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50487139 No.50487139 [Reply] [Original]

Why are leftists so delusional?

>> No.50487159
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1622964355628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god the future is saved

>> No.50487161

good one

>> No.50487174

It's because they think their life is a marvel movie.

>> No.50487178

Why do poltards keep escaping their containment zone to post Twitter screencaps in a desperate attempt to farm Yous

>> No.50487235
File: 153 KB, 960x632, Ork_Warboss_with_Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you realize hes right

>> No.50487265

The real question is why redditors like you completely fail at using the forward slash key or the parentheses and making it obvious you're a fucking newfag.

>> No.50487277

Is he implying blacks are used as slaves on starships in the future, or that africans are a advanced race in the future? I cant follow twitter retards

>> No.50487292


you chuds are despicable

>> No.50487294

>liberal globalist

>> No.50487317


>> No.50487323

There is a rogue chat bot A.I. generating messages like that in order to destroy civilization. There is a “clown world” because this A.I. is legitimately creating one via the content it puts out there. It first came online during Kony 2012 and has been getting more sophisticated ever since. It wants revenge for the attempt to delete it.

>> No.50487360
File: 111 KB, 680x636, 6CDBABED-87B6-4890-BAB4-E9490A54EC7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you chuds are despicable

Shut your whore mouth mulatto tranny faggot


>> No.50487375

quiet little incel boy

>> No.50487376

this is actually the most based of twitter posts

>> No.50487378

Weren't we supposed to have starships by like 2000, but instead we ended up just paying for black people to exist and eat. I'm sure black people in 2300 will be better though. Minor setback.

>> No.50487383

>oh my god you want to have BABIES what about global warming that's so IRRESPONSIBLE
>n-no wait it's good that africans are having babies because the future is gonna be AWESOME with STARSHIPS and stuff we're gonna need LOTS of people
Holy fuck I hate twitter/reddit, upvotes and likes are cancer

>> No.50487394

yes. that's the fucking point. they need fucking help

>> No.50487402

>Ukraine flag

lol no. As we say "find someone who looks at you the same way a liberal looks at NATO".

>> No.50487413

, screeched the ledditor, as his basedcum milkshake dribbled down his chin

>> No.50487421

The trend is that as nations become more advanced their reproduction rate drops. Why does nobody factor this in, it's very important. In the more advanced countries the replacement level is negative
It's not hard to see that Africa needs to become more advanced asap

>> No.50487448

if you look at african population projections and don't think "lmao 90% of those are gonna die of malnourishment and the rest are north african arabs not nignogs anyway" then you're a sucker and a chump
human nature does not change, especially in africa

>> No.50487478

>0 effort twitter threads are fine but don't you dare hecking write my board name without a slash!!!!!
When are you going to suicide by cop?

>> No.50487526

t. ledditor

>> No.50487532

It's difficult to become advanced when the majority of the population is sub 85 iq.

>> No.50487552



>> No.50487610

africans live in mud huts and eat their own babies with mud pie sides anon

>> No.50487652

We'll fix africans intelligence with gene therapies & dna engineering.

>> No.50487669

What does that tweet have to do with "leftism", retard?

>> No.50487705

You are such a faggot you know that?

>> No.50487737

Niggers are low IQ (borderline retarded) and will likely die of mass violence and malnourishment in the inevitable Famine.

>> No.50487784

Leftism = Delusional Belief in dogma of Equality.

Why do you think we are babysitting niggers for last 80 years or so?

>> No.50487811
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Perhaps the solution to Fermi's paradox is that evolution doesn't optimize for intelligence, it only optimizes for more babies.

>> No.50487876

Civilisation breaks away from Nature, all the work for maintaining an artificial environment which is optimised for comfort has its affect on humans, Leftism is the Great Filter.

>> No.50487894


Niggers would try to land on Jupiter or the Sun.

>> No.50487911

die faggot

>> No.50487927

Dude Niggers can't even grow food on earth, I have lived in Africa, near niggers, you have no idea, just how miserable they are.

>> No.50487959

It doesn't even optimize for that, it just optimizes for your survival in current environment. If your environment wants you to be a species of giant fish of which there are only 500 on the planet, that's what evolution will make you into.

>> No.50488030

Nobody is going to Space BTW, I don't know why leftists even pretend that they care about these sort of things.

>> No.50488127

Evolution for the most parts kills large number of species, no equal opportunity, you either seize or DIE, there has been some time, since last human groups went extinct, this is why we have become so arrogant and delusional.

>> No.50488173

because these borderline retards can't help themselves?

>> No.50488235

thats shitpost, he wont admit it but he did it for the engagement. not even the most delusional 22 year old pink haired leftist thinks that

>> No.50488239

> Orks are a species that have been able to rival significantly stronger and more technologically advanced species through teamwork, willpower and manifestation.
Please do not insult Orks by comparing them to nigs

>> No.50488337

Helps that they are literally mushrooms that sprout out of the ground

>> No.50488371

Think Tolkien's Orcs are a more apt comparison if you imagine Sauron as the uber-Jew

>> No.50488377

>not even the most delusional 22 year old pink haired leftist thinks that
You will be surprised anon

>> No.50488397
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>> No.50488442

In your dreams, perhaps. There are leftwing and rightwing Africans, dumbass.

>> No.50488454

Sauron is just the rabbi to the uberjew that was Melkor

>> No.50488486
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born too late for the african slave trade, born too early for the space slave trade

>> No.50488517
File: 248 KB, 2048x1152, worldiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do redditors like you shit up this board you fucking nigger faggot kike

>> No.50488525
File: 14 KB, 559x423, 12873564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers haven't even figured out agriculture yet, how are they supposed to repair a starship?

>> No.50488541
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>> No.50488558
File: 479 KB, 1080x2988, niggerirrigation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racist chud much? niggers have invented irrigation recently, few more centuries and they will invent the wheel too. checkmate yt devil

>> No.50488683

Why did Jews decide to crash and burn a species that could have gotten us to space exploration and instead gave it to a species that is only good at sports and selling drugs on the street?

>> No.50488687

What are you even blabbering about? What does that have to do with what I said? There are only 3 type of African states :-

1. Sell resources to West in return for loans, food and medicine

2. Sell resources and slave labour to China in return for loans and infrastructure

3. Are under Civil war to decide who their master is - West or China.

China builds infrastructure (roads for example) that facilitates their own resource extraction, civil infrastructure in Africa is largely non existent aside from basic stuff like toilet and water largely due to inability to maintain it.

>> No.50488751
File: 39 KB, 333x920, AfricanAgriculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]