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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50483131 No.50483131 [Reply] [Original]

>loopring will seethe
>zksync will seethe
>starkware will seethe
>everyone will seethe

>> No.50483247
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>imagine trusting the jeets
let me guess, you get your information from those Bankless shillers?

>> No.50483286

>>imagine trusting the jeets
zkEVM is not a side chain. it runs fully on Ethereum and retains its security entire from Ethereum
seethe harder faggot

>> No.50483319

finally anyone FUDing Polygon's security can shut the fuck up

>> No.50483370

what do you mean? its well known in the crypto community that there isnt any open source zkEVM
zkSync has one but its closed source so it doesnt mean shit
polygon will be the first to ever do this
how retarded are you anon

>> No.50483438

Polygon is an Indian scam don't be surprised if they ask you to redeem Google Play cards to cash out.

>> No.50483471
File: 35 KB, 618x597, 965c7080-7a4d-458b-8f67-230064793e51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indian scam
is this why so many fortune 500 companies are working with it?
you think Facebook, Disney and Stripe would risk billions of dollars on a scam chain?

>> No.50483491


All woke AF. Falling for this scam will be a massive L for them too.

>> No.50483519
File: 25 KB, 427x401, HOWEVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes. billion dollar companies with entire financial teams and departments are falling for a scam but some nigger fag on 4chan knows more than them

kill yourself in the dullest most undramatic and boring way possible anon

>> No.50483526


>> No.50483661

>Loopring is one of those "wait and you'll see amazing tech" kind of project. i wish they allocate funds toward their development as much as they do toward senseless marketing and shilling

>Starkware will be releasing a token (even after they promised they wont) and 90% of the initial tokens are allocated for the team. also gas fees will be paid in native tokens not ETH so its basically a scam

>zkSync has no real working product yet.
bu bu but muh testnet
their zkEVM isnt working yet and even if it is, its closed source so it literally doesnt even matter

>Polygon win this competition by a landslide. a ton of their scaling solutions (8 in total) are already operable plus their zkEVM will be open source making it the first of its kind on the market

it no wonder why its been pumping so hard any why so many companies and entities want to work with them

>> No.50483696
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>> No.50483750
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>> No.50483803
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>> No.50483898
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>> No.50483966
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>> No.50483969

polygon is effectively he only operational one between all what you mentioned

>> No.50483981

good news for MATIC
but what does zkEVM even mean?

>> No.50484223
File: 78 KB, 830x631, matictokennotneeded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good news for MATIC
token not needed

>> No.50484364
File: 286 KB, 1420x916, HFC2WWAXKRGGRGZJG7O4CPAKFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me guess, you get your information from those Bankless shillers?
This. For those not in the know (newfags), Polygon (Ticker: MATIC) is a jeet scam-coin straight from the shit-stained streets of New Delhi. If you bought this coin, sell now or enjoy getting gang-raped by Rankesh and Vikram while your life savings are drained through the Aravali range of Eastern Rajasthan.

You should never, and I repeat, NEVER trust ANYTHING these disgusting poo-skins create. They're dirty, smell terrible, have no hygiene, are black, have feminine voices and always act like faggots. Like, you can tell they're dirty fucks with probably some extremely disgusting fetishes and depraved minds, that has to be true considering their disgusting appearance and behaviour. They live in terrible conditions, shit in beaches and streets, eat unsanitary food that looks like sewer water from the same streets they shit on. Let's also not forget how many Indians live by stealing money from the elderly of rich, white countries, and flex their shit stained rupees attached to their brown, horrid skin. I hate them.

>> No.50484387


MATIC baggies btfo

>> No.50485013

> retains the security entire from Eth
> ETH moving to POS
piece of shit zkEVM lol

>> No.50485062 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 1400x784, zksync-zkevm-compiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zkSync has no real working product yet.
>bu bu but muh testnet
I hold MATIC, but I have to point out that Polygon doesn't even have a testnet yet, much less mainnet:
"Today we are open-sourcing the code for Polygon zkEVM. Soon we’ll have a public testnet, which will be an opportunity to test our work, and to find areas where it needs to be improved."
-- https://blog.polygon.technology/the-future-is-now-for-ethereum-scaling-introducing-polygon-zkevm/
And if this is purely about the announcement, then the Matter Labs were first, by more than a year: https://blog.matter-labs.io/zksync-2-0-hello-ethereum-ca48588de179

>starkware will seethe
Actually, StarkWare is the furthest ahead since StarkNet is on mainnet and Warp lets developers transpile Solidity to Cairo: https://github.com/NethermindEth/warp
Sure, it's not bytecode compatibility, but it's good enough for most developers.

>> No.50485106
File: 67 KB, 1400x784, zksync-zkevm-compiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zkSync has no real working product yet.
>bu bu but muh testnet
I hold MATIC, but I have to point out that Polygon doesn't even have a testnet yet, much less mainnet:
"Today we are open-sourcing the code for Polygon zkEVM. Soon we’ll have a public testnet, which will be an opportunity to test our work, and to find areas where it needs to be improved."
-- https://blog.polygon.technology/the-future-is-now-for-ethereum-scaling-introducing-polygon-zkevm/
And if this is purely about the announcement, then the Matter Labs were first, by more than a year: https://blog.matter-labs.io/zksync-2-0-hello-ethereum-ca48588de179

>starkware will seethe
Actually, StarkWare is the furthest ahead since StarkNet is on mainnet and Warp lets developers transpile Solidity to Cairo: https://github.com/NethermindEth/warp
Sure, it's not bytecode compatibility, but it's good enough for most use cases.

>> No.50485879

isn't matic just and L2 built on eth?

>> No.50485912

No, not really. You know why? Because sidechains like HBAR and CNDL offer cheaper fees and faster movement of tokens. L2s have to settle on ETH and withdrawal to Ethereum can take up to a week depending on the roll-up type.

>> No.50486196
File: 33 KB, 430x430, polygon-solutions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> isn't matic just and L2 built on eth?
Well, Polygon PoS is a sidechain, but Polygon Miden, Polygon Nightfall, Polygon Zero and Polygon zkEVM are indeed all L2s.

>> No.50486207


>> No.50486274 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 680x714, ethereum-l2-solutions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> L2s have to settle on ETH and withdrawal to Ethereum can take up to a week depending on the roll-up type.
Withdrawing from an optimistic rollups can indeed take up to a week, but this thread is about Loopring, Polygon, StarkWare and the Matter Labs' validity-rollup (aka. zk-rollup) offerings.

>> No.50486307
File: 257 KB, 680x714, ethereum-l2-solutions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> L2s have to settle on ETH and withdrawal to Ethereum can take up to a week depending on the roll-up type.
Withdrawing from an optimistic rollup can indeed take up to a week, but this thread is about Loopring, Polygon, StarkWare and the Matter Labs' validity-rollup (aka. zk-rollup) offerings.

>> No.50486500

I'm not buying your bags Rajeesh Shithand

>> No.50486576
File: 34 KB, 306x328, O.O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
