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50469517 No.50469517 [Reply] [Original]

how about a nice revolution frens. even basement anon could land a blow at this degenerates amirite?

>> No.50469630

this is what decades of unchecked hardcore nepotism and cronyism produce. You gotta hand it to them, I would never have thought we'd be ruled by a whole slew of octogenarians in the 21st century, yet here we are.

>> No.50469743

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been disaster to the human race.

>> No.50469774

it's hilarious how buffet got BTFO to the tune of several billion dollars on the only big risk he's taken in decades (airlines.) he only makes money when he has insider knowledge or some other asymmetry to exploit.

>> No.50469784

How is this any different to hereditary titles and land before the industrial revolution? Still the same nepotism and cronyism whichever way you want to spin it.

Very little changes in human history below the surface.

>> No.50469814

>This is how.. look like
Que pasa ESL kun?

>> No.50469920

>ESL shitskin points out OP is an ESL
Why is /biz/ filled with brown people?

>> No.50469945

These people would've died before they reach their 80s. Then their crackhead children inherit their power and fuck up what their parents built. Modern medicine is removing the checks of nepotism on society.

>> No.50469966
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Just teachin you gringos how to spot the spics without flags.

>> No.50470072

this time the nobility is jewish and gay/evil

>> No.50470110

Buffet is giving his children very little considering his own power and wealth. Berkshire is just designed to continue on its own before disintegrating by mid century returning all proceeds to shareholders. That's if you believe Buffetts long termism meme.

>> No.50470321

Im convinced these old fucks live in 1960.
Are they aware at least of the way modern society is?
Are they aware of how decadent and depraved all the major city hubs are?
Are they aware of the horrific racial and political tension?
Are they aware of constantly lowering IQs, standards, and competency?
Are they aware of how few people can have stable families and marriages and kids?

>> No.50470639

Are they aware that American culture is beyond redemption and causes profound mental illness in people?
Are they aware that food for mass consumption is actually poisoned and results in a 70% obesity rate?
Are they aware that some ethnic groups use nepotism to perform hostile takeovers of companies?
Are they aware of mass drug abuse?
Are they aware of the giant amount of single mother homes?
Just curious if they know, or just live in an isolated bubble.

>> No.50470675

most revolutions since ancient history have been orchestrated by the perpetrators themselves. Sorry to tell you kid, the game has been rigged from the very start.

>> No.50470757

So you're telling me, the only winning move to not to play?

>> No.50470925

why would anyone want to land a blow on coca-cola man and his barely reanimated monocular corpse of a sidekick?

>> No.50471009

Maybe you should have listened to them instead of posting low quality threads, cuck

>> No.50471071

english is my third language, italian second and german first. could be worse.

>> No.50471102

The only winning move is to expose them. Not to just unveil the curtain but to rip it off for good. The problem is whether or not the sheeple would wake up after this revelation.

>> No.50471106

We live too long. Something needs to wipe out these old fucks.

>> No.50471222

did you listen? and for what? to do the same destructive shit like them?

>> No.50471266
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>> No.50471308

Bitch I’m not reading that shit

>> No.50471400

one time i listened to buffet talking about the value of farmland and i got really angry. coming from a fruit farming background i can tell you this sucker could not even grow something. not even in his best years. just talk and move around millions of dollars with no fucking value but for himself. but listen more to this fuckface, faggot.

>> No.50471575
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1571491778156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so,.. Revalation?
not Revoluton?


>> No.50471701

Uhmm.. Octogenarians are 80-89. Warren Buffet is 91 and Charlie Munger is 98