHI called and texted NIKHIL WAHI and RAMANI about Coinbase’s investigation, and sent both of them a photograph of the messages he had received on May 11, 2022, from Coinbase’s director of security operations. Prior to boarding the May 16, 2022 flight to India, ISHAN WAHI was stopped by law enforcement and prevented from leaving the country.


>> No.50489589

>It's a literal jeet who tried to fly to India with his insider shekels but was BTFO at the airport
Based burgers

>> No.50489599

the state of nu/biz/

>> No.50489615

newfags can't triforce.

>> No.50489624

You're an absolute fucking retard

>> No.50489639
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>brown person gets to come to white country to undercut native workers by overlords
>progeny go onto scam and perform maladaptive actions to host society
I can't believe people have an issue with this!

>> No.50489691

Put them both to death. But i assure you for every 1 white person (not jew) who you find doing something despicable there will be 10000 other shitskins doing worse

>> No.50489784

>Have to live with thieving low iq retards your society spawned
Not much you can do, just the bell curve
>Have to live with thieving low iq retards that OTHER CULTURES spawned
Completely retarded, against natural instincts and completely avoidable by not being a cuck

>> No.50489819

Because that would dull the edge of politicians who are excepting themselves from the insider trading regulations.

> Only 14 of 100 Senators have agreed to ban insider stock trading.


>> No.50490027

Right and as soon as they caught they buy a one-way ticket and flee the country back to their real home. It's disgraceful.

>> No.50490101

How do you even get caught for something like this?

>> No.50490146


>> No.50490302

>on April 12, 2022, a Twitter account that is well known in the crypto community tweeted regarding an Ethereum blockchain wallet “that bought hundreds of thousands of dollars of tokens exclusively featured in the Coinbase Asset Listing post about 24 hours before it was published.”

>> No.50490365

should only be illegal for politicians

>> No.50490518

linux OS don't have backdoors? every pc manufactured doesnt have backdoors built into the hardware?

>> No.50490615
File: 138 KB, 1021x666, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Based on confidential information provided by ISHAN WAHI, NIKHIL WAHI and RAMANI collectively traded shortly in advance of at least 14 separate Coinbase public listing announcements concerning at least 25 different crypto assets. As a result of the insider trading scheme, NIKHIL WAHI and RAMANI collectively generated realized and unrealized gains totaling at least approximately $1.5 million."

that's not that much, what do you think of this ?

>> No.50490624

BeCaUsE iT's UnFaIr

But should be legal since it improves the value estimation of the asset.

>> No.50490690

Only 1.5 million because they got caught
They stole secrets from Coinbase and used it for personal gain

>> No.50490694

Send them to jail for the crime of being indian in the west

>> No.50490745

Nancy pelosi is asking herself the same question

>> No.50490910


>> No.50492372

owning any equity, commodity or other assets should be illegal for public officials up until 15 years after they held any office. Cant have the cake and eat it too, or the heads might come off

>> No.50492525

>white person does something bad
>turns out they're actually jewish

>> No.50495007

then get rid of the intel management engine or use something that is arm architecture like a raspberry pi or put a linux distro that doesn't use systemd on an asus chromebook and flash the boot chip with coreboot instead

>> No.50495112

Good. People need confidence in the markets if we ever want to see another bullrun.

>> No.50495303

>a blockchain address Nikhil controlled purchased 18,413 POWR
at a cost of approximately $7,000. Almost immediately after the announcement, that blockchain
address exchanged those POWR tokens for approximately $10,050 in another crypto asset. As a
result, Nikhil realized illicit proceeds of approximately $3,050.
kek they truly were just opportunistic smalltime pajeets. fuck the SEC though for not going after the elite for doing this same shit at a much larger scale.

>> No.50496483

This is payback for that one time in history when a poo in sdny busted a jew

>> No.50498241

How did the glowies find out tho

>> No.50498511

They could smell curry on the eth blockchain

>> No.50498645


>> No.50499595

Because that's only reserved for the chosen ones, dummy. If you ain't in the club you can't play the games.

>> No.50499751

The SEC didn't have much to do with this. Coinbase was tipped off from a tweet and they called the FBI.

>> No.50500113

And yet Hinman gets a free pass. Lol.
I remember when they railroaded Martha Stewart. They are so corrupt.

>> No.50500132

Because Insider Trading is the exclusive province of the rich and powerful.

>> No.50500166

>tipped off
More like they were caught by a tweet and had to mitigate damage any way possible. Anyone with a brain knows what happens at Coinbase (and every exchange) on a daily basis.

>> No.50500191

By being a greedy retard.

>> No.50500211

>Just build your own cpu

>> No.50500263

>be cuckbase
>repeatedly and obviously pre-pump coins to dump on people
>go to prison forever because jews hate you even though you are also a jew

>> No.50500327

>crypto insider trading bad
>nancy pellosi admits it, not arrested

The fucking state

>> No.50501533

proof she admitted or you leave my favorite mommy the fuck alone

>> No.50501572

she's white

>> No.50501740

white people fuck themselves by investing in nfts or believing that metaverse shits like Lace will make it, literally their color is karma

>> No.50501795

man coinbase is getting worse with every passing week and I have some money there, should i cash out?

>> No.50502779

and holding money anywhere other than your wallet is stupid anyways.

>> No.50503093

Sounds like a foreigner why didn't he just go home

>> No.50503157

markets are just a big social experiment by the government to find the best psychics and luckiest people, insider trading completely fucks this up

>> No.50503191
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>Ishan Wahi

>> No.50503572

So they can selectively prosecute people.
Same reason everything is illegal.

>> No.50503827


>> No.50503940

i am more surprised how they got caught
if you set this scheme up half competently it would be very hard to proof insider trading
you just need a buddy you trust outside the usa, he makes the bets on binance, there is no link between the two of you except your discord or telegram for communicating and that you knew each other as 5 year olds back in the day in the village doing the needful
but really if you practice even rudimentary opsec you should be good to go

>> No.50504005

If she's not in jail then it should be legal simple as