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File: 698 KB, 1024x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50480686 No.50480686 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> visit a 1,000,000 euro house in Crete for a job
> the pool engine room alone is more expensive than all my net worth

> start scheming how to reach that wealth myself

> decide to do it with crypto
> the date is nov 21
> fml

>> No.50480699

lol lmao

>> No.50480701

we all start somewhere, go get that pool engine anon

>> No.50480713

Crete is gay. I will not explain why,

>> No.50481100

>1mil for a crack shed on a hill with a bucket of water

do eurospoors really?

>> No.50481190

No some of us pay that much for a three bedroom apartment. Still better than living in the US though, the quality of living loss just doesn't make up for the cheap real estate prices.

>> No.50481219

2 bedroom apartment where i live.

>> No.50481455
File: 2.44 MB, 3024x4032, penthousex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 2 million euros in Pattaya, Thailand

>> No.50481467
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there is a pool too

>> No.50481484

Does the local come with the house?

>> No.50481485

This looks like where all that trap porn is film. Have fun anon!!

>> No.50481498

it's still a dick, it's still a man

>> No.50481501

>1 million euros for this shithouse in a tourist trap in the most seismically dangerous place in the northern hemisphere.

>> No.50481513
File: 107 KB, 828x1020, 1650471066248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty cool anon. I'm looking to have multiple properties in 'cheaper' areas around the world so that if shit hits the fan I can flee. Looking at Panama ($200k USD for residency and offshore tax benefits), Poland (homogenous white country) and possibly the middle of Canada. I'm iffy about Canada though because it's so expensive and fucked, but it's beautiful there. This looks comfy, thank you for this

>> No.50481516

that's not the house, also learn to build structures cuck
the japanese have nuclear plants that can withstand safely 9 richter scale earthquales and you anglos are scared to build one for 3-4.

>> No.50481537
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like the view?

>> No.50481548

the same japanese that built a nuclear plant 50 meters away from the sea?

high IQ yellow bugs is a meme

>> No.50481553

It's not about the risk of damage or death. It's about the fact that there's a magnitude 4 earthquake every 2 days and that's not exactly good living.

>> No.50481556
File: 63 KB, 486x431, 1652731918867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure, looks kinda cool. Do YOU like it there? I mean you're in Thailand after all. If I were you I'd go to the beach and party and mostly stay at home doing crypto stuff/getting drunk/high. Tell me your typical day to day anon

>> No.50481566

Seems lovely anon. Is this the top floor?

>> No.50481583

sleeping a lot
eating out 3 times a day
massages (a lot)
a tinder thot student in bangkok per week-end
i don't pay for sex
doing fuck all everyday
cryptos take me 5 minutes per day
i just check what happened and then create new orders if needed
shitposting on biz but i m becoming old and lazy to answer stupid threads

now im waiting for my gf to wake up from her nap to start doing noise, i will shower and head to the gym

>> No.50481589
File: 273 KB, 640x440, amari_residences_pattaya-2573b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top floor yes, amari residences pattaya

>> No.50481594

literally nothing happened, the core remained secure.
those fucks are building long span bridges across islands with extreme quake activity

do not complete with the japs on structural design

they even have fucking suspension columns (like cars)

>> No.50481606

That's just a lie though. The noticeable earthquakes are on average once or twice a year per area.

Also structural engineering is required to build with at least 2X redundancy in practice.

Reinforced concrete buildings built today have approximately ~0% chance to be seriously damaged by an earthquake for 50 to 100 years (100 to 200 years if they are hospitals/school/etc.) and provided you don't build it even stronger than regulation.

>> No.50481611

Sounds pretty hollow. How old are you?

>> No.50481613

still can't secure a nuclear plant hey
still can't breed enough too
pathetic nation

>> No.50481615

youre that french faggot ive seen that pad before

>> No.50481618

shut up turk
muslim scam

>> No.50481620

I didn't know real estate was that expensive in Greece?

>> No.50481624 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 900x1600, IMG_8548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i try to fit a 9-5 job? what do you think wagie?

I'm 29

>> No.50481626

not all of it.
there are prime tourist areas
unironically the worst places in greece are in the centre of athens

>> No.50481629

>Poland (homogenous white country)
they're gonna remove your kneecaps for your wealth if the world goes to shit
and then steal your car lmao

>> No.50481659
File: 24 KB, 719x641, 1653122362648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cheat on your gf? Or does she know? Do you have other properties elsewhere? You just browse the internet and that's it? Do you get high? Can you get your hands on drugs there? Have you heard of G? Is it common there? Seems like it would get boring after some time unless you go out more desu.

>> No.50481678
File: 898 KB, 2016x1512, IMG_0496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and no

>> No.50481703

How did you make it?

>> No.50481707

wow its like youre king of that disgusting 3rd world shithole! the astroturf in the LE LUXURY CONDO™ is really nice too, you piece of human garbage!

>> No.50481710

Looks like the place is all upside down, you got scammed

>> No.50481714
File: 55 KB, 1024x768, 1652972139722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they won't. I am also a Slav (Czech) and am marrying a beautiful Polish girl. They won't do shit.

>> No.50481717

my gf woke up because i was listening to a beetlejuice video kek

i will go shower and then head to the gym walking under this crazy rain

>> No.50481737

Similar story here. I'm working as a landscaper this summer and the houses I've seen are holy shit nice. Multimillion beach side estates with indoor heated olympic sized swimming pools kind of money.

I've decided to start my own company with the money I make this summer

>> No.50481742
File: 224 KB, 1433x1573, 1653287457381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thank you for the answers anon. Where are you other properties and how much did they cost? I'm >>50481513 and already have 1 house so I'm looking to go full sovereign individual and have properties around the world so I'm looking for advice.
BTW look into GHB if you rave. It's like M but without the comedown/hangover. Just DO NOT drink alcohol when you're on it. The high is like drunk mixed with M without the sluggishness of alcohol. You get energy. It also have HGH in it so you will more than likely get ripped using it. It's not addictive. The only downsides are that it's classified as a weapon because retards spike peoples' drinks with it causing fainting. Just don't take more than the recommended amount IN the recommended time. AKA take 2 hour breaks in between hits and NEVER drink it with alcohol and you're good to go.

>> No.50481747

>> the date is nov 21
I started shorting with a couple k around that time, and now I'm worth 7 figures.
The money literally kept pouring in like a biblical flood.

>> No.50481762
File: 60 KB, 563x1000, 997b08a8d833988619ef9e6cea4233d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, love to hear it anon

>> No.50481810

nice larp you'd have to use huge leverage and would've gotten liquidated by the rallies

>> No.50481841

The view of disgusting unwashed masses and concrete hell? A termite mound has more aesthetic than that shit. At least there are a few trees I guess. 3/10

>> No.50481848

Pretty shitty for crete, OPs picture is unironically better, who wants to see a city when you can have a free ocean view, plenty of in crete for less than 1M (great ocean view properties without neighbors go for 100-200k)

>> No.50481850

Based Frenchie, I remember you.

>> No.50481903

youd change your mind if you could smell the hot garbage and human feces

>> No.50481997

Just build your own shed, mate

>> No.50482078
File: 310 KB, 1024x683, Flass-Vale-Hall-Crossgate-Moor-Durham-County-Durham-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jelly but also think such life would get boring after a while.
Of course posting such pics will get you attention in social media, girls and such but ego boost like that is quite fake after all. Also intoxicating yourself with daily partying and drugs will fuck you up in long run.
HOWEVER everyone has their own way of living and it's fine. If you enjoy attention, being "famous" and living like a rockstar, then go for it and enjoy.

Pic related, would take this any day over the skyscraper.

>> No.50482123

enjoy the bugs, snakes, racoons

>> No.50482129

>enjoy the bugs
Says the man living with them

>> No.50482155

There's a way to get rid of bugs and who the fuck has racoons and snakes in your yard outside the Australia?

>> No.50482198

That's a fucking mansion anon, how many people are you planning to live with and do you know how cold brick houses get in the winter if you don't heat every room?

>> No.50482305

it looks like a place where a bird can easily come and make its nest, with luck you make an eagle come and wish you luck in memecoins like qom shitting in your face.

>> No.50482342

It's in Durham, the worst thing he'll find is a pigeon

>> No.50482381

Modern brick houses are just brick for show, they have three layered walls of which only the outer one is bricks, rest is insulation so no it wont get cold

>> No.50482405
File: 134 KB, 909x516, Screenshot 2022-07-21 at 12-14-50 Czech Republic - People.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pole here. I have always assumed that the ethnic composition of Czechia would be the same as Poland's (just replace the Czechs with Pols). Who are the so called others?

>> No.50482414
File: 162 KB, 1200x800, 1657206793097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, this is based alright

>> No.50482422
File: 61 KB, 234x215, 1652159737466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

annoying bait

>> No.50482450

Unironically, no. Look at Nice, France for the same view but significantly better.

>> No.50482454
File: 68 KB, 989x927, 165806580128918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Celts or Germans. No joke. Probably (unfortunately) the 'other' category is jew.

>> No.50482502

>doesn't pay for sex
>lives in pattaya
Isnt it just one big brothel?

>> No.50482547

>'other' category is jew
There were once a lot of Jews here. Today there are barely any. The holocaust and communism got rid of like 99% of them. Today you really would have to look to find one here.

>> No.50482554

This have to be the purest copium ore I've found today

>> No.50482975
File: 104 KB, 1024x1002, 1648070178449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. They ditched us after we served our purpose and took over Palestine. Typical jewish behavior.

>> No.50483020

why did you move to the NORF FC expat paradise of the east

>> No.50483224

>literally doxxing yourself
yeah this dude is from some shithole village just larping, no one is this retarded

>> No.50483244

Thanks, I was about to pack my bag and go to visit him for a while

>> No.50483309

newfag doesnt know frenchbro, he posted his face there while his friend was fucking the thai hooker.

>> No.50483367

you are the newfag

literally all the "photos" posted ITT have been spammed on this board since 2019 when actual frenchbro posted them, since then countless anons larped as him and posted the same succession of photos. these are all 3 year old pics

>> No.50483412

what i mean is that the pictures were real, no that OXumsaGd is necessarily him

>> No.50483660
File: 135 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_9722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50483675

>1mil house
>pool engine room more expensive than his networth
Is your networth 10k or something? That sounds like a much more expensive house than 1mil.

>> No.50483722

Ayyy its degenerate french gay escort guy how you been fren

>> No.50483761

OP's house is a greek shitshack rent for normie anglo tourists all summer long and then inhabited by spiders for 8 months

greeks are poor, lazy and brown there is nothing to do there - it's also famous for being a gay tourist destination just like tel aviv

into the trash it goes + the house is ugly as fuck

>> No.50483778

shut up turk, go hang with the other islamic terrorist.
OP pic is not even the actual 1mil house.

>> No.50483779
File: 556 KB, 1930x1862, FullSizeRender (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, my grandmother has a better looking house and would not even brag about it because she is 103 years old

>> No.50483793

don't kill her yet you greedy asshole

>> No.50483804

post a selfie from today if it's you. do you still want to kys on a daily basis or are you more wise?

>> No.50483809

You look like a filthy sandnigger LMAO.

>> No.50483852

why would i want to kms?

your sister love me tho

>> No.50484031

>be me
>old as fuck
>bought half a bitcoin in 2013
>super hyped about bitcoin
>sold it for $150 in profit
>forget about crypto for years

>see anons talking about getting rich from buying eth
>pissed I missed getting rich over the past few years
>buy 1 eth
>see threads about LINK
>ignore them because I assume their scammers
>forget about crypto for years

>November 2021
>hear more stories of anons getting rich with crypto
>promise myself I won't flake out and miss another opportunity to make it
>lose 30K buying and "trading" in the bear market

>> No.50484053
File: 766 KB, 1920x1080, jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hold BTC and you will make it dude
just hold
it's not easy to sit on your ass and do nothing tho
best of luck
we will meet in a shady soi of Pattaya in 2030 my fren

>> No.50484083

haha, krahppom

I was just in Pattaya a few weeks ago. See you on Soi 6

>> No.50484138

I got invited to a party in a house like that when I was in high school once. Still feels like a dream to me, one of the best nights of my life.

>> No.50484151

I have been there. Who the fuck pays that amount to live in fucking Pattaya? jesus...
They still didnt finish that building? lol

>> No.50484212

soi 6/1 for bicurious lads like OP

>> No.50484232
File: 84 KB, 604x576, 1656020771474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will never "finish" it because it was illegally built

it's kino imo

there was a russian whore at the gym with a skinny pink legging wew imagine the smell

>> No.50484250

crypto is a scam kid. move on.

>> No.50484339

well said, bucko.

>> No.50484458

Did this guy just call an infinity pool with a view of the ocean a "bucket"?

>> No.50484488

The girl in that pic is definitely plotting to turn you into one of the balcony jumping farangs once she has a way to access a sufficient amount of your money. Be careful and stay alert, mate. Wealthy farangs “jumping” off balconies is very common

>> No.50484515

You could've done it, anon. You just had to keep shorting.

>> No.50484573

You're right, it's better described as a narcissist tank

>> No.50484629

if not a larp this is living a god tier life
>tfw no tinder thot
>tfw no thai gf
>tfw blockfolio says i have 19k
>tfw might never make it

>> No.50485212

My crypto portfolio was 18k in 2017 run. At height of 2021 run it was 600k. Right now it's 200k.

Just keep going. It takes a bit of doing.

>> No.50485321

No hobby? I’d take up painting or building RC planes if I had that kind of financial freedom. Mad jelly desu

>> No.50485336

CZ has a very large Vietnamese minority. These people were invited there back when Czechoslovakia was a soviet satellite, since VT was a friendly socialistic state. A lot of these vietnamese stayed. You can find a lot of small grocery corner shops in Prague, and 9/10 there's going to be an asian person sitting behind the counter.
It's kinda like those small Polish and Iranian/Kurdish cornershops in UK.

>> No.50485440


>> No.50485651

she will fly from the balcony before she can even sleep a whole night in my bed, kiddo.

>> No.50485765

>> visit a 1,000,000 euro house in Crete for a job
theres no such thing as a 1 mil euro house in crete lmfao

>> No.50485957
File: 53 KB, 567x559, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make it big, and you don't have much money to invest, consider the MAXX finance staking platform. It's a tokenized CD like HEX, but unlike HEX it has real world utility and revenue backing it. Additionally, the team is doxxed and will only get 5% of the supply. APY is estimated at 80% and there will be a fee claim for HEX and MATIC holders. They have an NFT giveaway now and that NFT will boost APY an additional 10%.

>> No.50487109

oh sweet child of summer, and that's a small one

>> No.50487179

nice view anon

>> No.50487237

How do i know you wouldnt even able to pin point crete on a card, sound like a retarded burger

>> No.50487272

>Two million euros for a place that has maybe 50k USD in goods put into it.
Yeah nice job paying 2 million for nothing.

>> No.50487305

My gf is looking after a £3million house atm

She invited me around for a few nights

It's nice but honestly too big. It takes too long to climb the stairs etc

It's overrated

>> No.50487685

You're right chad. It's all about holding till the next bull cycle. It might take a while but crypto is definitely going ta make a lot of users a fortune. I'm considering getting in on the metaverse too as top sports athletes like Ronaldo and Messi are getting involved.

>> No.50488747

The American dream

>> No.50489410

did you screw her in there? the owner is still fapping over the hidden cams footage

>> No.50490156

I love Crete but I wouldn't live there because let's be honest, the cities and towns look like shitholes. Still, Cretans are good people and its beaches are second to none.

>> No.50490337

Yeah, it reminds me of Nice and Cannes. That's where the true rich live though, the fake rich just go live in exotic shitholes like Thailand

>> No.50490391

unironically, you can hire yourself a live-in girlfriend for 1000 eurobucks a month
so if you're already spending €2M on a house, that's pocket change

>> No.50491032

> cities in 2022
everything is online now

>> No.50491062

Best beach? Going there next week

>> No.50491116

how? where?

>> No.50491474

pattaya, thailand
angeles city, philippines

>> No.50494109
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, d260d1413044eca0cbe50b5c0b7de8eb23d3adda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, valued/sold for £4m in Sept 2020, big indoor pool, stunning rooms, 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, wine cellar.

I'd live there and never leave the house.

>> No.50495678

Lmao how did nobody notice the people fucking in the background

>> No.50495845

He's a manchild

>> No.50497772
File: 569 KB, 1200x1600, Polish_20220721_220849456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50497983

Holy fuck it's real