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50473606 No.50473606 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to move to America come January. I work in tech. I want to move to Maine, it looks so nice and safe. Has anon ever been? Are the jobs stable there?

>> No.50473647

If you like BOW ticks, high taxes and somalians, sure

>> No.50473670

They have good seafood in that region of the country.

>> No.50473947

It will be better than where I am at least. The pictures look so good.

>> No.50474027

Fuck off we're full

>> No.50474070

I'm better looking & lighter skinned than half your people anyway. You should be thanking me. I swear I wont open an Indian restaurant

>> No.50474114

You're not white? Go to Massachusetts

>> No.50474133

as long as you stay based and learn AMERICAN ideals and teach your children AMERICAN ethics and do everything AMERICAN then yeah come in.

Otherwise back to the designated shitting street

>> No.50474280

There are no tech jobs in Maine OP.

I'm sorry to break it to you but the places with the tech jobs are almost universally the shittiest most degenerated liberal hellholes.

Once I went on a trip to Maine with my boomer dad, we visited his friend from college who had bought a house in the woods, shit was like 30 minutes from the nearest town of 500 people, dude had built the house himself from a tree he cut down, it was heated with a wood stove, he gave us blueberry wine he had brewed himself with local ingredients, the real fucking deal

Anyway he said the people are nice and polite but they will simply never accept you as one of them if you are not from there, they will always view you as an outsider, and he told me something I will always remember:

>"Just because the cat has kittens in the oven, doesn't mean I have to call them muffins"

Anyway OP I hope you fuck off to one of the liberal hellhole tech worker containment zones and leave the good people of Maine in peace.

>> No.50474298

I am Indian.

>> No.50474506

What do you mean there are no tech jobs? I've seen a good market, they are willing to fly me in and gift me a visa.

Lucky for you I am not a cat. Or are you English larping as American? People are people man. What will you do when your grandkids are brown? Disown them?

>> No.50474516

post hand so we can see how white you are

>> No.50474554

get the fuck outta my country you invader

>> No.50474585

Are you moving on an h1b?

>> No.50474612

cry incel

>> No.50474618

I am from the urban part of America, the people of Maine would never accept me among them any more than they would accept you.

You will also freeze your fucking dick off. I'm not sure if you are aware but it gets cold as fuck for like 8 months out of the year in Maine, if you are used to the warm year round weather of India you will probably find it depressing as fuck to be stuck in doors half the year.

I guess there are tech jobs in Portland but not many. It is a pretty small town with nothing to do. There are already apparently a sizable community of somalians, who are basically the worst grade of shitskin, so as a lighter skinned shitskin you wouldn't really be doing much harm.

Since you are a jeet you can probably not get a good tech job but they pay far more in other places in the country. Not really sure why you'd want to move to a cold place full of white people living in the woods as a brown urbanite yourself who is clearly not at all outdoorsy from a warm weather climate.

Your kids may one day be American, and I don't even mind educated Indians moving here, but they will never, ever, in a million years be mainers.

>> No.50474649

lol at maine. move to socal if you want a fun expensive place in the states to live.

>> No.50474687

kill yourself you kike dick riding nigger faggot

>> No.50474721

If you have brown hands and you try to live anywhere outside of Portland the native Maineiacs will murder you and the cops will do nothing about it

>> No.50474753

I'm not in your country. But one day it will be "our" country. Learn to share and be a better human for it. I swear White people are so nice in person and so mean on the internet.

>> No.50474766

cry incel

>> No.50474831

Fuck off jeet

>> No.50474857

Thank you for being kind :)
My pay will be far above average so an expensive place will be fine. I want to have an American bachelor pad like in the movies to bring women back to. Maybe I will accidently meet you there some day.

I think its funny having so many men being upset with me when I will soon out earn them. They just need to find a girlfriend. I will find one straight off the plane I think!

>> No.50474895

I will be kinder to you than any Mexican will. They hate you. Direct your fury onto them. I will be hardworking.

Please anyone if you know a good bank to start with let me know. And for anyone interested I have not bought yet. I do not think bobo is done with the market. No.

>> No.50474987

>Not really sure why you'd want to move to a cold place full of white people

I want to live with White people. You don't understand how bad Indians can be sometimes. The worst of your people are 10x better than the best of mine. I am special though. I don't want Indian children. No one does.

>> No.50474999
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Live in a blue state like California or Seattle or some shit. You'll never fit in anywhere else.

>> No.50475051

Based jeet immigrant being a better person than most natives even though the mutts will never appreciate it.

>> No.50475196
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Don't move to Maine anon. I bought the New England meme and moved here recently but it fucking sucks actually. Its got its beauty sure but it really didn't meet my expectations, I don't know how to describe it but theres something about the vibe here I hate.

I've lived across the country I recommend Boulder, Colorado or Charleston, South Carolina.

>> No.50475205
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Thanks anon

>> No.50475230

Shitafornia is fucking awful lol. Literally Guatemala tier.

>> No.50475255

Anyone who says "light skinned" and not "white" isn't white.

>> No.50475325
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What is White though? Its so broad even I could be White if I really tried myself. I can be the new White American man :)

And I wont make the mistake the old White man made with letting women vote.

>> No.50475326

>You don't understand how bad Indians can be sometimes.

Yes we do, because they are here. Nonwhites try want to escape themselves, just as much as whites go out of their way way to evade you. Not sure what the answer is. Short term: moving to a white country, and learning the ways of civilization. Long term: trying to recreate some semblance of it (or better than wipipo) in your homeland.

Not sure what the answer is, but we get it. Just

>> No.50475339

No one cares if you're the one lone jeet that moves into a white neighborhood and assimilates. But you have to realize that white people currently have PoC fatigue.

>> No.50475364

Look I get it anon but you realize if you move here your shitskin genes are going to make the places you love actively worse and you'll lessen the white gene pool meaning there will be fewer and fewer places for whites or white identifying like you?

>> No.50475412

all I'm saying is if you say "light skinned" it implies something being lighter than you might normally be given your ethnicity, ie not white. A light skinned white man is an albino or a ginger.

>> No.50475428

Don't jeets have the smallest dicks in the world?

>> No.50475472
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BWHAHAHHHAHAAA, hope you like chopping wood and fishing

>> No.50475476

no that would be your mother

>> No.50475570

See you say this but odds are I have a higher IQ than you. White people just got lucky with the good land. Thats all.

The negros are picking you people apart. You wont exist in 100 years. Whats the difference if I have a White wife or not?

>> No.50475605

Can we go back to talking about /biz/ things?
You are all obsessed with race. Race doesn't count for much in life. There is no White or Indian just people.

Please tell me more about Maine anyone? I didn't come here to get upset

>> No.50475682

I know that's why I told him to live there.

>> No.50475707
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>> No.50475883
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>he thinks its about IQ

>> No.50475928
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Your the one with a weird race obsession for white girls and wanting to be white and dislike of other jeets your own kind.

>> No.50475967

Care to elaborate? Is it about politics or culture.
I feel like Mainers are proud of their stupidity, and too cowardly to express themselves properly.

>> No.50475981

can you not be a racist Nazi for 5 minutes while I ask about Maine? I'm going to join the New Americans regardless of what you say.

>> No.50476093
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Maine is a beautiful state but you have to accept the fact that you will be depressed for about 8 months of the year due to lack of sunlight and warm weather. Some can handle it better than others, but most people leave for this reason alone. It's sort of like a mini Alaska in terms of climate. Take up winter sports maybe. If you can put up with the long bitter winters then Maine will reward you with the most beautiful summers I have ever experienced. Portland and Bangor will take you in with open arms because they love their immigrants and their heckin niggerinos. The rest of the state won't accept you because the somalians and other immigrants have been committing a lot of crime and bringing in drugs and such. Nothing against you personally. I respect jeets. Some of the best mathematicians were Indian. But you have to understand, globohomo has been importing the worst types of shitskins to destroy America and whites in general have started to put their guards up.

>> No.50476100
File: 264 KB, 1456x1058, 96817787_532579460979299_6185885665209614336_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lived in Maine my entire life. Tech jobs will be in Southern Maine which is basically northern Massachusetts/Boston suburbs. It's nice here but the more transplants we get the more shitted up it gets. For the time being, it is the safest state in the country with the lowest violent crime rates, also constitutional carry. You will be welcomed but I'd recommend being north of Portland for "cultural" reasons, also Portland fucking sucks.

>> No.50476134

Why do you think we don't want you shitskins living here, retard. First generation immigrants usually aren't the problem, it's their kids that take everything for granted

>> No.50476142

based jap, at least he's trying to fit in and respects the culture

>> No.50476395

sage all non white (esp indian NIGGER) threads

i eat cows every day

i say CURRY NIGGER every day

i discriminate against shitskin retards (like OP) every day


>> No.50476432
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I am an expert in my field so I wont weigh anyone down.
I will join a gym and become like this in the picture.

If anything Americans can be sloppy sometimes in their structures. I want to implement more testing, review and direction into the team I'm working with to improve quality.
I've already had great performance ratings so far from management. American employees they all want to do their own thing when they should be working as one.
Guys where are the Somalians living I don't want to be near them.

>> No.50476449

Your next life will be as unkind as you are right now. Maybe I will date your daughter lol

>> No.50477083

why the fuck move to America is you work in tech? (Im automatically assuming you work from home)

i moved FROM the US to Thailand and I’m loving comfy there. Im a Web3 dev and made decent money off of ETH projects. Now im trying to get a grant from HBAR foundation to start building on Hedera

believe me, you’ll be able to safe up a lot more outside the US or Europe

>> No.50477223

I don't want to live with Asians. I don't like them.

>Have you ever seen an Indian man with an Asian girlfriend?

>> No.50477329
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Last time i checked india was a part of asia you dumb pajeet, however those asians are more civilized. Anyway fuck off we’re full theres too many of you shitskinned street shitters polluting the landscape

>> No.50477410




>> No.50477443

I am going to bring my entire family when I get set up. I've had enough of you Americans already. I am going to become mean.

>> No.50477576
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Ugly pooinloo is seething. You will NEVER have a qt white gf. cope.

>> No.50477881

You whore

>> No.50478014

It's cold, mostly rural, and its economy is primarily based on yard sales and craigslist postings. There isn't much money here, nor is there much infrastructure. There aren't enough people to tax or buy goods to generate easy profit. The biggest industries are fucking timber and making boats and maybe fishing? The only place with people and any real money making prospects is Portland/southern maine. That said businesses can still succeed here obviously. Portland is a stupidly small city with like 60k people in it, but it's still a city and it's as a naturally country person I love it. It's a big town. You can go to old port and drink and eat and shit, and after 20 minutes driving you're back in the woods.

It's got a huge ass coastline with all the boating and beach and cozy shit associated with that. The whole state is either woods or rocky coast and its cold af in the winter. I love rocky coasts, freezing cold, hiking, and the woods with trips to cozy towns and rare trips to old Town portland with its cobblestone shit. I fucking love it here.

Make sure you're white and not a communist though. Also make sure you're set with a good job and potential back ups and housing and logistics. Rentals are tight. I'm a nurse idgaf I can work anywhere and I have money but people with normie office make believe jobs might struggle if they're not careful.

>> No.50478040

Unironically this. You can't live in red states as a non-white outside of cities.

>> No.50478126

I live just outside portland. Beware, real estate here has gotten disproportionately expensive for what/where you get. It's not exactly a happening place but homes are still really expensive for kinda dumpy places. It can be worthwhile if you're actually into what maine has to offer like outdoorsy stuff or coastal attractions like beaches in summer, boat stuff, fishing, etc. What kind of tech brings you to maine? Didn't realize Maine had a big tech job market

>> No.50478200

Actually please open a good indian restaurant
only if you live in portland, and then in terms of diversity it's just like living in any city anywhere in the US
anon you are describing middle of nowhere maine. If you are anywhere in the coastal region, which is where all the big cities and population are, it's pretty standard suburban interspersed with farmland and cities. Your story describes bushmen living in western/northern maine

>> No.50478558

what are you talking about? its not like you can just decide to move to the US there are insane delays to get through any legitimate visa process that would allow you to work in the US currently. What company is sponsoring your H1b, for starters?

>> No.50478625

so then you have at best 1-10/1,000,000 chance to get picked among the usual number of indians applying for. h1b per year. ttere are quotas on the max number of indians per year, brah. Good luck with that

>> No.50478656

This is such an obvious LARP bait post, and you normies fell for it

>> No.50479107
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I have already been picked. Its happening. Why does /biz/ not want me to come? You have Africans everywhere and I am going to ruin the place?

I will make it better. And when my family comes in the future they will make it better. It will be like when the English arrived in India, except this time you're the Indians.

troll the only larp is your mother

>> No.50479384

Se have too many of you street shitters. Stay in your country sir

>> No.50479387

Have you ever done more than saying that? Is anyone going to Maine to break his kneecaps when he arrives and burn his suitcases and chase him back onto a plane? Why not? Organize faggots

>> No.50479746


>> No.50479969

Sir do the needful and kindly move to California

>> No.50481161

such a good larp bait thread thanks for the kek op i needed it