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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50469787 No.50469787 [Reply] [Original]

>start a "real" park scenario, the goal is to pay off the loan in 4 years
>fire all the staff except one handyman and one mechanic
>double the entrance fee
>triple the food/drink prices
>quadruple the souvenir and hat prices
>bathrooms are no longer free
>halt all research and development
>reduce the number of spins on all rides to minimum, require full load for the ride to start
>max out the intervals between ride inspections
>launch the most expensive marketing campaing for 6 weeks
>the loan is paid off in 5 months
Damn, nigga, it's like I could be a CEO too, it ain't so fucking hard

>> No.50470028

This is why economics is fake and gay, you can't simplify business down to a model. Nobody would ever go to your shithole park even if you marketed it well.

>> No.50470130

Isn’t there a South Park episode where this happens in reverse

>> No.50470276

Wrong. Few good articles and all the cattle would gladly pay $70 entry to have a ride on a wooden coaster and feed on fried goyslop with 400% markup. If that one handyman works enough overtimes, I might let him have a spin on the prize wheel.

>> No.50470441

>bathrooms are no longer free
kek my mom used to laugh at me when I would play this game as a kid and charge people $0.10 to take a shit.

>> No.50470568

It's one dollaridoo at my park. A good 1/5 of the guests need to go to the bathroom badly, but they find it too expensive. Tough luck.

>> No.50470652

brainlet approach. Unhappiness from dirty pathways and broken rides will hurt your bottom line far more than paying some staff. The real way to go is make short but high quality rollercoasters and charge $25 per ride.

>> No.50470692

>caring about what your guests think

>> No.50470702

happy guests are paying guests

>> No.50470730

I occasionally would drown my guests. No one else seemed to mind.

>> No.50470891

drowning guests is actually a smart business move in RCT since it frees up space in your park for new customers with freshly filled wallets. This is especially true if you dont have ATMs or if its a park with an entrance fee rather than ride prices. The game calculates a a vistor cap for your park based on the rides you have and once you're at the cap is very hard to get new visitors inside your park, unless you somehow get ride of your current visitors of course.

>> No.50470954

I wasn't drowning them as a shrewd business move, I was drowning them so that I could feel something.

>> No.50471019

It feeds directly back to your park rating which drives how much people are willing to pay to enter

>> No.50471229
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