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50484576 No.50484576 [Reply] [Original]

I lost my job, my friends, all my money and can't afford to eat or pay for shelter. I have no family to help me. There is no welfare where I live and I cannot survive except perhaps through homelessness and begging. But the shame of that seems worse than death. What should I do? I know, I should kill myself. There really is no hope left for me, and life here on out would be pointless, insurmountable agony. But how should I do it? I don't want to suffer any longer. I need a painless way to die. Does anyone here have any advice?

>> No.50484632

buy cyanide. i'm buying some myself too incase I need to commit suicide later.

>> No.50484641

Try harder getting welfare. You may need to feign severe mental illness and get a doctors not to convince the government to put you on gibs. Worked for me

>> No.50484650

which country fren?

>> No.50484649

Go to the army

>> No.50484651

You have internet it seems, at least for the time being. Scam people if you have to desu. Plenty of idiots out there.

>> No.50484676

Go out on the streets to some random pusher and get 10 sleeping pills and down them with a bottle of vodka. Otherwise get in a car and connect the exhaust to the inside of the car and close all windows and turn it on. Or just a bullet to the head with a gun. I dunno. Wish you best of luck tho you are on the right track i hope it will be painless like you deserve

>> No.50484679

work for the government. Military, police, civil servant, teacher...whatever

>> No.50484689

Maybe it sounds dumb but as you're not really in a place to choose, I've spent some years backpacking on a shoe string budget, and one of the great things I learned was that there's many places that offer work in exchange for food and shelter. Not something to do for life, but a really great way to get your life on the rails while not having to worry about finances for a while, the work is often not more than 5 hours a day, leaving enough time to reflect and find a paying job.

Search for WWOOF, helpx.net, and workaway dot info for example

>> No.50484702

Head to a temple or ashram or woods or jungle, you know what to do

>> No.50484706
File: 233 KB, 1600x1200, e1e62ccf-b363-49d6-912c-c37691b77292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image being a MONSTER cuck and thinking about offing yourself

why not finding a new job ?

>> No.50484723

Sell whatever device you are typing this on, unless it's your phone. Get a bike and start slaving as a food delivery wagie. They make enough to get by.

>> No.50484735

Cyanide is quick but extremely painful, would not recommend.

>> No.50484741



>> No.50484762
File: 15 KB, 474x266, joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, dude dont KYS, if you cant get by using legitimate means and you genuinely are fucked then turn to crime :D It will be really exciting and cool, try everything else before that but if all else fails then you're free... take what you want when you want it by force :)

>> No.50484809
File: 34 KB, 700x483, DuVUG6KX4AM_nRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are weak willed, your ancestors struggled through hell without medicine and they didn't have a device filled with all the worlds information.

>> No.50484815

>then turn to crime
and do what? rob gas stations or some shit?

>> No.50484823

You could
- join the military
- become a gangster
- live in the wilderness
- move to a country with welfare
- become a boy toy for old rich roasties

>> No.50484835

please anon
the Buddhist teachings

>> No.50484858

Would not advise, too easy to be caught, also someone said join army. Which is a way better option so unless that isn't an option for some reason that sounds way better

>> No.50484885

Go on a life of crime.

>> No.50484899

>hoes mad x24

>> No.50485035

If your shame is too much to bear I would offer you a sword to kill yourself.

>> No.50485091


>> No.50485103
File: 473 KB, 1024x1024, 3BC9E20C-8304-46B2-A3B6-AA06B07544B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an heroing
>not making the world a better place on your way out

>> No.50485359

>Does anyone here have any advice?
Yah. Fuck off >>>/adv/

>> No.50485647

care to elaborate on this? I'm just curious. What are you on disability for and how much does the govt give you? Is it enough for you? How did you convince the doctor?

>> No.50485981

You obviously have a phone or laptop and internet. What I would do is find a safe place to crash at night and in the day go to a cafe or library and do airdrops and bounties. CNDL chain has a beta tester bounty program right now that pays out weekly. I'm sure there are more out there like this. If you have a skill like graphic design etc., even better. Try and get a job in crypto.

>> No.50486044

yeah, buy suicide bags with helium/nitrogen dude, it's totally painless.
You just suddenly feel very sleepy and that's it.