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50468438 No.50468438 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50468489

LowIQcel here

Why does he always go on about these things i have no idea about?

Why cant he just say


>> No.50468493

thought he said chartlets for a second.
chartlets are worse than manlets

>> No.50468504

What are these charts telling me?

>> No.50468513


>> No.50468552

>its gonna crash again
>Says increasingly nervous man for the 50th time.
I know a broken clock can be right twice a day, but goddamn, burry has a 1:75 KDR right now. He couldnt be more wrong, more frequently.
>inb4 he rage quits and deactivates his twitter for the 500th time, when he’s once again wrong, and people start dabbing on him for being a retard.

>> No.50468586


>> No.50468643

>I have a glass eye and it can seeeeee theeeee futureeeeeee

>> No.50468832

what is he implying here?

>> No.50468947

these market conditions are similar to stagflation in the 70s, which is very different than the dot com bubble, the great recession or the covid crash

>> No.50468979

the word "bullcels" make no sense as bulls are by definition positive people who enjoy breadth and depth in their social relationships
bearcels make much more sense. have you ever seen a bear with a girlfriend? me neither

>> No.50469035

Bears get off on thinking they are smarter than everyone else because they are pessimists (they call it being a ""Realist"" even though the market trends up over time)

>> No.50469102

what happened during the stagflation of the 70s and how does it apply to this market and especially the market at this moment?

>> No.50469126

Wouldn't you like to know?

>> No.50469158
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It applies to this market because it is a fun word to say and makes me sound smart when I talk to people at work

>> No.50469164

Christian Bale wasn’t right, Brad Pitt was
And he’s no Cassandra either, there’s one batshit crazy lunatic from Austin that deserves that honor

>> No.50469286


>> No.50469294

well for one, gold went from $30 to $800.

>> No.50469320

he has more IQ than this retard board combined

>> No.50469402

they are only pessimists if they are wrong
same way bulls are only chads if they are right

>> No.50469448

And yet he still gets it wrong almost every time. Eventually there will always be a crash. Yelling it's gonna happen soon(tm) every other week isn't useful in the slightest.

>> No.50469479

he's just saying that some low IQ chartists or fund managers base their strategy on data from the past 20 years when we're experiencing something like we has in the 70s.

>> No.50469507

imagine letting twitter e-celebs dictate your thoughts on the market rather than using your own intellect and analysis to figure it out. remember anons, the markets are a single player game designed to look like an MMORPG. trust nobody

>> No.50469559


It can't possibly keep going down. Lets lever this bitch to the moon.

>> No.50469741


>> No.50469780

I'm sure you have movies made about your success too anon.

>> No.50469843

two more weeks!!!!

>> No.50469866

considering the gains from the covid money printing still havent been wiped yet should indicate a very bearish market soon

>> No.50469893
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>MICHAEL BURRY!!!!!!!!!!
>CASSANDRA B.C.!!!!!!!

here are his predictions over the last 5 years. He will be right eventually, but only after losing a ton of money

>> No.50469973

Was this meant to make him look bad? Cause it legitimizes him even more

>> No.50469981

The monkey-see-monkey-do type of midwit is the worse type of midwit.

>> No.50470120

Sweet, so how much did he make on his BTC or TSLA shorts?

>> No.50470146
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>> No.50471302

the index fund return thing is wrong, it's N/A. he was talking about ETFs and the systemic risk they pose. never materialized yet

>> No.50472735
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But anon I don't fucking care about what some old boomer piece of shit faggot literal who twitter user says. It's simple. My shitcoins (SHIB, QOM, DOGE, LTC) go UP, then market good. It's literally THAT simple.

>> No.50472749

Holy fucking shit best meme i've seen in months

>> No.50472759

Unequivocally me. Fucking $10k never ever...
Retard take

>> No.50472971
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One difference is wages were growing relatively fast compared to now. So we cant really say what will happen. One camp thinks people will just have to deal with the new home and commodity prices. Others argue prices will comeback down to earth where wages are. Some say the things we need will inflate like food and energy but luxury goods will crash like watches, cars, and vacation homes.

I think the simultaneous inflation and deflation in various markets is most likely.

>> No.50473449

>everything will crash relative to US dollars !
>which keep being minted by junk bonds that have no yield
>credit expansions happening on stagflationary environment
>I am smarto

burry is the dumbest motherfucker alive

>> No.50473528

Nah, the current conditions are different than anything else we’ve seen
We’ve never had a demographic collapse like this in recent human history

>> No.50473598

Yeah fuck this Cassandra troon burry faggot. I swear he posts his own shit here. He was lucky once, so everyone is supposed to take his advice? Fuckoff troon

>> No.50473648

Yeah this. Try "low IQ bull retards" next time, bullcel doesn't even roll off the tongue like bearcel.

>> No.50473782

This piece of shit had to ask Twitter how to short Bitcoin. I doubt he's ever done a trade himself in his life.

>> No.50473832
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>> No.50473858

This Jew-licking scum already has his coffin picked out.

>> No.50473875
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>> No.50473879

His life's mission is to swallow as many loads as the Jews of "Israel" can produce.

>> No.50473960
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>> No.50474057

who? honestly, screen shot posters are a true scourge. if i were interested in this nobody’s commentary, would open a twitter account and follow.

>> No.50474159

America looks closer to Japan leading up to the crash right now

>> No.50475424

nice, catsteps

>> No.50475447

This broken clock was already correct once, it's mathematically impossible for it to be correct again.

>> No.50475515

It's surreal gold was at 30 just 50years ago

>> No.50475647

technically the clock is correct once a day.

>> No.50475664
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have a (Uoy)

>> No.50475678

he's saying everything is going down

>> No.50476092

>What markets are going through is something
>they haven't had to deal with in over 4

other news:
>And this year BlackRock chalked up another record:
>the largest amount of money lost by a single firm over a six-month period.
>In the first half of this year, it lost $1.7 trillion of clients’ money.

>> No.50476115

hes always five years too early

>> No.50477310

Micheal "Big Dick" Burry making /biz/cels seethe as usual I see.

>> No.50477521

>blackrock losses
Jesus christ. Just read the article and a few others. Most asset managers across the board are having big losses right now.