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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50486433 No.50486433 [Reply] [Original]

>Started a WFH job on Tuesday.
>Billing department.

I have literally done nothing for the past 3 days. Everyday has just been zoom meetings for 8 hours about privacy. Been browsing this site, youtube, and emulators on my phone.

>> No.50486473

god damn
i have to work 40 hours a week to keep up with my wfh job. my team is all east asians and white men though. i wish i could find a do-nothing role one day

>> No.50486535

Congrats fren i started 2 months ago life is great now

>> No.50486572
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>get back to work

>> No.50486598

>inb4 massive privacy breach

>> No.50486614

Welcome to the club. Be sure to pretend it's really hard when you're talking with everyone, and never, under any circumstances, let any niggers in.

>> No.50486835
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fuck off tourist

>> No.50486930

kek same - Apple customer service here. Trainer says "axe" instead of "ask", told us that between her and her babbydaddy they have 13 kids and many more grandkids. I been browsing this and teaching myself classical Tibetan

>> No.50490067


You guys are fucking pathetic

>> No.50490194
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>do-nothing role one day

I switched roles within the company to something that looks like a do-nothing
role. My pay stays the same but when I look in the calender I see that the whole team only have 3 meetings in a week and no one is online before 10:00 and after 16:00.

>> No.50490586

The trick is to occupy your time with actual constructive tasks like working out, learning a new language, or 3D animation

>> No.50491019

Enjoy it while it lasts, i can already tell your company is a reactive mess. A handful of other people are doing all the work and once one of them ragequits management will panic and throw it at you with no guidance (because the work was just getting done, they don't know how so they can't show you) which will leave you stressed out and constantly scrambling. And since you're set up up failure your annual review will be shit and they'll give you a 2% raise and act like you're lucky to get it

>> No.50491267

Why not just do meaningful work instead of self improvment that does nothing?

>> No.50491639

fucking pleb lol. imagine not wanting a top 5% physique so you can mog literally everyone you come across. imagine not wanting to have a thick wide back and big arms and chest so you exude an air of confidence without even having to try. imagine not wanting to be physically stronger than most people. imagine not wanting to challenge your mental capacity to its limits so you can become the best man you can be.

>> No.50491795

Some people just don't enjoy life.

>> No.50492643

Where to get these elusive WFH do-nothing jobs?

>> No.50492771
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this. could be 6 months or 6 years tho.

dont just rot away anon, start lifting, training with guns. mma. read new science books about anything. sceince books are way better than any of that self help crap, because with science books you can use that data and come up with your own theories.

pic related my body after training only 9 months, chest coming in nice, and i feel good looking in mirror

>> No.50492893

Hated my last job even though it was partially WFH, they're started to force people back into the office which was shit for morale. Thinking back was probably the most minor of annoyances.

I took a new job that's 100% WFH and the team is filled with Pajeets but shit this is so much better. No management up your ass, no coworkers to bug you, meetings you can just relax or waste time.

I don't mind this cagey. It's kinda comfy

>> No.50493059

lol, I'm "working" right now. I've already watched a 2 1/2 hour movie and played videogames for an hour, and worked out.
Out of a full work day I would say I honestly work ~2 hours, the rest is whatever.