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50476829 No.50476829 [Reply] [Original]

How does working 40+ hours a week not make people kill themselves?

>> No.50476879
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They have people who depend on them and that imbues their work with enough meaning and purpose that they can keep doing it.

>> No.50476914

So what happens when you have nobody that depends on you and nothing to work for except for prolonging your pathetic existence?

>> No.50476969

I work 80 hours but i work for myself so i'm good.

>> No.50476976
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you get used to it

>> No.50477087

I don't know what'll do it for you. For most people it seems to be having children, or taking care of something which is going to impose itself on your life to a similar degree as having children. Being devoted to something other than yourself so much and for so long that you don't even realize who you are anymore. It doesn't necessarily need to be children but that's the 'easiest' way to get some meaning in your life. Not happiness, but meaning lol.

>> No.50477927

that means you have alot more free time. There are 168 hours in a week, you are only using 40 of those 168 hours. Since no one depends on you you have 128 hours left all to yourself. So make money for yourself and use that free time you idiot. The only reason you think 40 hours is miserable is because you are prob making $10 or less an hour. 40 hours is much better than 80.

>> No.50478024

I wouldn't work if I didnt have to you silly cunt. If you've got a better option I'd like to hear it you faggot

>> No.50478046
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>the better option

>> No.50478067

Is it true what they say about work? do you enjoy your paid self-employed past time?

>> No.50478111

If you sleep like a normal person this is only half true. Also fi you're a commuting wagie, there's less time. Then you have to cook, clean, and do all your chores yourself so that's less useful time.

>> No.50478219 [DELETED] 

than you can just go on a revolt against the jews
you have nothing to lose but your meaningless life

>> No.50478232

then you can just go on a revolt against the jews
you have nothing to lose but your meaningless life

>> No.50478261

What the fuck do you do with your time then? lets say you work 8 hours and sleep for another 8 hours, you still have another 8 hours of free time.

If you want to bitch because you can play vidya for 16 hours a day go be a jewtuber or something. You only need to find something mildly interesting and be entertaining to make it work. And even then you will prob be more stressed and work more hours than a wagie.

>> No.50478330

because they are normies aka neurotypicals
they might dislike or even hate it
but not to the degree that people like us do to the point where we'd literally rather die than be a wagie
so they tolerate it, accept their fate and find comfort in the herd and being like everyone else

>> No.50479407

I’m on vacation right now and work 16-18hrs a day… from vacation.

>> No.50479427

>40+ hours a week
Work 60 hours instead

>> No.50479432

It does, it's just some corpo bean counters found 40hrs to be roughly the make or break point. Any more and people will want to check out of life. Any less and wageslaves will get complacent.

>> No.50479444

stop playing vidyas and go start a side project and turn it into a business

>> No.50479468

I've often thought this. Having sufficient dopamine and being neurotypical probably means they somewhat enjoy parts of their job (socializing on work break, chats while working, keeping workstation clean and nailing tasks, banter with the boss, etc).

I think part of the reason people on here find work more insufferable than wagies is not because they are smarter than them but because their baseline level of happiness and contentment is lower.

>> No.50479491
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idk. I don't get it either. Maybe they aren't real and god just wants us to think they are real so that we feel worse about ourselves. It's not normal.

>> No.50479497

40? I was working 50-60 during the pandemic. My hatred for society is immeasurable you have no idea. I was scammed so badly with no compensation

>> No.50479533

Without a person to even out the scale, your work ethic goes to shit. You start to think "why the fuck should I have to go through the same bullshit without the good in life to even out the bad?". I could see myself tolerating a 40hr+ work week for a wife and kids, but without that, fuck that. I wouldn't really be living a "happy" life either though. Barely break even. Not "winning". Life is ass unless rich.

>> No.50479548

you don't actually work 40 hours

>> No.50479654
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The reality is for most people they don't have anything else to do. No interests, no real hobbies, no further ambition, basically nothing more than just existing to exist. The 40 hour work week gives them an excuse to justify why they can't do anything else. Give an average normie all the free time in the world and I'll bet anything they'll spend it consuming media, shopping and eating garbage. Ask anyone of them what they did on the weekend and it's always "I watched my gay netflix show, got drunk/partied, went shopping, and ate out".

>> No.50479748
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You get used to it. And most jobs don't have bosses like the horrors you see in social media. You just do a thing and don't act like a child and it's a fairly smooth day. It's not that bad.

>> No.50479762

Too much time to kill otherwise so they dont mind

>> No.50482400
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Don't work. You're entitled. Your parents alone should've worked for a dozen offspring not to have to. Princes don't work because they inherit their wealth and neither should anyone. Refuse to submit to veiled mass slavery.
>say no
>to work

>> No.50482460

I can’t stand fags like you who claim “it’s only 40 hours” or “we’re all given 24 hours”, because it’s bullshit. 8 hours a day at work, 8 hours of sleep, waking up preparing for work, as well as commuting back and forth, and not to mention whatever chores are needed to be done throughout the day. The average person simply does not have time.

>> No.50482628

Don't understimate humanity's ability to adapt to extremely hellish environments.
I remember back when I did 40 hour workweeks that after a month, I replaced leisure habits with ones optimal for work, I just turned into this automaton fueled by 8 cups of coffee a day
I didn't even like any of it but I needed the money and I was a stupid young brat just out of college, I didn't know any better and I knew I was earning less than I should.
There was this fucking hamplanet that was hired through a diversity program for women in IT and she just didn't do shit, she pushed all the tickets my way with her excuse that she was still "learning"

My experience working with her snapped me out of my corporate programming, I remember becoming livid at the thought of her earning more than me and doing absolutely nothing but I wasn't fully snapped out yet, I still thought hard work had meaning.
I looked at the office of the guy that owned the company, it was a very small company so seeing him once or twice a week wasn't that strange.
His equipment was really advanced at the time, atleast compared to the dingy computer and screens I had, even though he was barely in the office.

I decided to leave the company for /uni/ since I knew I didn't want to end up working this dead-end job for more than a year, the hamplanet was shocked because if I left, she'd be in trouble.
Suddenly she was attempting to complement and flirt with me but I ignored her and eventually left, a junior at the time told me that she was fired within a month after I left which felt pretty good.
After that I got into crypto made some gains. some losses but I also got a WFH gig with only 16 hours and I'm currently working on getting away from waging for someone else in general.

I'd be lying if said I don't miss some aspects of the forced discipline that 40+ hours gives to lazy fucks like me but that's not worth losing all of your daytime to wagecucking, seize the day.

>> No.50482805
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Agreed, at least the wife and kids part would make life tolerable, but we won’t even have that. We only exist to make the rich richer.

>> No.50483015

You morons need a personality and some balls.

>> No.50483045
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I "work" 50 hours a week I'm a factory. I actually work 50% of the time and the other 50% is me chilling, shitposting and flirting. The way I see it, I'm getting doubletime for a regular work week. Fuck em.

>> No.50483056

Normies need booze and consooooming just to stay away from the rope

>> No.50483065

I'm sorry bro. I feel you. Use channel that anger to follow your work and do what's best for you.
Long story short, I was scammed for 60k 5 years ago. But last year I made something like 300k-350k. That anger was worth it.

>> No.50483077
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>> No.50483091

Drugs help me anon. I spend the weekends high as fuck (not weed) watching anime, playing my piano and playing videogames.

>> No.50483096

lmao you faggots with your air conditioned office jobs sure like to complain about waging. Do you even know what working for real is

>> No.50483236

>me put box from one spot to another
>me work hard not like you people solving complex problems the entire day

>> No.50483406

I want hobbies but I don't because they cost money

>> No.50483496

>thinks 40 hours is a lot


How do I know you still play videogames

>> No.50483502

>a slave telling the other slave how he has it good

>> No.50483510

More and more people are depressed and suicide cases are going up, so I'd say working 40+ hours a week does in fact make people kill themselves.

>> No.50483520

I spent like 20 of those WFH doing absolutely nothing

>> No.50483530

no wife? no house? not a single hour of work

>> No.50483531

exactly how I operate amigo. i do fuck all until i meet new gf, and chance at wife and kids. else im just gonna wiipe my ass on everything. fuck working hard

>> No.50483545

this this im doing this
how do i know you are a slave

>> No.50483606

As a business analyst, I spend 10 hours a day managing multiple departments to obtain information I need to run reports that I am the single point of failure on. Caffeine is my only source of energy.

>> No.50483697

Yep I'm a slave but my girlfriend sucks my dick whilst I finger her pussy through her panties

Youre a dumb slave who twiddles his thumbs/wiggles mouse plays bing bing wahoo Videogaymes


>> No.50483769

Most real men work 60+ hours for themselves in a variety of pursuits.
A person like me, highly productive and with a long time preference and vision doesn't have enough time to work in the day.

>> No.50483780

I cant stand fags like you who only bitch and moan without doing shit about it. If you dont want to work 40 hours a week 8 hours a day then DO something about it you retard.

"waah i dont want to work but i also want to be a rich fag so i dont have to do anything waaah!"

Fucking faggot. either work and invest so you dont have to work any more or shut the fuck up and go be a bridge begger faggot.

>> No.50483799

the brain is very good at convincing itself to like something you actually hate

>> No.50484188

>> yes I am a slave and my attachments keep me content
>> projecting projecting projecting

>> No.50484222

>Yes I'm an ince- I mean mgtow and I play videogames
>I will never put my penis in a vagina


>> No.50484262

You do know you can buy sex for 100 bucks a pop right? Any other achievements you can think of?

>> No.50484319

Doesn't count
Of course your incel brain wouldn't understand that

>> No.50484330
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>> No.50484357
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>pussy is sacred and the act of sex is holy and precious, it can't be bought for 100 dollarinos
Can't tell if delusional cuckoid or permavirgin

>> No.50484788

you start throwing money at random vices and become dependent on those to live

>> No.50485913

Ooof. Big incel moment

>> No.50486051

Why are you proud of being a slave?

>> No.50486136

Slave mentality or maybe they were born from strict parents in wage slave household.

>> No.50486160
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>Ooof. Big incel moment

>> No.50488123

>not WFH
lol. lmao even. Only have yourself to blame

>> No.50488367

The routine becomes comfortable. Routines are mood candles/seasonal affective disorder lights, but for the MIND.

>> No.50488420

Optimal mood, however, is to build a routine somewhere until resources are depleted or flocks have migrated, and then to tough it toward somewhere better, where the flocks are, and then to build a new routine there. This is why the gig economy will be good for us once quality of life questions are hammered out.

>> No.50488524

Only men with haplogroups G and J will live in cities, the rest of us will move from town to town collecting emulated mind coins and living in airbnbs. Haplogroup E will become fully 100% emulated.

>> No.50488538

Easy to do this, just put in an inert snap cap.

>> No.50488559

I work from home so it's alright. I'm still fucking around like 70% of the time, just gotta make sure Teams/Skype stays green.

>> No.50488609

Did 80/wk when I was enlisted because I was an indentured servant and could neither quit nor say no to the army. Salaried of course, we all were.

I did want to kill myself OP. Checkmate. I drank a lot and kept telling myself it would be better one day. I ETS'd with my nursing license and soul intact, and now use my GI Bill money and disability money and don't work at all while I do school. It was not an efficient way to achieve my goals but it did work.

>> No.50488741
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Then why not work part time? Look at the hierarchy of needs. What part do you still need to fulfill? I understand the drive for children and family, but there are those like you who don't have that. Either you want money, you want purpose, or you're bored. Either way, what do you want anon? We can't answer it for you. If you think existence is pathetic, then no one can change your mind.

>> No.50488892

>t. doesn't eat, doesn't shit, doesn't cook, doesn't shower, never had any medical or other kind of appointments, never has to waste a single second of his time stuck in traffic or waiting for someone else, has no responsibilities, exists in a bubble

>> No.50490886
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I work 12 (drive 45 min each way daily), sleep 6 if I am lucky.

>> No.50490909

12 hours + 45 min commute each way daily

>> No.50491248

I’d work part time if America wasn’t a chattel wasteland where you only get (bad) healthcare if you wage

>> No.50491266

kek is this real, what an absolute iron nerved chad

>> No.50491269

t. cuck

>> No.50491277
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I trade shitcoins 40+ hours a week instead.

>> No.50491308

it does

>> No.50491322

It's called not being a pussy and investing your money..that is also a bb gun.

>> No.50491330

You can tell it's a bb gun by the white text on the side of it.

>> No.50491367

>So what happens when you have nobody that depends
Imma get rich, buy land, build farms and factory and then build cheap housing so wagies won't have to fork over 1k USD a month.
Then I'll take my money and use it to fix south America and build the Grand Atlantic America Empire (Name a work in progress).
Jews are not allowed unless they can prove their entire families net worth is under 80k USD so Poor Jews can come along.

>> No.50491478
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>stop playing vidyas and go start a side project and turn it into a business
I'm growing dope and play escape from tarkov for YouTube.
So no. Post images you sluts.

>> No.50491505
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>I was working 50-60 during the pandemic.
You could have gotten more on unemployment, unfortunately.

>> No.50491542

>And most jobs don't have bosses like the horrors you see in social media.
Lmao, okay boomer.

>> No.50491559

America is based on slavery.

>> No.50491568

I drive 12 hours and work 12 hours daily.

>> No.50491589

>Physiological needs.
I got air, water, food, shelter, sleep and clothes but no reproduce.

>> No.50491766

Neet exposed.
> Work 12 hours with commute, 14 hours
> Sleep "8 hours"
You now have 2 hours to do hygiene, shit, eat, and chores. This is if you can get home from work and immediately go to bed and fall asleep instantly, and get out of bed and immediately start doing what you have to do. This is why the country is run on meth and most idiots have no idea

>> No.50491794


>> No.50491864

Mental resilience. If you can't survive not suckling Sony's tit playing vidya games you're not fit to survive or breed.
Have to admit it hurt my feelings when I realised 40 hours working is actually only 35 hours paid. Misleading.

>> No.50491886

40 hours is not that bad. Try 60 hours. that sucks.

>> No.50491938

It’ll really hurt your feelings once you realize that out of those 40 hours, maybe 10 actually go into your pocket. The rest gets leeched away by jew landlords, uncle sam for absolute bullshit, utilities, insurance, car maintenance, groceries, etc. There’s a reason most Americans don’t even have $500 in the bank. This is a sick country out to nickel and dime you every day of your life.

>> No.50492333
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>How does working 40+ hours a week not make people kill themselves?
How can NEET's living in Mom's basement not die from boredom? The best job I ever had was where I was given the most difficult problems to solve.

>> No.50492383

I play a lot of RuneScape in my office.